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China will attack Taiwan anytime in preparations of war drills

  • PLA holds joint combat-readiness exercise near island to deter collusion with the United States
  • Beijing say there would be heavy consequences for supporting Taiwanese independence

Just two days after US President Joe Biden said Washington was committed to Taiwan’s defence, the Chinese military has announced that it conducted a drill near the island, sending a warning against “collusion” with the United States.
Shi Yi, from the PLA’s Eastern Theatre Command, said on Wednesday that the joint naval and air combat-readiness exercise by the People’s Liberation Army was a “solemn warning against recent collusion between the United States and Taiwan”.
“It is hypocritical and futile for the United States to say one thing and do another on the Taiwan issue,” Shi said.

Source https://www.scmp.com/news/china/mil...pledge?module=lead_hero_story&pgtype=homepage

I have been listening this for a long long time. China is Parheps afraid of repeation of Vietnam war.
PLA shall attack jinmen and penghu island. Taking over these 2 small islet and humiliate the america promise will be a big blow to Biden credibility again. :enjoy:

It will also ensure the collapse of pangreen party in Taiwan.
PR China will not attack or invade Republic of China - it neither has the will nor the capability.
Well this is the only window china will get. Waiting much longer means a stronger and more prepared Taiwan and their allies. By now it’s quite clear that Taiwan will not willingly join China.
The longer wait the better, do you know decades ago it was Taiwan crying to retake mainland around the clock and it's the mainland China was on the defence, this is way the neigboring Fujian province was not allowed to have any meaningful development for decades, cause the government believed once Taiwan attacked mainland, Fujian would be the battle ground and everything would be destroyed anyway.

Now we heard much less of their decades old slogan and catchphrase 反攻大陆 (Retake the mainland)

The once a very popular political song in Taiwan, "Retaking the mainland"
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China is not attacking anyone. Calm down.
China plays Go, the US plays Checkers. Maybe i am being too harsh, lets move that to Chess.
Does anyone know the search space differential between Go and Chess? Those who do will know what I mean.
Stupid fake news, if China wants to retake Taiwan and overthrow the separatist regime in Taiwan, as a member of the Chinese system, from the central government to the grassroots party organizations of the Communist Party in the countryside, we will be sent documents by our superiors, mobilized our minds, and let us Every party member knows why we are waging a united war at this moment and why we are fighting.
This is the mobilization mechanism that China learned from the Soviet Union. Let everyone know what to do at this time and why.

‘China’s Taiwan’: Beijing’s defence minister rails against ‘smearing and interfering’ US​

Wei Fenghe says ties are at critical juncture and puts onus on United States to improve bilateral relationship
China's defence minister, Wei Fenghe, at the Shangri-La Dialogue summit in Singapore.

China's defence minister, Wei Fenghe, at the Shangri-La Dialogue summit in Singapore. Photograph: Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images

Guardian staff and agencies
Sat 11 Jun 2022 21.46 EDT

China will “fight to the very end” to stop Taiwan from declaring independence, the country’s defence minister has vowed in a speech amid his counterparts from other countries including the United States.
“We will fight at all cost and we will fight to the very end. This is the only choice for China,” Wei Fenghe told the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit in Singapore, where he called Taiwan “first and foremost China’s Taiwan”.

“Those who pursue Taiwanese independence in an attempt to split China will definitely come to no good end. No one should ever underestimate the resolve and ability of the Chinese armed forces to safeguard its territorial integrity.”

US secretary of defence Lloyd Austin delivering his speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.
US warns of ‘stark’ stakes in Taiwan Strait if status quo unilaterally altered
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His speech came a day after the US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, accused China of “provocative, destabilising” military activity close to the island.
Beijing views democratic, self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary. US-China tensions over the island have risen due in particular to a growing number of Chinese aerial incursions into Taiwan’s air defence zone.
The US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, listens to Wei Fenghe’s speech.

