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China threatens to claim Haiwaii, Hillary Clinton replies Go ahead and try

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should be moved to joke and funny thread again
Next stop, Russian claim ceding Alaska by mistake, and they want it back........

then France Claim Louisiana Purchase is illegal, claiming back half of United States.

Then United States ceased to exist :) and i got no home to go back to LOL
Next stop, Russian claim ceding Alaska by mistake, and they want it back........

then France Claim Louisanna Purchase is illegal, claiming back half of United States.

Then United States ceased to exist :) and i got no home to go back to LOL

You forgot Mexico claiming California back. We are doomed :cry:
Look to me like, Secretary Clinton, in her zeal, forgot about the unwritten lynchpin of US policy -- American exceptionalism.
US subject herself to an international organization that she did not fully control? What would be the implications?
tsk tsk tsk... she ought to know better than that
Look to me like, Secretary Clinton, in her zeal, forgot about the unwritten lynchpin of US policy -- American exceptionalism.
US subject herself to an international organization that she did not fully control? What would be the implications?
tsk tsk tsk... she ought to know better than that

US libs believe that US constitution is sub servant to international law.
Very good, but also not just other galaxy because others are also visible. Try parallel universe:cheesy:
You forgot Mexico claiming California back. We are doomed :cry:

Pues, i don't like california anyway, the mexican can have it, beside, they would take back the Alamo and Texas first, California does not worth that much, they don't have oil like texas do.....

What an immature thinking that claiming everything makes something disputed.

This mindset will not win friends and only generate more tensions rather than solve existing ones.

it's coming, a monk can run away but not his temple same as AP. As for Taiwan, why bother? it's not anymore our first concern.

Well if only wishes were tangible, but they are not. Your immediate concern right now is not to make enemies but ensure a stable region in an increasingly troubled neighborhood of both friends, enemies and estranged neighbors. Don't make the mistakes of your other friends.
1. None of us can say for certain that this news is true.

2. China has legitimate security concerns against a bloodthirsty and aggressive American regime which has historically:

- Been the only country to use nukes i.e. atom bomb in Japan, after the Japanese themselves had tried to surrender.
- Napalmed and destroyed south east Asia including Vietnam, Laos etc
- In the past decade or so invaded two countries, Iraq and Afghanistan, with Iraq having attacked no one.
- Threatening to attack Iran
- Encouraging Georgia to start war against Russia.

The US is a highly aggressive, brutal regime which only respects power and strength.

The US has killed more people than the Nazis.

China knows this and realizes the nature of the terrorist Americans and if the official made the comment about Hawaii then he was essentially saying "look you are trying to bully us and interfere in our affairs, but how would you like it if we did the same".

Anyway the US is on the path to decline and demise and is cursed with the calls for vengeance from the souls of the many Japanese, Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese it has murdered and slaughtered over the decades.

What goes round, comes around.


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