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China Taiwan Province (ROC): News, Discussions & Images


Feb 22, 2012
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Capital - Taipei City 台北市

Area - 36,193 km2

Population - 23.3 million

GDP(nominal) - 466 billion USD (2012)

GDP(per capita) - $19,888 (2012)

Language - Standard Chinese- traditional script

Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Talk of the Day -- Taiwan needs new strategy for ASEAN partnership

Just 10 days after his reelection, U.S. President Barack Obama has begun an Asian tour that includes Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia. The trip is widely seen as highlighting Obama's seriousness about making Asia the pivot of his strategy to rebalance U.S. foreign policy and reasserting American power across the Pacific. Obama's "pivot to Asia" strategy has prompted China to send outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao to cement ties with its close neighbors. Wen will attend the annual East Asia Summit in Cambodia and also visit Thailand to consolidate bilateral relations. Building on the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the East Asia Summit covers nearly all major countries in the world, including China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Russia. Because of Taiwan's diplomatic isolation, it has been kept out of various regional forums such as ASEAN, ASEAN+3 (China, Japan, South Korea) and the East Asia Summit. Local media reports quoted academics and commentators as saying that Taiwan's government has never worked out any visionary strategy to forge closer partnerships with Southeast Asian countries, except for promoting trade. With the world's two superpowers -- the U.S. and China -- vying for greater influence in Southeast Asia, the commentators said President Ma Ying-jeou's administration should not drag its feet any longer. The government should work out innovative strategies for forging closer ties with Southeast Asian countries and even an overarching strategic framework that would allow for comprehensive partnership with those nations, the commentators said. The following are excerpts of local media coverage of the latest developments in Southeast Asian relations and cross-Taiwan Strait ties: United Daily News: Obama's historic visit to Myanmar, which borders with China, has sparked speculation that Washington intends to contain Beijing. Local scholars said Obama's current trip is not really aimed at rivalry with China. They said the U.S. government has made it clear that it is not afraid of China's rise as a new power. Huang Kui-po, an associate professor at National Chengchi University, said Obama's visit to Myanmar is designed primarily to promote Myanmar's peaceful evolution toward opening and democratization. Still, he said China will see the U.S. efforts to develop closer ties with Myanmar and other Asian countries as attempts to counter its rise. China will strengthen relations with its closest allies such as Laos and Cambodia in a bid to prevent the U.S. from swaying them away from its control, Huang said. (Nov. 19, 2012) Liberty Times: While Chinese leaders have repeatedly called for cross-strait political negotiations, China has never renounced its attempt to use force against Taiwan, opposition Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Tsai Chi-chang said Sunday. A video played at a recent weaponry trade fair in Zhuhai in southern China to promote China's weapons systems was convincing proof of its intention as the commercial simulated the bombing of military bases in Taiwan. The President Ma's administration should not ignore China's attempt to annex Taiwan, Tsai said. Responding to the report about the controversial video, military spokesman Luo Shou-he said the video has hurt Taiwan people's feelings. "We hope Chinese authorities will correct its move," Luo added. (Nov. 19,2012). (By Sofia Wu)

Talk of the Day -- Taiwan needs new strategy for ASEAN partnership - Taiwan News Online


Taiwan's e-commerce value to reach $22.6 bln

TAIPEI, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- The value of Taiwan's e-commerce sector will reach 6,600 billion New Taiwan dollars (22.6 billion U.S. dollars) this year, a 17 percent growth over 2011, economic authorities said Monday.

The figure is predicted to top 1 trillion NTD (34.3 billion U.S. dollars) in 2015. The Chinese mainland will be a key market for Taiwan's e-commerce industry, according to Taiwan's economic authorities at a seminar on promoting the development of e-commerce.

The industry is one of the few in Taiwan that is growing despite the global economic recession.

Taiwan authorities have initiated a program for promoting Chinese language e-commerce and transaction safety, in a bid to help practitioners enter the fast-growing mainland market, which has more than 500 million Internet users.