The US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, listens to Wei Fenghe’s speech. Photograph: Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images
Taiwan’s foreign ministry has denounced China’s claims of its sovereignty as “absurd” and thanked the US for its support.
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“Taiwan has never been under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government, and the people of Taiwan will not succumb to threats of force from the Chinese government,” said ministry spokesperson Joanne Ou.
Wei said on Sunday that it was up to the US to improve the bilateral relationship, saying that the ties were at a critical juncture.
“We request the US side to stop smearing and containing China. Stop interfering in China’s internal affairs. The bilateral relationship cannot improve unless the US side can do that,” Wei, dressed in the uniform of a general in the People’s Liberation Army, told delegates.
Wei accused the US of trying to “hijack” the support of other nations in the region under the guise of multilateralism.
In his speech, Austin had stressed the need for multilateral partnerships with nations in the Indo-Pacific, which Wei suggested was an attempt to back China into a corner.
“No country should impose its will on others or bully others under the guise of multilateralism,” Wei said. “The strategy is an attempt to build an exclusive small group in the name of a free and open Indo-Pacific to hijack countries in our region and target one specific country – it is a strategy to create conflict and confrontation to contain and encircle others.”

But he also struck a more conciliatory tone at points, calling for a “stable” China-US relationship, which he said was “vital for global peace”.
During his address, Austin also said he wants “lines of communication” with Chinese officials to remain open. The pair held their first face-to-face talks on the sidelines of the summit in Singapore on Friday, during which they clashed over Taiwan.
The US president, Joe Biden, during a visit to Japan last month, appeared to break decades of US policy when, in response to a question, he said Washington would defend Taiwan militarily if it was attacked by China.
The White House has since insisted its policy of “strategic ambiguity” over whether or not it would intervene had not changed.
China has been rapidly modernising its military and seeking to expand its influence and ambitions in the region, recently signing a security agreement with the Solomon Islands that many fear could lead to a Chinese naval base in the Pacific, and breaking ground this past week on a naval port expansion project in Cambodia that could give Beijing a foothold in the Gulf of Thailand.
In 2021, US officials accused China of testing a hypersonic missile, a weapon harder for missile defence systems to counter, but China insisted it had been a “routine test of a spacecraft”.
Answering a question about the test on Sunday, Wei came the closest so far to acknowledging it was a hypersonic missile: “As for hypersonic weapons, many countries are developing weapons and I think there’s no surprise that China is doing so.
“China will develop its military,” he added. “I think it’s natural.”
Also speaking in Singapore on Sunday, South Korea’s defence minister, Lee Jong-sup, said his country would dramatically enhance its defence capabilities and work closely with the US to counter North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat.
Lee said the situation on the Korean peninsula posed a global threat and he urged North Korea to immediately end its nuclear weapon and missile programmes.
“Our government will strengthen capabilities to better implement the US extended deterrents and will dramatically enhance response capabilities,” Lee said.
North Korea promoted its key nuclear negotiator to foreign minister, state media said on Saturday, as leader Kim Jong-un vowed to his ruling party that he would use “power for power” to fight threats to the country’s sovereignty.
North Korea has carried out at least 18 rounds of weapons tests this year, underscoring its evolving nuclear and missile arsenals.
With Reuters and Agence France-Presse
Biden has said in very simple terms what US will do if China attacks Taiwan. Xi got the message. These drills are face savers because Biden's statement could not be censored out of HK and from there to mainland.

Xi doesn't want to suffer the fate of Putin.

Stupid fake news, if China wants to retake Taiwan and overthrow the separatist regime in Taiwan, as a member of the Chinese system, from the central government to the grassroots party organizations of the Communist Party in the countryside, we will be sent documents by our superiors, mobilized our minds, and let us Every party member knows why we are waging a united war at this moment and why we are fighting.
This is the mobilization mechanism that China learned from the Soviet Union. Let everyone know what to do at this time and why.
Interesting - seriously, not kidding at all. And it makes all sense.

What is the party's take on why soviet union collapsed ? Again, I do think CCP is much better organized than Soviet counterparts, so am curious on their thoughts
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