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China way ahead on border infrastructure

correction Tibetan lands. Considering that Chinese didnt have a problem doing a genocide on the Tibetians, it wouldnt be a problem to kill a few Indians. Anyways more than a few Chinese met confucious in heaven in that war.

Atleast palestinians have the option to live seperately. Tibetans state is far worse than palestinians.

all major powers (US/UK/FR/DE/JP/KR/RUS/AUS/PAK/MAY....) and silly countries (India) recognize that Tibet is a part of China. you can keep trolling for years, no one listen to your crap.

for the status of Tibetans, ironically, their life expectancy is much higher than Indians, why? because the regime of India refuse to invest anything real on its own people.
all major powers (US/UK/FR/DE/JP/KR/RUS/AUS/PAK/MAY....) and silly countries (India) recognize that Tibet is a part of China. you can keep trolling for years, no one listen to your crap.

for the status of Tibetans, ironically, their life expectancy is much higher than Indians, why? because the regime of India refuse to invest anything real on its own people.
hey, that is not about the McMahon Line, it is about your forwarding policy in which you tried to even go north of that line. That is - you claim the border to be the McMahon Line which we don't agree, then you cross that line and invaded my country.

1950 Indian Official map
1954 Indian official map

the regime of India thought they were strong enough to take lands away from China, they changed the border on their official map, deployed troops on Chinese lands, and they got rooted in a hard way.

for the McMahon Line, do you watch news or maybe such news is just illegal in India? that was a treaty now the British has officially apologized at the end of 2008. Read the following NYtimes article, the UK apologized on its anachronism and a colonial legacy which does include the Simla convention of 1914 which defined that "border line".

New York Times Article.

maybe your regime just refuse to report such recent news to your people to gain control and maintain the nationalism?

McMahon Line? We can send troops in, capture New Delhi and redefine the border of Sino-India. We can do that in days when necessary just like what did in 1962.

i haven't seen Chinese troops pass arunachal pradesh yet which u guys claim so rightfully yours dreaming of dinning in Delhi when u guys cant even take care of Vietnam and the border line was drawn with Tibet not china.
i haven't seen Chinese troops pass arunachal pradesh yet which u guys claim so rightfully yours dreaming of dinning in Delhi when u guys cant even take care of Vietnam and the border line was drawn with Tibet not china.

India's actually quite lucky to have Nepal between china. If that wasn't the case, the Chinese ground troops would've already been there for the tea party in Delhi. With a force like China's, overrunning the enemy isn't a problem.
bezerk sir,
no offense to you or anybody here.
India is not a cup of tea. Chinese can never think of war with India now . cause its same case like India Pakistan , Pakistan have lost a lot already amidst this chaos. a war wont harm them as much it will kill the dream of India to be developed country some day. china will be gone back to 1920s with one war with India. Dont forget we Indian can fight till the last breath we have its not that babu generation of 1990s its the most confident generation of 2010( smiler to like the one you see in upstate area of lahore). a war in this modern age cant be won. battle might be won.
India's actually quite lucky to have Nepal between china. If that wasn't the case, the Chinese ground troops would've already been there for the tea party in Delhi. With a force like China's, overrunning the enemy isn't a problem.
US have biggest force but US also find it to difficult to run yes India maybe not as strong as china but there wont be any Chinese tea party in Delhi soon. we have war experience with pakistan to our credit we still are intact so it not that easy my friend.But the topic is on road agreement and i already agreed that we are behind china in it so why the big fuss r u guys want say the mighty dragon is just going to eat us and we are on mercy of panda?
bezerk sir,
no offense to you or anybody here.
India is not a cup of tea. Chinese can never think of war with India now . cause its same case like India Pakistan , Pakistan have lost a lot already amidst this chaos. a war wont harm them as much it will kill the dream of India to be developed country some day. china will be gone back to 1920s with one war with India. Dont forget we Indian can fight till the last breath we have its not that babu generation of 1990s its the most confident generation of 2010( smiler to like the one you see in upstate area of lahore). a war in this modern age cant be won. battle might be won.

None taken. But you misunderstood my point. My point referred to the old days. If the border between India and China didn't had Nepal standing between them, 1962 could've been a decisive factor between the two nations for the COMING generations.

