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China vows to build ‘fully modern army’ by 2027 on par with US army as Beijing policy meeting ends on defiant note

On par doesn't mean having to be as modern in every equipment,but at least to the point that whatever weapon US can build, China can build them too.

China will have even better weapon than Muricans can build. With longer reach, and with more bang, and a lot more than Muricans.

In fact, China weapons now are better than any of the Muricans. With longer reach, and with more bang, and a lot more than Muricans.



China got 3000+++ Mach 3+ YJ12s YJ18s good enough to burn USA 100,000 ton carriers from end to end , not to talk about taking out USA Burkes and Ticos.

And a whole hosts of other smaller YJs numbered in thousands.

And CM401s


And CM401 big brothers DF21Ds and DF26Bs

Chinese tube artillery amd MRLS systems got longer reach and bigger bangs than those of Muricans.

And of even greater importance, China got a lot lot more of those than Muricans

USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in tube artillery or rocket artillery.

**Chinese tube artillery**

Top 10 Self-Propelled Howitzers

Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.

PLZ-52 is capable of firing a full range of Chinese 155 mm munitions. Range of a standard High-Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG) projectile is around 30 km and around 40 km of extended-range projectile. Maximum range of fire is 53 km with rocket-assisted projectile. It has been reported that China developed a GPS-guided 155 mm projectile. It was claimed that this projectile has a whooping maximum range of 100 km and accuracy of 40 m.

Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen

Rate of fire

Maximum:8–10 rounds/min
Sustained: 2 rounds/min

Look at the M109 below

Rate of fire

Maximum: 4 rpm/3 min.
Sustained: 1 rpm

Effective firing range

Conventional: 18 km (11 mi)
: 30 km (19 mi)

M109 totally outmatched by the PLZ-45.

It is not a wonder why even Saudi Arabia bought PLZ-45 despite they being a captive client country of USA and yet refused and rejected USA arty despite the obvious massive arm twisting of USA on Saudi Arabia.




**Rocket Artillery **

Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.

Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems

The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet

Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System

. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).

The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.

**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**

China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System

Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.

Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.

The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.




And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait

  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China’s
National Day parade
on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.
A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name – the Type PCL191 – saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.
Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.


Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.
We have to thank the Russians. Our recent massive boom in our military and potential was accomplished with a lot of behind the scenes russian involvement. No wonder how military and equipment are now world standards.
China vows to build ‘fully modern army’ by 2027 on par with US army as Beijing policy meeting ends on defiant note
  • The four-day plenum in Beijing wraps up with a statement that says it has entered a period of ‘strategic opportunity’ for development
  • Plans for next 15 years highlight key role for technological development and importance of boosting domestic markets

Josephine Ma and William Zheng
Published: 10:59pm, 29 Oct, 2020

A key policy meeting concluded on Thursday with a statement that China would not let external pressures sway it from becoming a great power.

It also set a new goal to turn the People‘s Liberation Army (PLA) into a modern military force by 2027, by which time, analysts say, China aims to build an army on par with that of the US.

The four-day plenum at Beijing’s Jingxi Hotel concluded with a televised ceremony at which the 360-plus attendees did not wear masks – a sign of confidence that the country has tamed Covid-19.

The communique issued after the ceremony said China must seize the opportunity presented by the current global upheaval to be in the front row of great powers.

The confident statement came just days before a messy and chaotic US presidential election approaching its final stage.

While highlighting the international uncertainties and risks, the communique said China would be “steady in terms of our strategies and we will focus on getting our work done”.

The plenum has been under close scrutiny as observers watch for signs about how the pandemic and the rising pressure from the West might affect Xi Jinping’s leadership as the Communist Party puts together road maps for the country’s medium and long-term development.

Two blueprints were discussed during the meeting, the 14th five-year plan and the development goals for 2035.

Among the development goals, the communique said, is the construction of a fully modern army by 2027, which marks the centennial of the founding of the PLA.

Hong Kong military analyst Song Zhongping said the new centennial goal can be interpreted as “putting the PLA as a leading modern force in the world, one that can be on par with the US army”.

Junfei Wu, deputy head of Hong Kong think tank Tianda Institute said this is the first time the Chinese leaders have included the military in such development goals. He said the goal was primarily targeted at Taiwan.

“Basically, the target is to build PLA’s capability to match the US army by 2027, so It can effectively deter interference by the US army around the Taiwan Strait.”
Xi has set two centennial goals before, to turn China into a “moderately prosperous society in all aspects” by 2021 which is the centennial of the founding of the party, and to turn China into a ”modern socialist country” by 2049, which is the centennial of the founding of the PRC.

