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China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

sir shchinese i tell you i have been to Tibet a few times. and most Tibetan don't like the idea to be part of china. then again which country doesn't have such issues. India have Kashmir , Pakistan have Baluchistan china have Tibet.
i personally think for the prosperity of Tibet they should be part of china. but china should create it as special zone , with certain changes in its laws.

mind telling me where,how and how many times you ever visited in Tibet?

Tibet has been a big topic for China,but never on par with Kashmir for India, it's very easy to understand the difference if you pay a little bit attention to social prospect in both places.

putting up subtitles as Kashmir,you may probably have Pakistani disputers to talk with.
I been to Xigaze, lahasa, Xigatse, dhingri, ngari areas and some others as well, i was in tibet in 1998 my first trip, 2003, 2004 (twice on my bike trips)2007-2008.reason being i love that part of world its kind of break through from rest of world we see just like macchu picchu.
As for debate on tibet its a big issue many tibeten dont liek the idea of being part of china, Its worst than situation of kashmir, goverment officals dont let any news come out of that region, you never know when a shooting might happen. anyways people of tibet are most loving and peaceful people in world .
as for kashmir , I am a kashmiri ( half kashmiri half Chinese ) lived in us of a for 12 years. and i know what is the political stand of Kashmir and i know the the suitable way for the prosperity of kashmiri than most here.
Kashmiri people are facing similer situation like tibet but At least world knows what happens there through pakistani or separatist, and things looking better than before.But tibet who knows.....
Interesting, I did see western cyclists camping on way to Everest.
from where you took flight to lhasa? did you get help from any Chinese agency or just DIY travels? and what kind of pass paper did you have in there?

I got a one-year temporary residence card for Xigatse when I was there.

and most of all, what ethnic group does your Chinese half belong to?
we are kwok (guo) from my mother side i have lot of my cousins living in shingai.it always interest me to go to china, i love trekking and i am an MMA fighter, so keep going to henan in china and Tibet when ever i get time for shaolin as well. But what attract me most is the culture of that place and people.

China expects Tibet to celebrate, or else - Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Beijing -- The Chinese government has a New Year's greeting for Tibetans: Celebrate, or else.

The Tibetan New Year, or Losar, is normally the most festive holiday of the year, when Tibetans burn incense, make special dumplings and set off fireworks. But this year, Tibetans have declared a moratorium on celebrating their own holiday, saying they will instead observe a mourning period for people killed last year during protests against Chinese rule.

Tibet's Dalai Lama out of hospital: 'nothing serious'
The 15-day holiday begins Wednesday, and as it approaches, tensions are rising. In the last few weeks, the Chinese government has closed large swaths of western China to foreign visitors -- not just Tibet itself, but parts of provinces with large Tibetan populations.

Nearly a year after the violent demonstrations reportedly left more than 120 dead, Tibetans are trying a novel technique for nonviolent protest. "Say No to Losar," as the campaign is called, was launched by Tibetan groups in Dharamsala, India, the Dalai Lama's home in exile.

"Instead of the usual celebrations marked by singing, dancing and other festivities, silence will be observed and butter lamps will be lit in the temples and homes to pray for the deceased," they announced in a statement last month.

The tactic appears to be driving Chinese authorities crazy. They're countering with their own campaign of forced merriment, organizing concerts, pageants, fireworks, horse races, archery competitions. They've declared a one-week public holiday beginning today in Tibet and are offering free admission to museums and parks.

The Communist Party in Tibet also gave vouchers worth $120 each to 37,000 low-income families to shop for the holidays.

To further tempt the 2.8 million Tibetans, state television will broadcast a four-hour gala with 800 performers Tuesday night.

"They want to show that the Tibetan people are happy, that they have returned to normal life. But by intervening, they're making them unhappy," said Tsering Shayka, a Tibetan historian now living in Canada. "They are trying to come up with gimmicks instead of solving the problem."

Robert Barnett, a Tibet expert at Columbia University in New York, says that Chinese efforts to push New Year's celebrations are likely to backfire.

"I think people will ask, 'Why is the Communist Party telling me what to do in my own home?' " Barnett said.

At Beijing's Central University for Nationalities, Tibetan students who had applied last year for permission to hold a Losar celebration informed the university recently that they wished to cancel. But the university told them that the party must go on, said a university source who asked not to be quoted by name.

"Celebrating is compulsory," he said.

As the holiday nears, tensions are spilling into the open.

