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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

今天 09:58 已编辑​
@长光卫星 “吉林一号”星座视频星对飞行中的战斗机跟踪和监测。哪位大神能从视频中分辨出这是啥子型号的战斗机啊

China Aerospace
Today at 09:58

The Jilin-1 constellation video satellite tracks and monitors fighter jets in flight. Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is? [打call][打call]

Video link -> China航天的微博视频

"...Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is?"

Me? no way at all !!! not even bother to try to guess... simply no idea

But perhaps our Mod here, Deino, can tell which type of aircraft it was... :D

Btw, a video satellite tracking a flying fighter jet... new thing for me :P still learning...
"...Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is?"

Me? no way at all !!! not even bother to try to guess... simply no idea

But perhaps our Mod here, Deino, can tell which type of aircraft it was... :D

Btw, a video satellite tracking a flying fighter jet... new thing for me :P still learning...

Indian Su-30MKi.:p:
今天 09:58 已编辑​
@长光卫星 “吉林一号”星座视频星对飞行中的战斗机跟踪和监测。哪位大神能从视频中分辨出这是啥子型号的战斗机啊

China Aerospace
Today at 09:58

The Jilin-1 constellation video satellite tracks and monitors fighter jets in flight. Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is? [打call][打call]

Video link -> China航天的微博视频

F-22 or F-35? :woot:

Crazy, they can track Stealth Aircraft in Real Time, meanwhile those ignorant troller still deny the ability of Chinese to track Slow moving US Aircraft Carrier at sea for DF-21D and DF-26

今天 09:58 已编辑​
@长光卫星 “吉林一号”星座视频星对飞行中的战斗机跟踪和监测。哪位大神能从视频中分辨出这是啥子型号的战斗机啊

China Aerospace
Today at 09:58

The Jilin-1 constellation video satellite tracks and monitors fighter jets in flight. Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is? [打call][打call]

Video link -> China航天的微博视频

Looks like a j11
"...Who can tell from the video what type of fighter this is?"

Me? no way at all !!! not even bother to try to guess... simply no idea

But perhaps our Mod here, Deino, can tell which type of aircraft it was... :D

Btw, a video satellite tracking a flying fighter jet... new thing for me :P still learning...

Actually i don't know ... in some frames it looks indeed like a Flanker while in others like a delta type ... I don't know.
China Science @ChinaScience
China state-affiliated media

China successfully launched its HY-2C ocean-observation satellite into planned orbit on Monday afternoon via a Long March-4B carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in North China's Shanxi Province.


3:00 PM · Sep 21, 2020


China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
15 minutes ago from Weibo

[The Long March 4B rocket was successfully launched after two weeks, and the first domestic parts to be reused on a rocket]

In this launch, the Long March 4B launch vehicle used a special component, a piece from a Long March 4B rocket in 2019. Grid fin recovered on previous launch vehicle. Although the part is small, it is the first reusable rocket parts on a domestic launch vehicle. It is an important attempt to re-use the launch vehicle for future vertical takeoffs and landings, therefore is of extraordinary significance. (Source: The Eighth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group)




Last edited:
The stealth “myth“ of the US military is broken? The F-22 figure was found on Jilin No. 1, and the whole tracking process was also broadcast live


Recently, China’s aerospace has made a number of breakthroughs, the most interesting of which was on September 15, when my country used the Long March 11 carrier rocket to successfully send nine "Jilin-1" satellites into it at the same time. Sun synchronous orbit. For this satellite launch mission, I believe that many people do not have much expectation after being excited. After all, our country has realized the dream of multiple stars with one stone a few years ago. The reason why the "Jilin No. 1" satellite has made a global sensation this time is because Changguang Satellite Company recently exposed a video. The true strength of

has been exposed, and Jilin-1 has attracted global attention. In the video of
, a fighter is flying at high speed. Although the flight trajectory of the fighter is disturbed by a thick layer of cloud and fog, the "Jilin-1" satellite still flies steadily. The fighters in China were followed and monitored. After the video was released, some netizens judged from the vague outline that this is a US military F-22 stealth fighter, because its inverted trapezoidal main wing and horizontal tail are highly similar to the US F-22.

is the most advanced fifth-generation aircraft in the world. The F-22 fighter of the U.S. Army has excellent stealth capabilities. It is difficult for ordinary fire control radars to detect its presence. Although the long-range warning radar can detect the traces of stealth fighters, Because the accuracy is too low, the missile cannot be guided to attack it. The "Jilin No. 1" satellite not only found the F-22, but also tracked live shooting throughout the entire process, which provided countries around the world with a new idea of anti-stealth fighters.

It is understood that the "Jilin One" satellite is generally deployed in a sun-synchronous orbit 535 kilometers from the ground. The U.S. F-22 stealth fighter has a flying altitude of 10,000 to 20,000 meters, which means that the distance between the "Jilin One" satellite and the F-22 fighter is at least 500 kilometers. At such a long distance, the "Jilin No. 1" satellite can still identify and track, which also makes countries around the world realize the practical significance of optical remote sensing satellites. After the video was exposed, the Royal Academy said in amazement: The air defense system currently equipped in China is sufficient to weaken the combat effectiveness of the US F-22 and F-35. With the development of China's air defense technology, it is likely to overtake the United States and Russia in one fell swoop.

surprised! "Jilin One" is not used in the military field?
In fact, the main task of the "Jilin One" optical remote sensing satellite is to monitor and analyze my country's agricultural and forestry resources. Because of the high resolution of this kind of satellite, which can reach 0.5-1 meters, it is often used in land surveying and mapping, urban construction, and transportation planning.

