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Chinese scientists breed world's first 'space mangoes'
(China Daily) 09:20, March 23, 2017

  The conceptuses that grew out of the embryonic cells brought back from space. [Screenshot of CCTV report]

The embryonic cells of the mango brought back by manned spacecraft Shenzhou XI last November after the 33-day space mission have now grown new tissues at a lab in South China's Hainan province.

These cells were developed under an experiment designed to cultivate a new variety of mango through environmental mutation in space.

Scientists' next stage task is to study how the mutation can affect the fruit and further cultivate the breed that can become "space mangoes".

"Space mangoes are expected to be insect-resistant, of higher quality and provide more output," said Peng Longrong, head of the project, to CCTV.

  Two researchers make studies on the conceptuses that grew out of the embryonic cells brought back from space. [Screenshot of CCTV report]
China to launch fourth FY-3 meteorological satellite in 2017
By Zhang Huan (People's Daily Online) 18:40, March 24, 2017


Fengyun-3 (FY-3) meteorological satellite

According to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China plans to launch its fourth Fengyun-3 (FY-3) meteorological satellite in the second half of 2017, Xinhuanet.com reported on March 23. It will be China's 16th meteorological satellite.

Having more satellites in orbit means better weather forecasts, storm analysis and environmental monitoring. Zhu Wei, deputy chief designer of the satellite, explained that the fourth FY-3 satellite has clear advantages over the previous three, as it possesses better stability, reliability and accuracy. It is also equipped with remote sensing instruments including an Infrared High-Spectrum Atmospheric Sounder, Wide-Angle Aurora Imager and Ionosphere Photometer.

The satellite will achieve continuous all-weather monitoring of atmospheric parameters including liquid water path, moisture content, surface emissivity and surface temperature. It will be unaffected by adverse weather conditions, unlike most satellites.

Zhu also stated that China eventually plans to launch four more FY-3 satellites so that the global weather forecast model can be shortened to four hours from the current six, in order to predict natural disasters earlier and with greater accuracy.

According to China’s Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, only the U.S., Europe and China possess both polar-orbiting and geostationary meteorological satellites. Currently, China’s meteorological satellites are the primary source of information for weather forecasts in the eastern hemisphere.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 10:54
Jilin group sets goal of putting 60 satellites in orbit by 2020
By Ma Si in Beijing and Liu Mingtai in Changchun

The Tiantong-01 satellite was launched at 00:22 am Beijing Time, at southwestern China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center, with the Long March-3B carrier rocket. (Photo/Xinhua)

A private company in Jilin province - Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co - aims to launch 60 satellites into orbit by 2020. This is part of the province's push to renovate its manufacturing industry and transform itself into an aerospace technology hub.

The ambitious plan follows the northeastern province building the country's first domestically developed commercial Earth imaging satellite in 2015. The satellite was developed by Chang Guang, a commercial spinoff of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics.

In January 2017, a new commercial satellite developed by the company was launched to help monitor the province's sprawling forests, partly to prevent fires. This brought the number of satellites manufactured and launched by the company to five.

"We want to have 60 satellites operational by 2020, and 138 satellites in service by 2030, which will ultimately make it possible to offer a 10-minute revisit capability anywhere in the world," said Jia Hongguang, deputy general manager of Chang Guang.

According to the company, its technology prowess, once backed by private capital, can accelerate the civilian application of aerospace technology.

Currently, the Jilin-based company counts government agencies and the military as their core customers. But tapping into the consumer mass market will be the key to cultivating a booming commercial aerospace industry, said Wang Dong, assistant to the general manager at Chang Guang.

"We not only sell satellites, drones and their parts and systems, but also offer a whole set of solutions, which will give us an edge in appealing to the public," Wang said. He declined to disclose the cost and profit involved in making a satellite.

Miao Qianjun, secretary-general of the Global Navigation Satellite System and Location-based Services Association of China, said that small and medium-sized satellites are enough to support civilian applications. This is unlike the United States' GPS navigation system and China's BeiDou satellite system, which demand big satellites, he said.