Taiwan and the Chinese mainland will hold discussions on issues that hinder Taiwan's e-commerce practitioners from entering mainland market. These include customs clearance and obtaining the mainland's business certificates for Internet Content Providers (ICP).

"The Chinese mainland has a bigger Internet market and abundant opportunities for businesses," said Zhuang Longlong, founder of Taiwan-based online shopping company PGmall.com. The firm has benefited from entering the mainland market with turnover increasing.

Taobao.com, the leading online shopping company from the Chinese mainland, said at the seminar that the website's registered users from Taiwan had reached 500,000, with a 50 percent growth in transactions.

"We will strengthen cooperation with Taiwan's banking and logistics industries to provide more convenience to Taiwanese consumers. We will also help Taiwan's e-commerce practitioners to enter the Chinese mainland through our platform," said Li Pengjun, director of Taobao's overseas business.

Taiwan's e-commerce value to reach $22.6 bln - Xinhua | English.news.cn

I'm trying to make this a sticky Taiwan thread. Contributions by members, especially Taiwan brothers, are greatly appreciated and welcome.
Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan, lies on the extreme north end of the island Formosa (Taiwan Island). The city does not have a skyline to compare to cities like New York, Hong Kong or Shanghai, but nevertheless, it dominates by a world famous building - Taipei 101. Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world from 2004 to 2010 when Burj Khalifa in Dubai was officially open. The multiple awarded building was designed by CY Lee & Partners and owned by Taipei Financial Center Corp whose tenants are mostly in banking and financial businesses.










That will be a challenge for Taiwan to become an important political voice as Beijing currently opposes any ideas. Sure, Taiwan is welcome to tie closer with ASEAN, in non sensitive fields such as economics.
Export orders in October reach second highest in history

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA, 經濟部) announced yesterday that export orders in October reached US$38.38 billion, the second highest value in the history of Taiwan, posting a second consecutive year-on-year increase.

MOEA Statistics Department Director Lin Lee-jen (林麗貞) said that export orders in October were 3.2 percent higher than those of last October, and 1.9 percent higher than those of last month. The two positive year-on-year increases of export orders in September and October came after six consecutive year-on-year declines from March through August.

According to Lin, the increase of export orders for information communication technology (ICT) products was higher than she had expected. Export orders of basic metals, as well as plastic and rubber products, also rose to beat expectations.

In terms of export orders in November and December, Lin stated that new releases of smartphones, tablet PCs and the Win 8 system, as well as the upcoming Christmas season, are likely to boost orders of ICT products. Furthermore, increasing exports to mainland China and the need to increase stocks of products for the new year will boost demand for TV displays, semiconductors and plastic products.

Lin, however, cautioned that the fiscal cliff in the U.S., the unsolved European debt crisis and the slow global economic recovery still remain serious risk factors for the local economy.

Based on the MOEA survey, the director said that export orders for November are likely to see further increases. In terms of ICT and precision instrument products, the survey suggests a higher likelihood for export orders to rise in November.

The director said that if the average export orders in November and December are as high as US$37.6 billion, export orders in 2012 may be as high as they were in 2011. Lin said that US$37.6 billion in orders is a possible target.

Electronic Products Top Orders

Export orders for electronic products in October were US$3.29 billion, recording the highest value in the nation's history. The year-on-year increase of orders for electronic products had been positive for four consecutive months because of the strong demand for wafers produced by advanced manufacturing processes.

Orders of ICT products increased to be 3.5 percent higher than those for September and decreased by 0.3 percent from October.

Orders for basic metals increased by 5.8 percent over September and decreased by 2.8 percent from October 2011 levels. Global steel prices hit their lowest point and returned, and orders from the U.S. increased. Experts have pointed to this as the cause for the month-on-month increase beating MOEA forecasts.

Rising demand from the U.S. and mainland China for plastic and rubber products led export orders of ICT products to rise by 6.6 percent year-on-year and 6.4 percent month-on-month.

Export orders of precision machinery products in October saw their third consecutive year-on-year increase. Export orders decreased month-on-month in October, however, because of the high base level resulting from the need to increase stocks before a long vacation in mainland China starting Oct. 1.

