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China with Pakistan

Fifteen units of 3D printed isolation wards set off from Shanghai and Suzhou for Pakistan.

After one month’s sea transportation, these printed wards will arrive in Islamabad for local COVID-19 prevention and cure.

This batch of 3D printed wards valued about $123,300 is voluntarily donated from Ying Chuang Building Tech (Winsun) after coordination with Consulate General of Pakistan in Shanghai and National Disaster Management Association (NDMA).

The ward’s design is specifically for Pakistan, which shows excellent heat-proof quality. These wards have already been installed with water and electricity utilities, doors, windows and inner decoration.

After assembling and connecting with water and electricity supply, they can be put into use promptly.

It is to be mentioned here that 3D printed isolation wards had been used in Hubei and Shandong, China, during the most difficult times and achieved satisfactory feedback.

The isolation ward, printed from recycled materials, can be transformed into hotel, park lounge, cafe, guardroom, toilet, emergency room for disaster relief.

After crushing, sorting, grinding and high-temperature treatment, these wards can be turned into materials again for printing other new buildings, the report added.

A Chinese company Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co., Ltd. has donated 5 industrial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) of Pakistan to combat COVID-19 and locust plague in country.

China gave grant to construct the Isolation Hospital and Infection Treatment Centre (IHITC).

PM Imran Khan inaugurated the first-ever Isolation Hospital and Infections Treatment Centre Islamabad.

The Isolation Hospital and Infection Treatment Centre, which has 250 beds, has been built in just 40 days. The Chinese government had provided $4 million for the construction of the facility.

Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Bajwa, Chinese Ambassador to Islamabad Yao Jing, and other high-ranking officials were present at the occasion too.
With the ground breaking of much needed hospital on 26 March 20, FWO immediately mobalized all the resources with sheer motivation to construct the Isolation Hospital and Infection Treatment Centre (IHITC). It was a time when on one hand, the world had halted entire import and export under fear of pandemic growth while on the other hand, intra - country lockdown had restricted movement and transportation to the critical extent. The 250 bedded state of the art hospital having prefabricated steel structure building equipped with all sophisticated allied facilities has been constructed by FWO in just 40 days with sole use of internal resources.

  • China to provide 1,000 more ventilators to Pakistan, says Yao Jing


ISLAMABAD: China would provide 1,000 more ventilators to Pakistan to support the country’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Ambassador Yao Jing said on Friday.

Speaking at an online seminar in Islamabad, the Chinese envoy said, “We [China] have so far provided 7 million Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and 600 ventilators along with other equipment to help Pakistan combat the COVID-19.

He said that Beijing was also working for the capacity building of Pakistan’s medical institutions in the wake of the pandemic.

He also thanked the people and the government of Pakistan in extending their support when COVID-19 hit China. He also appreciated the government for adopting the smart lockdown strategy.

Highlighting the importance of Balochistan province in national development, he said, “Development of Balochistan is the development of Pakistan, as it has rich resources.”

He said China was also planning to better equip the hospitals there, adding most of the equipment would be dispatched to the province.

“Despite the COVID-19 situation, all the Chinese companies operating in Pakistan continued their routine work, the envoy told the conference held at Emerging Policymaker’s Institute.

He said the companies did not lay off any employee rather they put in place effective measures to contain the spread of the virus, adding even not a single employee working with the Chinese firms contracted the virus.

During the last six months, he said, the Chinese companies had been doing their best and kept the projects moving forward.

Addressing the seminar, Provincial President Jamhoori Watan Party Nawabzada Gohram Khan Bugti said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was the future of Balochistan and Pakistan.

He asked the government to make more efforts for providing jobs to the youth of the province so that their financial suffering could be mitigated.

He also highlighted the importance of roads network for the progress of any country or area. “Roads network are imperative to complete the journey from poverty to progress,“ he added.
China reassures persistent support to Pakistan against COVID-19

July 12, 2020

China has reassured its continued healthcare support to Pakistan to control the deadly virus, COVID-19. In a statement, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian said helping Pakistan to build the Isolation Hospital and Infections Treatment Center (IHITC) was an important consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries during Pakistani President Alvi's visit to China in March this year.

“Thanks to the joint efforts of both sides. The hospital, built within only three months, will be helpful in Pakistan's fight against the epidemic after it starts running.

'China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and iron-clad friends sharing weal and woe. We will never forget the precious assistance we received from the Pakistani side at the most trying moment of our combat against the pandemic,' he said.

We will continue supporting Pakistan to the best of our capability and in accordance with its needs. We will work with Pakistan to safeguard public health security in both countries and around the world, and build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future. Long live China-Pakistan friendship,” he added.

The 12th of July, 2020 was a memorable day, as the new $44 million, 820 km long optical fiber cable from Khunjerab (China) to Islamabad, was operationalized. The line will connect the Transit Europe-Asia Terrestrial Cable Network with #Pakistan, which currently transmits its telecom and internet traffic through four undersea fiber optic cables, with another three under-sea fiber optic cables under construction.