According to the plan, Changguang Satellite plans to launch a total of 138 Jilin satellites by 2030. By then, the Jilin-1 constellation will be able to detect any point on the earth every ten minutes, even if it is flying extremely fast. The fifth-generation sonic aircraft cannot escape the "golden eyes" of the "Jilin-1" satellite. In response to this extremely powerful detection capability, some netizens claimed that the "Jilin No. 1" had opened a "sky eye."

How strong is the "Jilin No. 1" with a "God Perspective"?
It is understood that this is not the first time that "Jilin One" has discovered a military target. Earlier, the "Jilin-1" satellite broadcast live broadcast of the entire process of the US aircraft carrier's arrival in the port, and also "live broadcast" the entire process of the US military P-8A maritime patrol plane taking off at the airport. Because this kind of satellite can continuously shoot video images with an accuracy of less than 1 meter, the "Jilin No. 1" undoubtedly opens up a "God's perspective" for enemy targets, and can monitor their every move during a certain period of time.

However, because the current number of "Jilin-1" satellites is relatively small, and the time to "revisit" the target is relatively long, it is impossible to monitor the target's whereabouts around the clock, which leaves time for the enemy target to escape. However, when the number of satellites increases to 138, this problem will be completely resolved.

All in all, the "Jilin Satellite" detected a suspected US F-22 aircraft, which is of great significance for future research on anti-stealth fighter equipment. With the development of science and technology, the future is likely to break the US military "stealth myth", so that the US military F-22 and F-35 have nowhere to hide, let us wait and see.
China sends two environmental monitoring satellites into space
Xinhua, September 27, 2020

TAIYUAN, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- China has successfully launched two environmental monitoring satellites from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province on Sunday.

A Long March-4B rocket carrying the HJ-2A and HJ-2B satellites took off at 11:23 a.m. (Beijing Time), according to the launch center.



China launches high-resolution remote-sensing satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2020-07-03 12:48:18|Editor: huaxia

TAIYUAN, July 3 (Xinhua) -- China successfully sent a high-resolution multi-mode imaging satellite into the planned orbit from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province Friday.

The satellite was launched by a Long March-4B carrier rocket at 11:10 a.m. (Beijing Time), according to the China National Space Administration.

Friday's launch was the 337th by the Long March rocket series.




Henri Kenhmann at East Pendulum on 2020.10.01:

The Chinese Martian probe #Tianwen1, currently en route to Mars, dropped a 950g "Separate Measuring Sensor" (分离测量传感器), with a separate 680g part, which photographed the entire craft.

Photos of 800×600 and 1600×1200 pixels were sent to the probe via Wi-Fi.

Chinese Martian probe Tianwen-1 as photographed by some measuring sensor that it released (202...jpg

Chinese Martian probe Tianwen-1 as photographed by some measuring sensor that it released (202...jpg

In my own rough calculation by simple interpolation of known published data (the probe's trip distance of 3 million km by 2020.08.01), Tianwen-1 probe at present should have been as far as roughly 25.5 million kilometers from Earth by the end of September 2020.

:china: Congratulations for the China's National Day the October 1st, which coincides with the Happy Mid-Autumn Festival celebration on the same date this year (the traditional agricultural event is actually based on lunar-solar calendar).
China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 successfully conducted a deep-space maneuver on Friday night (2020-10-09). The maneuver took place 29.4 million kilometers from Earth, aiming to help the probe achieve a sound rendezvous with Mars.

China launches new optical remote-sensing satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2020-10-12 02:11:58|Editor: huaxia

A new optical remote-sensing satellite is launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Oct. 12, 2020. China successfully launched the satellite, Gaofen-13, by a Long March-3B carrier rocket at 12:57 a.m. on Monday (Beijing Time). This satellite will serve economic development by providing information services. (Photo by Guo Wenbin/Xinhua)

XICHANG, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- China successfully launched a new optical remote-sensing satellite from the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 12:57 a.m. on Monday (Beijing Time).

The high-orbit optical remote-sensing satellite, Gaofen-13, was sent into orbit by a Long March-3B carrier rocket.

This satellite will serve economic development by providing information services. It will mainly be used for land surveys, crop yield estimations, environmental protection, weather forecasting, and early warnings, as well as disaster prevention and mitigation.

Monday's launch was the 349th by the Long March rocket series.



海洋强国路超话【“甚高”精度宇航陀螺仪,让高轨卫星“站得高、看得清”!】10月12日00时57分,随着“高分十三号”卫星顺利升空,@中国船舶 七〇七所自主研发的我国新型“甚高”精度宇航陀螺仪实现首飞!该产品实现了宇航陀螺仪2个数量级的精度提升,是目前国内精度最高且可工程化应用的宇航陀螺仪。​

China Ocean Shipping Magazine
October 12, 22:40 from Haiqiangguo Road Chaohua

["very high" precision aerospace gyroscope, allowing high-orbit satellites to "stand high and see clearly"! ]

At 00:57 on October 12, with the successful launch of the "Gofen 13" satellite, China's new "very high" precision aerospace gyroscope independently researched and developed by CSSC 707 institute made its first flight! This product has achieved an aerospace gyroscope accuracy improvement of two orders of magnitude, and is currently the domestic aerospace gyroscope of highest precision with engineering application.

"Gofen 13" is a high-precision high-orbit remote sensing satellite, with an orbital altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers or more. The slightest drift of the gyroscope will cause very large ground imaging errors. 707 Institute for the first time adopted new support technology in the core components of aerospace gyroscopes, innovatively proposed thermal gradient distribution, variable structure and thermal unloading technologies, solving the problem of interference between internal and external components noise of the gyroscope, and finally achieving the leap over the target precision index.

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