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China slammed over program that ‘appoints’ men to sleep with Uighur women

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I have met some Uyghur in The Netherlands. They are mostly renegade elements. You have such elements everywhere. We have them in Pakistan too. They don't care about their country and are rebellious in nature.

He spoke to a Uyghur while I had the pleasure of living inside China. The Uyghur don't want to co-exist with other ethnic groups and this includes Muslims who are Hui. The Chinese Govt needs to find a solution and consider being less strict on its policies. But some of the accusations are stupid and people who believe them must have lived a sheltered life. Going by his logic I have met dozens of people in the UK who have spoken on the Pakistani State oppressing of the Balouch. We both know this isn't true but it is widely believed in the West. The same applies to Xinjiang. China must change some of its policies but we are in no position to lecture them when we have our own problems.
This is Nazi Germany type things the CCP are doing. What kind of sick twisted evil is this? I thought not even the CCP can be this evil until Uyghurs confirmed this is actually going on. Made me sick to my stomach. Does the CCP have any shred of decency as human beings?
Look at the response of Pakistanis and Pakistani government, you guys are pure hypocrites. I stand for Uighur people even though I don't care for their brand of religion, just like I stand for minorities being persecuted in Muslim countries. Looks like Pakistanis like to make a lot of noise over some cartoons in some far flung tiny Nordic country of Denmark but right in their neighbourhood their fellow Muslims and their culture, dignity and faith is being wiped out by by their best friend and Iron brother. Its interesting Pakistanis believe this is all just evil West propaganda at them same time they believe anti-West propaganda even whilst living in West and enjoying the freedom.

The SAME people who are claiming that China is persecuting the Uigyhurs are the SAME people who claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins. The SAME people who have slaughtered over 3 million innocent Iraqis between 2003 and 2016. Do you HONESTLY expect us to believe them?.........:disagree:
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