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China, U.S.: China gets in trouble when it overreaches - los angeles times



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Mar 7, 2011
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China, U.S.: China gets in trouble when it overreaches - Los Angeles Times


i agree there r plenty silly chinese nationalist netizens, but they has nothing to do with china foreign policy. i personally believe US will still lead the way in my life time, in the coming 60 years.

Last year, when China broke off military-to-military talks following the Obama administration's long-expected sale of defensive arms to Taiwan, a high American official asked his Chinese counterpart why China reacted so strongly to something it had accepted in the past. The answer: "Because we were weak then and now we are strong."

how do the yankees define "something it had accepted in the past"???

Some analysts go further and argue that China's rise will result in a clash similar to that between a rising Germany and a hegemonic Britain that led to World War I a century ago.

we r not european, never ever put us with any european countries side by side, in this case, its germany. its would upset the german people, ¾«Æ·ÎÄÕª-Ç×ÀúµÂ¹úµçÊǪ́ϷŪÖйúÈË-ÖлªÍø²©¿Í chinese human right problems become laughing stock to the german audience :P
lately, toxic feed scandal in germany, german people believe chinese is responsible, only chinese would inferior enough to do that.
and after all we r east asian simply, why put us with the european countries side by side in the beginning.:undecided:

But many Chinese do not see the world this way. They believe that the recession of 2008 represented a shift in the balance of world power, and that China should be less deferential to a declining United States. This overconfident power assessment has contributed to a more assertive Chinese foreign policy in the last two years. The shift in perceptions seems to have emboldened the Chinese government, even though the judgment is wrong.

what is "more assertive Chinese foreign policy"??? to defend diaoyu islands??? well, we dont want the japanese have their existence in our continental shelf, thats the only reason why we insist our sovereignty over the islands. they have already annex a independent country Ryukyu in 70s, take away all island above taiwan, triple their waters square, and its not enough for them, and we use governance ships to defend diaoyu islands is part of "more assertive Chinese foreign policy" by the yankees standard???:undecided:

spratly islands, chinese vested interests, the islands always under chinese control, now chinese tiny neighbor claim them, any we become invader, doing "more assertive Chinese foreign policy"???:P
I believe what they are mainly referring to is China's claim over the South China Sea, and the startling bad diplomacy within Asia that was part of that point.
we cant reasoning U.S with history, they dont know what is history. we can only reasoning U.S with economy and military strength, this was how we dealt with Huns abd Turks`
I believe what they are mainly referring to is China's claim over the South China Sea, and the startling bad diplomacy within Asia that was part of that point.

China has been claiming South China Sea for decades now, that's not new at all. What was new was the U.S. has claimed some Chinese official told some American official that China now considers South China Sea to be a core interest. But China has never publicly commented on whether South China Sea is a core interest, and indeed there's no evidence showing any Chinese official has privately made that claim.

But Michael Swaine of Stanford University's Hoover Institute and a leading American expert on China says in a report closely analyzing the issue that he can find no evidence the U.S. officials were ever told by the Chinese that their claim to the South China Sea is a core interest.

China's neighbours in dark about 'core national interests'

So from what I've read, what happened last year was an initiative the U.S. started to rally other claimants of the South China Sea against China.
That's right. The US pokes and prods and when China is forced to make a move, the western media screams bloody murder. We don't need US power in Asia where all it does it cause mischief.

They need to stop interfering in other countries' affair--get out of Asia.
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