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China successfully develops new-generation air-to-air missile


May 31, 2010
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China successfully develops new-generation air-to-air missile - People's Daily Online May 19, 2011

China has achieved what some foreign experts once thought was impossible — it has independently developed a next-generation air-to-air missile without assistance from foreign specialists or borrowed technology.

Fan Huitao

Designed by Fan Huitao, the deputy director of the Air-to-Air Missile Research Institute under the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the missile, known as the "Key Model," successfully passed the designed type approval test and achieved an excellent result, with all seven missiles hitting their targets.

Its successful development indicates that China already fully possesses the ability to independently develop internationally-advanced air-to-air missiles. It is a historic breakthrough in China's air-to-air missile development and has met the Chinese Air Force's requirement for the model to be designed, produced, delivered and made combat effective within one year. The new missile offers the military and country another trump card.

The Key Model is an international-advanced AAM model. It is a secret weapon for gaining air superiority. It plays a crucial role in reinforcing the power of national defense and strengthening the influence of China.

However, it is very hard to develop and only a few developed countries around the world possess such a capability. The complicated system of the model and the high-grade, high-precision and advanced technologies needed to develop it has never been seen in the development of other models.

Foreign military experts once believed that employing foreign specialists as chief designers was the only way for China to succeed. Even some Chinese experts believed that the success rate of developing this kind of missile was not high when relying only on the current technical conditions of China. This was because China did not have any documents to refer to and could not use a shortcut.

The successful completion of the missile is the culmination of Fan Huitao's career in the aviation industry. After Fan graduated from Northwestern Poly-technical University with a major in aircraft engines in April 1986, he went to Luoyang and devoted himself to the field of air-to-air missiles.

In 2000, Fan took over as the chief model designer and began to lead a group in researching China's new-generation air-to-air missile.

By People's Daily Online
this is one thing I dont like about these official reports``so many nonsensical talks!! we want to know the models and epesifications`!!! :)
this is one thing I dont like about these official reports``so many nonsensical talks!! we want to know the models and epesifications`!!! :)

they have told you by referring to specifications of AIM-120D


2010 年是中航工业导弹院发展历史上最不平凡的一年,也是爬坡过坎、打赢翻身仗的关键一年。某新型重点型号作为国 家高新工程二期重点项目,肩负着捍卫祖国领空,夺取制空权的重任,其主要战技指标达到或超过美 国AIM-120D导弹。它被誉为导弹院的“生命工程”,能否击败对手竞标成功是全院6500 名干部职工关注的焦点

they have told you by referring to specifications of AIM-120D


2010 年是中航工业导弹院发展历史上最不平凡的一年,也是爬坡过坎、打赢翻身仗的关键一年。某新型重点型号作为国 家高新工程二期重点项目,肩负着捍卫祖国领空,夺取制空权的重任,其主要战技指标达到或超过美 国AIM-120D导弹。它被誉为导弹院的“生命工程”,能否击败对手竞标成功是全院6500 名干部职工关注的焦点


If it is PL-21, then it is ahead of schedule by one year. Good work by the institute.
These proclaimation artcles are so vague. What are they talking about exactly?
What a great achievement, China. ^^
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