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China wants high-speed rail link to India

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It benefits India (which has over-population, lack of jobs, and poverty problems) more than China. Whomever is connected to this New Silk Road will be the "leaders-of-tomorrow" while those who are not, will be left trailing behind. This is the simple truth. :smitten:

Well economically its gonna benefit china a lot. India has nothing that china would import other than raw materials. But china would export all types of finished goods which would cost a lot less than Indian goods.

Indian business would suffer greatly and china would get to enter a market of over a billion people. Indians would lose their jobs once, Indian business suffers.

That is why the Indian govt won't allow china to export everything. Trade would be monitored closely and controlled, so as to balance growth in China as well as India.
Bangladesh PM is going to China in a few days. The two most important issue is a Deep Sea Port in Chittagong, and Rail-road link to China via Myanmar. I know everyone in Bangladesh wants it.

A Deep sea Port access in Chittagong for China means when needed to, Chinese folks don't have to ship stuff around the Malacca( by Singapore) channel and same for import.

Wondering how much the Chinese Leadership is enthusiastic about it.:china:

It benefits India (which has over-population, lack of jobs, and poverty problems) more than China. Whomever is connected to this New Silk Road will be the "leaders-of-tomorrow" while those who are not, will be left trailing behind. This is the simple truth. :smitten:

Not exactly because such a route will bring down the cost of the products in both the markets with the opening and access for small scale industries within India and China to each other.
Even if it happens, it will take so long that it is not worth discussing now.
I would love it for Pakistan to be connected to China through a rail network but through India will most likely not happen.

Pakistan-India relations are very bad now, and it will go worse as there was a confession by a terrorist recently that indians from indian consulates in Afghanistan paid terrorists to carry out bombings in Lahore, Pakistan so now relations between the two countries are going to get worse than ever before.

You can forget about the Delhi-Lahore connection of this railway plan.
and just ask the australians, you DONT want that!

WOW! What a sadistic pleasure you derive from attack on Indians in Australia. Maybe you need a reality check where you stand

MELBOURNE: Politicians, police and thousands of ordinary Austra*lians sat down at Indian restaurants across the nation for “Vindaloo Against Violence“, a mass dining protest against racial attacks.

More than 17,000 people registered to participate in the grassroots campaign yesterday which went viral – and global – from humble beginnings as a 100-person event on social networking site Facebook.

Organiser Mia Northrop, 35, said she received event notifications from as far afield as Tajikistan, with people set to down a curry in Tokyo, Amsterdam, New York and Stock*holm in solidarity with the cause.

“I’m really thrilled that this got the support that it did, there’s no way that I could have imagined it would end up to be this big,” Northrop, a digital media designer, said.

“I’m really happy that it meant so much to so many people,” she added, remarking that feedback had been “phenomenally positive“.

The campaign was designed to be a show of support for Australia’s 450,000-strong Indian community in the wake of a series of attacks against Indian students.

At least 400 Indian restaurants across Australia were taking part and Melbourne’s curry-courier service Tiffins was forced to close its website after experiencing its busiest day on record.

“It is so busy we have four vans helping our fleet of five bikes to make 1,000 deliveries during lunch today,” said owner Mikhil Kotak.

In Northrop’s hometown here, where most of the recent violence against Indians took place, police and the state’s premier, John Brumby, dined out in support.

Brumby sat down to lunch with a group of Indian students at a city cafe, and the state’s parliament changed its menu to Indian fare in honour of the day.

Lawmakers sweated through a lunchtime eating contest in the northern state of Queensland, where there was also a curry-only menu in the parliamentary cafeteria.

“Question time is hotter than this!” one MP jeered as the deputy premier, Paul Lucas, struggled through a beef vindaloo.

Attacks against Indians, including beatings and robberies, have been on the rise in Australia, threatening to damage diplomatic ties and the country’s education system, which brings in US$15.4 bil (RM52.4bil) from abroad each year.

Media outrage in India has been stoked by the unsolved murder of 21-year-old Punjabi student Nitin Garg here last month. — AFP

Now go ask Australians who they really DON'T want

Australian links to Pakistan-based terrorist group | The Australian

LASHKAR-E-TOIBA, the Pakistani terrorist group blamed for the attacks in Mumbai, has long been plotting to launch a terrorist attack in Australia.

The closest it came was when terrorist Willie Brigitte was dispatched on a mission to Sydney to plan an attack on either the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney's south or the national electricity grid.

He was sent by an LET terrorist known as Sajiid Mir, who is understood to have recruited, controlled and trained numerous Australians.

Among them was convicted terrorism supporter David Hicks and Sydney architect Faheem Khalid Lodhi, who has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for his part in the Brigitte plot.

Terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna has told The Weekend Australian that LET now poses as much of a threat to Australia as al-Qa'ida. LET was founded in Pakistan and is made up of mostly Pakistani Punjabis with a smattering of Afghans, Arabs, Bangladeshis, southeast Asians and the occasional Western or Indian Muslim recruit.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
Related Coverage

* No 'smoking gun' warning of airline bomb suspect The Australian, 4 Jan 2010
* Brigitte marked 'never to return' The Australian, 2 Dec 2009
* Aussie terrorist to be freed from jail early Adelaide Now, 1 Dec 2009
* Willie trained by Pakistan military Daily Telegraph, 1 Dec 2009
* AL-QA'IDA PREFERS U.S. TO STICK AROUND The Australian, 11 Nov 2009

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

Although it was a Pakistan-based group with a focus on Kashmir, it had close links to al-Qa'ida and was ideologically close to the concept of global jihad.

LET was only placed on the federal Government's list of banned terrorist organisations in 2003. It has increasingly established a presence in Australia, Europe, the US and Indonesia, where an alliance had been formed between Brigitte and Gun Gun, the brother of Jemaah Islamiah terrorist Hambali.

Police interviews with Gun Gun confirmed that Brigitte, now jailed in France, was a senior LET member and they had joined up to bring hundreds of southeast Asian recruits to LET training camps. The authorities are aware a number of Australians have trained with LET, including some who have never been charged.

Hicks is thought to have been one of the first Australians to have arrived.

But he was soon followed by others, including Lodhi and a Canberra man known by the alias Abu Jihad.

Hicks, who joined the group in early 2000, told friends and family in letters that he had attended terrorist training at LET's Mosqua Aqsa camp in Pakistan.

He spent about 16 weeks with LET before the organisation helped him to travel to Afghanistan and attend a series of al-Qa'ida training camps prior to joining the battle against the Northern Alliance and, later, coalition forces.

Medical student Izhar ul-Haque was recruited by Lodhi and encouraged to join an LET camp, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. But he was shocked by what he saw and soon changed his mind, returning to Australia and his medical studies.

In 2004 he was charged with training with a terrorist organisation. Last year the charges against him were dropped. He then completed his medical degree.

Melbourne taxi driver Jack Thomas, who has been cleared of terrorism charges, stayed in guest-houses run by LET as did former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib, who has also never been charged with any terrorism offence.

In his book My Story -- The Tale of a Terrorist Who Wasn't, Mr Habib tells how he first met Hicks at an LET guesthouse.

Mir was accused of planning Brigitte's Australian mission to carry out bomb attacks on key Australian targets. Brigitte was deported from Australia to France in 2003 and convicted last year on terrorism charges. Experts such as Professor Gunaratna have warned that LET is posing an increasing threat as it evolves and becomes more like al-Qa'ida.

You should have supported the Indians, people of same race instead of usual backstabbing. Sadly, you continue to drive pleasure while getting thrashed by BNP on home turf.
Yes there are illegal Chinese immigrants, but no where in the numbers of Illegal Indian Immigrants (I3). Also the Chinese Immigrants who are more educated, skilled and hard-working tend to contribute more to the host nation, and demand much less in return.

There are illegal American immigrants to other "3rd" world nations (e.g. hippies, drug dealers, sex-tourists, etc).

The host nation can only tolerate a certain amount of Illegals before it has a severe adverse effect on the local society. :angel:

US arrests four 'Chinese spies'
Space shuttle
Details about the space shuttle may have been passed on to China
Four people have been arrested in the United States for allegedly passing secret defence information to China.

A 72-year-old former Boeing engineer is accused of giving China details about the space shuttle and other aerospace programmes.

In a separate case, two men and a woman are accused of handing over US defence department documents about Taiwan.

A US justice department spokesman said the cases represented serious breaches of national security.

Spying charges

Chinese-born Dongfan "Greg" Chung, 72, of California, faces charges including eight counts of economic espionage, conspiracy, and making false statements to FBI investigators.

The US justice department said Mr Chung, a naturalised US citizen, worked in the aerospace industry for about 30 years - mostly at Rockwell International and Boeing on the space shuttle programme.

It added that he retired in 2002 but was working for Boeing as a contractor until 2006.

The charges claim he took Boeing trade secrets relating to the space shuttle, the C-17 military transport aircraft and the Delta IV rocket for the benefit of China.

He is also said to have sent China 24 secret manuals relating to the B-1 Bomber.

Mr Chung received instructions from Chinese officials from as early as 1979, prosecutors said.

In a letter he sent back to China, he is reported to have expressed "a desire to contribute to the Motherland", US Attorney Tom O'Brien told reporters.

