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China to launch Turkey's first intelligence satellite in December


Apr 23, 2009
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United Kingdom
China will launch Turkey's first intelligence satellite, Göktürk-2, for $20 million since Turkey lacks the required technology to launch the satellite. Göktürk-2, which will be capable of detecting the movements of objects smaller than even one square meter, will help capture terrorists infiltrating Turkish borders.
The optical camera for the satellite has been bought from South Korea, while all the other parts have been produced and manufactured in Turkey. Göktürk is expected to be launched in December or in early 2012.
The Göktürk satellite will also be used for monitoring civilian activities such as control of forestland, tracking illegal construction, rapid assessment of damage after natural disasters, determination of agricultural boundaries and geographical data gathering. The project also aims to furnish national industries with the capability to design and integrate satellite systems and run tests on them here in Turkey.
Turkish defense industry companies and research centers Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Aselsan, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and Turksat will participate in all phases of the project. The project consists of the construction of an electro-optic satellite system that will be put into orbit, a fixed land station and a mobile land station.
However, it is said that Israel is trying to block the launch of Göktürk-2, fearing that Turkey will be able to monitor Israel's territory.
Cihan news agency

China to launch Turkey's first intelligence satellite in December | General | World Bulletin

Here's a reduced scaled mock-up that was shown during Turkey's 100th Airforce anniversary..


I wonder what kind of other co-operation is there b/w two. Both can benefit from each other as both are emerging and need advance technologies.
Welcome to the 1980s, and even that is :) launcher Chinese camera South Korean :D what is left....
Welcome to the 1980s, and even that is :) launcher Chinese camera South Korean :D what is left....

Are you sure Iseral using 100% home made components and never importing anything from out side world?
Are you sure Iseral using 100% home made components and never importing anything from out side world?

Actually, A small country like Israel can never produce most parts of their systems. Even big percentages of their technologies are coming from USA for exm. Popeye, Litening, Arrow and many others, While most parts of subsystems such as chassis, moving sub. mechanism of vehicles, engines, ship blocks...etc are coming directly from abroad for their programs but When It comes to talk about others, Some of them always talk big without having any idea what He is talking... BTW, Someone has to remind this person that Launchers are not a part of satellite development programs. Anyway, Ignore trolls...

The real image of Gokturk-2 satellite.


It is really great to see Chine-Turkish cooperation again...
i thought india will be chosen to launch newborn sat at least they seemed closer to me, but i think the reason is good israel & india relations, israel's concerns about Gokturk is not a secret and it wouldnt surprise if they try to sabotage it coop with india.. maybe a paranoid statement but.. chinese fellows looks more reliable.. no offense
As i said welcome to 1980s :D "mighty" Turks, nation of 70 mil at last managed to pay S.Koreans for camera and Chinese for SLV :lol: what an accomplishment.....
i thought india will be chosen to launch newborn sat at least they seemed closer to me, but i think the reason is good israel & india relations, israel's concerns about Gokturk is not a secret and it wouldnt surprise if they try to sabotage it coop with india.. maybe a paranoid statement but.. chinese fellows looks more reliable.. no offense

Yes you are absolutely right ...It certainly is a very paranoid statement seeing that Antrix Corporation ( ISRO's commercial arm ) has been launching satellites for several foreign countries --from Netherlands to Germany to Israel to France and Turkey as well.

Our launch facilities are purely commercial and in no way strategic or politically related . When Turkey or that matter Iran or even U.S wishes to have a low cost , highly reliable launch --It will choose India again.

Turkey might wanna build a strategic relationship with China , but that is in no way a reflection of Indian commercial honesty .India always keeps faith in such matters .
Turkey wants to eventually introduce its own space launcher and start its own commercial satellite launching service.
congratulations to Turkiye --and of course China which is gaining from commercial ventures into space. I hope sometime down the line our countries will have their own domestic means of launching comm. sats into space.

August 14, 2011 will be a good day for Pakistan and China as well. And in fact I hope these 3 countries will cooperate closer on space-related technology and innovation.
How big is the real satellite compared with a human being?
Turkey wants to eventually introduce its own space launcher and start its own commercial satellite launching service.
There was an interesting article about possible Turkish-Pakistani partnership in rocket research that kept under radar. It was more of a speculation than a official information but as I said it was an interesting read. As you probably know Turkey is a partner in MTCR and therefore it's forbidden to take ballistic missile technology from third countries. Although MTCR also states that;

"Regime not designed to impede national space programs or international cooperation in such programs as long as such programs could not contribute to delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction."
So it's a bit fishy subject..
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