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China threatens its Neighbours

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Let's stop talking about urine please.

It was brought up as a response to an Indian being racist and saying "Ching chong".

Let's leave it there.

Not only on this thread but you can find Chinese getting racist on lots of other threads. So when you indulge in it yourself don't get touchy when you are returned the favour..
Again you are assuming too much ..and we hope you general do the same.
Most of Indian tests are public..hence people know off a faliure instantly ..out 4 tests for Agni 3(China specific missile) only one(the first one) had failed..rest all were successful.

A few of your new Agni missiles has the range to hit China. What exactly is your point. China has been threatened to nuclear destruction by both America during the Korean war and the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet clashes. These countries had tens of thousands of ICBMs and we had no BMD at the time. Did we stop fighting? No we weren't cowed by them and we certainly won't back down because you have a few MRBMs
A few of your new Agni missiles has the range to hit China. What exactly is your point. China has been threatened to nuclear destruction by both America during the Korean war and the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet clashes. These countries had tens of thousands of ICBMs and we had no BMD at the time. Did we stop fighting? No we weren't cowed by them and we certainly won't back down because you have a few MRBMs

Jingoism aside ..are you so eager to fight India ..that in the process you will have China destroyed too..so that you can destroy India?
It a SSN..India is not a member of MTCR..but this year India is deploying a SSBN too.

You have no proven indigenous SSK and you expect us believe you have a working SSBN. Just how stupid do you think the rest of the world is?
Not only on this thread but you can find Chinese getting racist on lots of other threads. So when you indulge in it yourself don't get touchy when you are returned the favour..

I have been called a "slanty-eyed chink" so many times by Indians here.

Nothing you say makes any difference. :wave:
Jingoism aside ..are you so eager to fight India ..that in the process you will have China destroyed too..so that you can destroy India?

China in reality does not really care about India.

The masses of Indian trolls on the internet are the ones who feel offended, and would prefer having a conflict rather than being ignored.

The USA also feels that India is not important, according to recent polls.

Does it really matter to you guys that much?
You have no proven indigenous SSK and you expect us believe you have a working SSBN. Just how stupid do you think the rest of the world is?

We built our first SSK in 1984..offcourse it was on TOT from Germany.

But India lauched its first boomer last year.

Again you are assuming too much ..and we hope you general do the same.
Most of Indian tests are public..hence people know off a faliure instantly ..out 4 tests for Agni 3(China specific missile) only one(the first one) had failed..rest all were successful.

Back in 1995-2000, we had 3000 nukes, but with only 20 ICBMs can hit the American soil. And Americans thought that our strike ability was a joke. Therefore they constantly threatened to blow up our great dam. Now with 500 ICBMs, even 1000, this voice of threatening is gone. We can even use our bunker busting nuke to blow up the Supervolcano located in Yellowstone park. That would cause the ultimate destruction.

Are you sure that India can threaten China with 20 ballistic missiles?
I dont think India has the nukes and the delivery capability yet to take on China. That's going to take some time. But is it your policy to get there? It is going to be pretty expensive.
Back in 1995-2000, we had 3000 nukes, but with only 20 ICBMs can hit the American soil. And Americans thought that our strike ability was a joke. Therefore they constantly threatened to blow up our great dam. Now with 500 ICBMs, even 1000, this voice of threatening is gone. We can even use our bunker busting nuke to blow up the Supervolcano located in Yellowstone park. That would cause the ultimate destruction.

Are you sure that India can threaten China with 20 ballistic missiles?

Again going to need sources for those claims.
We built our first SSK in 1984..offcourse it was on TOT from Germany.

But India lauched its first boomer last year.


You can't call a SSN a SSBN just because it is planned to have SLBMs. Even your land based systems have problems how do you expect to make a SLBM? China had SLBMs in the Jl 1 but until it had the JL 2 which was intercontinental it wasn't taken as a threat.
You can't call a SSN a SSBN just because it is planned to have SLBMs. Even your land based systems have problems how do you expect to make a SLBM? China had SLBMs in the Jl 1 but until it had the JL 2 which was intercontinental it wasn't taken as a threat.

So please enlighten us what is difference between SSN and SSBN except the submarine launched Ballistic missiles??
So please enlighten us what is difference between SSN and SSBN except the submarine launched Ballistic missiles??

Ability to launch SSBN and obviously size. Only two man crew. India has no SLBM even if it has space on the the miniscule Arihant. Its 5000 to 6000 ton displacement is smaller than even a SSN. This places doubts on its ability to carry SLBMs.
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