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China successfully launches first Mars mission

Lool Take it easy. Yes @Beast can be very defensive on anything concerning China, so he often tends to overreact. However, that can be overlooked as this is a big achievement for China, so people can get over excited and react that way. Don't read too much into it I guess.

Back to topic, Can Chinese members here post more pics about the rover? Is there any video yet of the rolling off of the Rover? Has it started exploration?
I'm loving this. Congrats to China again. :cheers:
Trying to be defensive is due to the smear effort of the western media. For they cannot accept China success or surpass them by inventing all kind of non logic questioning to create mistrust and misunderstanding against Chinese. Rumour and fake news must be quickly put out and foil the evil western media plot. :enjoy:
Look at US being so paranoid. They think they owned space. No other are allow to touch it, That sums up the imperialism mentality of American. American indeed is a threat to mankind.

America has had a monopoly on many things for decades so they have an arrogance. China is ending their monopoly positions industry by industry. Without monopoly, America can’t dictate international politics like in the past.
America has had a monopoly on many things for decades so they have an arrogance. China is ending their monopoly positions industry by industry. Without monopoly, America can’t dictate international politics like in the past.
Its good American continue to be blind by arrogance and nationalism. It will hinder them try to stop China advancing.
You couldnt believe it? How about a photo? Dont tell me this is CGI too.

If not cgi then who could have taken that image from that angle, someone holding a camera taking a photo of both the lander and the rover? Must be some transformer on Mars.

The reason for the orbit not being circular is probably because the scientific mission require it.

4. Observation Plans
After launch, the Tianwen-1 spacecraft will experience several phases, including an Earth–Mars transfer orbit phase, a Mars capture orbit phase, a Mars parking orbit phase, a Mars landing orbit phase, and a Mars satellite orbit phase. Before entering the Mars satellite orbit, MOMAG will turn on the power for self-inspection for several times. After releasing the lander with the rover, the orbiter will enter the Mars satellite orbit, which is an eclipse polar orbit (Figure 8). The boom will be unwound and locked up, forming a 45° angle with the desk attached. MOMAG will then be powered on and will stay in operation status throughout the mission.​


Figure 8. Observation plan of Mars Orbiter Magnetometer (MOMAG) in the Mars satellite orbit.
Source: Mars Orbiter magnetometer of China’s First Mars Mission Tianwen-1

China Aerospace
Today at 09:41

[Tianwen 1 Mars magnetometer extension rod successfully deployed in orbit, starting the journey of Mars magnetic field exploration]

On May 25, 2021, the extension rod of the Mars magnetometer, the payload of the Tianwen-1 probe independently developed by the University of Science and Technology of China, was deployed in orbit, and the telemetry parameters showed that the extension rod has deployed in place and the returned scientific data shows that the product is operating normally, thus the Mars magnetometer is about to start a scientific exploration mission of near Mars vector magnetic field. The main scientific exploration missions of the Mars magnetometer include comprehensive and accurate measurement of the Martian magnetic space boundary layer, detect the effective residual magnetic field of local rock formations in the southern part of Mars and the Martian induced magnetosphere, study the interplanetary magnetic field near Mars and at the same time, it will also carry out research on the escape of particles in the Martian atmosphere in conjunction with other payload instruments. The two fluxgate probes of the Mars magnetometer are installed on a long extension rod. The function of the extension rod is to keep the probe away from the satellite body, thereby reducing the influence of the satellite background residual magnetism on the space magnetic field measured by the probe. The successful deployment of the pole marks the official start of its scientific exploration mission by the Mars Magnetometer.

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