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China to build helicopter that can exceed 700km/h. BLOODY KONGRESS READ TIS


Jul 25, 2013
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A model of the Blue Whale at an expo in Tianjin. The rotors provide lift in the horizontal position and forward thrust in the vertical position

Blue Whale is among the most innovative – and risky – designs on the drawing board as Chinese engineers try to build the world’s fastest helicopter.

The country’s engineers and scientists accomplished much of this by adapting and applying technologies developed elsewhere. Now, they are looking to break new ground altogether by building the fastest helicopters in the world.

Among the most ambitious of such aircraft in the works is the four-rotor “Blue Whale”, a project by the China Helicopter Research and Development Institute. By tilting its four rotors from a horizontal to vertical position, the helicopter promises to reach speeds of more than 700km/h – which would make it the fastest “tiltrotor” in the world, 40 per cent faster than Boeing’s V-22 Osprey, according to the institute.

With a cruising speed of 538km/h, developers say the Blue Whale will lift 20 tonnes of cargo and fly more than 3,100 kilometres without refuelling. It will fly as high as 8,600 metres, also higher than the V-22.

Qiu Guangrong, a director of the institute, told the Global Times last year the group hoped to produce functioning prototypes of its high-speed helicopter within the next five years, although he did not specify which models would be the first produced.

Even today, most conventional helicopters are not suited for speeds exceeding 200 km/h. Above certain speeds, airflow between blades can throw the aircraft off balance. Huge stresses are also placed on engines and mechanical parts, which can fail or break apart.

Over the decades, helicopter designers have tried numerous solutions to break the speed barrier. The twin rotors on Boeing’s CH-47 Chinook, for instance, spin in opposite directions to cancel out each other’s turbulence. The experimental Eurocopter X3, which has a conventional rotor plus twin propelling rotors on fixed wings, reached 486km/h in June.

Tiltrotors like the Blue Whale have rotor pods – called nacelles – mounted on fixed wings. The rotors provide lift in the horizontal position and forward thrust in the vertical position once the craft is airborne.

The government has provided a huge amount of support for the country’s high-speed helicopter projects, which is closely tied to the People’s LiberationArmy’s efforts to build a more modern, mobile military.

In a visit to the institute this month, Lin Zuoming, head of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the institute’s parent body and the nation’s biggest state-owned aerospace manufacturer, told researchers that “all eyes are on the helicopter industry” which offers “unprecedented opportunities”.

“Enemies are at the gate,” he was quoted on the institute’s website as saying. “Factories and research institutes must … rely on the government’s support to catch up and overtake the world’s best.”

But some doubt whether the institute will be able to produce a functioning prototype of the Blue Whale within its five-year window. The four-rotor design creates its own unique problems, chief among them how to compensate for the turbulence placed on the rear rotors by the front rotors during flight.

“When the Blue Whale is rolled out depends on when these problems are solved,” said Professor Chen Ming , an expert on helicopter design atBeihang University in Beijing. “To me the future is very uncertain.” Chen and several other mainland helicopter experts declined to comment on the project as it involved classified military technology.

Some in the industry also doubt whether China even needs to develop high-speed helicopters while it is still struggling to catch up with developed nations in conventional helicopters.

The weakness of domestic helicopters was exposed during rescue efforts after the Sichuan earthquake in 2008. The PLA sent its most advanced helicopters to the area, but television footage showed that the bulk of the rescue work was carried out by Black Hawk helicoptersimported from the US in the 1980s.

Less advanced domestic helicopters proved incapable of operating at high altitude.

The Blue Whale could play vital role in such situations, although the institute said it is being developed mainly for military applications so ‘theChinese army and navy can achieve ‘all-terrain reach’.”

China to build helicopter that can exceed 700km/h | idrw.org

Wat ever China trying to beat the best RESPECT

stop giving this kind of stupid title..

also,Tiltrotor isn't a mature tech..Even USA is still finding hard to operate these Tiltrotors..also,you can find several these kind of Futuristic projects,none completed..plus,this model is very similar to the Bell Boeing Quad TiltRotor Project for US army..


even thats in designing stage..

Bell Boeing Quad TiltRotor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont see anything "Innovative" in the design which draws its influence from V22, with 2 extra rotors...:whistle:
nonsense ! What govt has to do with it ? U NEED LOTS OF EDUCATION BUDDY !

so every news item where china succeeds will be posted in Indian defence with modified title blaming congress? @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz .. kindly move this news to chinese section
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stop giving this kind of stupid title..

also,Tiltrotor isn't a mature tech..Even USA is still finding hard to operate these Tiltrotors..also,you can find several these kind of Futuristic projects,none completed..plus,this model is very similar to the Bell Boeing Quad TiltRotor Project for US army..


even thats in designing stage..