Something similar to what we saw in the Korean Conflict. Waves after waves of Chinese troops marched ahead crushing any Southern and Allied resistance they came across. That's the reason North korea was able to achieve it's current border line.
None taken. But you misunderstood my point. My point referred to the old days. If the border between India and China didn't had Nepal standing between them, 1962 could've been a decisive factor between the two nations for the COMING generations.

agreed completely . we would have been gone in 1962 because of poor leadership we had. Nepal and Himalayan range was one of the biggest factor to save India.
but as for india it was a wake up call . and it was very well needed.
agreed completely . we would have been gone in 1962 because of poor leadership we had. Nepal and Himalayan range was one of the biggest factor to save India.
but as for india it was a wake up call . and it was very well needed.

Indeed. Even though there's an unlikely chance that China and India would go to a conflict now, the threat still remains standing. Specially if India gets heavily involved with the Americans, the Chinese would consider it as an Upcoming threat. With us Pakistanis, it didn't matter because of our decades old friendship and the Americans were never really able to buy us off against the Chinese. But in today's world, Economically, America is a slave to China. And it's heavy involvement with the Indians could result in an entirely different game plan.
all major powers (US/UK/FR/DE/JP/KR/RUS/AUS/PAK/MAY....) and silly countries (India) recognize that Tibet is a part of China. you can keep trolling for years, no one listen to your crap.

for the status of Tibetans, ironically, their life expectancy is much higher than Indians, why? because the regime of India refuse to invest anything real on its own people.

Do Chinese really have authentic data? I am told they are the masters in cooking data in CPC offices. Who can beat Chinese in cheating after all. When world is learning, Chinese have already gone high teck..

China's civil service exam cheaters go high-tech - washingtonpost.com

India's actually quite lucky to have Nepal between china. If that wasn't the case, the Chinese ground troops would've already been there for the tea party in Delhi. With a force like China's, overrunning the enemy isn't a problem.

I know. Chinese had tea in Japan also and went their along with comfort women. They are having tea in Taiwan also for last 60 years... Chinese tea..

I know. Chinese had tea in Japan also and went their along with comfort women. They have having tea in Taiwan also for last 60 years... Chinese tea..


Instead of focusing on that post, try reading the next few as well. You'd understand then why I said that.
India's actually quite lucky to have Nepal between china. If that wasn't the case, the Chinese ground troops would've already been there for the tea party in Delhi. With a force like China's, overrunning the enemy isn't a problem.

according to numerous sources including the soldiers who personally involved in that war, our troops was very close to New Delhi, actually, some eye witness said they can even see the buildings in india's capital.

bezerk sir,
no offense to you or anybody here.
India is not a cup of tea. Chinese can never think of war with India now . cause its same case like India Pakistan , Pakistan have lost a lot already amidst this chaos. a war wont harm them as much it will kill the dream of India to be developed country some day. china will be gone back to 1920s with one war with India. Dont forget we Indian can fight till the last breath we have its not that babu generation of 1990s its the most confident generation of 2010( smiler to like the one you see in upstate area of lahore). a war in this modern age cant be won. battle might be won.

when our cheap rockets can have direct hit to New Delhi, including your PM's office, I don't see any reason why we are going to have a war with you. I mean, sorry, no offensive, lives of our troops are far more valuable than yours, we would just just fire rockets, but millions of them.

again, as we have made it clear, any attack on Chinese target using guided weapons will result in nuclear missiles flying towards yours population centres.

we had the no first use policy for our nuclear missiles, but that for non nuclear states, which india is no longer qualified for.
Do Chinese really have authentic data? I am told they are the masters in cooking data in CPC offices. Who can beat Chinese in cheating after all. When world is learning, Chinese have already gone high teck..

China's civil service exam cheaters go high-tech - washingtonpost.com


why you don't have a look at the current Chinese cities and the huge differences between the life in China and the life in india?

the following Chinese web is called Street View Map, which we had since 2006, about 6 months earlier than the first google street view service went online. have a look, you won't see that in india where you call yourself good at "IT". don't forget to follow the paths you want by click those yellow footprints, you can nav through the whole cities.


not convinced? how about having a look at the satellite images with quality better than google map?

sogou map

:china: do you have any decent GeoInfo web site remotely comparable to the above two? I don't think so.
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