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China turns to propaganda to right image in virus ‘war’


Jun 19, 2014
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BEIJING (AP) — As the rest of the world grapples with a burgeoning virus outbreak, China’s ruling Communist Party has deployed its propaganda playbook to portray its leader as firmly in charge, leading an army of health workers in a “people’s war” against the disease.

The main evening news on state TV regularly shows President Xi Jinping and his underlings giving instructions on the outbreak or touring related facilities. Coverage then segues to doctors and nurses on the front lines, drawing on a tradition of upholding model workers and the importance of sacrifice on behalf of the people and the party.

For the Communist Party, the epidemic is both a risk and an opportunity. It seeks to avoid blame for any mishandling of the outbreak, notably a slow initial response that allowed the virus to take hold. Conversely, it seeks credit for overcoming the crisis, enhancing the legitimacy of its rule.

State media, a tightly controlled internet and mass mobilization campaigns have all been harnessed for the effort.

“Upbeat, if emotional, state messaging leaves the impression that self-sacrificing citizens, national unity, and enlightened leadership will inevitably triumph in China, as the fight against the virus shifts beyond the country’s borders,” said Ashley Esarey, a specialist on the Chinese media at the University of Alberta.

The tried and true formula appears to remain effective at promulgating the party’s version of events, though the rise of social media is an ever-present challenge. A growing minority has long questioned the party line, but even many of them accept it out of habit or a lack of alternatives.

Most passively embrace a narrative that is repeated over and over, said Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.

Li Desheng, a 22-year-old student who said news webcasts are his main source of information, commended the response of the party and the government, saying they had proven effective at stopping the spread of the virus.

“There is a Chinese idiom that says, ‘Point to a deer, call it a horse,’” the philosophy major said in an interview conducted via instant message. “If you say a deer is a horse, then that is a distortion of fact. When watching a news webcast ... at least at present, I think a deer is still called a deer, and a horse is called a horse, so I believe the report.”

It’s not just a matter of what’s shown, though — it’s also what’s omitted. State media trumpeted the throwing up of new medical facilities in a fortnight without reporting on the woes of people unable to find a hospital bed that necessitated the Herculean effort.

It touted crackdowns on wild animal markets and plans to shut them down, without questioning why they hadn’t been sufficiently regulated since SARS, a similar virus outbreak in 2002-03.

June Teufel Dreyer, a China expert at the University of Miami, said the party may have lost credibility with what she called “engaged public opinion,” but that it’s difficult to know what portion of China’s 1.4 billion people that represents.

Zhou Songyi, another 22-year-old student, said she doesn’t find any useful information on the epidemic from the official People’s Daily newspaper or state broadcaster CCTV, citing stories that, even if true, have a PR agenda rather than seeking to inform the public.

Social media has given her digital-savvy generation almost instant feedback on some state-media reports, though critical comments are often removed by the country’s internet censorship.

“The battle for truth-telling on the internet is another sign that people do not simply trust in the government,” said Elizabeth Economy, director of Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. She added, though, that the propaganda works on those who believe in the party and want to be comforted and persuaded.

The core of the approach is to stifle any criticism while providing positive role models and showing the party as China’s only real hope.

China has barred citizen journalists from popular social media platforms after they reported on overcrowded hospitals and other problems. Non-state media outlets such as the magazine Caixin have done some independent reporting but stopped short of criticizing the leadership.

“The medics are portrayed as heroes not because of their dedication as health professionals, but because they are party members,” said Anthony Saich, a China expert at Harvard University. He believes the crisis has damaged confidence in Xi’s leadership to a degree but won’t have a lasting impact.

Full Coverage: Virus Outbreak
The health workers form the basis of the people’s war, a term adopted early on by Xi. A recent CCTV evening news broadcast showed him visiting military health units. Everyone maintained a safe distance from each other, following the government-ordered protocol, their mouths and noses covered by protective masks.

“Wars invite people to cast aside their squabbles and dissent and to come together,” said David Bandurski of the China Media Project at the University of Hong Kong. “Wars make heroes — and heroes are the stuff propaganda thrives upon.”

