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China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

Chinese forum with nearly 10 threads on this incursion by India. Including long statement by their local commander.
Hehehe, the Chinese dont sound so confident now that hostilities have broken out.
Auto translation from Chinese, enjoy.

Those forums were just filled with Chinese people talking about how India seems to have no balls to fight. I have been reading those and other forums that are still not locked due to useless chat about how stupid Indians are.

Check this one out is still unlocked just useless talk.


The Chinese are hoping Ahsan start fighting. Opposite to what you say.
Interestingly indian side is saying nothing happened today, while chinese are crying something happened today, and want india to go back.
One Chinese thread got deleted mention 200 Indians killed already from last night. Fighting already with weapons but quite limited still not using anything other than guns. CCP locking those leaks of Indians being wiped out. About 30 IA captured already and this is from last night.
View attachment 665491

On Indian media.. looks like they ended up defending.. Just like they ended up unsuccessfuly dodging AMRAAMs.
That is about 29-30.
While chinese media keeps mentioning about what happened on monday that is today. While india just sits calm about today. Ball is in chinese court now that they are threatening escalation.
Interestingly indian side is saying nothing happened today, while chinese are crying something happened today, and want india to go back.

You are lying as usual. Where has Chinese told India to go back? CCP just said India violated agreement and attacked PLA. Nowhere it says India should go back lol. The position of fighting is still mystery to everyone in public. But the fighting is real.
Those forums were just filled with Chinese people talking about how India seems to have no balls to fight. I have been reading those and other forums that are still not locked due to useless chat about how stupid Indians are.

Check this one out is still unlocked just useless talk.


The Chinese are hoping Ahsan start fighting. Opposite to what you say.
You are a bot, not wasting time on you.
Interestingly indian side is saying nothing happened today, while chinese are crying something happened today, and want india to go back.

There are dozens of Indian articles saying something is happening and even your government says something is happening but present as it is under control of India LOL. So again seems like you are wrong. Show us just one article of Indian side saying nothing happened :crazy: why report nothing is happening LOL
Full statement of Western Theater Command spox:

'We solemnly request the Indian side to immediately withdraw its troops that crossed illegally, strictly control and restrain the front-line troops, earnestly abide by its commitments, and avoid further escalation of the situation'
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