Julian Gewirtz, a senior fellow for China studies at the Council for Foreign Relation, said the inclusion of these longer-term goals was significant, “though it is hard to say it means Xi will definitely rule until then”.

“It‘s important to note that this plenum isn’t just discussing the next five-year plan,” he continued. “It’s also building out the vision for 2035, spanning greater technological self-reliance and other goals for economic and social development.

Why 2035? The easy answer is that it’s the halfway point between the ‘two centenary goals’ of 2021 and 2049.
“Whether or not Xi rules until 2035, this provides a medium-term frame for the actions under way, especially since the next several years will likely remain very challenging for China.”

The communique said China has made “remarkable achievements in curbing the pandemic” and made positive progress in its diplomacy, adding that these could only have been achieved under the “helmsmanship” of Xi.

The plenum acknowledged growing international uncertainty but it said China has entered into a period of “strategic opportunity” for its development.

It also said China aimed to become a “great nation” by 2035 on multiple fronts including technology, manufacturing quality, internet, digital technology, transportation, sports, health, culture and education.

It highlights technological innovation as the key driver for China’s development for the next decade.

“By 2035, the economic and technological prowess and the comprehensive strength of the country will have taken a major leap forward … there will be major breakthroughs in core technologies and [China] will become a leader among innovative countries,” it said.

“We should insist on the core status of technological innovation in our overall plan of modernisation, and make technological self-reliance the strategic pillar for our national development.”

There was no mention of “made in China 2025”, an ambitious project to turn China an innovative and industrial power, which the United States used to argue it should restrict hi-tech exports, including computer chips.

But the communique said the country would accelerate the pace of building up its modern industries and of turning the country into an industrial, online and digital power.

It also stressed the need for self-reliance and prioritised growth in its domestic markets.

“We have to form a strong and big domestic market … and accelerate the pace to nourish domestic demand.”

China has been pushing a so-called “dual circulation” strategy of developing domestic markets while remaining open to foreign trade and investment to build an internal economic ecosystem less prone to external sanctions and turbulence.

The plenum also said it was important to ensure the security of the economy and society.

Gewirtz said: “China’s leaders now believe that China has one important new advantage ... it has contained Covid-19 and its economy is growing again, making it harder for firms looking for opportunity amid a global economic crisis to walk away….Of course, we should question that official optimism, which seems to put too rosy a cast on a profoundly challenging situation.”

Mainland analysts said the communique was a consensus document that aimed to address the concerns of policy makers from different sectors.

Xie Maosong, a political analyst at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said Beijing had learnt from the rivalry with Beijing and the communique aimed to give a comprehensive view on areas where China needed to catch up.

“China has a deep understanding of its shortfalls in technology, economics and the standard of living that could be targeted by the US... it is only when the shortfalls are met that China can be impeccable.”

He said China would pay extra attention to digital technology in the future as it has played a key role in controlling the pandemic.

Ma Xiao, assistant professor of political science at Peking University, said the party statement did not contain anything controversial, adding: “You can see the interests of all government departments have been taken care of in the communique.”

Gu Su, a professor of philosophy and law at Nanjing University, said the moderate tone and the comprehensiveness of the communique showed that it is a consensus document while at the same time wanting to avoid further tension with the US.

“If you read between the lines, the tone of the [veiled references to the US] are low key and firm,” Gu said.

I don't believe that would be a realistic goal, but then again, China has performed many miracles (especially within the economic field) before, we will wait and see.
China Set to Turn Its Army Into World's 'Leading Modern Force' by 2027

13:47 GMT 31.10.2020
by Oleg Burunov


Late last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more efforts to continue modernising the country's army, which he stressed is key to China's national rejuvenation.

Beijing has announced a new goal of turning the People's Liberation Army (PLA) into a full-fledged modern military force by 2027, a decision that was taken at the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee plenum earlier this week.

The plenum said in a communique that the planned deadline coincides with the centennial of the founding of the PLA, and its further modernisation will be in sync with the strengthening of China's defence capabilities and economic growth.
The newspaper South China Morning Post (SCMP) cited Hong Kong military analyst Song Zhongping as saying that the PLA-related goal could be seen as something that aims to turn the Chinese military into "a leading modern force in the world, one that can be on par with the US Army".
He was echoed by Junfei Wu, deputy head of the Hong Kong think tank Tianda Institute, who was quoted by the SCMP as claiming that "basically, the target is to build the PLA's capability to match the US Army by 2027, so it can effectively deter interference by the US Army around the Taiwan Strait".

