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Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China.

The only thing unpleasant is you! What is it that is 'unpleasant' about Christianity? Have Christians somehow ruined you? Or taken something from you?

Clearly you are a bigot.

No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.


Clearly you know nothing about religion, never mind Christianity.

Fortunately Christianity in China is mostly a rural/small town affair, with modernization and rapid urbanization, it will eventually be eradicated.

Good luck eradicating a religion that has been around in China for hundreds of years, never mind the fact that it's a growing religion...

You're free to be a Christian overseas but I would like China to be a predominantly Buddhist and Atheist nation.

Than how would you like it if Buddhists particularly Chinese Buddhists living overseas were harassed and told that they and their religion is not welcome?

Christianity has been around in China for a long time, Chinese Christians do not need permission from you or other Chinese to exercise their beliefs in their country.

Please do not try to convert me, you will only be seeking humiliation.

What makes you think that all of Chinese Christians are converted? There is a thing called free will, and we can stop the whole 'conversion' nonsense right now. I have never had anyone try to convert me, as a matter of fact I had some acquaintances that were devoutly Christian but never mentioned Jesus or God in front of me, infact of all the millions of people I have come across, and many were Christian, I have never met anyone that tried to convert me.

Infact i know a former Buddhists that converted to Christianity by his own free will, i bet that got some blood boiling :lol:

If you want to see the crazy mess you get when you mix east asians and christianity just look to Korea.

Yes look at South Korea, wealth, power, prosperity, and progression, just like with most Christian nations or nations founded on Christianity.

If Christianity bothers you so much why are you living in a country founded by and dominated by Christians? If it is that bad of a 'crazy mess' than move to a country of atheists or whatever else you prefer.

I remember news from a couple of years ago, where a korean girl was severely beaten by her pastor and her family for not attending church often enough.

This is a cheap low blow, this kind of behavior can be found in every religion, you act like this is normal or tolerated. Giving one example and saying just look at so and so is a weak argument.
no they're below prostitutes. prostitutes deserve sympathy and help from the government, christians need to be stamped out like a bug. or at least kept from disturbing others.

I hate to say it but this is racist.
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This article isn't accurate in many aspects, Christianity in China is still almost an Alien culture/religion, unlike Islam which many Chinese people recognized it as part legacy of the 56 ethnic groups. If you guys want to East Asian country with predominant Christians, then i suggest you should go to South Korea, not PRC.
I guess one of the reason why people gets put off by christianity is the reasoning that all people are sinners and somehow if you are not converting to christianity other christians tends to feel you are different from them. There is this very subtle but apparent notion of you somehow not in the same group as them. It tends to promote more exclusion and divides than an all mixing environment, which is what chinese culture leans more on. Not all christians are exclusive but just saying there is this subtle attempt to distinguish between themselves and others.
In Buddhism, doesn't the Karmic justice take place after one dies? So you can be an evil drug lord your whole life, and die in riches, but in your next life, you might end up a poor blind beggar or something. Not sure, that may be an incorrect interpretation.

According to buddhist teachings Karma could take place at anytime when the condition is right. Your action is like planting seeds into soil. It may lay dormant for any length of time but given the right condition (sunlight, water) the seed will germinate and bear fruit. Therefore what you experience now could be the result of your action any number of lifetimes before, or just yeaterday.

i.e. If you don't study for exam, you will fail. If you don't fail, you wasted your time doing something not very meaningful that you could've put into better use, and it may came back to bite you when you need the skills you are learning now in the future. If you put work off now, you have to work harder later.

Everything that people do actually influences their mind subtlely, a thief, a gangster, or a murderer can never live the same quality of life that a person with a healthy mind can have. When you die, this subconscious effect is activated (for lack of a better word) and becomes a powerful driving force. Thus people see their actions flashing through their heads in near death conditions. If you're not proud of what you did during your life, then it will affect your emotions strongly and then your aspirations will pull you through to your next life. One should not try to think that they can control this process because like a dream your mind will be overwhelmed by emotions, desires and fears that were otherwise masked by your conscious mind in your everyday activities. Thus it is important for people to die a calm and graceful death (not counting accidents) as your last thought/feeling has a heavy weighting on deciding your next life.

Buddhism does not advocate people living life passively, as your karma can be influenced by your action. Also it does not mean you should do harm to others and justify it on Karma, as that person may not deserve it and you could be adding to your karma. By same reasoning not everything happening to you may be a result of your karma.

