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China-the world's financial superpower

Jun 22, 2009
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China-the world's financial superpower

By John Ross
China.org.cn, November 10, 2009

There is an interesting game called 'when will China overtake the US to become the world's largest economy'?Mechanical projection of existing growth rates gives the answer 2018. Goldman Sachs, arguing that some slowing of China's economy will take place, gives the answer 2026.

What is not generally realised is that China passed a decisive financial landmark this year when it overtook the US as the world's largest generator of finance available for investment. As China has overturned a lead that the US has enjoyed for a century and a half, this may be termed, without exaggeration, a turning point in world financial history.

To set out the data starkly, the official US Bureau of Economic Analysis measured combined US company, government, and domestic savings in the second quarter of 2009-the latest available figures-at an annualised $1.4 trillion.


China does not publish quarterly savings figures, but it is relatively easy to calculate them from other published data. At official exchange rates, which understate the real size of China's economy, China's finance available for investment, that is savings, reached an annualised $2 trillion in the second quarter of 2009. This more than $600 billion lead over the US is sufficiently large that, even allowing for a generous margin of error given the indirect way China's figures must be calculated (aggregating fixed investment, inventories, and the balance of payments surplus), there is no doubt that China has now overtaken the US as the world's greatest domestic generator of capital.

A lead the US has enjoyed over every competitor since it passed Britain to become the world's largest economy in the 19th century has disappeared. That is why it may be legitimately said that a new era in world finance has begun.

Two processes explain why the shift took place this year. As can be seen from Figure 1 China had been closing the gap with the US for many years. However, purely on previous trends, it would have taken China the better part of a decade to overtake the US.

The new factor was the damage done to the internal structure of the US economy by the international financial crisis. Just as when the iceberg struck the Titanic–the damage caused was worse below the waterline than above it.

The visible damage from the financial crisis is the US recession and rising unemployment. The damage below the waterline, from which it will be much harder to recover, is the extraordinary fall in the already low US savings rate-in other words, the ability of the US to generate domestic capital.

Total US savings, at annualised rates, have fallen from their peak of $2.2 trillion dollars in the third quarter of 2006 to $1.4 trillion. Expressed as a percentage of GDP the drop is from 16.2 percent to 10.2 percent. The latter figure is the lowest since 1934. US savings have therefore fallen to levels last seen in the midst of the Great Depression.

Equally striking, the level of US investment (14.7 percent of GDP) is scarcely above its calculated rate of capital consumption (12.9 percent of GDP)–which means that, in net terms, the US is scarcely accumulating capital.

Such an extraordinarily low investment rate precludes a rapid rate of recovery from the economic downturn. US economic growth following the recession will therefore be relatively anaemic compared to previous downturns. China will meet its 8 percent GDP growth target for this year and is likely to see still higher growth in 2010–cutting the gap between the size of the Chinese and US economies by around a trillion dollars in 2009-2010 alone.

None of this, of course, means that China is about to eclipse the US. Even when China's economy becomes as large as that of the US, it will still only have reached one quarter of the GDP per capita. And China's overall institutional economic strength–as measured by the size of its companies, the proportion of its economy devoted to research and development, the organisation of its markets, its ability to handle very high value production, its ability to run companies abroad–still remains considerably weaker than that of the US. One of the great merits of China's economic leadership is that it does not conceal such facts and engage in self-delusional braggadocio, but openly addresses them.

But all these necessary skills can be acquired with time and effort. China's underlying financial strength means it is well able to sustain its leading companies as they move up to world standards. The first international efforts of what are now world-beating firms from Japan and South Korea, such as Toyota and Samsung, were far more primitive than those of present Chinese companies such as Haier, Hisense, or Chery.

Such underlying financial strength also gave China the ability to launch its stimulus package–the speed and decisiveness of which enabled China to achieve its 8 percent growth rate target. Financial strength will also allow the inevitable rough edges of such a huge package to be overcome. And that is why those who point to this or that inevitable individual problem have really lost the plot. No country in the world could deliver a program on such a scale without encountering problems in some areas, as well as greater than expected successes in others. China's underlying financial strength allows any particular problems, such as some inevitable rise in bad loans, given the huge expansion of lending, to be mopped up with the resources generated by rapid economic growth. This is why the problems connected with China's stimulus package have been far less than those seen in the US.

Finally China's underlying financial strength is why, in the international debate on China's economic stimulus package, those who have been predicting failure, such as Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley or Michael Pettis of Peking University, have been consistently proved wrong by the unfolding economic data, while the views of those who have been predicting success, such as Professor Danny Quah of the London School of Economics, the present author, or Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs have been vindicated by events.

In China it is always necessary to see the big picture.


John Ross is Visiting Professor at Antai College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From 2000 to 2008 he was Director of Economic and Business Policy in the administration of the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, a post equivalent to the current position of Deputy Mayor. He was previously an adviser to major international mining, finance and equipment manufacturing companies.
Well, to be honest I don't understand much of the economics terms and theories. But while seeing the whole scenario in the contemporary world, China is really a leading financial power I believe.

If in near future, China is successful in breaking the U.S's oil monopoly and convince the Arab states plus Japan, France and Iran to make Yuan as a new currency for oil dealing, I'm absolutely sure China will emerge as a foremost economic giant -- besides a superpower too instead of U.S.

China is already up with the idea of breaking U.S's oil monopoly. Brazil has shown interest in collaborating in non-dollar oil payments, along with India. As I read some days back, meetings are held. France, Iran, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar are up with this idea too. The matter to decide, as far as I believe, is the new dealing currency for Oil.
At this point of time there is no doubt in that.

BTW as per me, China was already a financial superpower (Top 5) for better part of this decade... However after the last Global Recession China clearly is the No.1 Financial Superpower..

