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China spooked by America's attempt at unifying the entire human race under a single hegemony, on full alert for response at any given moment.

What exactly is all this "wealth" that was stolen from the Chinese that kept them down? Are you going to play some kind of blame game that the reason China was so far behind the West is because somehow your vast resources were plundered by Imperialists???? Really? Some dirth of shiny yellow/orange metal was keeping you back or something?
Opium wars and British control of customs tax in Qing china.

Luckily China was able to break free somewhat in 1911 and fully break free in 1949 before modern imperialism set in. Indians are unlikely to break free because they're too late.
Opium wars and British control of customs tax in Qing china.

As I recall China wasn't even interested in trading much with the West...so how is being somehow "shortchanged" in trade worse than nothing at all? Plus I don't think your opium problem was that widespread.

Luckily China was able to break free somewhat in 1911 and fully break free in 1949 before modern imperialism set in.

Indians are unlikely to break free because they're too late.

You mean like Ghandi and the 1940's or something vs 1911? Well they are your Asians brothers so you know more than I do.
As I recall China wasn't even interested in trading much with the West...so how is being somehow "shortchanged" in trade worse than nothing at all? Plus I don't think your opium problem was that widespread.


You mean like Ghandi and the 1940's or something vs 1911? Well they are your Asians brothers so you know more than I do.
Indians and Africans were directly colonized. China was merely robbed by imperialists but not colonized. In this regard we got off light. Chinese also had a partial awakening in 1911 and a nationalist unifying cause in WW2 while India and Africa did not, as they fought as colonies and not independent countries.

British control of Qing Dynasty customs tax after opium wars was the mechanism of robbery.

China tested it by simply banning "Pork and Fertilizers" and now they are all screaming FOUL blaming her for shortage and inflation.

A hilarious revelation.

The friendly nations cried for S.O.S. and only China responded.

China just approved USD 21 million as aids for Sri Lanka to buy food and medicine.

They left all the human killing machines deals to the US and allies.
There's 195 countries in the World. Do you think the majority have standard of livings worse today compared to 1950 due to the US encouraging World Trade?

Much of the world would have loved to have a landline phone in 1950...now in many countries cell phones are the norm.

BTW I had a cellphone in my car in 1988. How many countries had cellphones back in the 1980's? Not many I'd say.

It's a interesting example.
i.e. In 1950 was useful for world elites develop all the people possible, make research, invent things, products, services, etc. All the things hadn't invented.
It was useful, moreover thinking in the existence in the USSR and as a way to stop communism expansion.

But today? Today is not useful the existence of so many developed countries, it's dangerous for USA interests, cheap crude oil and main raw materials are running out from world.

I think Iraq and Libya wars were test of a new paradigm of domination, based in chaos, electronic espionage and remote drone killing, that was impossible in 1950, in 1950 was needed order in a country to extract their natural resources or use their people as cheap labour force. Today, it's not needed.

So a WWIII that destroy Eurasia would be wonderful for USA interests.
That doesnt mean that they will do, maybe it's impossible trigger a Eurasia war and remain untouched, but if someday they can, they will be fools if they wont do it.

Btw World population in 1950 was 2.5 bn people.

Following the cellphone example, I think USA is a state of states (I meant whole world states, not the USA states), specialised in domination.
When I see around me what things are made in USA, I can see mainly 3 categories of things:
1) Things to hard domination: Army military high tech hardware
2) Things to soft domination: Movies, tv series, mainstream press agencies.
3) Things to spy, to get intel to dominate later: Software, Internet Services.

I mean, I dont see kitchens made in usa around me, or trucks made in usa, because those things are not useful to dominate people. But Made In USA has the monopoly in smartphones operating systems.

Following the Libya example, Gadafi was impaled thanks to his satellite phone that give the enemy his physical location.

That's the new paradigm of world domination, cheapest than the 1950 world order.
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ISo a WWIII that destroy Eurasia would be wonderful for USA interests.

Complete and utter nonsense coming out of your mouth. Such silly logic.

The EU is our best friend in the world and a dependable trading ally...including defense,

Why would we want to get rid of them and deal with just Africa and Asia where uncertainty is the complete norm?