US, ASEAN See Highest Values to Date

Export orders from the U.S. and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reached US$9.71 billion and US$4.3 billion, respectively, with both numbers setting records for Taiwan. Export orders for electronic products from the U.S. increased by 9.9 percent month-on-month and 10.7 percent year-on-year.

Orders from mainland China increased 1.2 percent year-on-year, posing the third consecutive year-on-year increase. Export orders of electronic products posed a month-on-month decline of 12.9 percent and a year-on-year increase of 3.3 percent.

Export orders from Japan and Europe posed month-on-month increases and year-on-year declines.

Export orders in October reach second highest in history - The China Post


Taiwan Current Account Surplus Rises In Q3

Taiwan's current account surplus increased sequentially in the third quarter as a decline in services account surplus was offset by increases in surpluses on goods trade and income, as well as a narrower current transfer deficit, data released by the central bank showed Tuesday.

The current account surplus increased to $11.64 billion in the third quarter from $10.77 billion in the second quarter. In the third quarter of 2011, the balance was a surplus of $10.26 billion.

The goods trade account showed a surplus of $8.42 billion during the three-month period, notably higher than the second quarter's $5.65 billion surplus. The surplus in the income account decreased to $2.88 billion from $3.81 billion in the preceding quarter.

The current transfers account, meanwhile, showed a deficit of $0.55 billion in the third quarter, broadly unchanged from the second quarter. The services account recorded a surplus of $0.91 billion, data showed.

Taiwan Current Account Surplus Rises In Q3
Foreign affairs ministry rejects proposal to invite Dalai Lama

The foreign ministry yesterday confirmed that it has denied a proposal to invite the Dalai Lama to Taiwan, citing poor timing as the main reason.

“After an internal evaluation, we decided that now is not an appropriate time to have the Dalai Lama visit Taiwan,” Deputy Foreign Minister Simon Ko said at a legislative hearing when asked by opposition lawmakers to confirm the decision.

Ko, however, failed to make clear when a more appropriate time for a visit would be. He also failed to give any further details on the decision.

The deputy minister's response immediately drew heavy fire from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators, who accused MOFA of bowing to Chinese pressure to block the visit of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, seen by Beijing as a “splittist.”

DPP Legislator Tsai Huang-liang alleged that MOFA's decision to deny the Tibetan spiritual leader a visa was made under instructions from the Presidential Office.

Ko denied the allegations, saying that it is within MOFA's jurisdiction to screen visa applications.

The decision was made by the ministry alone, he said, denying that the ministry came under pressure from Beijing or high-ranking Taiwanese government officials.

Joseph Ma (馬鍾麟), a senior officer on MOFA's NGO Affairs Committee, which was responsible for screening the application, said during the hearing yesterday that the decision was made in the national interest.

The hearing was held the same day a Chinese-language report quoted sources as saying that MOFA recently rejected a proposal made by the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW International) to invite the Dalai Lama to Taiwan for a conference to be held next month in Taipei.

In a letter addressed to BPW International President Freda Miriklis, Foreign Minister David Lin said his ministry welcomes the Tibetan leader for a trip to Taiwan but “we need to arrange a more opportune time for his visit,” the Apple Daily said.

The BPW Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2012 is slated to be held at Taipei's Grand Hotel Dec. 1-3.

BPW Taiwan, founded by former Vice President Annette Lu in 2008, is organizing the conference and was behind the plan to invite the Dalai Lama to attend.

The Buddhist leader visited Taiwan in 1997, 2001 and 2009.

Foreign affairs ministry rejects proposal to invite Dalai Lama - The China Post
^^^^ It has to do with more then poor timing, but interesting. :coffee:
Presidential palace

In 1953

Judicial Yuan/Supreme Court building

Taiwan National Museum

Taipei City Building

Taipei City Parliament

Public prosecutor building
Kaohsiung 高雄市, lies in southern Taiwan island, is the second largest city in Taiwan, after the capital Taipei, with 2.9 million people. It is a center for manufacturing, refining, shipbuilding, and other light and heavy industries, as well as a major port. Among the usual transportation it also has a high speed rail connection to the capital, which in on the other end (north) of the island.