Consider this..


GDP Nominal - $ 4.33 Trillion
Per Capita PPP - $5,970
Forex Reserve - $ 2.27 Trillion
External Debt - $363 Billion Only
per Capital External Debt - $271 Only
Exports - $ 1.45 Trillion

some other countries -


GDP (Nominal) - $14.45 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP)- $47,440
External Debt - 13.77 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $42,343
Exports - $ 1.3 Trillion

GDP (Nominal) - $ 2.68 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $36,358
External Debt - $12.7 Trillion ( staggering 375% of GDP)
per Capital External Debt - $174,167
Exports - $ 465 Billion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 3.67 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP)- $35,539
External Debt - $ 4.5 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 54,600
Exports - $ 1.5 Trillion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 2.87 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $34,205
External debt - $4.4 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 68,183
Exports - $602 Billion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 4.9 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $34,116
Forex Reserves - $1.05 Trillion
External Debt - $1.5 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 4,528
Exports - $746 Billion

China is sitting really Pretty in terms of International trade, Domestic investment, Growth rate - You Name it. China No doubt is the No.1 Financial Superpower right now. BTW the other Asian giant JAPAN isn't doing too badly either . Keep it up GUYS :tup:
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At this point of time there is no doubt in that.

BTW as per me, China was already a financial superpower (Top 5) for better part of this decade... However after the last Global Recession China clearly is the No.1 Financial Superpower..

Consider this..


GDP Nominal - $ 4.33 Trillion
Per Capita PPP - $5,970
Forex Reserve - $ 2.27 Trillion
External Debt - $363 Billion Only
per Capital External Debt - $271 Only
Exports - $ 1.45 Trillion

some other countries -


GDP (Nominal) - $14.45 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP)- $47,440
External Debt - 13.77 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $42,343
Exports - $ 1.3 Trillion

GDP (Nominal) - $ 2.68 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $36,358
External Debt - $12.7 Trillion ( staggering 375% of GDP)
per Capital External Debt - $174,167
Exports - $ 465 Billion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 3.67 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP)- $35,539
External Debt - $ 4.5 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 54,600
Exports - $ 1.5 Trillion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 2.87 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $34,205
External debt - $4.4 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 68,183
Exports - $602 Billion


GDP (Nominal) - $ 4.9 Trillion
Per Capita (PPP) - $34,116
Forex Reserves - $1.05 Trillion
External Debt - $1.5 Trillion
per Capital External Debt - $ 4,528
Exports - $746 Billion

China is sitting really Pretty in terms of International trade, Domestic investment, Growth rate - You Name it. China No doubt is the No.1 Financial Superpower right now. BTW the other Asian giant JAPAN isn't doing too badly either . Keep it up GUYS :tup:

Eastern Asians save. It is part of the culture.

The western countries are in decline because their economy depends on endless borrowing. The problem is that no borrowing is endless.
You Missed India!

India owes $230.85 billion ( Less than China ) to the external world as debt as on December 31, 2008, which is slightly less than $254.6 billion of forex reserves the country enjoyed at that point of time.

The total external debt marginally increased by 2.8 per cent from $224.65 billion at end-September 2008, as commercial external borrowings by India Inc continued to enjoy major chunk of external debt, as the government swung into action by liberalising overseas debt regime after these sources of funds dried up.

According to an official statement here, external commercial borrowings increased by $4.6 billion to $66.16 billion with its share in total debt increasing to 28.7 per cent from 27.4 per cent at end-September 2008.

Comparison between these two periods assumes importance as external sources of funds dried up after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in mid-September.

The data showed that the share of short-term debt declined to 20.6 per cent at $47.48 billion as on December end, 2008, from 22.6 per cent at $50.68 billion as on September end.

After the East Asian crisis of late 1990s, large chunk of short-term debt is not considered good for economic health of a country.

India's long-term debt constituted 79.4 per cent of the total debt at $183.37 billion as on December 31, 2008, against 77.4 per cent as on September 30 that year.

NRI deposits declined marginally to $40.30 billion from $40.62 billion, despite increase in ceiling of interest rates paid to them on their deposits.

Government (Sovereign) external debt stood at $57.4 billion at end-December, 2008, while non-government debt amounted to $173.5 billion.

The share of non-government debt in total debt has increased steadily since March 2003. This trend continued during the first half of 2008-09, with the share of non-government debt in total external debt increasing further to 75.3 per cent.

However, it dipped fractionally to 75.2 per cent at the end of December 2008. The official statement said, "The focus of external debt management policy continues to be on maintaining debt within manageable limits."

This includes emphasis on raising sovereign loans on concessional terms with longer maturities, regulating the levels of commercial borrowing and their end-use, rationalising interest rates on NRI deposits, monitoring short term debt and encouraging non-debt creating capital flows.

US dollar continued to dominate debt, accounting for 53.1 per cent of total external debt as on December-end 2008, followed by Japanese Yen (15.9 per cent), Indian rupee (15.8 per cent), SDR (9.3 per cent) and Euro (3.8 per cent).
You Missed India!

I deliberately missed India. Dint want to get India into the debate.

One, I do not think we are a financial superpower yet and in many considerations do not sit pretty with those names above.

Two, people would eventually come and turn this into India-China Blah Blah thread.

Three, They start pointing to our poor population and say first feed them and then dream about being a financial superpower.

So mostly, I avoid IND-CHINA, IND-PAK comparison where ever possible in country specific threads, and try to focus only on China and Pakistan in those threads. But when a thread is already comparing, i could present my views based on facts.
How about U.S. National Debt clock -- which has ran out of space. :woot:

As an emergency measure, the counter’s electronic dollar sign has been hastily replaced with the extra digit needed. One can see clearly :lol:


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