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China trusts Islamabad more than any other capital


Aug 9, 2010
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rasheed Khalid


Afghanistan provides Pakistan pivotal on which Pakistan can base its Russian, US and Indian policies, said Institute of Strategic Studies Director General Tanvir Ahmad Khan while addressing the 2-day workshop on ‘Great powers in South Asia: implications for Pakistan organised by Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, here on Monday.

Khan said that Russians are awakening and one cannot predict. Russia knows that nothing can be done in Afghanistan without Pakistan. Now Moscow can play Islamabad card, he said. He said that Russia will not do anything that annoys New Delhi. He said that Russians normalised their ties with US but faced difficulty in convincing Europeans to agree to a red line beyond which Nato should not go. He said that a huge military-industrial complex had merged in Russian Federation also. He said that 1971 Indo-Soviet Treaty neutralised China.

Former ambassador Ali Sarwar Naqvi said that potential of three million middle class in India and a powerful Indian lobby in US increases its influence on Washington. He quoted a strategist that US strategic policies in South Asia and oil-rich Middle East are linked with each other by a US success in the subcontinent. He said that Twin-Tower incident brought Pakistan into centre stage.

Zhou Rong, correspondent of Chinese Guang Ming Daily, said that Chinese relations with India are normal meaning not bad. He said that Pakistan paved the way for Sino-US relations and it was the country that suffered the burden of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. He said that Chinese people will never forget the role of Pakistan. He said that Sino-Pak relations are better than Beijing’s relations with any other country or region be it US, Japan, Europe, India or Russia.

He included Burma and Bangladesh also in the list saying Pakistan is the best friend of China in the world. He said we trust Islamabad more than any other capital. He said Indian policy is very important for China but India is not sincere whereas Pakistan is very sincere. He said China does not recognise hegemony of any country in South Asia.

Former foreign secretary Akram Zaki said that China is concerned over Indo-US nuclear deal. Chinese believe that unipolar world is no longer there after US entry into Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that China is taking interest in South and Southeast Asia.

Dr Rifaat Hussain, Chairperson of DSS Department, said that regional security in South Asia has become synonymous with global security because of implications. He said that except Israel, South Asia is the only region where all nuclear powers are interacting.

China trusts Islamabad more than any other capital
lol that might be the truth but with the current goverment notice that any dealing with the president will be told to by the PM and COAS soo china always plays it safe
Well it would have been nice if China had provided more than just USD $1million to help out Pakistan in this time of foods and displacements. If it really wants to help Pakistan, now is the time. The situation is heart wrenching and everyone should provide all the help they can give and China with its second biggest economy should have been in the top2 or 3 donors.
Well to be fair, the have given a lot of assistance over the years and have started a lot of projects in Pak.
Here is another interesting article in relation to China-Pakistan on Afghanistan.

India's Tripartite Plan for Afghanistan

Delhi is drawing closer to Iran and Russia in anticipation of a U.S. troop drawdown.


While the United States seeks to revamp its Afghanistan strategy, India, too, is reassessing its approach to the war-torn country. Its vision, a kind of regional "concert of powers" with Russia and Iran, would not only protect India's interests in Afghanistan in the short term but could help stabilize the country in the long term after U.S. troops leave.

New Delhi is concerned about the ramifications of that possible U.S. troop drawdown, announced by President Barack Obama last year. That decision accelerated the Afghan government's efforts to reconcile with the Taliban and America's hurry to hand over responsibility for running the country to the Hamid Karzai administration. India worries that Washington is moving too fast and leaving the door open for Pakistan to increase its influence in the country.

The latter is a real concern. The Pakistani military appears to have convinced Mr. Karzai that it holds the key to reconciliation with the Taliban. This is an easy argument to make, given Islamabad's intelligence services funded the Taliban in the group's early days. Foreign and local Indian media reported in June that Islamabad has facilitated meetings between Mr. Karzai and Taliban factional leader Sirajuddin Haqqani in Kabul. Both countries signed a series of pacts seeking enhanced political, strategic and trade cooperation last month.

In response, India is hedging its bets by drawing closer to Russia and Iran, both of which broadly share Delhi's antipathy toward the Taliban. Moscow in particular harbors no love for the Taliban, given its own experience in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and believes that an extremist-led Afghan government would pose significant risks not only to Russia's underbelly in Central Asia but to the larger South Asian region. Last week, Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao visited Moscow to discuss, among other things, ways the two countries could cooperate on Afghanistan.

