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China solar giant Suntech declares bankruptcy

Chinese wanted their economy to Sprint when the western economies(Customer base which made china a factory of the world) are in the verge of collapse.

This is a wrong strategy.

wrong stradegy my assss I can names you atleast 3 uk big companies bankrupted in the last three months alone

LOL, so the failings of one company merit the generalization that "Chinese over do themselves."

You guys are completely against generalization in the other threads on Indian social issues, maybe you should try not generalizing against others too.

they are the most pathetic online posters pro Indians online is the biggest mistake one can ever make
This is just one company. Our national economy is growing fine, unlike yours which only grew at 4.5% in the last quarter.

It's so easy to tell others they are wrong. One company doing badly is not a reflection on how the Chinese people are "overdoing" ourselves.

Or other cheap comments like how our only advantage is unfair practices. If it is so easy then why don't you do it.

Wow .... Suddenly the truth became a Cheap comment :lol:

Regarding Chinese GDP growth rate I do have my doubts and I don't want any discussion on that.

I am not saying Chinese Govt. is giving unfair advantage to its firms but all I am saying is the strategy failed.

India do manufacture goods but in its own way. We are slowly moving into manufacturing sector but our business model is different and we are in no hurry for over heating our economy.
if any business has to succeed with profit....the supply should be always slightly less than the demand..so that there always a demand...when supply is greater then demand losses are inevitable....this is true for every industry.....
the demise of Suntech is due nothing more than protectionalism in these 2 markets:

Commission considers anti-dumping duty on Chinese solar glass imports

U.S. Sets Anti-Dumping Duties on China Solar Imports - Bloomberg

and some delusional indian cheerleaders want their solar panel industry to build in-roads into the vacuum, dream on ignoranmuses. Their fates will follow the path of their wind energy firm

Suzlon to Exit China After Asset Sale - WSJ.com

indians are not in the league. Let the big boys play their games

List of photovoltaics companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow .... Suddenly the truth became a Cheap comment :lol:

Regarding Chinese GDP growth rate I do have my doubts and I don't want any discussion on that.

I am not saying Chinese Govt. is giving unfair advantage to its firms but all I am saying is the strategy failed.

India do manufacture goods but in its own way. We are slowly moving into manufacturing sector but our business model is different and we are in no hurry for over heating our economy.

Do not miss understand the situation. Only 1 chinese company go brankrupt. Chinese economy is still fine, not in bankruptcy, growing well and not overheating.
the demise of Suntech is due nothing more than protectionalism in these 2 markets:

Commission considers anti-dumping duty on Chinese solar glass imports

U.S. Sets Anti-Dumping Duties on China Solar Imports - Bloomberg

and some delusional indian cheerleaders want their solar panel industry to build in-roads into the vacuum, dream on ignoranmuses. Their fates will follow the path of their wind energy firm

Suzlon to Exit China After Asset Sale - WSJ.com

indians are not in the league. Let the big boys play their games

List of photovoltaics companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bullshit shuttler....your companies stole tech under the guise of Joint Ventures. (Sinovel and others-this is well documented, no China bashing-just truth)
Then your government, desperate to make anything look profitable started dumping cash onto a few companies to subsidize their product, making it artificially cheaper. This is what lead to anti dumping charges.
This all on the backdrop of an already severely saturated Chinese solar panel market. CCP made the wise choice to stop the patient on life support. Suntech probably wont be the only one to go, there is one or two candidates in the wind turbine business as well.
Suzlon to Exit China After Asset Sale - WSJ.com

indians are not in the league. Let the big boys play their games

actually, the wind energy firm you ignorant are talking about is considered the fourth largest in the world

Suzlon Energy

Suzlon Energy Limited, is an Indian wind power company based in Pune, India. In terms of market share, in 2011 the company was the fourth largest wind turbine manufacturer by cumulative installed capacity worldwide with approaching 20,000 MW of installations in 28 countries.

and if you f.vcks have any clue, the company is doing fine,since the beginning of the year,
Suzlon wins 103 MW order from Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited 26th February 2013
Suzlon signs 138 MW firm order in South Africa; site construction already commenced 1st February 2013
Suzlon Group signs 50 MW order with Orange Renewable Power

there is much more to it, but i will not waste my time in enlightening f.vcks here
This incident shows the grinding of the whole Chinese economy, slowly, sometimes painfully but surely into maturity. The world does not let the force of the market dictate terms. Trade unions and lobbists' voices are louder than lawmakers. Suntech suffers dearly on the import levies. The local solar energy companies have to make nail biting adjustments. Everyone of them has to count stocks; and if their financial strengths permit, there are some sweet M & A deals on offer.
Bullshit shuttler....your companies stole tech under the guise of Joint Ventures. (Sinovel and others-this is well documented, no China bashing-just truth)

not surprising at all, any links to prove this

Then your government, desperate to make anything look profitable started dumping cash onto a few companies to subsidize their product, making it artificially cheaper. This is what lead to anti dumping charges.
This all on the backdrop of an already severely saturated Chinese solar panel market. CCP made the wise choice to stop the patient on life support. Suntech probably wont be the only one to go, there is one or two candidates in the wind turbine business as well.

actually, the wise decision was to dump money in the company to subsidize the product, the decision to stop patient on life support was an inevitable one. which wind turbine companies are you talking about?
actually, the wind energy firm you ignorant are talking about is considered the fourth largest in the world

Suzlon Energy

and if you f.vcks have any clue, the company is doing fine,since the beginning of the year,
Suzlon wins 103 MW order from Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited 26th February 2013
Suzlon signs 138 MW firm order in South Africa; site construction already commenced 1st February 2013
Suzlon Group signs 50 MW order with Orange Renewable Power

there is much more to it, but i will not waste my time in enlightening f.vcks here

I am talking about solar energy industry and indians are minows in it. dont you read!
suzlon is miserably defeated out of China. FACT!
Dont worry India will crumble under its own weight. The reason being white people are ruling and fooling billion plus shameless brown folks who revere such a lady as if she is a sister in law of GOD.
She is sure to do a fujimori on India...

well, i'm not sure whether India will crumble on its own weight, but what I'm sure of is that, we shameless brown folks are dying to become independent,developed and advanced nation like Nigeria.we seriously envy the way the blacks have developed their nation to where it is now. I'll be grateful if the Nigerians will agree to share their cool technology with us, so that we can become half as advanced as Nigeria.
I am talking about solar energy industry and indians are minows in it. dont you read!
suzlon is f%cked out of China. FACT!

many companies are f.vcked out of china-fact. And we all know why many companies are f.vcked out of the Chinese market.

but only a f.vck will drag in a Indian wind turbine company into the discussion related to Chinese solar company and its future.
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