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China to upgrade radar of Pakistan’s JF-17 fighter aircraft

Jhoot bola?
Yara. You cant be proactive. It proceeds the shadi khana barbaadi. You have 30 yrs of gestational period with most of your adolescent and adult life thinking of how to quench that fire through Halal means. So not so proactive, but in the words of the Captain of the US nuke Sub"when you get the go ahead you drop them rods and go".
Yara. You cant be proactive. It proceeds the shadi khana barbaadi. You have 30 hrs of gestational period with most of your adolescent and adult life tthinking of how to quench that fire through Halal means. So not so proactive, but in the words of the Captain of the US nuke Sub"when you get the go ahead you drop them rods and go".
Sadly, these days that Halal limit is 24-25.. or earlier depending upon your ability to charm ladies.
If no marriage is achieved during that time, many a impatient will go the haram route. Sadly, they only share half the blame since society had made marriage an expensive proposition.
Sadly, these days that Halal limit is 24-25.. or earlier depending upon your ability to charm ladies.
If no marriage is achieved during that time, many a impatient will go the haram route. Sadly, they only share half the blame since society had made marriage an expensive proposition.
True that!! Especially here in the West. Halal is made difficult while haram is available so eazily if you want to go down that route.

But the answer to that big question is block 1 and 2 upgradeable to block 3 or not. I read a long time ago in the negative but what do you think.
True that!! Especially here in the West. Halal is made difficult while haram is available so eazily if you want to go down that route.

But the answer to that big question is block 1 and 2 upgradeable to block 3 or not. I read a long time ago in the negative but what do you think.
Just depends on what the block-IiI configuration is.

The engine powers a generator to the electrical systems so we have a fixed volt and current draw possible. Any electronics to be retrofitted will need the same space as they have on the block-3 including any cooling or additional wiring.

Structual changes get even more difficult as certain internals are improved in the block-2 over the block-1.

The same way the F-16 block-5&10 have different tails and internals to block-15.
All blocks now cleared for max take off weight oh about 30k and max external load of > 4K Kgs ;)
Thanks for the info but i think there is a typo somewhere. What is the MTOW ?

The max eternal load is clear
Not even IK is proactive: after all, SK hospital is because of his mother. Namal is just an add on to existing philanthropy which if we start discussing education the citizens foundation in Pakistan has done great strides in just as the Aga Khan did too.

The simplest example of this was regarding staff cars being changed during 2006-7 when we actually had money available; the French were haraunging us on the Mirage and we did not want to stick with just the F-16. The PAF had the budget but to avoid it going back(as happens with government) over the federal year it was decided to just replace the staff cars since the surplus funds existed(suddenly the PAF was flooded with the reborn civics and The pricier cars for the chief)

Were there not other pressing defense projects that could have taken those funds? Why were hundreds of cars which are a creature comfort given priority over actual needs.

Then what right do these uniformed medal walas have to critique generally uneducated and unaware government political appontees who allocate billions of rupees to ptdc guest houses that are never used or fake government hospitals?

At the end of the day, the same lot exists.

Proactive folks do try to enter these organizations and others in the private sector. But while those in the private sector make some small impact, most of these government types either succumb to the system or be proactive and move onto better venues.

We are a nation in general of reactive people, we watch and wait on someone else to do something and then we emulate them or respond to them.

Being good or bad has nothing to do with proactive or reactive.

Tomorrow if a nuclear weapon does land near a large armoured formation of ours; the vehicles will stop rolling and electronics not work even if they put NBC on their brochures.
The T-90 wont because the Russians planned for that when they put NBC on their labelling.

Now if they all know this and still not react... what would call that? Criminal perhaps?
You have started to sound more like Mastan sb. I remember somewhere you telling him that he keeps repeating the same old and while you use to look up to him, something changed. Anyway why the sudden change?
The right choices have nothing to do with proactivity or reactive behavior patterns or hope.

This isnt a prexisting condition but has come to be as a national psyche due to India specific development thought and national upbringing.

The Marut was proactive, a need to develop a local industry and avoid economic pitfalls.

The super-7 was reactive: there was a need seen AFTER the crisis had transpired(80’s economy).

That doesn’t mean other nations aren’t reactive in general either, but we have settled into it as a majority.

Sure, you do see proactive Pakistanis like the 30 under 30 list on forbes; but what is their national impact and state impact at the end of the day?

Agha Hasan Abdi for e.g gave Pakistan UbL and a University.

Edhi was proactive.

Who else?

Agha Hassan Abdi was founder of leading bank of the world, BCCI. He was trend setter, the traveller cheques were introduced by BCCI and spread plastic money internationally. Yet his bank BCCI was destroyed ultimately by US/western powers and later on resulted in his tragic end of career/life. Even laws regarding Anti Money Laundering were introduced in first place to target BCCI. Same game perhaps is being repeated now as HBL facing swear challenges after heavy penalties by US regulatory authorities levied on HBL, even KASB was shut down on pressure of foreign powers. Now rumors are HBL will face more penalty and UBL also under scrutiny.
I wonder whether every thing is correct about Mr Abdi how fairly he treated his employees and even provided them allowances with encouragement to use the extra money for social welfare.
Pakistan really needs such people and in abundance to face future challenges whether PAF or any civil organisation.
Agha Hassan Abdi was founder of leading bank of the world, BCCI. He was trend setter, the traveller cheques were introduced by BCCI and spread plastic money internationally. Yet his bank BCCI was destroyed ultimately by US/western powers and later on resulted in his tragic end of career/life. Even laws regarding Anti Money Laundering were introduced in first place to target BCCI. Same game perhaps is being repeated now as HBL facing swear challenges after heavy penalties by US regulatory authorities levied on HBL, even KASB was shut down on pressure of foreign powers. Now rumors are HBL will face more penalty and UBL also under scrutiny.
I wonder whether every thing is correct about Mr Abdi how fairly he treated his employees and even provided them allowances with encouragement to use the extra money for social welfare.
Pakistan really needs such people and in abundance to face future challenges whether PAF or any civil organisation.
Rules and regulations set to keep the control of all forms lf wealth in the west.

Does it make sense that OPEC is in London?
All financial transactions have to go through London or New York.

The same reason why so long as Pakistan has nuclear weapons, we will never be allowed to be stable or given a positive light.
What about the max take off figure? Can you please clarify?


https://quwa.org/2017/08/31/profile-avic-pac-jf-17-thunder/ :p:
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