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China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

Chinese and Russians are only friends because of the circumstances. The two nations shares little in terms of society, culture, temperament, stature and discipline. It is only a matter of time when China would not need to side with the Russians.
China suffered a famine in 1959 due to Mao Zedong's stupidity, and its relations with the Soviet Union also retreated sharply due to the deterioration of Mao Zedong and Khrushchev's personal relationship.The Soviet Union announced the withdrawal of all its experts in China, and hundreds of construction projects cooperating with China and the Soviet Union were forced to stop.Chiang Kai-shek is also greatly expanding his army in Taiwan, preparing to retake mainland China.
The Indians felt that the opportunity had come. Nehru believed that China was facing many internal and external difficulties and did not dare to fight back against India’s invasion and encroachment.
Under the instigation of Lieutenant General Kaur and other Indian officers, Nehru designated a forward policy and continuously established Indian outposts behind the Chinese outposts.
Mao Zedong said that he thought about it for ten days and ten nights and didn't understand why Nehru kept angering him and created border troubles for him.
In 2020, China faced strong attacks from the Trump administration. The U.S. government kept propagating that a Chinese laboratory created the virus, and the U.S. also propagated the genocide of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Indians have established thousands of English-language websites, constantly promoting anti-China English-language articles, creating public opinion against China, and supplying readers in the English-speaking world.
Probably the Modi government feels that the opportunity has come again, abolishing the autonomous status of Kashmir, some Indian officers who are trying to get promotion, keep making troubles at the border, they probably want to get military merit, just like they did on the Pakistan-India border.
Everyone knows the consequences
Maybe the Chinese are too poor in English, and the relationship with the English-speaking world is also too poor. We cannot beat the Indians who have lived in the crowd since childhood. Talking nonsense, messing around, and distorting the facts are the traditional skills of Indians, playing from childhood to adulthood.
you said well what we all know how treacherous and opportunistic the wily Indians are.
Looks like @Beast and @beijingwalker war mongering does not reflect the position of China. Infact analysts here are suprised and see it as weakened position of Putin
Of course, governments don't shape their foreign policy based on their ultra nationalistic citizens. Else China would have invaded Taiwan long ago irrespective of the consequences. So don't take too seriously what some ultra nationalists say. China obviously is against even Russia launching any sort of invasion against Ukraine, but they won't say it directly to Russia obviously since both countries are on good terms. Reason China's foreign minister said it indirectly during his visit to the Munich conference (a conference Russia didn't attend either. Lol ). This should tell you alot.
This comes realy unexpected. Chinese delegate Wang Li said in the munich security conference, that evry side must respect integrity of Ukraine. Diplomats see this as red line that Xi draws for Putin.

It appears China knows that a russian Invasion would create extreme global results.

I must admit i did not expect China to act so reasonable.

Where is your proof that China made such a declaration aimed at Russia? Or are you just guessing your way on this subject?
Not all Greeks are liars, just like not all Americans are bad people. One should not judge the actions of a small group individuals, to an entire nation. Greece is a wonderful country, as is Turkey and both nations have characteristically great attributes. On should seek rapprochement on adverse issues and challenge them with an intent of friendship with sincerity.

China and Russia are two states who have the power and the means to stand up to the West's hegemony. Not all in the West are bad people either. But those in the West who condone unjust and illegal wars on weaker nations, are in the wrong and must check their belief system, as it stands, they are on the wrong side of history.

People, humans, must pursue the truth with sincerity and at any cost .... I repeat, as humans, we must pursue the truth, at any cost. Failure to do so, results in humanity destroying itself from within.

Why China Will Not Support a Russian Invasion of Ukraine​

The reputational cost – both on the international stage and with the Chinese people – would be great if Beijing threw its support behind Russian aggression.
By Mu Chunshan
February 17, 2022

Why China Will Not Support a Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Credit: Facebook/ Russian Ministry of DefenseADVERTISEMENT

Facing the Ukraine stand-off, the United States is very concerned about Russia and China’s interactions. For example, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby called China’s “tacit support” for Moscow “deeply alarming.” Kirby seemed to imply that China supports Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine.

U.S. concern is understandable, but some U.S. officials seem to be misjudging both China-Russia relations and China’s broader foreign policy.

First, some Americans do not have a clear understanding of China-Russia military relations. China and Russia are not military allies. In other words, when one side is at war, the other side has no treaty or legal obligation to help. This is completely different from the military alliances between the United States and NATO countries.

Therefore, even if Russia and Ukraine go to war, China has no obligation to support Russia. Indeed, during the Crimea crisis seven years ago, China did not openly support Russia’s position.



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On February 4, China and Russia issued a joint statement in which China did mention its support for Russia. But the nuance is important: China’s support for Russia focused on insisting that Moscow’s security concerns must be guaranteed by the West and opposing the threats to Russia’s security from NATO and other Western countries. Everyone knows China also faces pressure and security threats from the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, so it is not surprising that Beijing would support Russia in the face of similar pressure. However, this is not the same as China offering its approval of a Russian invasion against Ukraine.

