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China to invest $50bn in Pakistan by 2017

I want you to "re-read" my post three times and take deep breathes like Yoga between each reading. Then look away and think what you read. THEN you'll find the truth and the answer, its in the post. Then you write me a response instead of being trigger happy response like a 12 year old child.

Most of your post was indecipherable. But kay den.
Most of your post was indecipherable. But kay den.

Well if you don't have a clue as to how it works between inter-governments and you clearly don't understand the arrangement here with the Chinese.....it'll be very hard to "decipher" anything. It's almost like I am writing Chinese to you and you are trying to read it as English without realizing different alphabets all together!
Well if you don't have a clue as to how it works between inter-governments and you clearly don't understand the arrangement here with the Chinese.....it'll be very hard to "decipher" anything. It's almost like I am writing Chinese to you and you are trying to read it as English without realizing different alphabets all together!

Y so mean 4?
@Horus @Manticore where is my post? or did Chak Bamu delete that post as well, since the thread it opened by his friend and my opinon is disliked which is based on reality that Chinese are more interested in investing in Latin America Africa and hindustan and providing loans to Pakistan on high interest rates rather than investing does my post quality for deletion or should it be stay there for world to read reality, who ever deleted/removed my post need to come forward.

There was nothing in that post offensive or anything that hurts Pakistan opinion should not be removed not that Govts run on Forum opinions.

@WishLivePak watch your dirty mouth you have been warned before, old dirty habits die hard but you need to curb it on this Forum.
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@Horus @Manticore where is my post? or did Chak Bamu delete that post as well, since the thread it opened by his friend and my opinon is disliked which is based on reality that Chinese are more interested in investing in Latin America Africa and hindustan and providing loans to Pakistan on high interest rates rather than investing does my post quality for deletion or should it be stay there for world to read reality, who ever deleted/removed my post need to come forward.

There was nothing in that post offensive or anything that hurts Pakistan opinion should not be removed not that Govts run on Forum opinions.

@WishLivePak watch your dirty mouth you have been warned before, old dirty habits die hard but you need to curb it on this Forum.
I don't need your warning. I've taken your post to webmaster.

Potian is not a dirty term. What does noora mean? Now, what does potian mean?

and stop malinging @Chak Bamu without proof. Just because certain mods, like jungibaaz or chak bamu don't agree to "imran" approach with civil disobedience doesn't mean they go around abusing powers.
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What happened to earlier investment of 35bn which was promised some time ago? Does this 50bn include that money as well?
We need a strong democratic system in Pakistan to gain full advantage of these investment.
I don't need your warning. I've taken your post to webmaster.

P is not a dirty term. What does noora mean? Now, what does potian mean?

I believe Mod had warned you in political Thread and removed a few of your posts due to filthy language of yours, I personally tumharay moun nahi lagna chatah.

Nobody is maligning anyone I asked question from preferred Moderators if anyone knows they'll let me know who did it on purpose you don't need to interfere so you stay out, @Jungibaaz is excellent Moderator like some of the rest.
@Horus @Manticore where is my post? or did Chak Bamu delete that post as well, since the thread it opened by his friend and my opinon is disliked which is based on reality that Chinese are more interested in investing in Latin America Africa and hindustan and providing loans to Pakistan on high interest rates rather than investing does my post quality for deletion or should it be stay there for world to read reality, who ever deleted/removed my post need to come forward.

There was nothing in that post offensive or anything that hurts Pakistan opinion should not be removed not that Govts run on Forum opinions.

Please tag me if you have an issue you think has something to do with me. The only post deleted on this thread is by an Indian troll and WebMaster deleted it. I have checked and you do not have a deleted post on this thread. You are confusing things. Better check at least once before you blame any of the moderators.
I believe Mod had warned you in political Thread and removed a few of your posts due to filthy language of yours, I personally tumharay moun nahi lagna chatah.

Nobody is maligning anyone I asked question from preferred Moderators if anyone knows they'll let me know who did it on purpose you don't need to interfere so you stay out, @Jungibaaz is excellent Moderator like some of the rest.
Your post disagrees with your given statement

or did Chak Bamu delete that post as well, since the thread it opened by his friend

Clearly you're saying that chak bamu deletes your posts, as he has done it before. And if you don't have problem with jungi, well then, I don't know why you're picking on chak.

I don't like him, he's awful, but he doesn't abuse his power.

And no mod has warned me of language for using potian.

If you use noora, what's wrong with potian?

Please tag me if you have an issue you think has something to do with me. The only post deleted on this thread is by an Indian troll and WebMaster deleted it. I have checked and you do not have a deleted post on this thread. You are confusing things. Better check at least once before you blame any of the moderators.
shhhh, if he tagged you, you'd have come and offered him proof like now. It's better to spread false news about someone without tagging them. Since one doesn't get to answer the accusation, the general readers agree with the argument. Like you get accused of theft and there is no response from you and thus are presumed to be theft.

Also why my threads or some posts (happens randomly) require mod approval?

Where is this reality coming from? This entire thing is simply a lie. At the least, you should be thankful to the Chinese assistance. Pakistan has a real chance at economic growth. What the Chinese do to others shouldn't be your business as you should focus on your national interests and let them focus on theirs. Next, if you don't have the legal contracts signed by the two governments, you are just spreading false rumors without knowing terms and conditions.

