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China slams Japan for attempting to turn India against it

Gwadar port is under range of IN.so it is not that much problem to us.We also have Chahbahar port.So dont worry

Anything happen to Gwadar, India will have answer to Pakistan. and your Chahbahar port is a joke...that was the deperated way to get into Afghanistan and central Asia...when you have not better choice.
We know what India can gain out of this, but your gain will never be at our expense, we're not running out of opions with facing India.

If history is proof, then unfortunately for you neither can China with your vast 'options' do anything to deter India.
We are just collecting sticks so that when push comes to shove it will far harder to break a whole bunch of sticks rather than 1.

Anything happen to Gwadar, India will have answer to Pakistan. and your Chahbahar port is a joke...that was the deperated way to get into Afghanistan and central Asia...when you have not better choice.

No that is just your biased opinion, actually Chahbahar IS a better choice, and what will Pak do? Heck what will China do with all its ships traveling from Indian Ocean.
Oh the mighty string of pearls.
Yeah....because India was soooo pro-China before....
that's the point here...we are not pro anyone.... we will solve our disputes ourselves in a diplomatic manner... china is a great power...India will need atleast 3 decades to match china....
china should take care not to push india too hard...so that india ends up in some kind of bloc....
neither we or you want that to happen!


Beijing: Piqued over Japan's warm ties with India, a Chinese daily today said New Delhi's wisdom lies in dealing with its disputes with Beijing calmly, undisturbed by "internal and international provocateurs".

As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh undertook a visit to Tokyo amid reports of defence deals between the two sides, the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece, the People's Daily, today lashed out at Japanese politicians, terming them as "petty burglars" on China related issues.

China is locked in a maritime dispute with Japan and the two countries are currently at loggerheads over the disputed islands in the resource-rich East China Sea.

"Before Premier Li Keqiang's visit, the China-India border standoff was hyped up by international media.

The divergence and contradictions between the two countries were also exaggerated as if the Sino-Indian ties had been strained suddenly," said in an article titled 'Sino-Indian diplomatic miracle embarrasses Japanese politicians'.

"But what surprised the media was that China and India properly solved the issue in a short time. During Li's visit the top leaders of both countries had sincere and candid talks and came to a series of strategic consensus and cooperation.

The shift of Sino-Indian ties in such a short time is a miracle.

"In the development of Sino-Indian ties there are several divergence and contradictions. Some countries see these differences as an opportunity to provoke dissension," it said.

"China and India have great vision and great wisdom," it said, adding that "India's great wisdom lies in dealing with ties with China in a calm way, undisturbed by internal and international provocateurs."

Referring to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe call to Japan, India, Australia and the US to jointly form a "Democratic Security Diamond" to compete with the ascendant China, the paper said Abe also made visits to countries in China's neighbourhood.

"Some politicians just made themselves petty burglars on China-related issues," it said.

"The so-called 'Democratic Security Diamond', 'Strategic Diplomacy' and 'Values Diplomacy' among other new terms seem very strategic. But in fact they unveiled the narrow-minded diplomatic thoughts of Japanese government. The conspiracy of these petty burglars is doomed to fail," it said.

Its sister publication, Global Times highlighted the reports of India and Japan close to signing a deal to supply amphibious US-2 planes to India during the visit of Singh.

Lu Yaodong, a researcher at the Institute of Japanese Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, suggested it would mark a strengthening of the alliance between Japan and India in terms of defence and military cooperation, and that Japan is trying to take advantage of the border conflicts between India and China and to contain the latter with the possible sale.

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pictures maybe obscene...
but pics 2 and 3 are epic :D

btw, wat do the mountain peaks suggest in pic 3???
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If history is proof, then unfortunately for you neither can China with your vast 'options' do anything to deter India.
We are just collecting sticks so that when push comes to shove it will far harder to break a whole bunch of sticks rather than 1.

No that is just your biased opinion, actually Chahbahar IS a better choice, and what will Pak do? Heck what will China do with all its ships traveling from Indian Ocean.
Oh the mighty string of pearls.

The superpowa US was collecting so many sticks against China for over half century and they still don't make any difference and you think India will be the game changer of this region with stick? :lol: China don't need to deter India, India itself is already paranoid about Chinese 'peacefull' present in SA or in Indian Ocean such Gwadar is an good example how India was crying like fool.
Anything happen to Gwadar, India will have answer to Pakistan. and your Chahbahar port is a joke...that was the deperated way to get into Afghanistan and central Asia...when you have not better choice.

If they need our answer we can answer them like in 1971.
Look at this thread man and look the response of china newspapers.We dont claim anything like that
PDF chinese like you boast about chinese power and can take whole world with that power.
But your leaders know India importance.otherwise they dont need to care about India relations with Japan or any other country.India make cooperation with any country and who is this China questioned that.
Itt is easy to consider small country as your enemy like vietnam.But India choose a side against China instead of present independant policy,it has a lot of dimension and China know its consequences.

Just think about it.
The superpowa US was collecting so many sticks against China for over half century and they still don't make any difference and you think India will be the game changer of this region with stick? :lol: China don't need to deter India, India itself is already paranoid about Chinese 'peacefull' present in SA or in Indian Ocean such Gwadar is an good example how India was crying like fool.