On Feb. 14, a 39-year-old Tibetan monk set off a furor when he walked through a public market in the Tibetan plateau's Lithang county carrying a photograph of the Dalai Lama and chanting, "No Losar." Hundreds of people reportedly joined the protests, which continued into the next two days, according to the Dharamsala-based Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy. The group said that Chinese police detained 21 people, some of whom were badly beaten, and that the county has been locked down for the holiday.

Reports say that as many as 20,000 additional soldiers and paramilitary troops have been deployed in Tibetan areas and that in Qinghai province, village leaders were threatened with arrest if they urged people not to celebrate the holiday.

Even among Tibetans, there is a vigorous debate about the campaign to boycott Losar. The holiday, which dates back to pre-Buddhist times, is the most beloved in the Tibetan calendar and involves elaborate rituals and meals. Families traditionally make a soup with special dumplings in which they hide various items -- chile pepper, wool, charcoal -- and family members read their fortune by which dumpling they pick.

"The very idea that there won't be any Losar is, let's admit it, a little bit like calling off Christmas in a Christian community," one Tibetan blogger complained.

In addition to the tension over the holiday, next month will bring the 50-year anniversary of a failed anti-Chinese uprising, after which the Dalai Lama fled to India. The date has traditionally been a trigger for protests within Tibet, and this year might be especially tense because the Chinese plan to mark the occasion with a celebration of what they are calling "Serf Emancipation Day." The Chinese government says it liberated the Tibetans from brutal feudal serfdom.

In a preemptive strike against another flare-up of violence, the Chinese have held thousands of Tibetans at a detention center east of Lhasa, according to bloggers in the Tibetan capital.

The Chinese also have launched a crackdown in Tibetan regions on out-of-town visitors without residency permits. Foreign tourists have been banned until at least April, people in the tourist industry said.

"It is going to be a very sensitive time. When the Tibetan New Year is finished, then it will be the one-year anniversary of the riots," said a Tibetan tour guide who asked not to be quoted by name.

He said foreigners would not be sold plane or train tickets if they tried to get into Tibetan areas. "You can't get in if they don't want you in."

Lots of freedom there, I guess..
we are kwok (guo) from my mother side i have lot of my cousins living in shingai.it always interest me to go to china, i love trekking and i am an MMA fighter, so keep going to henan in china and Tibet when ever i get time for shaolin as well. But what attract me most is the culture of that place and people.

Kwok(guo)? I'm afraid I never heard of that in Chinese ethnic family.

below are all 56 Chinese ethnic groups:
Han (汉族)
Zhuang (壮族)
Manchu (满族)
Hui (回族)
Miao (苗族) (Hmong)
Uighur (维吾尔族)
Yi (彝族)
Tujia (土家族)
Mongol (蒙古族)
Tibetan (藏族)
Buyi (布依族)
Dong (侗族)
Yao (瑶族)
Korean (朝鲜族)
Bai (白族)
Hani (哈尼族)
Li (黎族)
Kazakh (哈萨克族)
Dai (傣族, also called Dai Lue, one of the Thai ethnic groups)
She (畲族)
Lisu (僳僳族)
Gelao (仡佬族)
Lahu (拉祜族)
Dongxiang (东乡族)
Wa (佤族) (Va)
Shui (水族)
Naxi (纳西族) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭))
Qiang (羌族)
Du (土族)
Xibe (锡伯族)
Mulam (仫佬族)
Kirghiz (柯尔克孜族)
Daur (达斡尔族)
Jingpo (景颇族)
Salar (撒拉族)
Blang (布朗族 Bulang)
Maonan (毛南族)
Tajik (塔吉克族)
Pumi (普米族)
Achang (阿昌族)
Nu (怒族)
Evenki (鄂温克族)
Gin (京族 Jing1)
Jino (基诺族)
De'ang (德昂族)
Uzbek (乌孜别克族)
Russian (俄罗斯族)
Yugur (裕固族)
Bonan (保安族)
Menba (门巴族)
Oroqin (鄂伦春族)
Drung (独龙族)
Tatar (塔塔尔族)
Hezhen (赫哲族)
Lhoba (珞巴族)
Gaoshan (高山族) (Taiwanese aborigine )