"Small satellites cost far less and can be of more practical use for a limited area. They have big commercial potential," Miao said.

Last year, the Jilin provincial government, Changchun municipal government and Chang Guang set aside 500 million yuan ($72.8 million) to set up an investment fund to cultivate young engineers and developers who are passionate about the aerospace industry.
BeiDou navigates its way to global stage

By Ma Si (China Daily) 08:42, March 13, 2017


The full constellation of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is designed to comprise 35 satellites by 2020:
five in geostationary orbit
36,000 kilometers over the equator, three in inclined-geostationary orbit and 27 in medium Earth orbit.

China's location detection tech seeks to hit big time in Belt & Road regions

A recurring theme in the annual Government Work Report, the latest edition of which Premier Li Keqiang presented to the National People's Congress on March 5, has been promotion of high-end manufacturing and the Belt and Road Initiative, and helping Chinese companies to globalize their equipment and homegrown technologies. The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is a perfect example of that spirit.

The GPS-like navigation system, a product of the Chinese National Space Administration, and managed by the China Satellite Navigation Office, is to accelerate its expansion into economies along the Belt and Road Initiative as China plans to launch six to eight BeiDou satellites this year. BeiDou has made significant progress in terms of accuracy of location detection.

The go-global strategy is part of China's broad plan to build a BeiDou navigation system with a constellation of 35 satellites by 2020. In comparison, GPS consists of 24 satellites.


Chen Zhi, deputy chief designer of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., told a Paris audience Feb. 5 that
China’s early
deployment of satellite navigation terminals for precision agriculture already feature
multimode GPS-BeiDou receivers. Credit: beidou.gov.cn

"The globalization era for BeiDou is coming," said Miao Qianjun, secretary-general of the Global Navigation Satellite System and Location-based Services Association of China. The GLAC was founded in 1995 to promote the commercial application of BeiDou technologies.

"China is supporting BeiDou's exports roughly the same way it supports exports of high-speed railway products and technologies. BeiDou will become another high-tech name card for China," Miao said.

In February, the GLAC invited its enterprise members involved in BeiDou-related industries for discussions. With help from the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, it set up an alliance for enterprises that seek to take BeiDou products and solutions to markets along the Belt and Road Initiative.

"We've received affirmative responses from 27 enterprises within a week. They are all eager to be part of our efforts," Miao said, adding the alliance members will receive financial support from the government.

Policy support for navigation technologies was first articulated in a guidance released by the NDRC in November 2016. It called for more help for enterprises to enable them to apply BeiDou technologies in Thailand, Laos, Indonesia and other ASEAN countries.

"The close economic ties between China and ASEAN will pave the way for BeiDou's entry. More importantly, in Southeast Asian countries located in low latitudes, BeiDou is more accurate than GPS," said Ming Dexiang, director of the Beidou Open Laboratory, an agency that promotes commercial applications of BeiDou.

Steady improvements to BeiDou's technologies have helped improve the accuracy of its navigation and location-detection systems. China announced earlier this year that BeiDou's satellites can locate ground-based users to an accuracy level of one or two meters of their exact location with the help of a new chip. Prior to this, BeiDou's accuracy level was a radius of 10 meters from the actual spot.

Li Xueli, an engineer working with BeiDou, said: "For users, there are two big improvements. One is the time the system takes to process your journey. This is down from 30 seconds to just three seconds. The second improvement is the position accuracy. The system can now tell if the car is on the main road or side road."

With precision of 1 to 2 meters, BeiDou is just behind the European Union's Galileo satellite system that gives consumers an accuracy level of just 1 meter. GPS' accuracy level is 5 meters while Russia's GLONASS satellite gives an accuracy level of 4.5 meters to 7.4 meters.


The U.S. and Chinese satellite navigation constellations as depicted by Analytical Graphics STK Software in 2011.

