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China weighs in on speculations of virus originating in U.S. lab

I dont know who create Coronavirus, if someone created it.

But I know who let spread the virus to all countries as they close their interior borders to avoid spread it in others provinces: CHINA CHINA AND CHINA!!!!!!!!!

So you better stop spread nonsensing theories about USA, the incompetent and negligent in this topic is CHINA GOVERNMENT.
Obama and zionists set China up. So if you point rightly at Ft Detrick. They say they shared the Ft Detrick virus with China. US is not going to release a virus on the world without many many alibis. So they set up a virus lab in Wuhan to blame the Chinese:


I happen to come by a very good comment by PrayingMantis in ZeroHedge:

' ... here’s my simple research about how the covfefe plandemic started ... you can ignore it, but reading it might bump up your IQ level to double digits, that is, if you try to connect the dots with the logical events ... yes, it’s quite lengthy ... but it’s guaranteed to piss off the Chinese-haters and ((( others ))) on this China-bashing site ...
... let’s follow the logical timeline ...... and let’s connect the dots ...
... “In 2013 Charles Lieber, a pioneer of nanoscience who is now the chairman of Harvard University’s chemistry department, visited the Wuhan University of Technology (wut), in China, to celebrate the founding of a lab he was credited by that university with helping to establish and oversee: the wut-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory. It was a remarkable coup. wut is an institution of little renown. Harvard is generally regarded as the top of the academic tree. And Dr Lieber, whose research has been seen by some as a forerunner of Elon Musk’s ambitious scheme to supercharge the human brain with nanotechnology, has been seen as a potential Nobel laureate. Harvard’s officials had not, however, approved the laboratory and did not know about it until early 2015, according to the us Department of Justice. Nor did they know that while conducting his research with grants from the Department of Defence and the National Institutes of Health (nih), Dr Lieber was, according to federal authorities, also being paid up to $50,000 a month by wut, plus at least $150,000 in “living expenses”, as a prized recruit in China’s Thousand Talents programme to bring foreign scientists, and return Chinese expatriates, to that country’s research laboratories” >>> https://www.economist.com/s...
.... and according to this ... https://medicalveritas.org/..., ((( Dr. Charles M. Lieber ))) also received $1.5M to setup the secret lab in Wuhan ... Dr. Lieber is a member of Pilgrims Society ... see below ...
... one of Pilgrims Society founders, Pirbright Institute ,... owned by a Rothschild (de Worms and run by Wellcome Trust) ... of UK owns the patent for Coronavirus for both UK and US ... https://patents.justia.com/... #10130701 filed July 23, 2015, patent granted Nov 20, 2018 for coronavirus [and now conveniently disclaiming ownership for “novel” coronavirus] ) ... however, “Pirbright begins testing new coronavirus vaccines on animals to help combat COVID-19” https://www.pirbright.ac.uk... ... hmmm ...
... according to wiki ... sorry, I tried to find other more credible sources for the Wuhan establishment... In 2015, the WIV's National Bio-safety Laboratory was completed at a cost of 300 million yuan ($44 million) in collaboration with the French government's CIRI lab, and was the first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory to be built in mainland China. The establishment of the laboratory was partially funded by the U.S. government and took over a decade to complete from its conception in 2003. ... “REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab “>>> https://www.dailymail.co.uk... ... note: Lieber setup the “secret lab” ... ( he must be singing, “once, I had a secret lab” ... sorry, couldn’t resist ) ...
... Oct 15, 2019 ... shortly before the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, that city had hosted 300 visiting American military officers, who came to participate in the 2019 Military World Games, an absolutely remarkable coincidence of timing ... NATO’s armed courier Maatje Benassi and her husband, Matt Benassi, DOD’s (and Trump’s) Space Force operative attended as “competitors” (refer to George Webb’s YT videos ... here’s a sample Coronavirus First Patient, is it Maatje Benassi? — disq.us ) ... George Webb says Maatje is patient zero in Wuhan ...
... mid-November, 2019 ... “US notified Israel about coronavirus in mid-November: Israeli TV”
>>> https://www.presstv.com/Det...
... now, that Israel blew the whistle that US “intelligence”warned them in mid-November about a potentially catastrophic plandemic in Wuhan, China, and apparently other US allies were also warned, in mid-November, which confirmed what other news outlets had reported earlier and, which, of course, understandably, the Trump oddministration, following the ((( ordered ))) protocol, had denied it ...
.... obviously, because multiple news outlets had reported, China did not become aware of this plandemic problem until December 31st, ... here’s one ... >>> https://www.unz.com/runz/am... ...
... so, if US “intelligence” knew that there was a potentially and economically catastrophic plandemic developing in Wuhan in mid-November, it would mean that US “intelligence” already knew what was happening in Lieber’s secret Wuhan Lab better than Xi’s Chinese government ... and, perhaps, the only logical conclusion was, if Trump’s US “Intelligence” had known about a potential plandemic brewing way back in mid-November (and perhaps way before that ... Lieber would know) and China’s or Xi’s Government was not aware of a plandemic attack until December 31st, then, Trump’s or Pompous Pompeo’s US “Intelligence” would’ve had planted the virus there ... perhaps via NATO’s Benassi couple ? ...
... (btw, I enclose “Intelligence” in quotes because they are, indeed, <nudge, wink="">, very smart ... ... /s
... as well, the record showed ... “On 31 December 2019, the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. As of 3 January 2020, a total of 44 patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology have been reported to WHO by the national authorities in China. Of the 44 cases reported, 11 are severely ill, while the remaining 33 patients are in stable condition” >>> https://www.who.int/csr/don... ... so, on December 31st, the Chinese had already alerted the Ethiopian guy, Bill & Melinda Gates African vaccine project buddy, Tedros, at the World Health Organization, to the strange new covfefe illness of “unknown etiology” ... and Chinese scientists published the entire genome of the virUS on Jan. 12th, (including Fauci’s HIV components ... see Fauci’s HIV patent below) ... allowing diagnostic tests to be produced worldwide.