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A comparison can help clarify China’s support in this case: China’s attitude to Russia is equivalent to its support for North Korea or Iran in their demands that the U.S. lift sanctions. China’s support does not mean Beijing would support North Korea starting a war on the Korea Peninsula or Iran striking Israel.

China has maintained friendly relations both with Russia and Ukraine for a long time, which is a basic and balanced policy. During the Ukraine crisis, China never criticized Ukraine, only condemned the U.S. and NATO. Ukraine is well aware of it.

2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine. President Xi Jinping of China and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine exchanged congratulatory messages a month ago. Xi clearly mentioned he has always been committed to strengthening the friendly and cooperative relations with Ukraine. It is impossible for China to change its position after a month.


In addition, the Chinese ambassador to Kyiv published an article in the Ukrainian media, publicly emphasizing that China has always supported Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. This is a clear sign that China could not support Russia’s possible invasion to Ukraine – especially because China has never publicly stated a view that Crimea belongs to Russia.

If China is against a Russian invasion of Ukraine, why has Beijing not criticized Russia, like the West did? There are two main reasons. First, considering the Sino-Russian friendship, China’s public questioning of Russia will damage the friendship. At this time, Beijing should show solidarity, rather than emphasize differences – this is a question of both face and diplomatic skills. China will express its true attitude behind closed doors.

Second, Russia may have privately assured China that it will not mount a direct invasion against Ukraine. That would explain why China has been accusing the U.S. and the NATO of exaggerating the crisis, and why Beijing has remained indifferent as the West withdraws both diplomats and citizens from Ukraine.

In addition to jointly coping with Western pressure, there is a basic logic in the development of Sino-Russia relations: That is, the two neighboring countries must be friendly, and this friendship will benefit both sides. For example, China’s energy security can be met through Russian overland oil and gas pipelines, which reduces the risk of energy transportation in the Persian Gulf and the Malacca Strait. Russia will also gain huge economic benefits from its exchanges with China. As neighbors, it is a natural process for China and Russia to establish a partnership.

Some Pentagon officials merely think about the issue of China-Russia cooperation from the perspective of the countries mutually facing Western pressure, without seeing this as a case of both international common sense and Chinese diplomatic skills.

In the past year, there have been many high-level contacts between China and the United States, and they all said the two countries should avoid misjudgment of each other. The Pentagon’s interpretation of China’s support for Russia is exactly the sort of misjudgment that must be avoided. If a similar misinterpretation impacted an issue directly impinging China-U.S. relations, I am afraid this risk will be even greater.

There are indeed some people in China who have similar views to some U.S. officials, believing the Chinese government actually supports Russia in a possible war. But they are mostly young people and nationalists with little experience. Their logic is that war in Eastern Europe will contain U.S. support for Taiwan, and mainland China can use this opportunity to recapture Taiwan. Therefore, when the nationalists heard Putin was going to negotiate more with the West, and even withdraw some troops from the military drills, they felt very disappointed. They thought China lost a good chance to solve the Taiwan issue.

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Although this idea is naive, it does exist in Chinese society. These nationalists, like some U.S. officials, completely miscalculated China’s freedom of action on the Taiwan issue.

Just like Russia does not consider the Taiwan issue when it has a dispute with Ukraine, China will not consider the relationship between Russia and Ukraine in order to resolve the Taiwan issue. It’s quite different. If Putin insists on invading Ukraine one day, China can’t stop it. If China one day sends troops against Taiwan, Putin will not able to prevent that either.

In my view, China will think more about morality and reputation when it comes to the Ukraine crisis, largely in order to take into account public opinion and Chinese people’s attitudes. American commentators don’t seem to realize the importance of either of these factors in China’s foreign policy.


What would happen if China supported Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine?

First, it would put China in an awkward position in the international community. China has been shaping an international image of justice for decades. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were China’s foreign policy in the 1950s, and in the era of Xi Jinping, China still embraces these principles as the basis for international exchanges. The core of the Five Principles is mutual respect for each country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and mutual nonaggression.

If China supports Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, it would be a violation of the bedrock of its 70-year-old foreign policy. China will lose its international moral high ground, as well as damage its international reputation and image. This will make it a little awkward for China to promote its Good Neighbor and Friendship Policy and the Five Principles. At times, urgent national interests may take precedence over principles, but China has no compelling interests at stake in Ukraine, certainly not enough to make Beijing willing to abandon its foundational foreign policy.

The Chinese people also agree that China should uphold justice in the international arena. If China publicly endorses Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, it may be difficult for the Chinese people to understand the sudden change. As a result, such a move will cause the Chinese government to lose some ordinary Chinese support.

Not long ago, a U.S. research institution suggested that China has a “silent majority” who do not like Chinese government policy, which is consistent with my observation. In my view, these people are not all anti-government or anarchists, but more silent dissenters who subtly boycott the overly nationalist atmosphere in today’s society.

The Chinese government must know this as well. When making policies, it will consider the attitudes of as many people as possible and satisfy the interests of the most possible people, in order to smooth the way for domestic social management.

