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China Supports Sri Lanka & India against Sri Lanka

I am really happy that my country voted against this retarded Indo-US resolution which was meant to hurt our SL brothers. China has again proved
that they are the real asian superpower and works for peace and stability of Asia. Tamils and the SL gov will solve the issue
themselves and there is no need for dirty indian interference. The SL gov definitely cares more about their tamil citizens than
their hegemonic next door neighbor.

FYI if you want to see the truth! Indian government at the center does not care about SL Tamils... It is only the Tamils in the south forcing this!

Even if this resolution passes, There is no threat to SL integrity!
Chinese are living across all countries in the world, Suppose if the Chinese were killed in any foreign country will mother China remain silent?

If overseas Chinese organized themselves into terrorist groups like LTTE and tried to secede and form independent states for themselves, then I doubt they would have the backing of the Chinese government.
Now we know why all her neighbours hated india

I just dont understand india the most human rights violation country in the world (more poor than africa) is voting for this resolution may be you can tell us why?

india has had probably the most massacres against caste, racial or religious minoritites in the world. Now the Sikhs are suing them for their atrocities against humanity during their Operation Bluestar saga of bloodbathing the Sikhs in 1984. This was not the isolated incidence. They are having other extremely oppressive operations now where 1/3 of their land is under rebellious turmoils. They are very scared that all their bloody records are EXPOSED to the world! We have our porblems in Xizang, Xinjiang and some other incidences. BUT the case of india is different. They have been hiding all these perhaps 10000 times more than us. THESE CHICKENS ARE REALLY SCARED TO FACE THE WORLD!
Nobody respects India? Joke of the century! Why is China doing business with a country that it does not respect! Your thinking is not a reflection of CCP! And CCP is not a fool like you lot!

Chinese are living across all countries in the world, Suppose if the Chinese were killed in any foreign country will mother China remain silent?

Are you saying srilanka killing their people in india?
respect and doing business are two completely different things if you are a shop owner will you refuse to sell to a drug dealer that s willing to spend thousand of dollars in your shop?

For you it is completely 2 different things, For me it is one and the same. There is more chance that police coming and arresting me because of having transaction of thousands of dollars with a drug dealer, There is enough evidence to accuse me that I am also part of drug dealing!
respect and doing business are two completely different things if you are a shop owner will you refuse to sell to a drug dealer that s willing to spend thousand of dollars in your shop?

hence, chinese were pleased to trade with european powers who sold opium in china. :tup:

want more opium? :laugh:
Are you saying srilanka killing their people in india?

Sri Lanka had already killed the innocent Tamils in Sri lanka! We care about our ethnic population... I explained it very clearly 'Chinese are living across all countries in the world, Suppose if the Chinese were killed in any foreign country will mother China remain silent?'

I don't know how come you can ask this question and claim that Chinese have higher IQ than Indians!
solve your own infant killing and starvation first then talk big

Ah, Why are you trolling, Bringing in Indian poverty into international human rights! Please don't go out of the topic!

Indian government did not do infant killing and neither all Chinese are fed for 365/7/3!
solve your own infant killing and starvation first then talk big

Ye Ye.. here it's back again... I can predict ChinaToday's next posts .. "toilets", "1962", "GDP", "IQ". LOL.

Let's see if the predictions come out true ... or ChinaToday runs away ashamed. "laugh:
This is why no one respect india, in time of troubles every nation on earth will stand with their allies that is except india
If for instance you find out that Pakistan has been funding separatist movement in the ughyars, will you keep aiding them??
or will you take action against them?
Similarly though India considers Sri Lanka a dear friend, some of it's govt.'s activities have incited outraged reactions in the tamil community and threatened the integrity of the Indian Republic
that is why we are taking action against it...

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