Officially, the US follows the One-China policy, which does not recognise Taiwan as an independent entity, but Washington has trade and business ties with the island and supplies weapons to it. Beijing, for its part, sees Taiwan as a Chinese territory that will eventually have to reunify with mainland China.

The plenum communique came after Chinese President Xi Jinping said late last week that a stronger military could play a significant role in providing "strategic support" for China's national modernisation programme.
The remarks followed the state-run news agency Xinhua reporting early last year that the PLA had completed a major part of its internal restructuring, drastically slashing its manpower as part of a strategic shift into a modern world-class force.

According to Xinhua, the goal of the restructuring was for the military force to become more efficient and flexible in the air, space, and cyberspace.

Plans to reduce the army component to approximately 50 percent of its former size were announced in the official newspaper of the Chinese military, PLA Daily, in late 2017.

At the time, the news outlet reported that the military would aim to increase personnel in the PLA Navy and PLA Rocket Force as part of the restructuring. Before that, Cinese President Xi Jinping announced a 300,000-person drawdown in the size of his country’s army.

China vows
Analyst said

lol can we introduce some rules and/or fields in the post form to prefix/tag the publisher/source link so we dont always have to waste our time scrolling down the entire article to the source to avoid hyperbolic spins from American/Hong Kong papers where you have to read several paragraphs or sometimes even to the end of the article only to figure out the entire report is fake, incorrect or hyperbolic paraphrasing that has nothing to do with reality.
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Basically the ocean-going fleet. China’s foreign policy has changed, and it will pursue a more active foreign policy and strengthen the authority of the United Nations.In order to prevent wars among regional powers, China must have strong overseas military projections. Regional powers are similar to Turkey, Iran, India, Brazil, etc.
China needs alliances in different regions that can match the USA's Alliances. the combined might of NATO, Japan, ROK, Australia, NZ & Taiwan is greater then China, Russia & NK combined. hence why you see Putin trying his best to break NATO up.

as far as equipment the need to match the USA
1. they to need upgrade and greatly expand their Aerial Refueling. the USA has over 740 Aerial Refueling planes. this is a huge asset.

2. Heavy & Medium Transport planes. just like Aerial refueling. China needs to greatly expand. the USA has over 550 planes.

3. pre position equipment. the USA has prepo equipment around the world. China needs these.
A. 2 APS Sets in Korea = enough equipment for 1 Deployed ABCT and can rapid fly in personnel for another
B. 1 MEB in Guam on ships = can fly in 1 Marine Regiment, 1 Marine Air Group, 1 Field Artillery BN and support units
C. 1 MEB in Hawaii= see above
D. 1 MEB on ships at Diego Garica = see above
E. 1 APS heavy & Light in Kuwait. allows the USA to fly in 1 ABCT & 1 IBCT personnel for rapid deployment.
F. 1 APS in Germany soon to be poland. allows for Personnel for 1 ABCT to fly in.
G. 1 MEU Set in Norway.

4. Forward station forces. allows for USA forces to be almost any were. also are a set up to allow the USA or even it allies to fight against a hostile foe. example it is impossible for China to attack the US 7th Fleet, MEF 3 or 5th AF without dragging Japan into the conflict because a strike on any of these assets will kill Japanese military and civilians. and vice verses. China can't fire on Japan without killing USA soldiers. same is true in ROK, Australia in the pacific. this would make politically easy to go to war with China for any of these nations. while stacking the deck against China. China need to create these type of alliances and station soldiers like this.

it not always equipment and training for your own forces that is the key. it also about allainces, terrain, industry & the stuff i listed above. China needs to either break up the USA key alliances and forward bases or match them.
China need to build many Type 055 cruisers, Type 095 SSNs, Type 096 SSBNs, Type 003/004 aircraft carriers, H-20 stealth bombers, J-20 stealth fighters.

China should also increase the nuclear arsenal and remove the no-first-use nuclear policy. This defensive policy is outdated and it just invites foreign aggression.

Hopefully current tensions with the US will lead to a significant increase in the military budget and increased production of weapons. China now has the money and should increase military spending to 4% of GDP (~$600 billion per year).

not only it’s own equipment, but building up the capabilities of its strategic partners near its strategic rivals.

Israel gets ~$3+ Billion in military and economic aid from the US annually. It has used that money to buy American equipment, based on its needs, and has shaped the Mideast to the point that after decades of hostility, most Mideast countries have come around to de facto accept and do business with Israel, as well as not challenge US interests.

If China were to extend a few billion dollars every year to its strategic partners, such as Pakistan, then it would help those countries contain strategic threats to China (such as India).