and what about the rest of my questions pls?
sir lin,
i had TTB Permit but then later i had to get military pass and border pass as well. i got there from Hong kong. I am shocked you haven't heard of kwok surname before not that obsolete i say.I didnt take any help from any agency i had my brothers who tag along with me so - we did it our self. guo is clan name belonging to yi. But i don't have too much knowledge about this.
As for debate on tibet its a big issue many tibeten dont liek the idea of being part of china, Its worst than situation of kashmir, goverment officals dont let any news come out of that region, you never know when a shooting might happen. anyways people of tibet are most loving and peaceful people in world .
many Tibetan don't like the idea of being part of China,but not all of them.the same thing like kashimiri.
worst than situation of kashimir?no,I don't think so,I heard that many men in kashimiri were killed in past years.explosion,attacking.you said the people in Tibet are "most loving and peaceful people in world".it is more safe place than kashimiri.
anyway,Tibet had been part of China since at least 200 years ago.at that time,there are no India nation at all,and there are no kashimiri issue at all.

as for kashmir , I am a kashmiri ( half kashmiri half Chinese ) lived in us of a for 12 years. and i know what is the political stand of Kashmir and i know the the suitable way for the prosperity of kashmiri than most here.

you are kashimiri,are you muslim?

Kashmiri people are facing similer situation like tibet but At least world knows what happens there through pakistani or separatist, and things looking better than before.But tibet who knows.....
maybe two reason
1、Dalai lama and CIA are not as effective as pakistani or kashmiri separatist.they are lazy,they are sleeping.

2、in fact,there are few news happen in Tibet,they had to waiting for long term to find something exciting.or they had to taking great effort to devise something exciting by their own hand deliberately.if China govt do well in prevent accident like explosion,gunshooting happen in Tibet,please applaud and act in concert with them,though sometimes it would restrict your freedom.but you may be more safe there.just like you were restricted in US airport after 9.11 Terrorism Attack.
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Aeneas you summed it pretty well.

many Tibetan don't like the idea of being part of China,but not all of them.the same thing like kashimiri.
worst than situation of kashimir?no,I don't think so,I heard that many men in kashimiri were killed in past years.explosion,attacking.you said the people in Tibet are "most loving and peaceful people in world".it is more safe place than kashimiri.
WORST than situation of kashmir because nothing much comes out. yes tibet is safer i would its almost like any european country for trevellers but its beacuse of military and force.

yes i am Muslim kashmiri by birth but because of my mom who is a christian we follow the christianity as well. and Hinduism too since i lived in Delhi for lot of years. I hardly follow any laws of religions for me they are all same and offer you way to humanity anyways.

As for daliai lama yeh you can say he is lazy,CIA dont have much of say in chinese affair anyways.
YES development is happening , I always said tibet will be better off with china but with freedom of thoughts.
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WORST than situation of kashmir because nothing much comes out. yes tibet is safer i would its almost like any european country for trevellers but its beacuse of military and force.
yes,there are military and force.but if not,there would be terrist and stowaway.think about what happen in US airport after 9.11.
and,Tibet border with India,a nation should deploy military and force near his border.India deploy more army near the border of China.also there are Russia army in Siberia,there are coastguard in US.there are military,police and Sperranlage near the border of US-Mexico.

thank you
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sir lin,
i had TTB Permit but then later i had to get military pass and border pass as well. i got there from Hong kong. I am shocked you haven't heard of kwok surname before not that obsolete i say.I didnt take any help from any agency i had my brothers who tag along with me so - we did it our self. guo is clan name belonging to yi. But i don't have too much knowledge about this.

Don't be shocked,mate. I was not asking about your surname.

anyway, Kwok,or Guo(郭) is typically a Han's surname while major surnames of Yi ethnic are An(安) and Lu(禄), which were allocated by the first emperor of Ming dynasty. Nevertheless, it's very common for the Yi ethnic people to adopt Han's surname. but there never be an ethnic group called Kwok.

beside TTB and Military Permit (MP), I guess you need also a Travel Permit ( PSB Permit) from the Local Public Security Bureau, since you're not Chinese citizen and planed to enter unopened areas.

I've been to Tibet for 11 times and talked with many Tibetans. we didn't ususally get into topic like "do you think Tibet a part of China?" coz it's such a clumsy question. but to stick out a mile, I am Chinese and none of them counted me as foreigner.