Given the potential for wresting lead globally, China is accelerating steps like launching new navigation satellites to expand the coverage area of BeiDou.

Yang Yuanxi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a member of the CPPCC National Committee, said: "China will launch six to eight satellites this year. After constructing a network of 18 satellites by around 2018, we will serve economies along the Belt and Road Initiative."

That will mark a long way from the first BeiDou satellite's launch 16 years ago. At that time, it was designed to serve the military. It was not available for commercial applications until 2012.

But within just four years of development, the commercial model has been widely applied in smartphones and automobiles in China to help consumers navigate through crowded traffic.

As of August 2016, about 759 smartphone models supported BeiDou's navigation services, accounting for 21 percent of all smartphones, reflecting the enormous potential of China's navigation satellite market.

In 2015, BeiDou was used to help Singapore in tracking vehicles. GLAC's Miao was instrumental in clinching this deal for BeiDou. A joint venture was set up to run the project. Singapore's Economic Development Board, a government agency for planning and executing strategies, poured 50 million yuan into it.

Sun Jiadong, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former chief designer of the BeiDou system, said: "Domestic trials are checking for possible applications in foreign countries. The globalization boom for BeiDou will come around 2021, but we need to start as soon as possible."

Two areas where boats ride easy

1. China has set up a BeiDou-powered monitoring system to track and help fishing boats in Nansha Islands as they have been involved in frequent mishaps due to ordinary equipment on board.

So far, more than 30,000 boats have been equipped with BeiDou-enabled gadgets that can help fishermen contact others when telecom signals go weak.

The equipment can offer digital messaging services, positioning, navigation notices, emergency help and information on weather and sea waves.

It can also help fishery management departments to locate vessels, manage their navigation and extend help in time.

BeiDou's system has been widely applied in many areas including fishery departments of the government, fishery companies, large fishing boats and individual fishermen in Nansha Islands.

This has greatly reduced maritime accidents, brought IT to the marine fishery segment and professionalized information management in China.

2. China has set up a ship detection and monitoring system on the Lancang-Mekong River in southwestern China, using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.

Southwestern China is known for its rapids, dangerous shoals and a large number of telecommunication blind zones.
It has also been facing difficulties like straying foreign ships and international terrorism.

The system also makes use of a GPS satellite and a GSM network, and creates a 3-D monitoring and communication mechanism.

It is integrated with 3-D geographic information system that can provide users with clear images of landscapes, especially rapids.

With simulated maps of the Lancang-Mekong River, the system visualizes land forms around and can guide the ships on safe and optimized routes.

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I just stumbled across this old article yet still it's still interesting to read, and has not been posted in this thread previously. I recall vaguely that over a decade ago I once read some news headlines that "China would join or participate into the European Galileo Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)"... just that, I paid no further attention, then years later I read other headlines that China would launch its own Beidou Satellite Navigation System. Back then didn't grasp what really happened behind the scenes as well as was too occupied to bother the news :P So, when I read this article, it immediately brings back the old memories... shared here for the reading interests of all :enjoy:

"The Fallout of Europe and China Cooperation in Galileo GNSS thus the birth of BeiDou few years later"

And just like the case of being shut out of participation in the International Space Station by the USA, this Galileo's fallout eventually convinced China to move on with its own programs by own resources, thus the projects of Tiangong Space Station and Beidou Satellite Navigation System and so on....

"One can only be independent when he is self-reliant.” - Chinese proverb


Brussels View: Remembrance of Things Past

Can China and Europe Get Over a Failed GNSS Partnership?

By Peter Gutierrez - BRUSSELS VIEW • July/August 2012


Quad-Constellation of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) at sky (Meinberg)
In 2003, China committed to investing €200 million (US$270 million) for the privilege of participating in the development of Europe’s Galileo program. But by 2007 it had been forced out of major decision-making because of security concerns and the collapse of the original financing plan for the program, which was to include public and private money.

