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China to build outpost for Tajikistan special forces near Afghan border

obj 705A

May 26, 2019
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China to build outpost for Tajikistan special forces near Afghan border

DUSHANBE (Reuters) - China will finance the construction of an outpost for a special forces unit of Tajikistan’s police near the Tajik-Afghan border, the Central Asian nation’s parliament said on Thursday.

The post will be located in Tajikistan’s eastern Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in the Pamir mountains, which border China’s Xinjiang province as well as the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan.

No Chinese troops will be stationed at the facility, a parliament spokesperson said.

The plan to build the post comes amid tension between the Dushanbe government and Afghanistan’s new Taliban rulers.

Tajik President Emomali Rakhmon has refused to recognise the Taliban government, calling for a broader representation of Afghanistan’s ethnic groups - of which Tajiks are the second-biggest.

Kabul, in turn, has warned Dushanbe against meddling in its domestic affairs. According to Russian media, the Taliban have struck an alliance with an ethnic Tajik militant group based in northern Afghanistan which seeks to overthrow Rakhmon’s government.

A Russia-led regional security organisation held exercises last week near the Tajik-Afghan border, designed to demonstrate that Moscow stands ready to protect Dushanbe in the event of an incursion from the south.

China is a major investor in Tajikistan and Beijing has also acted as a donor on several occasions, handing over, for example, a new parliament building free of charge.


IMO China and Russia are doing their best to make Tajikstan feel safe, probably because if they don't then Tajikstan may ask for help from the US, and the last thing China and Russia want is a major American military presence in Central Asia. Which is why Russia almost every day says Central Asia should not host American bases.
China to build outpost for Tajikistan special forces near Afghan border

DUSHANBE (Reuters) - China will finance the construction of an outpost for a special forces unit of Tajikistan’s police near the Tajik-Afghan border, the Central Asian nation’s parliament said on Thursday.

The post will be located in Tajikistan’s eastern Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in the Pamir mountains, which border China’s Xinjiang province as well as the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan.

No Chinese troops will be stationed at the facility, a parliament spokesperson said.

The plan to build the post comes amid tension between the Dushanbe government and Afghanistan’s new Taliban rulers.

Tajik President Emomali Rakhmon has refused to recognise the Taliban government, calling for a broader representation of Afghanistan’s ethnic groups - of which Tajiks are the second-biggest.

Kabul, in turn, has warned Dushanbe against meddling in its domestic affairs. According to Russian media, the Taliban have struck an alliance with an ethnic Tajik militant group based in northern Afghanistan which seeks to overthrow Rakhmon’s government.

A Russia-led regional security organisation held exercises last week near the Tajik-Afghan border, designed to demonstrate that Moscow stands ready to protect Dushanbe in the event of an incursion from the south.

China is a major investor in Tajikistan and Beijing has also acted as a donor on several occasions, handing over, for example, a new parliament building free of charge.


IMO China and Russia are doing their best to make Tajikstan feel safe, probably because if they don't then Tajikstan may ask for help from the US, and the last thing China and Russia want is a major American military presence in Central Asia. Which is why Russia almost every day says Central Asia should not host American bases.

IEA has no interest in Tajikistan tho... It could become an excuse for Pakistan to flatline Tajikistan but in all seriousness China's involvement is positive because they and Pakistan don't want Indians in Tajikistan also has to close any Indian bases even tho they are not operational. This could make Pakistan all of sudden look towards Tajikistan and in that case both China-Pakistan will look at Tajikistan as a problem that has to go and Russia will end up chosing side which is clear which side it will chose which is to sacrifice Tajikistan opening the way for IEA to completely annex Tajikistan even tho they don't want to themselves currently they have enough of land but they would if Islamabad gives go ahead and pressures them.

But on the serious side Emomali can't really do much here his completely tied handed as IEA is now not only Islamabad ally and protectorate but also major Beijing ally and there is more benefit in IEA for beijing than Tajikistan and they will soon realize that IEA is the more valued ally in the region and if Tajikistan were to push it's luck it could happily get sacrificed on behalf of PAK.

He will have no other way around except putting behind him what happened in Panjshir that is where he got his feelings hurt and return back to Kabul which is what he will do. His outmatched here and IEA has more friends and more valued in the region than Tajikistan.

Here is my prediction Emomali will come to his senses now that he has seen the Iran-Afghanistan pipeline that goes into China has gone ahead. He knows being an enemy to IEA makes him expendable at this stage and a dead end in the region. He will arrive to Islamabad in the coming months to mend ties and than officially mend ties with IEA
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