Well Americans are idiots, no need to bring them in the picture. But since you already have lets not forget that they are still The world power, and China is still only playing footsie, or don't you remember the 2 bombers that flew over your 'alleged' ADIZ and PLAN did zilch, nada; or maybe PLAN is incapable of responding within an hour and threaten and escort 2 sloth like bombers, or was it that their tail was safely curled beneath their legs?
As for paranoia, tell that to your news dailies.
LOL we have our Chahbahar and even that won't be much of a worry after the underwater pipeline, you worry about the sea routes and all the sea trade that can be shut in one snap of the finger, and pray tell how much Chinese trade will happen through Gwadar on land traversing Pakistan, and how much traversing through the Indian Ocean?
If they need our answer we can answer them like in 1971.
Look at this thread man and look the response of china newspapers.We dont claim anything like that
PDF chinese like you boast about chinese power and can take whole world with that power.
But your leaders know India importance.otherwise they dont need to care about India relations with Japan or any other country.India make cooperation with any country and who is this China questioned that.
Itt is easy to consider small country as your enemy like vietnam.But India choose a side against China instead of present independant policy,it has a lot of dimension and China know its consequences.

Just think about it.

So when China cozy with Maldive mean Maldive is very important otherwise India don't need to care according to your logic. :lol:
When China make cooperation with SA countries, don't Indians questions alot our present such Gwadar port, Karakurum highway, Sri Lanka port...?

tell me what is the consequences if India pcik side? the best you can get as consequence is more PLA divisions at your border and play Tilt for Tat.
So when China cozy with Maldive mean Maldive is very important otherwise India don't need to care according to your logic. :lol:
When China make cooperation with SA countries, don't Indians questions alot our present such Gwadar port, Karakurum highway, Sri Lanka port...?

tell me what is the consequences if India pcik side? the best you can get as consequence is more PLA divisions at your border and play Tilt for Tat.

Then tell me what is the base of this Chinese news report?.You guys told India is not that important.Then why China cry when we close to Japan or US.
PRC -maldives relation is your issue and it is your right.But at that cases we must consider our security.We acknowledge China is slightly powerful than India.So we need extra care and we show more generosity to Maldives ,but when Maldives President take an initiative for more China - Maldives relations we dont criticise maldives.Same goes to Sri-Lanka.Pakistan is a different case and you know that
Here your newspaper criticise both countries.Who are you to question us?And we dont conduct large defence drills.A mere visit of Japanese PM and instantly China smokes and fly high.So if we form a strategic alliance or something like that with Japan what is response of Chinese leaders and newspapers.
IA tolerated PLA incursion in April because they obey their people and their government.But when we give authority of IA.You can see a different IA like you see in 1967.
You can bully small countries in SCS. But India is different case.Dont boast about april incursion incident .It is how responsible large democratic countries behaves and I appreciate GoI decision. .continues diplomacy and.Military as last resort.
Well Americans are idiots, no need to bring them in the picture. But since you already have lets not forget that they are still The world power, and China is still only playing footsie, or don't you remember the 2 bombers that flew over your 'alleged' ADIZ and PLAN did zilch, nada; or maybe PLAN is incapable of responding within an hour and threaten and escort 2 sloth like bombers, or was it that their tail was safely curled beneath their legs?
As for paranoia, tell that to your news dailies.
LOL we have our Chahbahar and even that won't be much of a worry after the underwater pipeline, you worry about the sea routes and all the sea trade that can be shut in one snap of the finger, and pray tell how much Chinese trade will happen through Gwadar on land traversing Pakistan, and how much traversing through the Indian Ocean?

That what I've been tried to tell you, even a superpower with so many sticks didn't deter China navy expension such cliam the SCS and ADIZ, what make you think that India can do better? they can come with B-52 any time they want that don't deter us to to back down with our ADIZ claim and american civilans planes already comply with China's ADIZ law, so you tell me if this is consider to hide our tail between the legs? or if we just swinging the tail on american's face.

Your Chahbahar is just a joke, you need to load-unload-load the merchandise before reaching the destination, the downtime and cost will make your product non- competitive compare a direct access via Pakistan. of course India has been denied so Chahbahar port is the desperated solution in order to acess to central Asia.

Indian Ocean is a curse to many nations trade road such Japan, Korea and south east Asian countries but not China because Indian navy and merchand ship are all within our DF-21D range, you will think twice to shut down our sea routes or any ships that anchor in your seaport will get the proportional retaliation, your finger snap is not loud enough to ring the alarm bell. As for Gwadar port, it's China's gate way to Middle East, and potential gaz pipeline link to Kashgar...for now it's not the main trade road compare to Indian ocean but this about to be changed when the transport link between China and Pakistan is well established.
Then tell me what is the base of this Chinese news report?.You guys told India is not that important.Then why China cry when we close to Japan or US.
PRC -maldives relation is your issue and it is your right.But at that cases we must consider our security.We acknowledge China is slightly powerful than India.So we need extra care and we show more generosity to Maldives ,but when Maldives President take an initiative for more China - Maldives relations we dont criticise maldives.Same goes to Sri-Lanka.Pakistan is a different case and you know that
Here your newspaper criticise both countries.Who are you to question us?And we dont conduct large defence drills.A mere visit of Japanese PM and instantly China smokes and fly high.So if we form a strategic alliance or something like that with Japan what is response of Chinese leaders and newspapers.
IA tolerated PLA incursion in April because they obey their people and their government.But when we give authority of IA.You can see a different IA like you see in 1967.
You can bully small countries in SCS. But India is different case.Dont boast about april incursion incident .It is how responsible large democratic countries behaves and I appreciate GoI decision. .continues diplomacy and.Military as last resort.

China sure is interesting about what India do with Japan or US, same as how India reacts to China-Pakistan visit, it's normal for one side to monitor the activities of other and see if there is any negative impact for us and believe me your medias do far better jobs than ours when come the play drama on diplomacy issue.
The PRC has only itself to blame if the democracies of Asia are uniting against its expansionism.

An Asian NATO is gaining momentum.
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