In 1895 the present name was changed from Takau 打狗, which means 'beat the dog' in Chinese. Taiping Island (Itu Aba)in SCS is administer by the city as a part of Qijin District which includes Dongsha Islands or Pratas Islands.

View of Kaoshiung from the light house on Cijin Island

Kaohsiung Harbor

Port of Kaoshiung

Takau port in 1897.

Tuntex Sky Tower is the most famousand tallest building in Kaoshiung skyline

Skyline at night

Liuhe Night Market 六合夜市

Kaoshiung Stadium c2009, the color and the shape can be changed at nights
Belize grants Taiwan citizens visa-free treatment



Taipei, Nov. 26 (CNA) The Belize government has agreed to grant Taiwan passport holders visa-free privileges when traveling to the Central American country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Monday. Belize, which will be the 131st country to grant Taiwanese nationals visa-free privileges or landing visa treatment, will soon announce the effective date of the program, as well as further details on traveling to Belize without a visa, the ministry added. The visa waiver program "is expected to increase bilateral exchanges and cooperation in trade, culture, technology and tourism,"the ministry said. The news on Belize's decision to grant Taiwanese passport holders visa free treatment was announced by Belize Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington, who is visiting Taiwan Nov. 25-30, according to the ministry. Belize is one of Taiwan's 23 diplomatic allies. It boasts a vast array of wildlife, huge tracts of rainforest, extensive coral reefs and historical Mayan sites. (By Elaine Hou)

Belize grants Taiwan citizens visa-free treatment - Taiwan News Online
‘Beijing Blues,’ ‘Life Without Principle’ Win The Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards 台北金馬影展


Gao Qunshu 高群书 won best feature film for ‘Beijing Blues.’

Mainland China and Hong Kong scored big at the 49th Golden Horse Awards on Saturday, while host Taiwan mostly took a back seat in the night’s major prizes.

Chinese director Gao Qunshu’s “Beijing Blues” won best feature film. The story of a policeman who roams the streets investigating and solving the crimes of small-time crooks and con artists, it’s populated by a cast of mostly nonprofessional actors and mixes drama with droll humor in a splintered narrative. Critics praised the movie at its June premiere in Shanghai. It also picked up awards for best cinematography and film editing.

Best Feature Film - Beijing Blues

Best Short Film - The Home Gleaners

Best Documentary - China Heavyweight

Best Director - Johnnie To, Life without Principle

Best New Director - Chang Jung-Chi, Touch of the Light

Best Leading Actor - Lau Ching Wan, Life without Principle

Best Leading Actress - Gwei Lun-Mei, Gf * Bf

Best Supporting Actor - Ronald Cheng, Vulgaria

Best Supporting Actress - Liang Jing, Design of Death

Best New Performer - Qi Xi, Mystery

Best Original Screenplay - Milkyway Creative Team, Au Kin Yee, Wong King Fai, Life without Principle

Best Cinematography - Wu Di, Beijing Blues

Best Visual Effects - Wook Kim, Frankie Chung, Josh Cole, Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Best Original Film Song - DoReMi, Romancing in Thin Air

full story: ‘Beijing Blues,’ ‘Life Without Principle’ Win Film Awards - Scene Asia - WSJ
Nationa Museum of Taipei or Taipei Gugong 臺北故宮 國立故宮博物院 is a replica of (not exactly) Beijing Gugong 北京故宮 It has a permanent collection of 693,507 pieces (more than one million altogether) of ancient Chinese artifacts and artworks which makes it the largest such collection in the world. Every exhibition consists of 60,000 artifacts and it rotates every 3 months which would takes 12 years to view all the treasures the Museum has. Cameras are prohibited inside the Museum.

Walking toward the Museum

The front gate

The frontal view

Overhead view

looking back

View from the side

A brass lion guarding the main entrance

View from up the steps

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