At the time, bringing China into Galileo was seen by some as simply an anti-American gesture on the part of the Europeans, while others have argued that they truly thought China’s membership in Galileo would help European companies to gain a strengthened commercial position in the Asian nation’s huge and growing market.

In any case, China’s contribution to the program ultimately turned out not to include a policymaking role, and who could then blame officials there for feeling badly used — perhaps even humiliated — after having paid for the privilege of joining the Galileo consortium as a partner only to see themselves shut out of its governing bodies?

Seeking a New Path

This problematical history seemed ripe for review at a recent European Institute for Asian Studies roundtable event in Brussels that brought together representatives of the European Commission (EC), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Chinese Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CAST) to discuss EU-China relations in space. (CAST is a state-owned company that serves as the main contractor for China’s space program.)

But satellite navigation received only a grudging and oblique treatment at the event.

The “EU-China Galileo fiasco,” as some have gone so far as to refer to it, turned out to be the elephant in the room that no one wanted to see or touch, at least none of the panelists. This despite the fact that the title of the conference itself —“The Ups and Downs of Euro-China Space Cooperation” — might have led some of the attendees to expect a few words on the subject.

However, Hartwig Bischoff, Space Unit policy officer at the EC’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, started the ball rolling in a very different direction. Emphasizing that he was there to discuss EU-China co-operation in research, Bischoff laid out the Commission’s plans to launch a new “space dialog” with China, listing a number of wide ranging potential topics for discussion, including remote sensing, climate change, exploration of the solar system, space weather, space and life sciences, space debris, et cetera, et cetera.

Satellite navigation, however, was not on Bischoff’s list. Later in his presentation he showed another list, this time representing ‘opportunities’ for EU-China cooperation. Once again, GNSS-related matters were notable by their absence.

When asked later about these omissions, Bischoff replied that satellite navigation was not on his lists because he was there to talk about cooperation in research, and Galileo is an operational system, not a research project.

Oka-a-y. Awkward pause and perplexed looks passing among the panelists.

A growing suspicion arose that perhaps no one was at the roundtable to talk about the “downs” mentioned in the conference title. No one, that is, except for the man who got the party together in the first place: David Fouquet, a senior associate at the European Institute for Asian Studies who conceived the event and acted as a sort of moderator. Fouquet said point blank that he wanted to hear more about the lingering effects of the EU-China falling out over Galileo.

After this direct prodding, Sun Gongling, chief representative of CAST’s European office, made an attempt to address the subject. He was brief and, by his comments and “body language,” seemed to want to minimize any sense of hard feelings, or indeed any feelings at all.

“As for our participation in the Galileo project,” he said, shrugging his shoulders, “we were invited, and then we were uninvited. And that’s the way it is. We just keep our heads down, we stay quiet, and we keep on going.”

And keep going they have. By 2009, while Galileo was falling behind schedule, the Chinese had moved forward and were making rapid progress in the development of their own Compass (BeiDou-2) system. What’s more, China had announced its plans to transmit signals on the wavelength that the Europe wants to use for Galileo’s Public Regulated Service (PRS), an encrypted frequency for governmental, immigration, public safety, and potentially military use.


Quad-Constellation GNSS -- by 2020, it's expected to have four global constellations:
GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, all on the same band, giving the world more than 100 satellites,
under clear sky, as many as 30 or 40 simultaneously. (GPS World)

“It’s incredible,” said Jean-Michel Fobe, anticipating the direction of the conversation before the presentations had even started. Fobe is President of Belgium’s Eutralex Aerospace and a man with some experience working with Chinese collaborators.

“The Chinese government sets its priorities and makes the decisions, and that’s all there is to it,” Fobe added. “There is no argument, no negotiation. It’s not like here in Europe where 27 different opinions have to be brought together before we can do anything.”

The price of pan-European democracy? China pays no such price. Today BeiDou, not Galileo, could well become the third fully operational global satellite navigation system, after GPS and GLONASS. Despite years of effort, negotiations to resolve the signal overlap question have made little progress. As recently as last year, EC officials said that the issue represented “a major problem for the security of the EU.”