This whole thing needs not have a right or wrong standard to it. Ignorance causes unskillful action to be taken, this produces karma between people. If two people with bad karma between them tries to 'repay' each other through their lives, then this process will potentially never end. All suffering comes from people dividing themselves off from others and forcing a friendly side and an opponent side.
I absolutely agree, Christianity holds the belief that men are born with sin, whereas the traditional Chinese philosophy believes human nature is always good. Two incompatible ideology can't integrate together. Our Chinese society has absolutely no need of Christianity, the Western world should keep it for themselves.
I absolutely agree, Christianity holds the belief that men are born with sin, whereas the traditional Chinese philosophy believes human nature is always good. Two incompatible ideology can't integrate together. Our Chinese society has absolutely no need of Christianity, the Western world should keep it for themselves.

You live in a Western country, you bring your values and believes to a predominately Christian nation but reject the idea of Christian integration into China :lol:

I also find it disgusting how some Chinese members are plainly being racist by saying 'Christianity should be squashed like a bug' and that there is no place for Christianity in China, but at the same time many of those same Chinese live in Christian dominated nations, how ironic. What if those Christian nations decided that they did not want atheists and Buddhists? Doesn't sound fair or justified now does it? So why are Buddhists the exception?
Wow pages of anti-christian rant. Did the Mods review this thread ? Let us not produce any type of double standard here.
You live in a Western country, you bring your values and believes to a predominately Christian nation but reject the idea of Christian integration into China :lol:

I also find it disgusting how some Chinese members are plainly being racist by saying 'Christianity should be squashed like a bug' and that there is no place for Christianity in China, but at the same time many of those same Chinese live in Christian dominated nations, how ironic. What if those Christian nations decided that they did not want atheists and Buddhists? Doesn't sound fair or justified now does it? So why are Buddhists the exception?

There is no need to lump us Chinese people together as if we are one monolithic entity, that all share the same opinion.

I know plenty of Chinese Christians where I live, I have never once felt any urge to tell them that there was something wrong with what they believe in.

I have never once felt the urge to tell them that they must give up their Chinese citizenship because they have a different belief system to mine.

If you have a problem with some posts, then you can report them.
You live in a Western country, you bring your values and believes to a predominately Christian nation but reject the idea of Christian integration into China :lol:

I also find it disgusting how some Chinese members are plainly being racist by saying 'Christianity should be squashed like a bug' and that there is no place for Christianity in China, but at the same time many of those same Chinese live in Christian dominated nations, how ironic. What if those Christian nations decided that they did not want atheists and Buddhists? Doesn't sound fair or justified now does it? So why are Buddhists the exception?

Buddhism is not exactly a religion, but rather an Atheistic philosophy. Since the Chinese people are predominantly Atheists/Agnostics, Buddhism can be integrated into our society.

So what if i live in a Christian country? It is my freedom to be an Atheist. :chilli:
If China becomes Christian I would renounce my nationality, ethnicity all together, because I would be ashamed by the lack of intelligence and reason.

Wow and you do realize that some of the most briliant scientists and inventors were Christian correct?

Does Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, or Max Planck ring an bells? Who was it that invented things such as the first aircraft and automobile?
Wow and you do realize that some of the most briliant scientists and inventors were Christian correct?

Does Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, or Max Planck ring an bells? Who was it that invented things such as the first aircraft and automobile?

Minor correction:

I've always thought that Newton was more of a Deist than a Christian. Galileo, on the on the other hand, was a traditional Catholic through and through. You do have to admit that the Church did interfere with Galileo's works though.
Wow and you do realize that some of the most briliant scientists and inventors were Christian correct?

Does Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, or Max Planck ring an bells? Who was it that invented things such as the first aircraft and automobile?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, some of the most intelligent people I know are Christians. Yes, CHINESE Christians, many of whom are family members of mine.

When judging someone's intelligence, I don't think I'll never need to refer to their racial background or religious beliefs. It's simply not relevant.
Wow and you do realize that some of the most briliant scientists and inventors were Christian correct?

Does Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, or Max Planck ring an bells? Who was it that invented things such as the first aircraft and automobile?

At least Atheists made your country a dominant Superpower of the 20th century. Now under Christianity, your country has officially became a weakling that has a GDP only 1/10 of the American...ops
There is no need to lump us Chinese people together as if we are one monolithic entity, that all share the same opinion.I know plenty of Chinese Christians where I live, I have never once felt any urge to tell them that there was something wrong with what they believe in.

When did I lump Chinese people together I explicitly used the words 'some Chinese members' I did not say all, and my view still stands against those racists fanatics.

So what if i live in a Christian country? It is my freedom to be an Atheist. :chilli:

The problem is that you live in a Christian dominated nation and you are free to exercise your believes as you wish. However, at the other end of the spectrum you and others like you are rejecting and denouncing Christianity in China, do not tell me that this is fair or just, what if there was 'no place' for people like you in Canada or elsewhere?
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