Delhi is warming ties with Tehran, too, despite voting with the U.S. against Iran's nuclear program development last year. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali Fathollahi visited India for three days last week to discuss a wide range of issues, including coordinated efforts to stabilize Afghanistan. This was the second ministerial visit from Iran to India in less than a month and follows a July 9 meeting at which both countries discussed ways to expedite the development and expansion of the Chabahar port in Iran, which could facilitate India's trade with Afghanistan and Central Asia—and bypass Pakistan.

At the moment it's tough to discern what the details of this tripartite cooperation might look like. The overarching goal is to prevent the return of the Taliban to any position of influence in Afghanistan. India would of course welcome any initiative to inhibit the political legitimization of the Taliban and, by extension, Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan. One example is the Indian government's construction of the Zaranj Delaram road, which connects landlocked Afghanistan to Central Asia and Iran, reducing the country's dependence on Pakistan for trade.

India's vision shouldn't be surprising. The country has historically been allied with Iran and Russia, so in some respects Delhi is simply reverting to form. But since the Clinton administration, India has drawn closer to the U.S., both economically and militarily, as a response to the rise of China. Given the Obama administration's strained relationship with Russia and Iran, Delhi will have to proceed cautiously to avoid a rift with its U.S. partner.

This isn't an impossible mission. Even Washington must agree that in the long run, Afghanistan will be better off if all of its neighbors have a stake in the country's stability. When President Obama visits Delhi in November, India should present its roadmap for how it can contribute to this vision, either as a direct participant or as a bridge between the U.S., Russia and Iran.

For years, India pursued a "soft power" approach to Afghanistan that focused on economic aid and development. Its reinvigorated regional diplomacy shows how its role in the region is changing. Unlike in the past, India is a key power that needs to be involved, consulted and heard in discussions on Afghanistan. Washington should take note.

Ms. D'Souza is a visiting research fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore and an associate fellow at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi.

Well it would have been nice if China had provided more than just USD $1million to help out Pakistan in this time of foods and displacements. If it really wants to help Pakistan, now is the time. The situation is heart wrenching and everyone should provide all the help they can give and China with its second biggest economy should have been in the top2 or 3 donors.

China does not beleive in Aid , they are more inclined in helping others with investment and technological support. Which i think is more better for pakistan than Aid. Give the all the construction work to chinese for all the destroyed bridges and other infrastructure they will be really helpful.
Here is another interesting article in relation to China-Pakistan on Afghanistan.

India's Tripartite Plan for Afghanistan

Delhi is drawing closer to Iran and Russia in anticipation of a U.S. troop drawdown.


If India wants to survive has to stay away from the Afghanistan trap...no matter what...:woot::cheesy::coffee:
if the argument is aid given to Pakistan during harsh times (for charity work not the payments of wot) no one can beat USA its always been the largest contributer and always had helped a lot and i really mean a lot when ever Pakistani people faced natural disasters , but unfortunately we have become so needy and ungrateful that we would rather believe in conspiracy theories and bleed our heart for what USA does in other countries which have nothing to do with Pakistan .
i mean dont get me wrong China has been and will be Pakistan best friends and has stood by Pakistan in may rough times . but as of aid and other econimical help goes no country can beat what USA and its citizen has done for Pakistan . some examples are
1) always provide timely and heavy aid in times of natural disaster.
2) provided not just financial but logistic and man power support aswl even with the much hatred for its personal found in pakistan .
3) today in Pakistan the best paid and best security jobs are of American multinationals
4) is the biggest importer of Pakistani goods
5) USA is where the foreign settled Pakistanis are most well off and respected then any other country , yes even middle east .
........but still we would rather hate it because what it does in part of the world which even hate Pakistanis for there race colour or what ever reason .
china pakistan friendship timeline - Google Search

