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China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

my friend...true that china is capable of sinking indian ships in scs..but 80% of your oil goes through indian ocean...and if at all china attacks india it would move into the dark age...god forbid ifat all a war takes place only india confronts china???guess how many of your neighbours would benefit from your defeat..not to mention big powers like u.s....i expected a little more maturity from a person with more than 3000 posts
LOL the war would end in about two days of intensive airstrikes on the government sector of new delhi. Once new delhi's government buildings are all turned to rubble, india will fall apart as multiple states declare their independence.
oh....i see....nyways..i'm njoyn the DEBATE here ;)

LOL the war would end in about two days of intensive airstrikes on the government sector of new delhi. Once new delhi's government buildings are all turned to rubble, india will fall apart as multiple states declare their independence.
@Sergi..wowwwwww ur true mate....this guy is really amazing...
@Sino..so no nukes this tym????
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oh....i see....nyways..i'm njoyn the DEBATE here ;)

@Sergi..wowwwwww ur true mate....this guy is really amazing...
@Sino..so no nukes this tym????

I was going to reply to his dumb claims, but then I read his signature. The guy in his signature thinks Hindi is a Persian-Turkic language. That should be a pretty easy give-away on his IQ level, and I saved myself the pain of typing a response on why 2+2 != 5.
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hahahahahaha.........whats d fun if everybodies sane here??? ;)
LOL the war would end in about two days of intensive airstrikes on the government sector of new delhi. Once new delhi's government buildings are all turned to rubble, india will fall apart as multiple states declare their independence.

LOL Sino Challenger :rofl: why did you forgot to mention Mega ton Nuclear Farts.....:partay:
LOL the war would end in about two days of intensive airstrikes on the government sector of new delhi. Once new delhi's government buildings are all turned to rubble, india will fall apart as multiple states declare their independence.

and indian forces will be having vacations in Hongkong?

Do you even know what you are saying or are you just here to waste bandwidth?
You, sir, are grossly underestimating your enemy.

in any way, YOU DON'T TAKE DECISIONS FOR CHINA. your leaders are better than that.
When war begins, China will take out the capital city new delhi with airstrikes very quickly. Then india will fall apart because india has too many internal contradictions.

Hitler said this to his generals before attack on russia .He beleived he only had to walk in and soviet russia would collapse.'All we have to do is kick the door in and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down'.But look what happened to him.
LOL the war would end in about two days of intensive airstrikes on the government sector of new delhi. Once new delhi's government buildings are all turned to rubble, india will fall apart as multiple states declare their independence.

You always try to be smart a##, it is better for you to think always what happened to the mighty soviet union, it wont event take a day for china to fall apart if a war broke out.
Guys, lets not get angry over those misquote comment. Its all the Indian reporters fault. We believe Indian is rationale and will not do something stupid.

The Hindu : News / National : Media needs to

National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon has said the media needed to more “accurately reflect” the reality of India-China relations rather than “manufacture” stories, a day after Navy Chief Admiral D.K. Joshi said the Indian Navy was prepared to go to the South China Sea to protect India’s economic interests.

Mr. Menon, who on Tuesday wrapped up a two-day visit to China for wide-ranging talks on the boundary and strategic issues, said the media needed to introspect on its credibility and ask “whether you are accurately reflecting the reality or whether you are just generating another story and another story and another story

In a response to questions at a briefing on Monday, Admiral Joshi said the Indian Navy was “prepared” to go to the South China Sea to protect Indian interests. ONGC Videsh is now involved in three oil exploration blocks in the South China Sea, whose waters and islands are claimed by China and several other countries.

Asked about the comment, Mr. Menon said: “First, you [the media] ask [the Navy Chief] if you can operate anywhere, and he says wherever. Where ever Indian interests are? Yes, wherever Indian interests are. So that means South China Sea also? Yes. So the end result is, you write a story saying the Navy Chief says he will operate in the South China Sea.”

“Now that is stretching the truth… That is not what he started out saying,” Mr. Menon said.

“When you look at the range of India-China engagement… the fact at how peaceful that border is… the fact that we have made progress even on the boundary settlement discussions… the kind of congruence we have on several international issues and the way we work together on it, then you get a more balanced picture of the relationship, of its potential, for us and, for them, for the region, for the world, that it can actually do good together,” Mr. Menon said.

Mr. Menon said the Chinese side did not raise the issue in Tuesday’s talks. “The Chinese also know how these things happen. They recognise the media plays a role. In the past they have complained about the role that the media has played,” he said.

The recent spat between both countries on passports also did not figure in the discussions. China had angered several of its neighbours after including a map in the newly-issued passports, displaying Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh and the South China Sea as Chinese territory. India responded by issuing new visas in its Embassy here that displayed an Indian map with the borders as seen by India. That China had appeared to quietly accept the visas had suggested the row had blown over, Indian officials said.

“There were no discussions on the passport issue,” Mr. Menon said. “They have always published their maps on their documents, we have always published our map on our documents.”
As i said...the Indian media should zip up their c***s a bit.I personally would like to see some so called "patriotic"reporters shot dead.If they're soo "patriotic"why the bloody hell are they dragging us into war through their hare-brained , c**k-addled reporting . Even maintaining status-quo will probably help improve relations with neighbours enormously.

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