Invited speaker Brian Weeden, who spent nine years as an officer in the U.S. Air Force and worked at the U.S. Strategic Command’s Joint Space Operations Center, chimed in on the subject.

China does not recover easily from slights, often reacting in a calculating manner,” he said bluntly, suggesting that the BeiDou/Galileo PRS frequency overlay issue was just another example of China’s grudge-holding, a well thought out and pointed reaction to not getting the value they expected out of the aborted Galileo deal.

ESA’s Not So Eloquent Silence

For his part, ESA representative Karl Bergquist had little to say about the EU-China and Galileo story. Asked what he understood to be the current state of affairs regarding China’s planned overlay on PRS, Bergquist pled ignorance.

“I don’t really know,” he said. “I don’t know what happened with that story. We were all sort of following it a few years ago, but now, no one talks about it any more.

Perhaps it’s a question better posed to the technicians, he suggested, whom he could not name and of whom he is not one.

Bergquist has worked as an administrator in ESA’s International Relations Department since 1993. He holds a degree in Chinese from the Language Institute of Beijing and is currently in charge of ESA’s relations with China, Russia, and Israel.

All of which makes it a bit surprising that, sent by ESA to address the ups and downs of EU-China cooperation in space, he would have had so little to say — nothing at all, actually —about EU-China cooperation on GNSS.

Perhaps what this really tells us is something about the determination with which ESA would like to leave behind — and get everyone else to leave behind — the entire story of Galileo’s China venture. After all, what is the point of rehashing that old sordid affair? This kind of conference should be about the future, right?

Wider Consequences

In the wake of this less-than-successful GNSS cooperation, when China picked up its stuff and went home, it didn’t just take away the Galileo stuff. The EC’s Bischoff acknowledged that the unfortunate turn of events had resulted in a slump in the EU-China’s relationship across all fronts.

Still, he insisted, the tide has now turned. “There was an effect,” he said, referring to decreased Chinese participation in EU research across the board, “but we feel that we are now coming back and that things are on the up.”

Weeden was frank in his assessment of the European and American positions.

The Europeans are still trying to figure out who they want to be in space,” he said. “Does Europe want to be a junior partner, contributing what it can and benefiting from its relationships with the big players? Does it want to be a global player in its own right, standing on an equal footing with the US, Russia, and China? Or is it aiming to be a facilitator, bringing parties together who would not otherwise meet?

Bischoff pointed out that the EU, through its Research Framework Program, does represent a kind of workaround for third parties, already playing the facilitating role described by Weeden.

“We have EU-funded projects with third-country partners,” Bischoff explained, “with the U.S. for example, with Russia and with China. According to their own rules and regulations, our U.S. partners are often not supposed to work with Chinese organizations. And the Chinese may not be allowed to work with the Americans, but they can both work with us.”

And this means, de facto, they are in some cases working together within an EU-based framework. Could this be a way to bring the competing GNSS systems together, on neutral EU soil?

Again Weeden: “Everyone agrees that international cooperation is needed, but the opportunities for the EU are made greater by the fact that the U.S. withholds its own co-operation.”

Does China Really Care?

The rules and regulations to which Bischoff was referring include the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), a set of U.S. government regulations that control the export and import of defense-related articles and services. ITAR essentially locks China out of any exchange of sensitive U.S. information, equipment, and systems, including most anything related to GNSS.

Always controversial, ITAR continues to stimulate heated debate in U.S. halls of power. As reported in last month’s edition of Inside GNSS, a U.S. Satellite Export Policy Report, submitted to Congress last April by the Department of Defense and the Department of State, recommended that restrictions on the export of communications and remote sensing satellites be eased, to improve the competitiveness of U.S. companies. However, the report recommended retaining controls on spacecraft technologies used for positioning, navigation, and timing, including GPS.