I'm not here to act as spokesman for Tibetans that they all think Tibet is part of China, and same on your side to speak otherwise. We only need to remember two things in March 1959:

1.The Dalai Lama, accompanied by feudal nobles, fleed to India.
2.All the serfs,the absolute majority of Tibetans,were set free.
Don't be shocked,mate. I was not asking about your surname.

anyway, Kwok,or Guo(郭) is typically a Han's surname while major surnames of Yi ethnic are An(安) and Lu(禄), which were allocated by the first emperor of Ming dynasty. Nevertheless, it's very common for the Yi ethnic people to adopt Han's surname. but there never be an ethnic group called Kwok.

beside TTB and Military Permit (MP), I guess you need also a Travel Permit ( PSB Permit) from the Local Public Security Bureau, since you're not Chinese citizen and planed to enter unopened areas.

I've been to Tibet for 11 times and talked with many Tibetans. we didn't ususally get into topic like "do you think Tibet a part of China?" coz it's such a clumsy question. but to stick out a mile, I am Chinese and none of them counted me as foreigner.

I'm not here to act as spokesman for Tibetans that they all think Tibet is part of China, and same on your side to speak otherwise. We only need to remember two things in March 1959:

1.The Dalai Lama, accompanied by feudal nobles, fleed to India.
2.All the serfs,the absolute majority of Tibetans,were set free.

My brother, these indians are nothing but a bunch of liers.

They should look at their own backyard first before commenting about other nations.

The largest military operation going on in the world is in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

In Indian Occupied Kashmir:

Indian armed forces committed the following crimes against the Kashmiri people
From Jan. 1989 to January 31, 2009

Total Killings 92,729
Custodial Killings 6,953
Civilians Arrested 115,972
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,682
Women Widowed 22,681
Children Orphaned 107,222
Women gang-raped / Molested 9,850

and this is a never ending nightmare in Indian Occupied Kashmir, Indian armed forces are continuing their terrorist acts upon the Kashmiri people.

Kashmir Media Service | Latest and Free Kashmiri News - the best and free news agency on Kashmir
sir shchinese i tell you i have been to Tibet a few times. and most Tibetan don't like the idea to be part of china. then again which country doesn't have such issues. India have Kashmir , Pakistan have Baluchistan china have Tibet.
i personally think for the prosperity of Tibet they should be part of china. but china should create it as special zone , with certain changes in its laws.

You cant compare Indian Occupied Kashmir with Balochistan.

Balochistan was doing just fine in Pakistan, its when India set its consulates in Afghanistan, we started seeing problems in Balochistan. Military operations inside Balochistan province started a few years ago in this decade, military operations by Indian forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir started over half a century ago, and its continuing to this day. The entire international community sees Kashmir as a disputed territory between Pakistan and India, the entire international community sees Balochistan as part of Pakistan.

China expects Tibet to celebrate, or else - Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Beijing -- The Chinese government has a New Year's greeting for Tibetans: Celebrate, or else.

The Tibetan New Year, or Losar, is normally the most festive holiday of the year, when Tibetans burn incense, make special dumplings and set off fireworks. But this year, Tibetans have declared a moratorium on celebrating their own holiday, saying they will instead observe a mourning period for people killed last year during protests against Chinese rule.

Tibet's Dalai Lama out of hospital: 'nothing serious'
The 15-day holiday begins Wednesday, and as it approaches, tensions are rising. In the last few weeks, the Chinese government has closed large swaths of western China to foreign visitors -- not just Tibet itself, but parts of provinces with large Tibetan populations.

Nearly a year after the violent demonstrations reportedly left more than 120 dead, Tibetans are trying a novel technique for nonviolent protest. "Say No to Losar," as the campaign is called, was launched by Tibetan groups in Dharamsala, India, the Dalai Lama's home in exile.

"Instead of the usual celebrations marked by singing, dancing and other festivities, silence will be observed and butter lamps will be lit in the temples and homes to pray for the deceased," they announced in a statement last month.

only those retarded brains believe that the Free-to-bed groups outside China can represent all 8mln Tibetans.

Try even harder with wishful thinking, and Tibet still stays part of China.
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I recently watched the film Slumdog Millionaire, I was totally shocked.

there is a country called India with 1 billion people suffering all those **** just next to my homeland. I call it my government's fault for failing to liberate those 1 billion souls.

The street views of Mumbai in that film is also impressive! I used to believe Mumbai in 2009 is like Shanghai in 1980s, but I was wrong. I was born in 1981 and I grow up in the old days of Shanghai where I think everything is pretty shitty. However, after visiting most part of Shanghai during the 1980s, I have never seen anything remotely similar to the shitty Mumbai.

To all those trolling Indian friends: Tibetans' life expectancy is better than your national average, why you don't worry about all those **** in your country first?


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