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China spooked by America's attempt at unifying the entire human race under a single hegemony, on full alert for response at any given moment.

Not really much to discuss based on one tweet- this is a far more complex malaise.
I don't think we need to be smart to know USA plan.

USA is the winner of the cold war.

And from the fall of USSR up to today is the USA war to take over the world as the cold war winner.
I don't think we need to be smart to know USA plan.

USA is the winner of the cold war.

And from the fall of USSR up to today is the USA war to take over the world as the cold war winner.

I think USA longterm plan is destroy Eurasia, turning it into a kind of Libya and Iraq, a constant sucession of failed states.

Modern technology has made possible the dominance in the middle of mayhem: electronic espionage, drones attacking and killing, using remotely and so on. You dont need law and order to get raw materials from a country, Libya/Iraq are examples of that, of that new kind of dominance.

And it's cheaper that kind of dominance, because it decrease the internal conssumption of the countries you loot/dominate.

That will assure USA dominance forever, and it's specially urgent do it when cheap oil will run out (the coming years).

I think they attempted to start a full scale WWIII in January 2012 in Hormuz Strait using Iran as excuse, they believed Iran would respond provocations, but Iran did nothing and China/Russia improve his capabilities in matter of nuclear war since then (new SOSUS, SSBN, Underwater nuclear drones), so the opportunity window of launch a successful first strike from USA is closed by now.
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US is a rogued state. No doubt about that. The regime hands are full of blood of innocent people.
Thanks for speaking against the USA. +100
Any man with conscience can see the crime of american even I don't speak up. Those who can't see it are either cahoot with them or evil in nature.

USA deathly scared of their impending implosion and bankruptcy.

And being laughed and mocked at and ridiculed by the rest of the world

USA trying her best to pull rest of the world down before USA spiralling into bankruptcy :enjoy:
I think USA longterm plan is destroy Eurasia, turning it into a kind of Libya and Iraq, a constant sucession of failed states.

If we were interested in destroying countries we'd make sure they kept their standard of living the same as it was in say 1950 instead of encouraging world trade to modernize them.

Anybody here want to talk about the "good old days" of life in the 1950's for their parents/grandparents compared to today's "under US hegemony :rolleyes1:" and trade their current lifestyle for it?
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If we were interested in destroying countries we'd make sure they kept their standard of living the same as it was in say 1950 instead of encouraging world trade to modernize them.

Anybody here want to talk about the "good old days" of life in the 1950's for their parents/grandparents compared to today's "under US hegemony :rolleyes1:" and trade their current lifestyle for it?

If USA were interested in whole world development, they wouldn't instigate conflicts like NK/Iran and currently Russia.

Iran Deal or Kim Kong meeting Trump show that any country is not interested in fight USA, USA is who instigate the conflict and sustain the conflict due to other interests.

I think world changed in 2008 crisis, before Western elites needed whole western people development to enrichment them too, but since then corporations can be rich without normal customers, just printing money central banks and give to them, it was a silent change of paradigm.

Now cheap crude oil is running out, and world is not big enough to USA, West Europe and China as developed zones, so USA must sacrifice Europe making troubles to Russia.
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If USA were interested in whole world development, they wouldn't instigate conflicts like NK/Iran and currently Russia.

There's 195 countries in the World. Do you think the majority have standard of livings worse today compared to 1950 due to the US encouraging World Trade?

Much of the world would have loved to have a landline phone in 1950...now in many countries cell phones are the norm.

BTW I had a cellphone in my car in 1988. How many countries had cellphones back in the 1980's? Not many I'd say.
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There's 195 countries in the World. Do you think the majority have standard of livings worse today compared to 1950 due to the US encouraging World Trade?

Much of the world would have loved to have a landline phone in 1950...now in many countries cell phones are the norm.

BTW I had a cellphone in my car in 1988. How many countries had cellphones back in the 1980's? Not many I'd say.
its not absolute living standards that matter otherwise even the poorest people in Somalia and Congo today, still lives longer and better than kings and emperors in the past.

its relative living standards that matter. Other than East Asia (specifically China and to a lesser extent, South Korea) the gap between developed and developing countries has increased.

its not absolute living standards that matter otherwise even the poorest people in Somalia and Congo today, still lives longer and better than kings and emperors in the past.

its relative living standards that matter. Other than East Asia (specifically China and to a lesser extent, South Korea) the gap between developed and developing countries has increased.


Even when using this scale China comes out looking bad compared to the US with a GPD PPP per capita of ~$10,000 vs the US with ~$60,000. Which likely shows that while those in the cities are doing well and living a "Modern Life" those outside are not.

However how many Chinese members want to trade their current life for the typical life in China back in the 1950's (or even 1980's).

Meanwhile for me jumping into the Back to the Future Delorean and traveling back to the 1950's wouldn't be all that bad. Obviously not 2022 but I wouldn't be some farmer with no electricity slaving in the hot sun. I'd still live in a comfortable single family suburban home and work some white collar job like I do today.


Marty's mother's house used in the movie showing 1950's life in some fictional suburban small town.

When you look at the "big picture" things actually haven't changed much since the 1950's..certainly nowhere close to the dramatic changes the developing world has seen after global trade was encouraged.
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Even when using this scale China comes out looking bad compared to the US with a GPD PPP per capita of ~$10,000 vs the US with ~$60,000. Which likely shows that while those in the cities are doing well and living a "Modern Life" those outside are not.

However how many Chinese members want to trade their current life for the typical life in China back in the 1950's (or even 1980's).

Meanwhile for me jumping into the Back to the Future Delorean and traveling back to the 1950's wouldn't be all that bad. Obviously not 2022 but I wouldn't be some farmer with no electricity slaving in the hot sun. I'd still live in a comfortable single family suburban home and work some white collar job like I do today.

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Marty's mother's house used in the movie showing 1950's life in some fictional suburban small town.

When you look at the "big picture" things actually haven't changed much since the 1950's..certainly nowhere close to the dramatic changes the developing world has seen after global trade was encouraged.
Yes this is what is meant by imperialism robbing the world. Chinese and other Asians have clawed back some of the wealth stolen from us. The rest of the world has not only not taken back the wealth taken away from them, more is still being taken away.
Yes this is what is meant by imperialism robbing the world. Chinese and other Asians have clawed back some of the wealth stolen from us.

What exactly is all this "wealth" that was stolen from the Chinese that kept them down? Are you going to play some kind of blame game that the reason China was so far behind the West is because somehow your vast resources were plundered by Imperialists???? Really? Some dirth of shiny yellow/orange metal was keeping you back or something?

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