Nationalist campaigns have worked before, channeling anger away from the party in the SARS outbreak, territorial disputes with Japan, last year’s Hong Kong protests and the ongoing trade war with the U.S.

This time, the official coverage of the virus may help blunt any lasting political damage to Xi and the party’s authority, even as the social and economic costs of the outbreak exact a rising toll. More than 3,000 people have died in China from the virus.

“The leadership has been very eager to write the happy ending to this story before anyone really knows what the world is dealing with,” Bandurski said.


The Chinese should issue an apology for putting the whole world and global economy at risk.
This is pure bull. This is some bizarre anti-China subjective rant that completely ignores evidence and reality.

You have no idea whatsoever of the lengths China is going to to mobilise its population and resources to fight this outbreak. It's literally locked down its entire country.

It has built textbook containment hospitals modelled on those used in Ebola endemic regions. Hospitals that already exist have been remodelled. China has deployed every available citizen in the health industry, reassigning volunteers from all over China to Wuhan in order to quell the spread of the virus. Moreover, it has placed non-medical workers into rapid training schemes to create an army of medical supply distributors, contact tracers, and support workers. China has taken theoretical idealistic counter-outbreak strategies that are only found in textbooks and actually tried its darndest to apply them. Their hospital layouts and available tech would put many western nations to shame. CT scanners are running 200-300 scans per day to hunt for virally damaged lungs in thousands of suspected cases before even waiting for the PCR results.

While waiting for the PCR results, the suspects remain isolated in secure hospitals or at home if asymptomatic.

Why can they do all this? Because their population obeys the instructions given to them without being influenced by personal greed/selfishness, religious dogma, superstition or foreign propaganda.

It's a war that western nations and pseudoliberal democracies could only dream of fighting.
another cheapshot from american. First of all is american media keep blaming China and demand China to compensate and apologise for the coronna virus for rest of the countries. After a month of research, we have strong evidence, this virus is an imported virus from other region than China.


The Chinese media now only come out to defend ourselves against all this kind of baseless accusation and share the strong measure effort China contribute to stop the spread of the virus around the world. The outcome very likely is China is the victim of some conspiracy from some imperialism nation bound to destroy rising nation aim to surpass them.
Well, whether they like it or not, all the mess worldwide is their responsibility only. And now there is talk of a recession with people losing their jobs and savings. All because they eat all the disgusting things! The image is not going to be rebuilt any time soon!
Well, whether they like it or not, all the mess worldwide is their responsibility only. And now there is talk of a recession with people losing their jobs and savings. All because they eat all the disgusting things! The image is not going to be rebuilt any time soon!
As I say, you are a victim of US conspiracy and propaganda. See how successful US propaganda war machine make ordinary people like you to easily believe the source is from wild animals in China region.

If you bother to read my previous link post, the genome sequence of the virus dont even make anything from the region of China region. This report is done exclusive by Japan and China scientist with the report publish openly for all others to verify. You think if all Chinese stop eating wild animal, this epidemic will not repeat? Very likely , it a conspiracy plant by others in China to start the epidemic. That is why I say, China is a victim itself.

Same epidemic can happen to Pakistan or UK if you are against some superpower.

Trump ‘not concerned’ as coronavirus cases rise in DC area


I am sure all the elite of American congress have already received vaccine for the corona virus since they are the creator. Mark my words, once the cases in US is really out of control or the death keep rising. US will declared they are the saviour of the corona virus with vaccine magically appear out of the thin air by their brilliant scientist.
another cheapshot from american. First of all is american media keep blaming China and demand China to compensate and apologise for the coronna virus for rest of the countries. After a month of research, we have strong evidence, this virus is an imported virus from other region than China.


