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China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

yeah,we dont know so can you please tell us and write the whole story about this country?

Why should I tell you ??? It is in your interest to know about the issue you are discussing as otherwise people will treat you as a troller. There is as always Wikipedia for starters. You can read there about some of the glorious years of Zimbabwe and why it's hyperinflation reached the figure of 231,000,000%. Also how some of the best Education in Africa was ruined by it's dictator and how the farms were snatched from the white people and mangled by it's dictators. Zimbabwe was among the model states in Africa at it's prime and has been reduced to sh*t as if now where HIV penetration is horrifying and even after having jobs, people have to do prostitution for food. Read about it's dictators and the history of Zimbabwe before coming out with your "in-depth analysis" about how US and India is responsible for everything that goes wrong in this world.
Western countries should not be sanctions against other countries. Trade freedom is one of the most important freedoms!
You do not see the contradiction here? A sanction is not a blockade, the latter is an act of war.

As part of his trip, China extended an additional 50 million yuan ($7.5 million) in aid to the economically ravaged African nation, Xinhua reported.
So if China can give money to Zimbabwe, why not others? Why not Cuba? Or North Korea? Or Russia? What is preventing other countries from defying the US and do business with Zimbabwe?
Indians afraid of the USA?
Because of their cowardice, Indians are accusing China?

Your post is racist and offensive if reply in ur language u will feel hot coals in ur pants and will run away. :bunny: :bunny:

So no need to bring India as this thread is not about India and also don't post flame.

Post reported.
Because the world divide by China camp,U,s camp and neutral camp.

the so called neutral camp is actually waiting for the other camp to give them benefit and they will choose that camp to stand aside.....in fact, no neutral camp rigidly stands, you can just get their support for particular camp by means of the attraction of ample interests giving and swaping, if any..
even if zimbabwe has terrible economy by now , still, it is not a green signal for meddling with others. you dont have the right to intervene with their internal affairs like the west has done....are you happy that the west criticizes india for its impotence in curbing onion hiking price and inflation? you still want to be receiving the past colonial treatment when they still look down upon you all?? and they keep poking their noses in internal affairs in former colonies including zimbabwe and also india???

Sitting in front of your PC and criticizing others is best thing people like you could do. Have you ever been to Zimbabwe or for that matter any totalitarian regime. You guys stood up for sovereignty of the nations but have you ever talked to the people of these autocratic regimes ???.
Democracies like India stand for the rights and aspirations of these people because ultimately dictators like N. Korean leaders maybe drinking the costliest whiskeys in their palaces but the people of N. Korea are toiling hard for their food. Mugabe is living a lavish and exuberant life when people of Zimbabwe just see the dark future that lays ahead for them. Democracies are voices of those who can't speak for themselves because of fear and brutal repression. Now you can go ahead with your conspiracy theories about how India is the most evil nation on Earth.
Why should I tell you ??? It is in your interest to know about the issue you are discussing as otherwise people will treat you as a troller. There is as always Wikipedia for starters. You can read there about some of the glorious years of Zimbabwe and why it's hyperinflation reached the figure of 231,000,000%. Also how some of the best Education in Africa was ruined by it's dictator and how the farms were snatched from the white people and mangled by it's dictators. Zimbabwe was among the model states in Africa at it's prime and has been reduced to sh*t as if now where HIV penetration is horrifying and even after having jobs, people have to do prostitution for food. Read about it's dictators and the history of Zimbabwe before coming out with your "in-depth analysis" about how US and India is responsible for everything that goes wrong in this world.

Sitting in front of your PC and criticizing others is best thing people like you could do. Have you ever been to Zimbabwe or for that matter any totalitarian regime. You guys stood up for sovereignty of the nations but have you ever talked to the people of these autocratic regimes ???.
Democracies like India stand for the rights and aspirations of these people because ultimately dictators like N. Korean leaders maybe drinking the costliest whiskeys in their palaces but the people of N. Korea are toiling hard for their food. Mugabe is living a lavish and exuberant life when people of Zimbabwe just see the dark future that lays ahead for them. Democracies are voices of those who can't speak for themselves because of fear and brutal repression. Now you can go ahead with your conspiracy theories about how India is the most evil nation on Earth.

That is the reason for the sanctions?
Insufficient grounds.

If it has inflation, We should be given it assistant, not sanctions.
Insufficient grounds.

I need not satisfy you or for that matter anyone else. The Sanction is there and anybody who does not want to obey it is welcome to do business with Zimbabwe.
I need not satisfy you or for that matter anyone else. The Sanction is there and anybody who does not want to obey it is welcome to do business with Zimbabwe.