Weeden pressed his case against what he considers the failed policies of his own country. “With respect to U.S.-China relations, ITAR is a failure,” he said. “It did not help US industry; it has hurt US industry. The withholding of information and cooperation has not brought China to its knees.”

Sun Gongling appeared to agree.

“Look,” he said, “let’s take the airline industry — in China we have no major manufacturer of airplanes. So, we have a choice to make: we can buy Boeing airplanes or we can buy Airbus airplanes. If Boeing doesn’t want to sell us their airplanes, then we have to buy Airbus airplanes. It doesn’t make much difference to us. They both make very good airplanes.”

The simple message and the simple truth: China doesn’t need the United States when it has Europe as a trading partner. Does that make Europe a saboteur of U.S. policy?

Sun didn’t put it in those terms; he didn’t even appear to want to suggest it, but the result is the same. U.S. policy that closes its doors to Chinese trade in strategic industries only serves to open doors for other global players like Europe. It certainly does not hurt China. And if China can’t buy what it needs — not from Europe, not from the United States, not from anyone — it simply develops what it needs from scratch.

And, if we are to credit that Department of Defense/Department of State report, China is also not above using “any means necessary,” including its intelligence services and “other illicit approaches,” to get around those pesky U.S. rules and regulations.

In the roundtable, Weeden extended his critique of ITAR, applying it to GNSS matters and beyond. “First, as I said, it has hurt U.S. industry; second, it didn’t stop China from moving straight ahead and putting an operational satellite navigation system into orbit; and third, it has had no effect on China’s behavior with respect to human rights.” [Again, the politically correct rubbish :D]

Sun appeared to grimace and shifted in his seat. Perhaps he was thinking to himself something like, “Here we go again,” but that’s just a supposition — he said nothing.

Outlook or Look Out?

The bottom line is that while Europe may have thought it was keeping a strategic edge when it decided to leave China out of Galileo’s inner circle, just as the United States believes ITAR enables it to maintain its own strategic edge, neither has succeeded. China has simply gone on doing what it seems to do best — powering past all obstacles with a steadfast determination and clearly perceived goals, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

Offline conversations suggest that talks about their respective GNSS programs are still going on between the European Commission and Chinese authorities, possibly involving the EC’s Head of Space Activities Paul Weissenberg at DG Enterprise and Industry, with perhaps two or three meetings a year. But what exactly they are saying to one another is a closely held matter. In all likelihood China is now feeling the strength of its upper hand and enjoying Europe’s weakened arguments about partnership and mutual interest.

What can we actually say about the future of European and Chinese GNSS? Both BeiDou and Galileo will be fully operational satellite navigation systems. Nothing can stop either of them now. They will coexist, along with GPS and GLONASS.

Ultimately, they will have to live together. After all, the EU and China sit together on the Providers Forum of the International Committee on GNSS and the ICG’s working group on compatibility and interoperability.

Judging from the buzz among conference participants over a sumptuous buffet lunch, many people are still waiting for concrete answers to the question of just what that coexistence will ultimately look like. Until then, the uncomfortable questions, awkward pauses, and perplexed looks are likely to continue.


The author, Peter Gutierrez

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Yuanwang fleet to carry out 19 space tracking tasks in 2017

Source: Xinhua 2017-03-29


Yuanwang 远望 6 space tracking ship

NANJING, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Yuanwang space tracking ships (Yuanwang 远望 means to gaze afar), which follows the progress of satellites and other space-bound craft, will carry out 19 maritime space monitoring missions in 2017, according to the maritime satellite measurement and control authority on Wednesday.

Yuanwang-5 left port Wednesday and Yuanwang-6 started its journey Monday.

Yuanwang-7 and the rocket transporting fleet will set sail in April.

In 2016, Yuanwang ships completed 14 major scientific research and experiment tasks, including maiden flights of the Long March-7 and the Long March-5, and space journeys of the Tiangong-2 space lab and the Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft.
China develops reusable spacecraft for manned lunar missions

(People's Daily Online) March 08, 2017


China is developing a new spacecraft that can carry astronauts to destinations at and beyond low Earth orbit, and can also be used on multiple missions. The vehicle is a crucial component of the country’s future manned lunar mission.