Bell Boeing Quad TiltRotor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mr. GRIFFIN China is way far ahead than u think ... India is lost many years . For 60+ years KONGRESSI did nothing when China is already produce its weapons . COpied or not . It dont matter has every one copy from each others . including Russia and USA . So kindly be grow up .And be mature to think about what is wrong with out Country . If u are eveen lil matured u will come to a conclusion that its goverment responsible for this ! Even Deals are stalled due to scam of CONGRESSI BC

so every news item where china succeeds will be posted in Indian defence with modified title blaming congress? @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz .. kindly move this news to chinese section
Dude hinduguy these are the thing must be debated on Indian Threads as its concerns India !

I dont see anything "Innovative" in the design which draws its influence from V22, with 2 extra rotors...:whistle:
REALY ? U thing its just an extra rotor ? Did u see its playload and Range ?
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I really dont know why people underestimate CHINA ! For your kind information China is next Russia in weapon production . They will soon learn to develop a quality weapons soon ...
Mr. GRIFFIN China is way far ahead than u think ... India is lost many years . For 60+ years KONGRESSI did nothing when China is already produce its weapons . COpied or not . It dont matter has every one copy from each others . including Russia and USA . So kindly be grow up .And be mature to think about what is wrong with out Country . If u are eveen lil matured u will come to a conclusion that its goverment responsible for this ! Even Deals are stalled due to scam of CONGRESSI BC

please,don't be paranoid..what you're suggesting??India should built weapons like China ASAP??India builds whats needed,and buys others..our need isn't so massive like China,nor we're under any sanctions..so,we can enjoy best tech,which china can't.plus,why you're comparing India with China??China is almost 8 times larger country than India..also,India is better in many sector than china,whose weapons details are still in secrecy and they shell out more money in both defence and R&D(be it stealing or indigenous)..why suddenly you woke up and starting a certain political party for that??i'm not a supporter of congress either..but stop being a stupid man..
nonsense ! What govt has to do with it ? U NEED LOTS OF EDUCATION BUDDY !

The only person who needs an education is you, and I am happy to give it:

The govt has three branches, the executive (bureaucracy), legislature (politicians) and judiciary (law courts).

Of these, the legislature is the elected branch of the govt, and most often the target of uninformed people's misplaced ire (as in this case). Since you are castigating the congress, I suppose your beef is with the legislators. So let me break this to you.

The function of the legislative branch of the govt is LAWMAKING - not helicopter making, whether tilt rotored ones or conventional ones. Congress politicians, or BJP politicians, or BSP ones, have just one duty - making laws and representing their constituents in the parliament.

Helicopter making is the job of engineers. Ideally, ones employed by private sector. Unfortunately in India only HAL has the competence to undertake such ventures, and HAL is a govt run organization. But that does not mean that it is run by politicians, or has anything to do with the legislative branch. It just means that they do business with govt money, with all the resulting inefficiency and incompetence. Congress or BJP or some other party will not make any difference. If the BJP was in power instead of the congress, do you think that India's airspace would be magically buzzing with tilt rotor aircrafts?

I request this to everybody when discussing politics - and there is bound to be lots of that, given the upcoming elections - that you should understand what is the job of politicians, which branch of govt is responsible for what and so on. If a different party is in power, they may pass laws according to their ideology, and the judiciary will implement those laws. That is how the elected branch functions, by making laws according to their ideology. Not by doing the work of engineers and scientists and armymen. So when you vote for a party, vote for one that matches your ideological convictions - not on the basis of who will produce futuristic military equipments. (Hint: Nobody will, that's not what we elect politicians for.)
I really dont know why people underestimate CHINA ! For your kind information China is next Russia in weapon production . They will soon learn to develop a quality weapons soon ...

nobody is underestimating china.. we dont have technical capability to do everything.. money has to allocated for a lot of programs not only defence...
why are you running on street as if a cow is charging at you... do you know something we dont... :what:
srsly as much as I hate congress.. but this type of sensationalist headlines serves little purpose ! It is not a contraption competition gong on where govt allocates money and in no time stuffs just start rolling out like sausages..

These things needs maturity of design and testing at different phases which is definitely not directly influenced by govt.
REALY ? U thing its just an extra rotor ? Did u see its playload and Range ?

I can see that, that extra rotor is for the payload and indirectly for the range.
I agree with your concern about our backwardness in innovation and design, but your comparison of India along side China is misplaced here precisely for a single reason that both have different requirements.

and coming to technical parameters I seriously don't see any innovation here...again.
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