Is not the election of the President of Zimbabwe to power?
HMMMM... some good work from China... why they can not do the same with Vietnam and others... ASIA will be a happier place to live in ...

I am sure you can say the same with anyone of the Asian countries who is involved in border, sea or island disputes, not just China.
Russia, Japan, Taiwan, North and South Korea etc are all actively involved in disputes. We don't hear India making much noise about the other participants do we? Why India cannot do the same with the others? ASIA will be a happier place to live in :cheers:
Why should I tell you ??? It is in your interest to know about the issue you are discussing as otherwise people will treat you as a troller. There is as always Wikipedia for starters. You can read there about some of the glorious years of Zimbabwe and why it's hyperinflation reached the figure of 231,000,000%. Also how some of the best Education in Africa was ruined by it's dictator and how the farms were snatched from the white people and mangled by it's dictators. Zimbabwe was among the model states in Africa at it's prime and has been reduced to sh*t as if now where HIV penetration is horrifying and even after having jobs, people have to do prostitution for food. Read about it's dictators and the history of Zimbabwe before coming out with your "in-depth analysis" about how US and India is responsible for everything that goes wrong in this world.

ok,start from the story about the dictator.You mean China should not help this country because dictator.Yeah YOU are right.I wanna ask you what you think about your so called responsilbe U.S being ally with the dictator named mubarak in egypt?DOUBLE STANDARD AGAIN ON THE CHINA ISSUE?WAITNG FOR YOUR ANSWER.
India never dared the USA said "NO". That is no exception.
So India needs to criticize China, to hide India's cowardly.
You guys don't know a thing about Zimbabwe but still you are acting like experts. Go and read about Zimbabwe before commenting on the issue.

even if zimbabwe has terrible economy by now , still, it is not a green signal for meddling with others. you dont have the right to intervene with their internal affairs like the west has done....are you happy that the west criticizes india for its impotence in curbing onion hiking price and inflation? you still want to be receiving the past colonial treatment when they still look down upon you all?? and they keep poking their noses in internal affairs in former colonies including zimbabwe and also india???

West should support most oppressive regimes even when the respective countrymen are pleading for help?

No thanks, Robert mugabe is no person to respect. Its laughable to even support him.
That is the reason for the sanctions?
Insufficient grounds.

If it has inflation, We should be given it assistant, not sanctions.

Do you even know about Zimbabwe? You just keep blabbering your mouth. Please read up on it and come back to reply.
I wanna ask you what you think about your so called responsilbe U.S being ally with the dictator named mubarak in egypt?

I never said I am with USA. US is one which will ditch it's closest ally on the day it feels that needs to be done for it's self interests. US wants to remain the only superpower in the world and that means supporting anyone(Including the Taliban) if it is essential to it's interests and /or necessary for it's superpower status. US is aware that in nations with population against it, it needs the dictators for pursuing it's national goals and objectives. It supported/supports dictators in many countries including Pak/Saudi Arabia/Egypt/Yemen and a hell lot of other countries. It is/was the reason behind the start of terrorism in many countries Including Russia/China/India/Pak/Afghanistan and many other countries. And that is the precise reason it still rules the world.

But that does not mean that we start taking the US view about events around the world and forgive/ignore totalitarian regimes like mugabe's. We should also think about the people of these autocratic regimes. That is the reason the people of Egypt received so much support from the democratic people around the world. If we just let things happen in the way they are happening then we are nothing more than the puppets who are controlled by these dictators. If we are meant to create history on our own then we should influence the outcome of events. Rather than just letting thing pass as they are. Revolutions like those in Egypt are the one's that create history whereas the things that are happening with people of Zimbabwe are just another dark phases of the history.
i wonder why no people give any attention to this piece of news while the people still busy demonizing china in the another thread called ''china is a threat to neighborhood'', whereas the morally upright west and its lapdog india is in fact playing role of a threat to weaker countries within their reach and grasp???

The thread had nothing to do with India and neither were Indian's interested in it,but this is how u try it hard to attract Indian attention,and later labeling them as trolls hell bent on ruining the thread while acting like a saint,so what is the problem that a guy with Malaysian flags have with India,according to the popular notion in the forum India terrorize its neighbors,but again u r not our neighbor,neither India ever waged war against Malaysia,or not even threatened it in any occasion,r u a proper Malaysian or some Chinese or Pakistani with malay citizenship.
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