... on Jan. 23rd and after only 17 deaths, the Chinese government took the astonishing step of locking down and quarantining the entire 11 million inhabitants of the city of Wuhan, a story that drew worldwide attention. But Trump’s Oddministration poo-pooed the report and basically “hinted” that the covfefe virUS spread would be over soon ... well, not his exact words, but it contained some orange juice in it to make it yuuugely and tremendously believable ...
... Jan 28, 2020, FBI “arrested” Harvard Scientist Dr. Charles M. Lieber. His lab at Harvard, btw, was named, “Beth Israel” (a hint and a half) ... and, as mentioned above, he setup the secret Wuhan biolab in exchange for $1.5 M plus $50K per month for living expenses, plus other shekels equivalent, for several months in China, while getting $18M funding from DARPA and $9M from mossad’s pedoEpstein/Les Wexner explained here ... >>> “Deep State Coronavirus from Wuhan, Jeffrey Epstein, and Harvard University” >>> https://medicalveritas.org/... ... when it became known that Lieber setup the secret Wuhan lab, he was “rescued”, sorry, “arrested”, and was charged by the FBI with <nudge, wink=""> “espionage” and “lying” to “extract” him out to safety so Lieber could post $1M “cash” bail in order for him to “disappear” and to keep him quiet (they don’t want him to sing like a canary in a Wuhan bat mine) ... the dept of “just us” probably hope that this covfefe crisis, in time, would bury Lieber’s “treason” or his Deep State connection, depending on which side you’re on ... btw, the term Deep State refers to the Pilgrims Society membership ...
... here’s the news report from Japan ... “Harvard scholar to be freed on $1 million bail in China spying case” >>> https://www.japantimes.co.j... and here too ... https://www.usnews.com/news... ...
... and according to this report, Charles and his father Robert are both CIA ... https://aim4truth.org/2020/... ...
... and both father and son were members of the Pilgrims Society (I’ll leave that to you to research) ... hint ... some members of Pilgrims Society were Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sarnoff, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Gates (of Hell), the UK Royal family, Pirbright Institute and other 1% ers... it was setup in UK and branched to the US in 1903? ... and was responsible for creating the Khazarian Mafia-owned US Federal Reserve in 1913 ... which creates fiat money out of thin air ...
... and here’s Charles M. Lieber’s connection to the UK Queen’s Qinetiq ... https://aim4truth.org/2020/... ... ... btw, Lieber is a recipient of “Wolf Prize”, Israel’s “Nobel” for his “research”. Lieber is also the son of Robert, the guy who developed Aegis Satellite, MICs radar and missile system for WMDs.
... March 21, 2020 ... here’s the pompous pos on video declaring covid-19 was a “live exercise” ... “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admits COVID-19 is a “live exercise,” President Trump comments: “You should’ve let us know” ...
... >>> https://www.intellihub.com/... ...
.... “United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the American people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise. [ on video ] ...
“This is not about retribution,” Pompeo explained. “This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.” ...
... With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: “You should have let us know.” ...
March 24, 2020 - CDC’s new codes include “assumed” to have caused ... “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.
... here are other information that will help you connect Trump’s covfefe dots ...
... the HIV patent is co-owned by Trump’s Dr. Fauci (https://patents.justia.com/... Multiple sources claimed the HIV genome was spliced into the old SARS virus ... btw, the CIA owns the SARS patent #US7220852B1 May 22, 2007https://prepareforchang... ... to create the new (or “novel”) covid-19 ... ... and icymi, in 1991, an HIV “Patent battle over AZT [the HIV med] heats up ... The National Institutes of Health [note: Fauci’s group] in the US is considering suing the British company Burroughs Wellcome [Wellcome Trust] for a share in the patent of the AIDS drug zidovudine, worth $350 million a year. https://www.newscientist.co...
... now, who’s running Pirbright Institute (a Pilgrims Society founder and owned by a Rothschild)? ... “CORONAVIRUS WAS FUNDED AND PATENTED BY WELLCOME TRUST (UK, FAKE SOLD TO GLAXOSMITHKLINE), BILL & MELINDA GATES [of Hell] FOUNDATION, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EU) VIA THE PIRBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK) ... ... https://aim4truth.org/2020/...
... and more on George Webb’s covid-19 perpetrators’ reports
... re the NATO bad-asses Benassi and Bavari characters connected with covid-19 as explained here >>> https://conspiracydailyupda... ...
... and let’s not leave out the Pentagram’s 25 bioweapons labs in 25 countries from Fort Detrick to the Richard Lugar bioweapons lab in Tbilisi, Georgia (the khazarians’ home away from home) ... “US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program” >>> http://armswatch.com/us-dip...

... who did I miss ?

... it’s just my simple research and if you feel ((( offended ))), kindly ((( downvote ))), but please don’t spit https://www.counterpunch.or... or here https://dissidentvoice.org/... ...
... Praying Mantis ...'

Globalist zionist jews are the nazis within the globalist movement, they have no loyalties to the globalist movement of trade and global brotherhood. China was fooled by their zionist jews living and working in China. Zionist jews have other motives that serve the Anglo-Amerikan alliance to destroy China. Never forget this.

If China is ever sued, point out the usual suspects, the zionist jews, set up China/framed China. To prove this you have to prove 9/11 was a set up, which was done already by Italians, who compiled the evidence.

Same groups that framed the 9/11 attacks on Muslims, are the same groups that framed the coronavirus on the Chinese.
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