Zhang Bonan, chief designer of China’s space program, told Science and Technology Daily that China’s new spacecraft will adopt the most advanced technologies, and is expected to be launched no later than its foreign counterparts.

Among all next-generation spacecraft developed by foreign countries, only America’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew vehicle is capable of transporting astronauts to the moon. Currently, the best spacecraft’s carrying capacity allows six astronauts to enter low Earth orbit, while the number for manned moon missions is three to four. We hope our new spacecraft will exceed these standards,” Zhang said.

Stressing the importance of the inaugural flight of the Long March-7 carrier rocket in 2016, Zhang noted that China has gained important experience in manned space flight.

“The launch of China’s first manned spacecraft comes 40 years later than those of its foreign counterparts. We hope the launch of our new manned spacecraft will keep pace with leading foreign powers,” Zhang stated. Though authorities have not yet approved the project, research for the spacecraft is currently being carried out, so as to prevent China from lagging behind in the field, the designer added.

China has devoted a handsome sum of money to its space program in recent decades, seeking technological prowess and a position of leadership in the aerospace field. The country plans to launch its Tianzhou-1 unmanned cargo spacecraft in April, which will dock with the Tiangong-2 space laboratory.

BeiDou Milestones Include Accuracy to Within 1 to 2 Meters

By Stan Goff - Inside GNSS - March 27, 2017


The Logo of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
China's domestically produced satellite navigation system BeiDou has made significant progress in terms of its accuracy, according to reports out of China earlier this month. At a recent press conference, BeiDou engineers claimed that a new accurate positioning chip can now help users arrive at their destinations with an error margin of just one to two meters.

The release of this new chip from BeiDou made it possible to improve positioning accuracy up from 10 meters to within one to two meters, and it also allows users to distinguish the difference between a major highway and a side road.

"For users, there are two big improvements. One is the time the system takes to process your journey. This is down from 30 seconds to just three seconds. The second improvement is the position accuracy. The system can now tell if the car is on the main road or side road," said Li Xueli, an engineer of BeiDou, on the official English-language website of the China News Service (CNS), ECNS.cn.

Also, an announcement states that BeiDou estimates that its satellite navigation system will be installed in more than 10 million Chinese cars this year. In addition to the automotive industry, BeiDou expects its technology soon to be applied to several other sectors including city management, transportation regulations, and care for the elderly.

"It is estimated that by 2018, around 18 satellites will be launched, and the global network will more or less be built up. By 2020, over 30 satellites will have been successfully launched, and our BeiDou Navigation Satellite System will cover the world," Chinese rocket scientist Sun Jiadong told Ecns.cn.

BeiDou's step forward on positioning accuracy shows its determination to challenge the dominance of the other three global satellite navigation systems currently in operation — GPS, Glonass, and Galileo — while also highlighting the quality of China's research and development.

Total Civil Users Tops 10 Million

On March 4, the People’s Daily Online reported additional achievements for BeiDou, including an impressive milestone reached regarding the current number of civil users.

According to Fu Yong, head of China National Administration of GNSS and Applications, the BeiDou system civil user base has exceeded 10 million. In addition, BeiDou has finalized an inspection of 18,000 kilometers of gas pipe in Beijing, as Beijing Gas Group plans to replace its former GPS system with the BeiDou system.

Key indices such as accuracy of positioning and timing services are better than design criteria demand, according to BeiDou data findings. The BeiDou system is independently operated by China and is designed to provide positioning, navigation and timing services with high accuracy for users around the world.

BeiDou on a Global Stage


The model of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System at an expo in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, Nov 1, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

BeiDou was in the spotlight in the annual Government Work Report, the latest edition of which Premier Li Keqiang presented to the National People's Congress on March 5, according to China Daily. The report addressed the promotion of high-end manufacturing and the Belt and Road Initiative, and helping Chinese companies to globalize their equipment and homegrown technologies.