The Chinese media now only come out to defend ourselves against all this kind of baseless accusation and share the strong measure effort China contribute to stop the spread of the virus around the world. The outcome very likely is China is the victim of some conspiracy from some imperialism nation bound to destroy rising nation aim to surpass them.
Even the virus is originated from China. China doesn't need to apologize too. It all started from ONE PERSON who contacted with some wild animal. Which country dare to say their people would never contact with wild animals? It's only matter of good luck that people in your country did not get infected.
Even the virus is originated from China. China doesn't need to apologize too. It all started from ONE PERSON who contacted with some wild animal. Which country dare to say their people would never contact with wild animals? It's only matter of good luck that people in your country did not get infected.
But two major virus outbreaks from China in a decades time ? Their are around 200 countries in the world, why china has been the source twice ? And frankly never seen something like this , the whole world seems to be shutting down.
The Chinese government should tone down the rhetoric, they convince no one and look foolish.
But two major virus outbreaks from China in a decades time ? Their are around 200 countries in the world, why china has been the source twice ? And frankly never seen something like this , the whole world seems to be shutting down.
The Chinese government should tone down the rhetoric, they convince no one and look foolish.
Sars is very similar to this coronavirus. So basically we can not say it is TWICE. It is like the same kind of virus comes back after 17 years evolution.
But two major virus outbreaks from China in a decades time ? Their are around 200 countries in the world, why china has been the source twice ? And frankly never seen something like this , the whole world seems to be shutting down.
The Chinese government should tone down the rhetoric, they convince no one and look foolish.

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus



Some are selective only to pick on China for outbreak while ignore data from others.

Even the study has concluded the current coronavirus is not originate from China region and very likely bring in from other region by coincident or deliberate factor.

Sars is very similar to this coronavirus. So basically we can not say it is TWICE. It is like the same kind of virus comes back after 17 years evolution.
First step to correction is acceptance. The chinese in the last few days are resorting to propaganda rather than cleaning house. Might occur again if root causes are not eliminated.
Sars is very similar to this coronavirus. So basically we can not say it is TWICE. It is like the same kind of virus comes back after 17 years evolution.

Earlier study has claimed even SARS do not originate from China region and util now, they still have not found the actual source of SARS. Even WHO conclusion can only make a wild guess...


SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) – virus identified in 2003. SARS-CoV is thought to be an animal virus from an as-yet-uncertain animal reservoir, perhaps bats, that spread to other animals (civet cats) and first infected humans in the Guangdong province of southern China in 2002.

First step to correction is acceptance. The chinese in the last few days are resorting to propaganda rather than cleaning house. Might occur again if root causes are not eliminated.
That is the problem. The root cause cannot be found. The story of virus coming from wild animal from China region is only guessing. A lot of study have carry out by worldwide scientist and they have yet to conclude how the virus jump start to human. The virus they found from wild animals compare to the virus pass onto human is only 96% to 99% which is not enough for it to result in human to human transmission.
First step to correction is acceptance. The chinese in the last few days are resorting to propaganda rather than cleaning house. Might occur again if root causes are not eliminated.
China just issued the most strict wild animal law. But as the real source of the virus is uncertain. I don't know it would work or not.
Its difficult to tell exactly how nations and people around the world are responding to China's attempts to absolve itself of any responsibility for this crisis. In particular the people of China itself, those who follow the government line are certainly being heard. But the censorship of dissenters means there is no balanced view coming out of China (or rather even less balanced than usual).

The fact that governments around the world ignored the WHO and the Chinese governments calls to lift China travel bans tells us something at least, but there are plenty of differing opinions on the matter. Will history remember China kindly in the aftermath of this event? I guess it depends on whose version of history we end up reading.
Its difficult to tell exactly how nations and people around the world are responding to China's attempts to absolve itself of any responsibility for this crisis. In particular the people of China itself, those who follow the government line are certainly being heard. But the censorship of dissenters means there is no balanced view coming out of China (or rather even less balanced than usual).

The fact that governments around the world ignored the WHO and the Chinese governments calls to lift China travel bans tells us something at least, but there are plenty of differing opinions on the matter. Will history remember China kindly in the aftermath of this event? I guess it depends on whose version of history we end up reading.

We owe nothing to the likes of you.
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