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China to start spot checks on officials’ asset declarations


Nov 4, 2011
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China to start spot checks on officials’ asset declarations
As part of President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption drive, officials will in future face spot checks on assets and personal information reported to the Communist Party
Friday, 03 January, 2014, 3:54pm

China will begin conducting spot checks this year on assets and other personal information reported by officials to the ruling Communist Party and punish those with hidden wealth, state media reported.

The internal declarations are not made public, and in the past a lack of oversight had largely reduced the system to a formality.

However, the government has faced increased public pressure to improve transparency around officials’ wealth, following a wave of scandals involving assets ranging from luxury watches to houses.

The party’s internal income declaration system for dates back to 1995, and officials have been required to submit a broader range of information including personal income, family assets and relatives’ emigration records for the past three years.

This year, the party’s powerful organisation and personnel departments will conduct random sampling of the information submitted, to check if it is truthful and complete, the official Xinhua news agency said late on Thursday.

Routine declarations for this year will be submitted in January. Officials who do not report on time or truthfully will face punishments including sacking, Xinhua said.

“The most prominent feature of this declaration is that it reflects a strict administering of the party and officials,” Xinhua cited an unnamed official as saying.

With the exception of a few pilot programmes, the party has shown little interest in wanting to set up a nationwide system to publicly disclose officials’ wealth, and instead has arrested several activists who urged this.

President Xi Jinping has launched a sweeping crackdown on corruption since taking power, vowing to pursue high-flying “tigers” as well as lowly “flies”, saying graft is so serious it could threaten the party’s very survival.
Need to bring more money which belongs to China back and you can leave but you cant hide

Good policy!
I think a moderate amount of corruption is necessary and acceptable, but not wholesale corruption and kickbacks.

It's human nature to take care of your own. If you are in a position of authority and your good friend come to you and tell you his nephew has just graduated from college and is looking for a job. If that young man is fully qualified for the opening you have in your office, you would hire him even though there are three hundred applicants for that job.

Strictly speaking, that is corruption. I think it is OK in my book.

BUT if you are in a position of authority and your good friend come to you and tell you there is a piece of land which belong to a farmer that is sitting right next to a new development, and your friend want to get it for cheap to build a shopping mall. You use your power to grab that land so then you deserve to kneel on a pile of broken glass.

So be reasonable and not so harsh.
They should check for foreign assets and children living abroad first. These are the men that needs to be stripped of their position. Personally I can tolerate some corruption as long as an official is capable, but I cannot stand potential traitors. Sending your children abroad and keeping foreign assets are the surest sign of disloyalty.
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