May 21, 1951 - On May 21, 1951, China and Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations opening a new era of friendly contacts and cooperation”. He described China – Pakistan relations as “a model of amity and cooperation. Sino-Pakistan friendship has brought tangible ...On May 21, 1951, China and Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations opening a new era of friendly contacts and cooperation”. He described China – Pakistan relations as “a model of amity and cooperation. Sino-Pakistan friendship has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples and contributed to safeguarding peace in the world and promoting common development of mankind'.
From Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Related web pages
www.mofa.gov.pk/press_releases/June06 ...
Nov 28, 1962 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, minister of industries said today that Pakistan's friendship with Red China is "unshakeable and unconditional" and that a non- aggression pact with Peking would not harm Pakistan's western ties. RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Nov. 27 UPD - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, ...
From Ties to West Safe - Related web pages
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune/access ...
Aug 10, 1971 - India and the Soviet Union today signed a 20 - year friendship treaty clearly intended to deter Pakistan from an attack on India. ... isolated by the policy of the other great powers-the United States and Communist China-in which some officials have even seen an anti,Indian conspiracy. ...
From Meant to Deter Pakistan; India and Soviet Sign a 20-Year ... - Related web pages
select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res ...
Jun 15, 2001 - Pakistan is an observer nation of the group founded on June 15, 2001 which consists of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The China-Pakistan friendship will grow ever more solid no matter how international or domestic ...Pakistan is an observer nation of the group founded on June 15, 2001 which consists of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The China-Pakistan friendship will grow ever more solid no matter how international or domestic situations of the two countries evolve, Hu said. The basis of the China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership, which features all-weather friendship and all-round cooperation, is the five principles of peaceful co ...
From Chinese president meets Pakistani leader on bilateral ties - Related web pages
Mar 24, 2003 - China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum ... find Xinhua News Agency articles. div id="be-doc-text"China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhua) -- China and ...
From China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum - Xinhua News Agency | … - Related web pages
China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum - Xinhua News Agency | HighBeam Research - FREE trial ...
Apr 19, 2004 - On April 19, 2004, a contest on Chinese bridge knowledge" is held in Pakistani Linguistics Institute in Islamabad. With the consolidation of the Sino-Pakistani traditional friendship and bilateral economic and trade and cultural exchanges, a Chinese learning ...On April 19, 2004, a contest on Chinese bridge knowledge" is held in Pakistani Linguistics Institute in Islamabad. With the consolidation of the Sino-Pakistani traditional friendship and bilateral economic and trade and cultural exchanges, a Chinese learning boom is arising in Pakistan. On April 20. 2004, China's Education Expo was held in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan. In recent years, more and more Pakistani students are expecting to study in China. Friendship ...
From 中国—巴基斯坦英 - Related web pages
books.google.com/books?id=SOE1iNz9jQAC&pg ...
Apr 3, 2005 - BEIJING (China): Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Sunday that he was looking forward to holdIng extensive talks with the Pakistani leadership in Islamabad, bringing their friendship and cooperation to a new height. In an exclusive interview with Beijing-based correspondent of ...
From … | Top Story: Chinese Premier vows to reinforce Sino-Pakistan friendship - Related web pages
Dec 12, 2006 - Troops from the Chinese People's Liberation Army are in Pakistan for joint anti- terrorism exercises with the Pakistani army. It's the first time that the Chinese army have gone to Pakistan to participate in joint exercises. The ten- day counter-terrorism maneuvers dubbed "Friendship ...
From CCTV International - Related web pages
CCTV International
Apr 11, 2008 - SANYA (Xinhua):China and Pakistan reiterated the all-weather friendship between the two countries and agreed to deepen the bilateral strategic partnership in talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf here Friday. Highly praising China-Pakistan ...
From The Hindu News Update Service - Related web pages
The Hindu News Update Service
Jun 25, 2010 - Beijing, Jun 25: The army of China and Pakistan will hold a joint anti-terror drill 'Friendship 2010' in Qingtongxia, of the northwest China from Jul 1-11, 2010. The information was provided by China's Ministry of National Defence on Thursday, Jun 24. 'Friendship 2010' drill will be ...
From China | Pakistan | Friendship 2010 | Anti Terror Drill - Oneindia News - Related web pages
news.oneindia.in/2010/06/25/pak-china-anti ...
china pakistan friendship timeline - Google Search

