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China to build 2,200 MW N-power facility for Pakistan


Feb 2, 2007
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Islamabad—China will build a 2,200 MW Nuclear Power facility for Pakistan to help the friendly country in overcoming its acute energy deficit.

Pakistan’s energy crisis was one of the major subjects that came under discussion in Beijing when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recently visit China.

The Chinese leadership show full understanding of Pakistan’s most urgent power crisis and spontaneously responded to Islamabad’s desire for Chinese assistance to face the challenge and fulfill the deficit gap within as few years as possible. The two countries came to believe that Pakistan would be able to meet is energy needs through utilizing all possible means of Power Generations including Nuclear. The two countries underlined the fact that nuclear energy is not only cheap but is also clean or environment friendly.

Pakistan Observer understands that the Chinese experts would soon embark on preparing a feasibility report in collaboration with their Pakistani counterparts.

China is already building Nuclear power Plants at CHASHMA in collaboration with Pakistan experts. On March 2013, Pakistan and China agreed to build a 1000 MW CHASNUPP-5 at Chashma Nuclear Power Complex.

Chashma Nuclear Power Plant I, built with Chinese assistance produces 300 MW electricity. The 300 MW Chashma Nuclear Power Plant II, also built by China, was officially inaugurated on May 10, 2011 by former Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani. On April 28, 2009 a general engineering and design contract for CHASNUPP-3 and CHASNUPP-4 was signed with Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI). The units will both have generation capacity of 340MW each with a design life of 40 years. On March 6 2013 the dome of the third reactor was lifted into place. Construction is planned to be completed in 2016 for No. III, and in 2017 for No. IV.

On March 2013, Pakistan and China agreed to build a 1000 MW CHASNUPP-5 at Chashma Nuclear Power Complex.

China to build 2,200 MW N-power facility for Pakistan
There are lots of if's and but's in the news so we should wait for more credible news.

It is easier for China to build 8000MW hydro power project than building a 1000MW Nuclear plant due to constraints from the NSG. Was it 2008 when we heard that PAEC approved 8800MW of nuclear energy by 2030. It's already 5 years passed and we haven't done any progress on that. It is not as simple as it seems. You either need to get waiver similar to India or your chances are minimum to find a country willing to build Nuclear plants in Pakistan, the chances are minimum to none.
There is also two 1100 Plants ( total 2200 MW ) Planned to be built near Karachi ( KANUPP II & III ).
There is also two 1100 Plants ( total 2200 MW ) Planned to be built near Karachi ( KANUPP II & III ).

Yeah and that we are hearing since 2008/09. It was initially one 1100MW nuclear power plant hoping to replace original KANUPP and meanwhile it is on the papers, we started hearing about two such nuclear power plants. No idea if they will ever form reality.
Has china got the approval from nuclear suppliers group (NSG) to supply nuclear power equipment to non-NPT Signatory country like Pakistan?
If not, and china goes ahead with the project, its own position in NSG will be jeopardised. China got into NSG after much lobbying since it needs advanced nuclear power technology from other countries for its own power generation requirements.
China no longer needs any "advanced" nuclear technology from any other country. The only reason they are still giving contracts to WH and other west based corporations is due to pure economic reasons. They already have an mature indigenous fabrication industry, waiting for a chance to prove themselves.

In technological development there comes a time when you have to cut the cord of assistance. China has been there for the past 5 years....

Has china got the approval from nuclear suppliers group (NSG) to supply nuclear power equipment to non-NPT Signatory country like Pakistan?
If not, and china goes ahead with the project, its own position in NSG will be jeopardised. China got into NSG after much lobbying since it needs advanced nuclear power technology from other countries for its own power generation requirements.
China no longer needs any "advanced" nuclear technology from any other country. The only reason they are still giving contracts to WH and other west based corporations is due to pure economic reasons. They already have an mature indigenous fabrication industry, waiting for a chance to prove themselves.

In technological development there comes a time when you have to cut the cord of assistance. China has been there for the past 5 years....

When the issue of China building a Nuclear power plant in Pakistan arose last time, China presented an argument by saying they had signed an agreement with Pakistan before they joined NSG so they had to comply with the agreements signed before that date. They had to clarify to NSG that no such projects has been signed for future and now it is going to be very difficult to convince NSG for giving waiver unless another country such as USA interferes.