Please rethink your logic...
Complete and utter nonsense coming out of your mouth. Such silly logic.

The EU is our best friend in the world and a dependable trading ally...including defense,

Why would we want to get rid of them and deal with just Africa and Asia where uncertainty is the complete norm?

Please rethink your logic...

You'd be right if crude oil and raw materials were endless.

USA doesnt need Europe, neither anyone else.

In a peak everything scenario richness is dangerous. When will happen? I dont know, but one day is for sure.

Iraq and Libya are the prove that law and order is not longer needed to get natural resources from a country. Less internal conssumption, cheapest domination.
East is East and West is West.
The West is decadent and ought to be taught a lesson, I will never accept Western hegemony.
Blaming the US is easy and failed states resort to that when they run out of ways to explain their own failure. Moronic mistakes such as Trump, white supremacy etc make it easy to sustain such blame game. Truth however is USA is the one that stopped Hitler, that vaporized ISIS & AL Qaeda, that created the web, that stopped soviet communism etc etc.

It is also US that admitted China into WTO and unwittingly 'shared' knowledge which is how China avoided utter poverty. Without USA there was no Shanghai as we know it.

The popular notion that US wants to 'check' or stop is not true. US just wants China to ay by equitable rules such as intellectual property, cyber integrity, non-proliferation, human rights and personal freedoms.
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Blaming the US is easy and failed states resort to that when they run out of ways to explain their own failure. Moronic mistakes such as Trump, white supremacy etc make it easy to sustain such blame game. Truth however is USA is the one that stopped Hitler, that vaporized ISIS & AL Qaeda, that created the web, that stopped soviet communism etc etc.

It is also US that admitted China into WTO and unwittingly 'shared' knowledge which is how China avoided utter poverty. Without USA there was no Shanghai as we know it.

The popular notion that US wants to 'check' or stop is not true. US just wants China to ay by equitable rules such as intellectual property, cyber integrity, non-proliferation, human rights and personal freedoms.
lol, as usual, an indian come to defend the whites that would even make them blush.
Dude, usa were just looking after their own self interest in ur examples & had plenty of help from others too.
u should not feel the need to worship them just coz they created india.
They were just screwing u for 300 yrs. Creation of india was just an accidental by-product.
lol, as usual, an indian come to defend the whites that would even make them blush.
Dude, usa were just looking after their own self interest in ur examples & had plenty of help from others too.
u should not feel the need to worship them just coz they created india.
They were just screwing u for 300 yrs. Creation of india was just an accidental by-product.
This type of lashing out is charateristic of severe inferiority. Only remedy is education- for example USA vs UK (geography); India. Independence movement (history); 180 vs 300 (arithmetic). Or just learn to not hate (humanity).
Blaming the US is easy and failed states resort to that when they run out of ways to explain their own failure. Moronic mistakes such as Trump, white supremacy etc make it easy to sustain such blame game. Truth however is USA is the one that stopped Hitler, that vaporized ISIS & AL Qaeda, that created the web, that stopped soviet communism etc etc.

It is also US that admitted China into WTO and unwittingly 'shared' knowledge which is how China avoided utter poverty. Without USA there was no Shanghai as we know it.

The popular notion that US wants to 'check' or stop is not true. US just wants China to ay by equitable rules such as intellectual property, cyber integrity, non-proliferation, human rights and personal freedoms.
Indian trying to be white but you will never be accepted by white ,merely a slave for them.
As I recall China wasn't even interested in trading much with the West...so how is being somehow "shortchanged" in trade worse than nothing at all? Plus I don't think your opium problem was that widespread.
Look up opium wars, Chinese weren't interest in trading with the westerners because the former didn't have anything to offer to the Chinese in terms of products that the former were interested in. Whereas the Europeans couldn't get enough of Chinese porcelain tea and silk and getting those created large trade deficit in China's favor.

So, the ever perfidious Albion found a perfect product from their colony India to export to China, i.e. opium.
Even then the Chinese weren't interested in trading for opium so the British in their ever egregiousness got the Chinese populace hooked on opium and when the Emperor decided to ban opium from being imported, the British declared war.

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