May 21, 1951 - On May 21, 1951, China and Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations opening a new era of friendly contacts and cooperation”. He described China – Pakistan relations as “a model of amity and cooperation. Sino-Pakistan friendship has brought tangible ...On May 21, 1951, China and Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations opening a new era of friendly contacts and cooperation”. He described China – Pakistan relations as “a model of amity and cooperation. Sino-Pakistan friendship has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples and contributed to safeguarding peace in the world and promoting common development of mankind'.
From Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Related web pages
www.mofa.gov.pk/press_releases/June06 ...
Nov 28, 1962 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, minister of industries said today that Pakistan's friendship with Red China is "unshakeable and unconditional" and that a non- aggression pact with Peking would not harm Pakistan's western ties. RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Nov. 27 UPD - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, ...
From Ties to West Safe - Related web pages
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune/access ...
Aug 10, 1971 - India and the Soviet Union today signed a 20 - year friendship treaty clearly intended to deter Pakistan from an attack on India. ... isolated by the policy of the other great powers-the United States and Communist China-in which some officials have even seen an anti,Indian conspiracy. ...
From Meant to Deter Pakistan; India and Soviet Sign a 20-Year ... - Related web pages
select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res ...
Jun 15, 2001 - Pakistan is an observer nation of the group founded on June 15, 2001 which consists of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The China-Pakistan friendship will grow ever more solid no matter how international or domestic ...Pakistan is an observer nation of the group founded on June 15, 2001 which consists of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The China-Pakistan friendship will grow ever more solid no matter how international or domestic situations of the two countries evolve, Hu said. The basis of the China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership, which features all-weather friendship and all-round cooperation, is the five principles of peaceful co ...
From Chinese president meets Pakistani leader on bilateral ties - Related web pages
Mar 24, 2003 - China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum ... find Xinhua News Agency articles. div id="be-doc-text"China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhua) -- China and ...
From China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum - Xinhua News Agency | … - Related web pages
China, Pakistan to establish friendship forum - Xinhua News Agency | HighBeam Research - FREE trial ...
Apr 19, 2004 - On April 19, 2004, a contest on Chinese bridge knowledge" is held in Pakistani Linguistics Institute in Islamabad. With the consolidation of the Sino-Pakistani traditional friendship and bilateral economic and trade and cultural exchanges, a Chinese learning ...On April 19, 2004, a contest on Chinese bridge knowledge" is held in Pakistani Linguistics Institute in Islamabad. With the consolidation of the Sino-Pakistani traditional friendship and bilateral economic and trade and cultural exchanges, a Chinese learning boom is arising in Pakistan. On April 20. 2004, China's Education Expo was held in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan. In recent years, more and more Pakistani students are expecting to study in China. Friendship ...
From 中国—巴基斯坦英 - Related web pages
books.google.com/books?id=SOE1iNz9jQAC&pg ...
Apr 3, 2005 - BEIJING (China): Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Sunday that he was looking forward to holdIng extensive talks with the Pakistani leadership in Islamabad, bringing their friendship and cooperation to a new height. In an exclusive interview with Beijing-based correspondent of ...
From … | Top Story: Chinese Premier vows to reinforce Sino-Pakistan friendship - Related web pages
Dec 12, 2006 - Troops from the Chinese People's Liberation Army are in Pakistan for joint anti- terrorism exercises with the Pakistani army. It's the first time that the Chinese army have gone to Pakistan to participate in joint exercises. The ten- day counter-terrorism maneuvers dubbed "Friendship ...
From CCTV International - Related web pages
CCTV International
Apr 11, 2008 - SANYA (Xinhua):China and Pakistan reiterated the all-weather friendship between the two countries and agreed to deepen the bilateral strategic partnership in talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf here Friday. Highly praising China-Pakistan ...
From The Hindu News Update Service - Related web pages
The Hindu News Update Service
Jun 25, 2010 - Beijing, Jun 25: The army of China and Pakistan will hold a joint anti-terror drill 'Friendship 2010' in Qingtongxia, of the northwest China from Jul 1-11, 2010. The information was provided by China's Ministry of National Defence on Thursday, Jun 24. 'Friendship 2010' drill will be ...
From China | Pakistan | Friendship 2010 | Anti Terror Drill - Oneindia News - Related web pages
news.oneindia.in/2010/06/25/pak-china-anti ...

Excellent bro... Thanks :tup::tup::tup::tup:
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