They have been giving you all kinds of investments, total investments (BOOTS), loans and grants. What more can you ask for as a country you call a true friend? I know all this by sitting in the US. You on the other hand have political biases and you are putting down your nation's interest due to your personal affiliation. Is that how it is supposed to be? What message are you conveying to the Chinese who are actually helping you a lot?

There is another thread I was discussing with someone else. I reviewed some of a terms available on it, its a major dam project and the Chinese are doing EVERYTHING, from getting investment to building the plant to operationalizing it, managing it and then transferring it to Pakistan. For all this, initially, they are making 17% profit for the first few years and then they go down to 10 or 12%. Plus they are giving you a grace period of 72 months!!! (7 years!!)

When companies like GE or Chevron or others build energy related platform, they SHARE the risk. Like so much money has to be paid up front for them to even GO into high risk markets like Pakistan. If you don't have financing or you want them to do everything, they immediately add a "contingency" of 20-30%. This contingency is on top of the normal 20-25% profit they like to make.
People investing in stock market want to make 25% profit over investment. Here, someone is putting THEIR money on the line for you, building something from scratch for you, completing it within YOUR time frame and then making it work and then training you to manage it on an ongoing basis. You realize how much RISK they are assuming for such a volatile country like Pakistan?
And they are ONLY making 17% PROFIT (if they can actually turn it into profit which is another risk) for a few years and then down to 10-12%....?? This is such a low return for any investor. This is a HECK of a deal. Add the 7 year grace period into it. People here that know the global finance industry will tell you that the commercial loans are given out for 3, 5 and 7 years full payment due. Rarely you'll see 10 years or so due to special statuses like Brazil or Israel might get. These guys are giving you SEVEN years of grace period!! UNreal to say the least. And you are not thankful to have a partner who's truly doing all this for your interest.
I would NEVER put my money for investment where the average return is 12-13% (at high risk on top of everything and with ANY grace period, I'll be taking a loss). So appreciate what someone is trying to do for you. These projects will literally turn Pakistan into a growing and economically stronger country within the next three years. The results will be VERY obvious and positive for millions of Pakistanis if the current system can finish up its term and these people who started these projects can take them to the finish line.[/user]
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Latin america is for minerals. Pakistan is for gawadar to keep its east side strong.

Also, if China gives 50b to india, that's inestment for free. give it to pakistan, it's loan with 200% interest rate
Where is this reality coming from? This entire thing is simply a lie. At the least, you should be thankful to the Chinese assistance. Pakistan has a real chance at economic growth.
They have been giving you all kinds of investments, total investments (BOOTS), loans and grants. What more can you ask for as a country you call a true friend? I know all this by sitting in the US. You on the other hand have political biases and you are putting down your nation's interest due to your personal affiliation. Is that how it is supposed to be? What message are you conveying to the Chinese who are actually helping you a lot?

There is another thread I was discussing with someone else. I reviewed some of a terms available on it, its a major dam project and the Chinese are doing EVERYTHING, from getting investment to building the plant to operationalizing it, managing it and then transferring it to Pakistan. For all this, initially, they are making 17% profit for the first few years and then they go down to 10 or 12%. Plus they are giving you a grace period of 72 months!!! (7 years!!)

When companies like GE or Chevron or others build energy related platform, they SHARE the risk. Like so much money has to be paid up front for them to even GO into high risk markets like Pakistan. If you don't have financing or you want them to do everything, they immediately add a "contingency" of 20-30%. This contingency is on top of the normal 20-25% profit they like to make.
People investing in stock market want to make 25% profit over investment. Here, someone is putting THEIR money on the line for you, building something from scratch for you, completing it within YOUR time frame and then making it work and then training you to manage it on an ongoing basis. You realize how much RISK they are assuming for such a volatile country like Pakistan?
And they are ONLY making 17% PROFIT (if they can actually turn it into profit which is another risk) for a few years and then down to 10-12%....?? This is such a low return for any investor. This is a HECK of a deal. Add the 7 year grace period into it. People here that know the global finance industry will tell you that the commercial loans are given out for 3, 5 and 7 years full payment due. Rarely you'll see 10 years or so due to special statuses like Brazil or Israel might get. These guys are giving you SEVEN years of grace period!! UNreal to say the least. And you are not thankful to have a partner who's truly doing all this for your interest.
I would NEVER put my money for investment where the average return is 12-13% (at high risk on top of everything and with ANY grace period, I'll be taking a loss). So appreciate what someone is trying to do for you. These projects will literally turn Pakistan into a growing and economically stronger country within the next three years. The results will be VERY obvious and positive for millions of Pakistanis if the current system can finish up its term and these people who started these projects can take them to the finish line.[/user]
@WishLivePak Not interested in debating with you tumharay moun nahi lagna chatah don't you get it by now someone with filthy mind/language is not worth debating with.

No point in tagging so and so I reserve the right to call upon other Moderators. No need to reply back.
@WishLivePak Not interested in debating with you tumharay moun nahi lagna chatah don't you get it by now someone with filthy mind/language is not worth debating with.

No point in tagging so and so I reserve the right to call upon other Moderators. No need to reply back.
Please tell how is potian different from noora? Or just imagination there?
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