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China & Vietnam need to enhance cooperation: China

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China & Vietnam need to enhance cooperation: China

China & Vietnam need to strengthen unity and cooperation and deepen their traditional friendship, Li Jinai, a senior Chinese military officer, said in Beijing Tuesday.

Li, a member of the Central Committee Military Commission, made the remarks while receiving a high-level Vietnamese military delegation headed by the country's naval political commissar, Tran Thanh Huyen.

Li said the friendship between China and Vietnam is solid and has withstood the test of time.

The China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation is developing soundly while cooperation in various sectors is fruitful, he added.

He also said cooperation and exchange between the two sides'armed forces have achieved good results.

Advancing bilateral ties is in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples, as well as being conducive to peace, stability and development in the region, he said.

Tran said Vietnam attaches great importance to bilateral friendship with China.

Vietnam has made the development of links between the two countries and their military forces a priority, he said.

Vietnam hopes to enhance bilateral cooperation and exchange with China in all fields, he added.

China Military Online English Edition
This is only way to live in peace. China should back off South China Sea. Do bussines, not for war!
Funny, I was about to say the same thing about Vietnam.

China back off from South China Sea that for the goods of China, otherwise China will got beat. Hunt become hunted, I think you agree with me about this.
China back off from South China Sea that for the goods of China, otherwise China will got beat. Hunt become hunted, I think you agree with me about this.
Last time I checked, your sailors became fish food when we boot you off from our islands, a whole boat load of them. You did nothing.

Johnson South Reef Skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's in your best interest to stop stealing, and I think you will agree. Of course, if you want to be fish food, we can always grant you the wish.
The problem is that many Vietnamese ultra racists have a deep hatred of China. I do not know if this is real racism, or simply a lack of manners. There is no valid reason for Vietnamese to racially hate China, but they do, and ironically, look up to the butcherers in Washingtons who gassed, raped and killed 3 million Vietnamese.
The problem is that many Vietnamese ultra racists have a deep hatred of China. I do not know if this is real racism, or simply a lack of manners. There is no valid reason for Vietnamese to racially hate China, but they do, and ironically, look up to the butcherers in Washingtons who gassed, raped and killed 3 million Vietnamese.

What did China 1979 in Northern Provinces of Vietnam ? The photos of dirty face of China are available on PDF.
The same thing for China with ultra racists and hatred too. China and the US also had bloody war over the N.Korea but now Chinese still go well with American, the same for Vietnamese and American. Furthermore, most of those racist Vietnamese you see were somehow relating to the overseas Vietnamese.

It used to be gradually getting well for Sino-Vietnam relationship after bilateral relation normalization in 1991. But in recent years, due to the rapid deployment of Chinese steel firms have caused long-time power outage, then was a project for extracting bauxite in the Vietnam Central Highland, finally was the South China Sea that spoil everything.

For the very first times the South China Sea issue broke out, Vietnam tried a bilateral approach but China at that time paid little attention cause it had enough with its messy domestic issues.
That unsuccessfully bilateral approach drives the Vietnamese closer to the ASEAN and try a multilateral approach, to internationalize the issue. It made China mad and feel as they were betrayed, then Chinese take assertive and strong action.
Once again that made the Vietnamese get closer with the ASEAN, then India and US.
Everything's just get worse and worse:lol:
A very welcoming news .... It's never late to sit around the table, have a sip of coffee and resolve the issues ....
The problem is that many Vietnamese ultra racists have a deep hatred of China. I do not know if this is real racism, or simply a lack of manners. There is no valid reason for Vietnamese to racially hate China, but they do, and ironically, look up to the butcherers in Washingtons who gassed, raped and killed 3 million Vietnamese.

Let me be clear to you about this:

1./ Vietnamese does not hate Chinese beside that they are get along so well. Chinese-Vietnamese live in Vietnam they got warm hug and best feeling surround by Vietnamese.

2./ Vietnamese peole realy hates war becuase its bring to Vietnam poor. Vietnamese people realy hate China goverment.

3./ War come and goes to Vietnam, so every single Vietnamese will not supprise and affraid if the war come to Vietnam again.

4./ China brought wars to us and made us tough to be toughest.

5./ Badly, Vietnam has a neighbor like China and its makes Vietnam never lives in peace.

6./ If peace did not well peacefull with China then Vietnam has to face it.
Vietnam looking to play pivotal role with both China and US
By Carlyle A. Thayer (Globaltimes.cn)
10:05, July 25, 2012


Illustration: Sun Ying

No analyst residing in a country that has gone to war with Vietnam can doubt Hanoi's commitment to maintaining its own independence. Vietnam has also learned from history that too much reliance on a major power can have negative consequences.

This historical backdrop is a necessary reminder to readers that Vietnam is not aligning with the US to oppose China. Since 1991 Vietnam has pursued a foreign policy to diversify and multilateralize its relations and become a reliable partner to all countries. This has been a success. Vietnam was the Asia's bloc unanimous choice as its representative for a seat on the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member and it has entered into strategic partnerships with Russia, Japan, India, China, South Korea, Spain, the UK, and Germany.

Vietnam seeks to be the pivot in relations with China and the US. In other words, Vietnam seeks to develop comprehensive ties with each and make each bilateral relationship important in its own right. As pivot, Vietnam wants China and the US to accept Vietnam as a reliable partner. Vietnam wants to shape its relations with both so it does not have to ally with one side against the other.