With that in mind, it’s important to know that most Chinese have mixed views about Russia; some are outright negative. After all, Russia was one of the European powers that encroached on China during the “century of humiliation.”

For many Chinese people, when the see the Ukraine crisis, they think of Russia’s territorial expansion into China more than 100 years ago. You will never see this point raised in the state media, but you can find it easily on Chinese social media. Many people comment on the Weibo page of the Russian embassy in China, asking Russia to return Haishenwai (Vladivostok in Russian) to China. As the crisis in Ukraine deepens, many Chinese netizens accuse Russia of being an aggressor.

In this context, should China’s government support Russia in invading Ukraine, it will make more Chinese people doubt the justice and legitimacy of their own government, which is not good for maintaining social stability.

Russian diplomats are well aware of this strain of Chinese public opinion. They treat it calmly and only emphasize Sino-Russian friendship. It shows that both China and Russia have left some flexibility and maneuvering space for each other. Beijing and Moscow understand they will not always be completely in lock-step. It’s time for Washington to grasp this point as well

The Diplomat? Does this news outlet speak for the Chinese government? Does the Chinese appoint the author to speak on its behalf?
Not all Greeks are liars, just like not all Americans are bad people. One should not judge the actions of a small group individuals, to an entire nation. Greece is a wonderful country, as is Turkey and both nations have characteristically great attributes. On should seek rapprochement on adverse issues and challenge them with an intent of friendship with sincerity.
Thank you,bhai
Thank you,bhai

Most welcome dear friend and brother.

Not all of us Pakistanis are blind to the realities of this world.

As a Muslim, I support for peace and prosperity for both the people of Greece and the people of Turkey.

And if you ever come to Pakistan, you will find a friend welcoming you, insha-Allah.
Most welcome dear friend and brother.

Not all of us Pakistanis are blind to the realities of this world.

As a Muslim, I support for peace and prosperity for both the people of Greece and the people of Turkey.

And if you ever come to Pakistan, you will find a friend welcoming you, insha-Allah.
Mashallah. We also want peace and stability here and in the Balkans. But like the Middle-East,we're various ethnicities mixed up and everybody wants lands from the others. Greater Serbia,Greater Bulgaria,Greater Albania,Restored Byzantine Empire,Restored Ottoman Empire,fake Macedonia,Greater Romania...lol
This comes realy unexpected. Chinese delegate Wang Li said in the munich security conference, that evry side must respect integrity of Ukraine. Diplomats see this as red line that Xi draws for Putin.

It appears China knows that a russian Invasion would create extreme global results.

I must admit i did not expect China to act so reasonable.
better luck next time fake propaganda maker lair..
Mashallah. We also want peace and stability here and in the Balkans. But like the Middle-East,we're various ethnicities mixed up and everybody wants lands from the others. Greater Serbia,Greater Bulgaria,Greater Albania,Restored Byzantine Empire,Restored Ottoman Empire,fake Macedonia,Greater Romania...lol

There are elements within our respective societies who are misguided and attempt to promote ill-thought and hate-filled agendas that has nothing to do with Islam, nor Christianity.

It is then left to the ones who possess a sound mind and strong faith to defend and set the records straight.

With regards to the Ottoman Empire, there are those misguided individuals who believe that the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) that Muslims shall one day conquer Constantinople, was fulfilled by the Ottomans. This is a false claim and belief, one which many Muslims were mislead to believe. Alhumdulillah this false claim has been debunked, comprehensively.

I, as a Muslim, follow my Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and I call the great city by its name, one which my beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) called it .... Constantaniyya i.e Constantinople.
Chinese and Russians are only friends because of the circumstances. The two nations shares little in terms of society, culture, temperament, stature and discipline. It is only a matter of time when China would not need to side with the Russians.

Actually China and Russia are very similar culturally based on quantitative German sociology studies like the World Values Survey.

Indians are most similar to Uganda and Myanmar in culture.

You know a two-dimensional representation of culture is inadequate at best and flat out wrong at worst when it groups India with Albania and Mali with Philippines.
View attachment 817324View attachment 817325

What's the difference between Albania and India at the most basic level? Both are traditional cultures with high emphasis on survival values, likely due to conflict and poverty.

China and Russia are both highly pragmatic and secular.
Chinese and Russians are only friends because of the circumstances. The two nations shares little in terms of society, culture, temperament, stature and discipline. It is only a matter of time when China would not need to side with the Russians.
They were competitors and enemies for centuries before going all the way back to 1652

Sino-Russian border conflicts
Amur Annexation

1900 Amur anti-Chinese pogroms

Sino-Soviet conflict (1929)

Deportation of Chinese in the Soviet Union

Russians eventually won Siberia

Even today in present Russian plan on using tactical nukes to keep PLA off Siberia


5. (C) Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army, he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has little infrastructure, and a small Russian military contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack. He admitted, however, that by declaring the right to launch a nuclear first strike, Russia appeared to be taking a step back from the spirit, if not the letter of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Article VI commitments regarding nuclear disarmament.


and even now Chinese whine about Russian city Vladivostok being Chinese

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