The go-ahead has also been given for Phase-II of Pak-China Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) project for laying 9600 km cable along the CPEC routes Islamabad-Karachi and Islamabad-#Gwadar. The project will take four years to complete at a cost of $279.219 million. China will provide 85 percent loan and Pakistan will finance 15 percent.
Fiber optic cables contain one or more optical fiber elements designed for transmitting light, individually coated with plastic layers within a protective tube. A fiber-optic network is a computer-to-computer, or computer-to-Internet network using fiber-optic cables. Computer information is converted into light pulses and is converted back into regular data upon reaching its destination.

While Coaxial cables require repeaters to send signals over long distances resulting in signal loss, fiber-optic cabling require very few repeaters and suffer little to no signal loss or loss of quality. Secondly, fiber-optic cables transmit information at much faster rate and carry more information (bandwidth). besides carrying regular computer data and audio and video signals.

Distinctive features of the Long Term Plan (LTP) for CPEC communications (2016-2030) include: (i) a new submarine landing station for internet traffic flow; (ii) it will not be routed through Europe, the United States or India; (iii) high volume internet penetration and speed, especially for Baluchistan and Gilgit-Baltistan; and (iv) a more cost-effective route for connectivity with Central Asian Republics.

One would generally associate fiber optical cabling for use in high-speed internet and computer networking only. In reality the aerospace and defense engineering sectors are its key market segments across the world, both on land and at sea, in the communications and I.T. fields, in fiber optic video and fiber optic broadband.
The rationale behind its many military-specific uses in shipboard, ship to shore, and deployable tactical communications and to outfit military ships, vehicles, and facilities, is its strength and high speed data transmission rate, security and stability.

In the commercial sphere it is increasingly used in unmanned systems, space launch vehicles, and satellites, and in the monitoring, control and reliability of civil infrastructure systems through use of automatic instruments, which rely on sensors incorporated in the structures.

For Pakistan fiber optic cabling is especially useful in the medical field because it is small in size, is able to withstand high temperatures and strong electromagnetic fields like MRIs and ionizing radiation, are nontoxic, chemically inert, and thus, an ideal material to use in and near the human body.
An improved broadband infrastructure means economic growth and job creation through enhanced access to the Internet. Specially in megacities like #Karachi, #Lahore, #Faisalabad, #Rawalpindi and #Peshawar, with their pollution, health, education, traffic and crime.
A third group of Chinese engineers and staff members (215) arrived in Islamabad this week from China’s Sichuan Province to speed up work on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) delayed by COVID-19.
it is pertinent to mentioned here that most of the people stuck at the beginning of this year in China and good not return back to Pakistan.
The staff will join Mohmand Dam, Suki Kinari and Dasu Hydropower Project after completing quarantine and other precautionary measures.

#Hydropower #CGGC #Pakistan #China #CheapEnergy #CPEC

China gifts Pakistan 12 drones to fight grasshoppers


July 23, 2020

China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) here on Thursday given 12 rural splashing rambles to Pakistan's Service of National Nourishment Security, making a difference to battle grasshoppers and better guarantee nourishment security.

The Chinese specialists would moreover send specialized staff to carry out operation and prepare staff of concerned common divisions in Pakistan.

Gwadar Master learned that the clump of rambles is DJI Agras T16, one of the most progressed plant security rambles within the world. Ahmed Farooq, charge d'affaires of the Pakistani International safe haven, said that locust swarms were not uncommon in Pakistan, but this year's invasion was more severe than some time recently, causing an phenomenal risk to nourishment security and livelihoods over the country.

"These rural splashing rambles can offer assistance us with grasshopper control," Ahmed Farooq noted.

According to the Center for Universal Participation Administrations of MARA, the drones conveyed nowadays are another clump of grasshopper control materials provided by China.China will proceed to maintain the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, give help inside its capacity to Pakistan in days to come.

The Chinese help is portion of reinforcing the national activity arrange to combat the grasshopper assault that has caused genuine harm to angro-pastoral resources in Pakistan. Desert beetle is an universal trans-boundary concern with major economic, social and natural implications.
Multinational Companies May Move Their Factories from China to Pakistan

As the geopolitical confrontation between the US and China is likely to persist over many years, both Chinese and global manufacturers may move their factories from China to Pakistan, said a renowned Canadian advisory firm BCA Research in its latest report.

Pakistan is eagerly awaiting the benefits of relocating the Chinese industry to Pakistan which will help increase the exports. China had also expressed its willingness to relocate its industrial units to Pakistan last year.

Pakistan is expecting a further improvement in the ease of doing business index this year too. This was stated by the Commerce Advisor Abdul Razak Dawood in June. He claimed a significant improvement in 10 critical areas of regulations. Pakistan had improved its position from 136 to 108 in EODB rank last year, which shows the government’s commitment to improving the business environment.

BCA research stated that other than the funds borrowed by the Pakistani government, net foreign direct inflows, mainly driven by phase II of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), will continue to increase over the remainder of this year, having already grown 40% year-on-year during the first six months of this year.

About 63% of that increase came from China. Meanwhile, as BCA expects macro-dynamics to improve in the next six months, net portfolio investment is also likely to increase after having been record low this year
When it comes to CPEC, both Pakistan and China are on snail pace. Gwadar development is 10 years late, it should have been done back in 2010. By the time CPEC is completed our external debt will be 200 billions.
Update: Shanghai Electric has accelerated pace of work despite COVID at Thar Block-1 both in Mining & 1320 MW power plant.

Progress .................. Mining 20%, ................ power Plant 15%.
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