Mr Chung is thought to have had links to Chinese-born engineer Chi Mak, who was found guilty of conspiring to export sensitive defence technology from the US to China last year, the justice department said.

If convicted, Mr Chung faces about 100 years in prison.

Taiwan focus

In a separate case, a defence department employee and two others are accused of passing US government documents and information to China. The three suspects are Tai Shen Kuo, 58; Yu Xin Kang, 33; and Gregg William Bergersen, 51.

Mr Bergersen, a weapons systems policy analyst for an agency within the defence department, was charged with conspiracy to disclose national defence information "to persons not entitled to receive it".

Tai Shen Kuo and Yu Xin Kang are charged "with conspiracy to disclose national defence information to a foreign government".

Mr Kuo has Taiwanese and US passports and is alleged to have cultivated a relationship with Mr Bergersen to get information including details of potential sales of US military goods to Taiwan, according to court documents.

Ms Kang, a Chinese national living in the US, ferried information between Mr Kuo and Chinese officials, prosecutors said.

Different styles

Mr Kuo and Ms Kang each face up to life in prison if convicted. Mr Bergersen faces up to 10 years in prison.

Assistant Attorney General for National Security Kenneth Wainstein said the cases represented different styles of espionage, but both with the same objective.

"Certain foreign governments are committed to obtaining the American trade secrets that can advance the development of their military capabilities," he said.

"Today's case demonstrates that the justice department is equally committed to foiling those efforts through the arrest and prosecution of those who conduct economic espionage at the expense of our economic and national security."

Now who has audacity to riots in Alien land? This is not the first time nor will be the last that your CCP 50 cent propaganda is stripped naked in public but there is a saying that goes with glasses and stones.

Reg illegal immigrants, i would require source and numbers.
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You should have supported the Indians, people of same race instead of usual backstabbing. Sadly, you continue to drive pleasure while getting thrashed by BNP on home turf.

What race are you? an indian as usual hiding behind the UN flag claiming some other ethnicity so people can listen to his propaganda against Pakistan and China.

Read on Pakistan-India relations then read on Pakistan-China relations, Pakistanis didnt backstab anyone. Indians were always our enemy from day one. China is our best friend for more than half a century. China has helped Pakistan, our country, a lot. You can not compare our relations with China to such a hostile neighbour like india who we fought 3 full scale wars against.

Such people like you dont deserve to be in a PAKISTAN Defence Forum.
Now who has audacity to riots in Alien land? This is not the first time nor will be the last that your CCP 50 cent propaganda is stripped naked in public but there is a saying that goes with glasses and stones.

Reg illegal immigrants, i would require source and numbers.

So what? At least they go to italy, not india.:rofl: There are many indian in north india immigrants to china iilegally. Are you trying to demonstrate indian wanna immigrants to anyother country except living in india??
So what? At least they go to italy, not india.:rofl: There are many indian in north india immigrants to china iilegally. Are you trying to demonstrate indian wanna immigrants to anyother country except living in india??

I aint got whole day to stuff your high IQ brain with facts. Doesn't CCP tells you to back your blabbering with proof or you are the usual gullible dancing on tune of commie lullaby ?

Net migration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Net migration rate is the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time, divided (usually) per 1,000 inhabitants (considered on midterm population). A positive value represents more people entering the country than leaving it, while a negative value mean more people leaving than entering it.

List of countries by net migration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India = -0.05

Pakistan = -0.48

China = -0.39

Do the math yourself. That overinflated CCP dragon of yours will shrink now as it releases breeze of jingoistic fart.
Read on Pakistan-India relations then read on Pakistan-China relations, Pakistanis didnt backstab anyone. Indians were always our enemy from day one. China is our best friend for more than half a century. China has helped Pakistan, our country, a lot. You can not compare our relations with China to such a hostile neighbour like india who we fought 3 full scale wars against.

Such people like you dont deserve to be in a PAKISTAN Defence Forum.

Seems like you missed the content of the post and went to tangential rant. Read the post again, in slow this time.

Recommend using google translator

Google Translate
I aint got whole day to stuff your high IQ brain with facts. Doesn't CCP tells you to back your blabbering with proof or you are the usual gullible dancing on tune of commie lullaby ?

Net migration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by net migration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India = -0.05

Pakistan = -0.48

China = -0.39

Do the math yourself. That overinflated CCP dragon of yours will shrink now as it releases breeze of jingoistic fart.

:rofl::rofl:So what? migration rate? what are you talking about?
My point is many indian living in north india immigrants to china illegally bcoz they dont wanna suffer starving.:lol: And I have never heared chinese wanna go to india.:D By the way, your immigrants rate is low bcoz most of indian cannt even pay a tickets.:D
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