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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

Soon after meeting Blinken and Sullivan, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi will meet Larov.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit China from March 22 to 23, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced on Thursday.

During Lavrov's visit to China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with him on bilateral ties, the recent high-level exchanges, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, Zhao said.

Hailing the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia, Zhao said maintaining close exchanges between the two countries' foreign ministers is an integral component for promoting the bilateral relationship.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. "It is necessary for the two sides to further strengthen communication so as to lay the foundation for advancing bilateral ties this year," he said.

Zhao expressed hope that the visit will further consolidate the good momentum of the high-level development of the bilateral relationship and boost strategic coordination on international affairs.

Yang, meanwhile, warned the United States to back off and accused it of hypocrisy. He said the United States uses its financial and military might to bully other countries. He also said America had its own long history of human rights problems, alleging that Black people are being “slaughtered” in the United States.

I am pretty sure part of the defiant stance China took was to assure the Russians that the unity in their cause was not in doubt, especially since Biden just called Putin a "killer".
Yankees thought China will say nice words after the usual propaganda by the Yankees. What happened was China gave a firm response in no uncertain terms directly to their face in their own backyard in front of the world media. Yankees are stunned.


"From the Chinese side, we want to tell the US that it does not have the qualification to speak to China from a position of strength."

That was brutal!

"From the Chinese side, we want to tell the US that it does not have the qualification to speak to China from a position of strength."

That was brutal!
indeed, brings up a lot of bad memory since the first opium war, unfair treaties one after another from the west and jap, we are climbing back after a whole freaking 180 years.

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I am pretty sure part of the defiant stance China took was to assure the Russians that the unity in their cause was not in doubt, especially since Biden just called Putin a "killer".

Russia has the land. China has the men. Russia and China together is a big challenge for America which neither has the land nor the men.
USA is another idiot who keep rambling Muslims are very discriminated. I guess Muslims should kiss USA. No one love the welfare of Muslims so much.
Russia has the land. China has the men. Russia and China together is a big challenge for America which neither has the land nor the men.

Well, the US, Canada and Australia are pretty massive landmasses that are equal to the size of Russia and China. Plus the US has a massive alliance system that includes almost all of the world's most industrialized and wealthiest countries.

But in China's backyard, China far overpowers the US.
Well, the US, Canada and Australia are pretty massive landmasses that are equal to the size of Russia and China. Plus the US has a massive alliance system that includes almost all of the world's most industrialized and wealthiest countries.

But in China's backyard, China far overpowers the US.

Australia is irrelevant. Only Canada and the US are connected by road the way China and Russia are connected by road. Also, Canada does not get involved in foreign wars. The only country that will fight for America is probably Australia.
Yankees thought China will say nice words after the usual propaganda by the Yankees. What happened was China gave a firm response in no uncertain terms directly to their face in their own backyard in front of the world media. Yankees are stunned.

This coming just a day after Biden called Putin a soulless killer, and the North Koreans snubbed Biden. At least no one banged a shoe on the table.

On a serious note. In the decades since the Imperial Japanese were at war with America, has there been an Asian power that has spoken in such a self righteous manner to the US and had the might to back it up. Xi’s Wolf Warrior diplomats will first shock the American establishment, then anger them (I.e. how dare those .... talk to us like that), but then will come the focused effort to destroy Xi and the CCP no matter what costs. Make no mistake, Blinken’s don’t bet against us was a deadly serious warning. This will be the multigenerational struggle that is being ramped up.

The CCP has to be careful not to get overzealous and make the same mistake the imperial Japanese did.
The CCP has to be careful not to get overzealous and make the same mistake the imperial Japanese did.

Japan has 10% the population of China. Japan has far smaller area than China. Japan lacks China's ancient history and culture which dates to 2000 BC. While America can easily take down Japan, China is a whole different ball game.
This coming just a day after Biden called Putin a soulless killer, and the North Koreans snubbed Biden. At least no one banged a shoe on the table.

On a serious note. In the decades since the Imperial Japanese were at war with America, has there been an Asian power that has spoken in such a self righteous manner to the US and had the might to back it up. Xi’s Wolf Warrior diplomats will first shock the American establishment, then anger them (I.e. how dare those .... talk to us like that), but then will come the focused effort to destroy Xi and the CCP no matter what costs. Make no mistake, Blinken’s don’t bet against us was a deadly serious warning. This will be the multigenerational struggle that is being ramped up.

The CCP has to be careful not to get overzealous and make the same mistake the imperial Japanese did.

I think China understood that this will be a generational struggle over 3 years ago as the trade war was ramping up because the American demands were so extreme that they constituted no less than an expectation that China would surrender it's sovereignty to the US and forever relegate itself to an inferior position.

So there is no choice but conflict. That's why Xi kept invoking the Long March.
Japan has 10% the population of China. Japan has far smaller area than China. Japan lacks China's ancient history and culture which dates to 2000 BC. While America can easily take down Japan, China is a whole different ball game.

Not according to Xi. Full modernization as envisioned by Chairman Xi is expected at the earliest by 2027, the 100th anniversary of the party’s founding. With another two decades to achieving the status of a world class military; which probably means parity at all levels.

I think China understood that this will be a generational struggle over 3 years ago as the trade war was ramping up because the American demands were so extreme that they constituted no less than an expectation that China would surrender it's sovereignty to the US and forever relegate itself to an inferior position.

So there is no choice but conflict. That's why Xi kept invoking the Long March.

Not forever, but a little while longer, as Deng would have done. But it seems that in order to keep growing, China will have to be more bold as interests diverge between the two major powers; a Thucydides Trap.
This is some analysis about Biden strategy in relation to China

Not according to Xi. Full modernization as envisioned by Chairman Xi is expected at the earliest by 2027, the 100th anniversary of the party’s founding. With another two decades to achieving the status of a world class military; which probably means parity at all levels.

Not forever, but a little while longer, as Deng would have done. But it seems that in order to keep growing, China will have to be more bold as interests diverge between the two major powers; a Thucydides Trap.

That depends what you mean by parity. In many aspects China surpasses US in terms of military power. Cases in point. J-20 fighter jets. Type 055 destroyers. Type 095 submarines. US have no answer to them.
After watching the video, I have only one feeling.It's like a pervert who has been verbally harassing you for so long that today he pulled back his clothes and exposed his stuff.And then you find out that his dick is as immature as a 6 year old and has already shot.

Technically you, as the victim, should scream, but not generate any feelings of fear or humiliation.You might even want to laugh . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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