The most advanced Chinese equipment in other countries also allows China to exercise with that equipment overseas. For example, if the China gave a Few Type 052DL destroyers to Pakistan, it would have “sensor nodes” that could data share with Chinese C4ISR and build up threat libraries.

One squadron of J-10s (~$1 Billion) to the PAF each year for 10 years would create a paradigm shift between India and Pakistan and bog down the IAF from bothering China. Another $1 Billion per year on warships for the PN would do the same for the Indian navy and decrease their ability to interfere in the South China Sea. A further $1 Billion for the Pakistan Army would allow them to buy the MRAPs and Helicopters to guard CPEC, as well as buy the VT-4 tanks to rebuild the tank force within a decade. Pakistan would also stop spending as much money on western systems and be spending more of its own money to maintain these systems aided to it from China. So, the money would come back to China in long term maintenance contracts and some license production.

$3 billion a year for the next 10-15 years in Chinese made equipment would be a drop in the bucket for China, but a game changer when it comes to containing India.
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The world should have atleast one Sane country with money to spend on Technology, science, development, New technologies etc. Not spend $750+ billion on military. If china believe it have uplifted it's population from poverty and misery, then it should go ahead and help its immediate neighbours and allies in achieving the same. Even if it means a like of Marshall plan.

If China achieve a level (for example forth generation) in technologies, it should make sure it's neighbors got third generation atleast. If it moves ahead and reach to level five, help your neighbours reach level four atleast. This way you create a block of loyal allies against the US

Very noble thoughts brother. Cannot be faulted.

Except there is a slight issue of history.

China is facing vultures, who for last 2000 years and especially for last 400/500 years, running the roosts.
They made colonies, filled ships with slaves and set sails to the "New World". New World they wrestle away from the existing natives. Who after winning the WW II set up another organisation and umbrella entities through which they can control the world.

For last 20 years, the world is ruled by one "Super Power". During this period numerous wars had happened, smaller countries destroyed and bullied.

Despite "China's military rise" in recent years, the ailing "Super Power" tries to orders her around.
Imagine what the world would be looking in coming decades, if "China's Phoenix" has not risen!

China is doing right, and at the right time, if it has done it too early, when it wasn't the economic powerhouse it is, it would have ended up in a massive failure.

Now the stage has come when the "old Vultures" are already worried and issuing naked threats to China.
If China doesn't stand up militarily, it would be history. Make no mistakes, it would be made an example to the other countries in the world, telling them who are the bosses of the world and only thing others need to do is to toe the line.

Thank God for China.

India should remember, it is nothing especial. IF it thinks that after China's fall, a task given to the midgets by the masters, it would be India's turn to rise. It should learn the lessons from current situation, what is happening against China.

India would meet even a worse fate. It should remember, it was once a colony for over a 1000 years. It wouldn't take much for it to become one once again.
not only it’s own equipment, but building up the capabilities of its strategic partners near its strategic rivals.

Israel gets ~$3+ Billion in military and economic aid from the US annually. It has used that money to buy American equipment, based on its needs, and has shaped the Mideast to the point that after decades of hostility, most Mideast countries have come around to de facto accept and do business with Israel, as well as not challenge US interests.

If China were to extend a few billion dollars every year to its strategic partners, such as Pakistan, then it would help those countries contain strategic threats to China (such as India).

The most advanced Chinese equipment in other countries also allows China to exercise with that equipment overseas. For example, if the China gave a Few Type 052DL destroyers to Pakistan, it would have “sensor nodes” that could data share with Chinese C4ISR and build up threat libraries.

One squadron of J-10s (~$1 Billion) to the PAF each year for 10 years would create a paradigm shift between India and Pakistan and bog down the IAF from bothering China. Another $1 Billion per year on warships for the PN would do the same for the Indian navy and decrease their ability to interfere in the South China Sea. A further $1 Billion for the Pakistan Army would allow them to buy the MRAPs and Helicopters to guard CPEC, as well as buy the VT-4 tanks to rebuild the tank force within a decade. Pakistan would also stop spending as much money on western systems and be spending more of its own money to maintain these systems aided to it from China. So, the money would come back to China in long term maintenance contracts and some license production.

$3 billion a year for the next 10-15 years in Chinese made equipment would be a drop in the bucket for China, but a game changer when it comes to containing India.

Let China come with such offer. Don't "recommend" such things. We are friends and we should remain so. One party favouring the other over a long time damages The relation and turn it to master slave relation. If we can afford a military and navy of this scale, we will buy, if we can not, we will try to survive till the time where we can afford to pay for such high end items.
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