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China wants SAARC plus One arrangement (SAARC+1)

try to build a road connection with J and K, or try to have a rail link with them.

think before you utter things, I suppose you are a reasonable one in another thread.

sri lanka,maldive too are members:hitwall:
how many saarc countries connected to them??

btw,what u r smoking??why r u desperate to bring china in??
are you racist? the only south asian country who would have a problem with such a thing would be india.

Yes he is.

if china is S.A country then japan and korea too s.a country.:rolleyes:

Stop trolling.

Japan and ROK are not in our neighborhood. China is.

You even share borders with them. And from my understanding, you don't even want China to be part of the transit :lol:

I guess China is too much of a boogy man for you guys eh :rolleyes:
Yes he is.

Stop trolling.

Japan and ROK are not in our neighborhood. China is.

You even share borders with them. And from my understanding, you don't even want China to be part of the transit :lol:

I guess China is too much of a boogy man for you guys eh :rolleyes:

hahhahaaa..then bring iran too coz he has border with pakistan....
you are messing up the whole south asia.i m not against bringing china but chinese dont come in south asia.they are in east asia.

didnt u read my post number 46..you need borders..eh...
Accepting new countries should done by the will of majority of member countries. Currently our BIG bro thinks he needs control over all member states. ;) Btw, It looks like India is going to make close relationship with USA, so it means USA gets easy access to SAARC countries. I personally think it's a good idea if member countries accept China as new member to make balance of power in our region. Anyway SAARC is an useless organization until all the member countries gain middle income status, economic prosperity and stability!
hahhahaaa..then bring iran too coz he has border with pakistan....
you are messing up the whole south asia.i m not against bringing china but chinese dont come in south asia.they are in east asia.

didnt u read my post number 46..you need borders..eh...

Iran is an observer state, and is interested in becoming a member. And I'll gladly welcome a brother ;)

The point is that with India being a large country, it'll automatically start dominating the whole neighborhood. The key argument behind this is that China can be a source of competition to counter that. And India is more than capable to compete.

You never know, India might become more effective :azn:
I'll repeat again. If China becomes a member, it is entitled to preferential trade access through SAFTA. I don't think India would agree to it.
1. The SAARC idea was mooted by BD hoping this would bring peace to SA resulting in prosperity, security and happiness to its peoples. In reality India has tried all along to make SAARC a subservient organization. This has rendered SAARC impotent. The only beneficiaries have been the bureaucrats and political leaders who gather from time to time entertaining each other and claiming TA,DA,etc. The worst is the spectacle of lavish dinners where they speak about poverty alleviation.

2. It is time to think, first of all, about a SAARC Minus One. That is, have a SAARC without India. This SAARC Minus One can later add China. This exercise would ensure that some of the original objectives of the organization are achieved.
2. It is time to think, first of all, about a SAARC Minus One. That is, have a SAARC without India. This SAARC Minus One can later add China. This exercise would ensure that some of the original objectives of the organization are achieved.

I have no issues coz theres nothing SAARC can do even if I do...
The point that beats me is that like having observers from Japan, Australia Russia, might even push for long run consequences like Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria getting into EU, remember most were former Soviet nations and were considered a part of Asia pre-70-80s... Look at EU's fate now, :disagree:
Just my opinion...
You guys are conveniently foregetting few things:-

1) SAARC has been a failure so far because of only one Country " PAKISTAN". Go check how they have been not allwoing SAFTA to come in operation. It is the same reason why they will not let it to succeed even when you add China.

2) For just few of you , India is a bogetman. But you coneveniently forget it and are uttering that China is for India.

3) China will never be part of SAARC in the forseeable future. We all can be part of something that has China and other countries too.

Why do we have so many trade forums?

> Working in smaller groups is effective as everybody is heard. Making it big will make many of you irrelevant...especailly smaller and poor performing country. They will not like theor status diluted on soemthing that give them so much purpose ...

Why do we have SAARC ?
> Common history and culture. Culture and increasing understanding is one of the reason. Lets understand each other more. It can happen in small group.
China is already an observer of the SAARC group so what is the big fuss? Just like US, EU and other countries.

China can't be a full member. Besides 90% of the Chinese population lives in Eastern China along the Pacific ocean coastal regions.

What should be the focus is operationalising SAARC economic and connectivity pacts as well as joint security and anti-terror co-operation.
1. The SAARC idea was mooted by BD hoping this would bring peace to SA resulting in prosperity, security and happiness to its peoples. In reality India has tried all along to make SAARC a subservient organization. This has rendered SAARC impotent. The only beneficiaries have been the bureaucrats and political leaders who gather from time to time entertaining each other and claiming TA,DA,etc. The worst is the spectacle of lavish dinners where they speak about poverty alleviation.

2. It is time to think, first of all, about a SAARC Minus One. That is, have a SAARC without India. This SAARC Minus One can later add China. This exercise would ensure that some of the original objectives of the organization are achieved.

Make it, what's stopping you? Create a new name & ask all other countries to join in & see what happens. You will do what with such an organisation anyways? Trade? How would BD trade with Nepal? Bhutan? Ship your goods all the way to China & somehow hope to bring it over the Himalayas? Go around India & trade with Pakistan? What's new then? You can already do that. Take India out of the equation & there is nothing common between all the other countries. Minus India, all you can do is already mandated under MFN status. One must learn to think rationally, emotional behaviour is what has got South Asia into this mess in the first place.
What should be the focus is operationalising SAARC economic and connectivity pacts as well as joint security and anti-terror co-operation.

mmm...I believe all SAARC nations should agree to stop funding terrorist groups against one another. That should be an imperative.
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