The US has announced a policy of rebalancing its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Some Chinese and regional analysts have concluded that the US is attempting to contain China. As part of its rebalancing policy, the US has sought to upgrade its defense relations with Vietnam. Vietnam has been receptive but only up to a point. For example, for the past three years Vietnam and the US have conducted joint naval activities, but these are not military exercises involving the exchange of combat skills.

The best way to view US-Vietnam defense relations is to compare them with China's defense relations with Vietnam. Vietnam exchanges high-level visits with both countries. Vietnam conducts strategic dialogues with both countries and recently raised the level to that of deputy defense minister with both countries. Vietnam permits all countries to make naval port visits, but restricts this to one visit a year, including the US. In 2010, for example, the USS John S. McCain destroyer visited the Da Nang Port, several months later one of China's most modern guided missile frigates also called in.

The US would like greater access to Vietnam. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made that clear during his recent visit to Cam Ranh Bay. But it is highly unlikely that US warships will visit that port soon. Vietnam has opened the commercial repair facilities at Cam Ranh to all navies. The US is the first to take up this offer by sending three military sealift command ships for minor repairs. These ships are logistic vessels, not warships, and are crewed by civilians.

Vietnam's 2009 white paper on national defense outlines its policy of maintaining independence. I have dubbed this policy "the three no's:"

no foreign bases on Vietnamese territory,
no military alliances,
and no use of a third country to oppose another country.

The US may want to increase navy access to Vietnam but Hanoi will resist a US naval presence to protect its independence.

In 2009, tensions rose in the South China Sea, Vietnam responded by signaling that they supported a US navy presence to counterbalance China. Vietnam demonstrated this in a symbolic way by flying out to US aircraft carriers to observe flight operations. In other words, Vietnam was playing the role of a pivot. It enhanced its cooperation with the US, but did not align with the US to confront China.

Finally, there is another reason why Vietnam will impose limits on its defense relations with the US. An editorial by the Global Times on July 11 captures this point nicely. It states, "Hanoi is counting on China to vindicate its political choices [following the path of China, realizing rapid development by taking the road of gradual reform], but also wants to counter China by leveraging US power." The commentary notes that Vietnam has to strike a balance between its external relations and domestic political forces.

There are many political leaders in Vietnam who fear that the US has the ultimate objective of regime change through peaceful evolution. Vietnamese leaders are not of one mind on this issue and Vietnam often pursues contradictory policies. For example, Vietnam lobbies the US to remove restrictions on arms sales while repressing bloggers at the same time even though the US has set human rights pre-conditions on arms sales.

In conclusion, the solution to Vietnam's dilemma, is not, as the Global Times' editorial advocates, "to coordinate with China to limit the US pivot to Asia," but to maintain Vietnam's independence by acting as the pivot between China and the US.
The article describes well the current foreign policy of Vietnam.
I really recommend this to all Chinese members.
Vietnam, Indonesia discuss East Sea issues

Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (R) shakes hand with his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa at the first meeting of the Vietnam-Indonesia Committee for Bilateral Cooperation in Hanoi July 25 (Photo: Vietnam News Agency)
Indonesia believes it can count on Vietnam as a strong partner to maintain the central role of ASEAN in East Sea issues, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said in Hanoi Wednesday.

Speaking at a news conference, he said Vietnam and Indonesia were the two countries that always spoke for peace and prosperity in the region.

Earlier the same day Natalegawa and his Vietnamese counterpart, Pham Binh Minh, held the first meeting of the Vietnam-Indonesia Committee for Bilateral Cooperation.

The two sides reviewed implementation of the Vietnam-Indonesia Action Program for 2012-15, especially in the areas of politics, security-defense, economics, trade and investment.

Minh said they had in-depth discussions about bilateral cooperation as well as cooperation among ASEAN countries and the central role of ASEAN in the region's issues.

The two ministers emphasized the need for peace, stability, maritime security, and safety in the East Sea, respect for international laws and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, full implementation of the Declaration on Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and advancing towards drawing up a Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea.
Minh said the two countries had agreed to soon set up a mechanism for joint patrol in adjacent waters and a communication channel.

He said ASEAN members have reached preliminary agreement on the components of the COC, and are waiting for China to indicate when it would sign it.
Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Vietnam, Indonesia discuss East Sea issues
I like to cooperate with Indonesia, not China

and cooperation with Russia, not China


Vietnam President Truong Tan Sang and his counterpart Vladimir Putin agreed to expand joint oil exploration and production in both countries
Vietnam and Russia aim to increase two-way trade between the two nations to $5 billion in 2015 and $10 billion in 2020, according to a statement posted on the Vietnamese government’s website Saturday.

Vietnam President Truong Tan Sang and his counterpart Vladimir Putin agreed to expand joint oil exploration and production in both countries, as well as in other countries in the future, the statement said.

The two nations will also expand military and defense cooperation as they enter into a deeper relationship, according to the statement.
Sang and a Vietnamese delegation met with Putin on a state visit in the Russian city of Sochi.

Vietnam will soon negotiate a free-trade agreement with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the statement said. Two-way trade Vietnam and Russia rose to $1 billion in the first five months of this year, an increase of 46 percent from a year earlier, it said
Thank but no thank ,we look down on vietnam ,we have no respect for thief nation like vietnam, we dont want anything to do with poor vietnam , just ask yourself this question when was the last time you see a millionair need or want to enhance cooperation with a beggar? :lol:
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