BeiDou, a product of the Chinese National Space Administration, and managed by the China Satellite Navigation Office, plans to accelerate its expansion into economies along the Belt and Road Initiative as China plans to launch six to eight BeiDou satellites this year. As previously stated, BeiDou has made significant progress in terms of accuracy of location detection.

This go-global strategy is part of China's broad plan to build a navigation system with a constellation of 35 satellites by 2020. In comparison, GPS consists of 24 satellites.

"The globalization era for BeiDou is coming," said Miao Qianjun, secretary-general of the Global Navigation Satellite System and Location-based Services Association of China. "China is supporting BeiDou's exports roughly the same way it supports exports of high-speed railway products and technologies. BeiDou will become another high-tech name card for China," Miao said.

The GLAC, founded in 1995 to promote the commercial application of BeiDou technologies, in February invited its enterprise members involved in BeiDou-related industries for discussions. With assistance from the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, it set up an alliance for enterprises that seek to take BeiDou products and solutions to markets along the Belt and Road Initiative.

"We've received affirmative responses from 27 enterprises within a week. They are all eager to be part of our efforts," Miao said, adding the alliance members will receive financial support from the government.

Policy support for navigation technologies was first articulated in a guidance released by the NDRC in November 2016. It called for more help for enterprises to enable them to apply BeiDou technologies in Thailand, Laos, Indonesia and other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.

"The close economic ties between China and ASEAN will pave the way for BeiDou's entry. More importantly, in Southeast Asian countries located in low latitudes, BeiDou is more accurate than GPS," said Ming Dexiang, director of the BeiDou Open Laboratory, an agency that promotes commercial applications of BeiDou.

For more BeiDou news, read “U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Releases Staff Report on BeiDou” by clicking here.


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China's BeiDou system to expand cooperation to SE Asia

Xinhua, April 1, 2017

China's home-grown BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) will expand its cooperation to Thailand and Sri Lanka, and then to the entire Southeast Asia, in a bid to go global, the system's operator has said.

Du Li, general manager of Wuhan Optics Valley BeiDou Holding Group Co., told Xinhua recently that his company will continue to explore models for international scientific and technical cooperation on BDS, including the joint construction of base stations, joint technical development and research, personnel training and exchanges, and others.

Wuhan Optics Valley BeiDou established the first batch of three overseas Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) and its networking for BDS in Chonburi Province, eastern Thailand in December 2013, while it is also planning to build a China-ASEAN science and technology city in Thailand for promoting BDS applications.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) consists of 10 countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Wuhan Optics Valley BeiDou this year will cooperate with Sri Lankan related authorities to develop at least 10 CORS in the South Asian country for such applications as land surveying and mapping, ocean fishery and disaster warning, Du said.

The establishment of CORS in Thailand and Sri Lanka will extend the BDS coverage at least 3,000 km more towards Southeast Asia and South Asia, Du said.

Wuhan Optics Valley BeiDou is based in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei Province in central China. It is in charge of the operations and services of BDS, a GPS-like global positioning system.

By the end of 2016, BDS already had a constellation of 32 satellites.The Belt and Road Initiative is an opportunity for China's space science and technology, said Li Deren, a professor at a state key laboratory in Wuhan University located in Wuhan.

"Our priority is to expand BDS from China to the frontline of the Belt and Road Initiative, and Optics Valley BeiDou is a pioneer," Li said. China-made smartphones, such as Huawei smartphones, will be good platforms for BDS to go overseas as they carry Chinese chips, Li said.
Good... I think we already have beidou.. :undecided:

Beidou's international expansion is moving in phases. First entire coverage of China, then China and few neighbouring states, now SEA and SA, and then probably Central Asia. By 2020, at least, the entire Eurasia will be covered with all the services and global satellite coverage will also have been completed.

In this third stage, Thailand and Sri Lanka seem to be chosen. Interesting and strategic choices.
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