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China Signs $22.8 Billion Purchase Deals with France

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China Signs $22.8 Billion Purchase Deals with France

China & France Thursday signed deals worth 16 billion euro ($22.8 billion) on uranium, technology and more than 100 Airbus planes purchases, and the two countries also agreed to a sweeping strategic partnership on nuclear power.

President Hu Jintao's three-day state visit to France opened with a red carpet welcome, Chinese flags flying on the streets of Paris and dinner at the Elysee Palace, as well as a flurry of deals.

Sarkozy said the two countries decided on "strategic cooperation without limits" on nuclear energy, from constructing plants to recycling fuel.

The deal expands on 30 years of nuclear cooperation between China and France, which gets about three-quarters of its electricity from nuclear power and has deep knowledge of the field.

Hu and Sarkozy looked on as business leaders signed contract after contract. The Airbus deal alone - which will see airlines including Air China, China Eastern and China Southern buy 102 of the European consortium's A320, A330 and A350 models - is worth around $14 billion.

France's Areva nuclear engineering firm said it would sell China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corp 20,000 tons of uranium over a decade. The contract is worth around $3.5 billion.

France is a major source of exports of goods and technology to China within the European Union (EU). In the first eight months of this year, two-way trade topped $29 billion, surging nearly 40 percent over the same period of last year.

Total trade between China and France is expected to reach $40 billion in 2010. Hu and his French counterpart agreed to double bilateral trade by 2015.

Cooperation is cultural as well: Paris' Louvre Museum and Beijing's Forbidden City agreed to work together on temporary exhibits and to share conservation and restoration techniques.

In a toast at a dinner table covered with gold ornaments and Champagne glasses, Sarkozy praised China's staggering recent development, adding: "The world is confidently waiting for (China) to take on all the responsibilities that accompany its rediscovered power."

Sarkozy believes China's support is essential as France takes the leadership of the Group of 20 major global economies starting November 12. Sarkozy said France will push for reform of the international monetary system and mechanisms to limit swings in commodity prices.

Sarkozy and French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy greeted Hu at the airport on his arrival, an honor the French president rarely grants visitors. Their motorcade rolled down the famous Champs-Elysees avenue, where French and Chinese flags flew from lampposts.

At the presidential palace, guards in silver helmets and on horseback awaited Hu as he arrived.

On Friday, the two leaders head to the French Riviera city of Nice for more talks and dinner at a cozy Provencal restaurant. Hu departs Saturday for Portugal.

China signs $22.8b purchase deals with France
Just to show, money is the ultimate moral authority for the French. What happened to their outrage during the Olympics?
Money makes the world go round, the world go round
Money makes the world go round, the world go round
and we will all get rich this way :P
and Indians have been crying about MRCA and how they will twist other nations who will die if they dont get 12 billion contract.

Can't you post anything without bringing India?? So much obsession!!! :pop:

We talk about our deal but you are proud of China's deals!!!! This is a long terms project to supply technologies as well as U.
this is like a slap on sarkozy face.!
Good going china..and now the experience gained from this JV will makes its way to sevral of its allies!
somebozo said:
this is like a slap on sarkozy face.!
Good going china..and now the experience gained from this JV will makes its way to sevral of its allies!

the clown of PDF! strikes again !

EPRs are not a new thing in China, take a look at this snippet:


Record-breaking deal for Areva/China Guangdong

26 November 2007

China Guangdong Nuclear and Areva have signed an unprecedented €8 billion (US$12 billion) deal for the material and services for two new EPRs at Taishan, in China’s Guangdong province.

Reprocessing, mining and zirconium agreements have also been made.

During a visit of French president Nicolas Sarkozy to China, chairman of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) Qian Zhimin and chief executive of Areva Anne Lauvergeon signed the agreement.
No big deal. Quite expected, given that the concerned country here is France.

France cancelled the JF-17 avionics deal with Pakistan allegedly to secure to billions of dollars worth deals from India. They even decided to sell Mistral-class naval ships to old Cold War foe Russia in 2010.
No France did not cancel the avionics deal. That was just the indian media quoting their infamous "unnamed sources" like always. The PAF head confirmed that he had verified with the French sources after the media report, that the deal wasn't off.

Use the search function to find this topic, as it's been discussed amply on this forum before.
Throwing billions here and there. China is spreading USD around the world so if the dollar devalues alot of countries will be affected.
Throwing billions here and there. China is spreading USD around the world so if the dollar devalues alot of countries will be affected.

I doubt that is why China is doing this deal. 22 billion is chump change, it doesn't change either China's or France's dollar risk. As it stands, the USD is not a good storage of value and it will just get worse.
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