It will be tough for China to stay in the NSG and build a nuclear plant in Pakistan unless we do lobby around the world similar to India and manages to convince big boys of NSG. Publishing such news in Pakistani newspapers is meaningless unless we lobby at international level first.
Well, if international powers were to agree, then first of all the US of A would be selling those reactors to us (whatever payments terms, let's not get into them) Last time China was going to do that, they *convinced* because they knew that they would be able to get away with it. This time around the game is a bit different, I think....... let's see what happens. My take? There will be no reactors for us.

When the issue of China building a Nuclear power plant in Pakistan arose last time, China presented an argument by saying they had signed an agreement with Pakistan before they joined NSG so they had to comply with the agreements signed before that date. They had to clarify to NSG that no such projects has been signed for future and now it is going to be very difficult to convince NSG for giving waiver unless another country such as USA interferes.

It will be tough for China to stay in the NSG and build a nuclear plant in Pakistan unless we do lobby around the world similar to India and manages to convince big boys of NSG. Publishing such news in Pakistani newspapers is meaningless unless we lobby at international level first.
Well, if international powers were to agree, then first of all the US of A would be selling those reactors to us (whatever payments terms, let's not get into them) Last time China was going to do that, they *convinced* because they knew that they would be able to get away with it. This time around the game is a bit different, I think....... let's see what happens. My take? There will be no reactors for us.

India got NSG waiver due to US lobbying, and still india is getting nuclear power plants from Russia and France. No US company has bagged any contract for supply of nuclear power plants in india inspite of intense lobbying from the US government..
Well, if international powers were to agree, then first of all the US could be selling those reactors to us (whatever payments terms, let's not get into them) Last time China was going to do that, they *convinced* because they knew that they would be able to get away with it. This time around the game is a bit different, I think....... let's see what happens. My take? There will be no reactors for us.

I see reactors only if we were to pay in cash... But here the story is different... We request china to go against the world and sign nuclear agreement with us... And that too 1100mw of large nuclear plant... And then we say... Oh we don't have money so please build it for us with your own money.... And we will give you share of profit

If we were to pay in cash... If we had lucrative package to offer we might have got already. There is one rule in the world... You have money... All restrictions are lifted... You are a super hero... Ask whatever you want and get it... You are poor... Face restrictions.. plead for resources and stay on the mercy of the big nations
Zakii, in life of nations, it's not always about money. Mostly it's about power, influence and barter as well. Don't forget many bargaining tools at our disposal, I'll just mention one here: Gawadar....

In life of an individual, I whole heartedly agree. It's just money that matters. Nothing else even comes close.....

I see reactors only if we were to pay on cash... But here the story is different... We request china to go against the world and sign nuclear agreement with us... And that too 1100mw of large nuclear plant... And then we say... Oh we don't have money so please build it for us with your own money.... And we will give you share of profit

If we were to pay in cash... If we had lucrative package to offer we might have got already. There is one rule in the world... You have money... All restrictions are lifted... You are a super hero... Ask whatever you want and get it... You are poor... Face restrictions.. plead for resources and stay on the mercy of the big nations

Do you know the reason why no US company has bagged the contract? :D

Hint: Your Supreme Court and couple of very very bright justices..... + would you care to guess what it could be? Go back three decades and think of one US company and it's CEO......

India got NSG waiver due to US lobbying, and still india is getting nuclear power plants from Russia and France. No US company has bagged any contract for supply of nuclear power plants in india inspite of intense lobbying from the US government..
Zakii, in life of nations, it's not always about money. Mostly it's about power, influence and barter as well. Don't forget many bargaining tools at our disposal, I'll just mention one here: Gawadar....

In life of an individual, I whole heartedly agree. It's just money that matters. Nothing else even comes close.....

I believe our first priority is building dams and hydro power projects... The amount we are going to use for building 2200 mw of nuclear energy could be used to build bhasha dam for example which will generate 2x more electricity as well as millions of acres of land could be fertilized consequently increasing our production in agricultural sector as well as exports and providing cheap electricity.

Hydro should be number one priority and nuclear is good if we can get it
Yups, I totally agree. The order is:

1. Hydro.
2. Grid upgrade.
3. Reactors.

Furthermore, we should not touch "renewable" energy with a barge pole..... it's all such a huge scam..... the cost benefit ratio is awful for a developing nation, and would bankrupt even nations with multi-trillion dollar GDP's.

I believe our first priority is building dams and hydro power projects... The amount we are going to use for building 2200 mw of nuclear energy could be used to build bhasha dam for example which will generate 2x more electricity as well as millions of acres of land could be fertilized consequently increasing our production in agricultural sector as well as exports and providing cheap electricity.

Hydro should be number one priority and nuclear is good if we can get it
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