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China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country'

I'm glad that current Chinese leaders are as so simple and naive as I am, my little friend. And your twisted mind remind me of those (Son of B**ch) Red Guards in Cultural Revolution.

To those who still savable here. I want to say this: Everyone who comes to this world can and can only live once. So why can't we just do our best to enjoy ourselves life and make friends with anyone who want to be a friend (that is not at the expense of losing the existing friend). Is there any points to put our children to a either you live or I live situation? China definitely need to further developing its military muscle. But enough is enough. We don't need to sprint to become the world's no 1 because we don't need to be like USA to do world's safe guard job which have disgusted everyone. We don't need to copy the competition USSR and USA had in the cold war. If that happen, I will have pity on all human beings.

But right now I'm not too worried about those radical person (who exist in every country) because I see our leaders, and the leaders of most other countries, are more mature and intelligent than normal people. At least the world is, largely speaking, in peace today.

To be most powerful does not say that we are to be USA. China had been the most powerful country many centuries in the history. Why not once more?

Please don't play words of high tunes, specially not with your country fellows.

This thread should be closed.

And 'communist', where are you from? You are only making trouble for China!

frankly speaking i think this communist guy is someone who knows Hindi language very well (saw in some other posts)....hes definitely not a Chinese.... hes here to spread venom and play the cats and monkey game...

I believe that they both got some points. Economical power and military might are both very important strength in a relation of either competition or collaboration.

Japan is a valid example how US could rob a defenceless economical power. Soviet Union would be another example that tells military strength alone won't last long being America's opponent.

Thanks to the cultural heritage Chinese leaders have been wise enough to do everything pumping up China's economy and national influence. Imho Japanese and Chinese are productive so that they evolve either upwards or downwards, seldom to stand still in the history. China presently may not be strong enough to involve in any direct conflict with US, economically or militarily. It'd be an end of China's development and progress. However China should continue to do everything to become better and stronger.

The optimal and peaceful solution of Sino-US relation would be that US gives up its design of treating China as hostile competitor in exchange of Chinese political reform. Chinese and the world would really thank US if this would happen. On the contrary, the more pressure that US puts on China the more difficult that China relaxes her political control or style. In this case Taiwan issue would function as a black hole, sucking up lots of useful resources or energy away from both sides cross the Strait.

If China and US may maintain the present game runs without military confrontation. By 2015 China may be able to convince US that military aid to Taiwan is not worth continuing. By 2020 China would be able to win any conventional military conflict over Taiwan strait against US. That's about all goals that China is now dreaming to reach. By then Chinese economy would be on the same level as US.
I believe that they both got some points. Economical power and military might are both very important strength in a relation of either competition or collaboration.

Japan is a valid example how US could rob a defenceless economical power. Soviet Union would be another example that tells military strength alone won't last long being America's opponent.

Thanks to the cultural heritage Chinese leaders have been wise enough to do everything pumping up China's economy and national influence. Imho Japanese and Chinese are productive so that they evolve either upwards or downwards, seldom to stand still in the history. China presently may not be strong enough to involve in any direct conflict with US, economically or militarily. It'd be an end of China's development and progress. However China should continue to do everything to become better and stronger.

The optimal and peaceful solution of Sino-US relation would be that US gives up its design of treating China as hostile competitor in exchange of Chinese political reform. Chinese and the world would really thank US if this would happen. On the contrary, the more pressure that US puts on China the more difficult that China relaxes her political control or style. In this case Taiwan issue would function as a black hole, sucking up lots of useful resources or energy away from both sides cross the Strait.

If China and US may maintain the present game runs without military confrontation. By 2015 China may be able to convince US that military aid to Taiwan is not worth continuing. By 2020 China would be able to win any conventional military conflict over Taiwan strait against US. That's about all goals that China is now dreaming to reach. By then Chinese economy would be on the same level as US.

so your proposal is: chinese political reform (why is the US interested?) for the US "treating us better" (another unclear term).

China should not become another united states, it's not possible. There aren't enough resources in the world for that to happen. Instead, we should convince the US that further military aggression abroad is to the disadvantage of the american citizen. How will we do that? By 2030 the answer shall be clear.
so your proposal is: chinese political reform (why is the US interested?) for the US "treating us better" (another unclear term).

China should not become another united states, it's not possible. There aren't enough resources in the world for that to happen. Instead, we should convince the US that further military aggression abroad is to the disadvantage of the american citizen. How will we do that? By 2030 the answer shall be clear.

CCP is carrying on political reform bit by bit. If the external pressure is less the political reform in China will be speeded up. It is not to become a US-like system but to develop more reasonable mechanisms within the Chinese system.
CCP is carrying on political reform bit by bit. If the external pressure is less the political reform in China will be speeded up. It is not to become a US-like system but to develop more reasonable mechanisms within the Chinese system.

so why is the US interested in political reform then? what does it have to gain for it? has the US been interested in anything that doesn't benefit it? use your head.
I really have trouble in understanding how a country can become the most powerful by a mere “sprint”, but hard work.

IMHO, China’s priority is, and should always be, developing economy, social wellness, etc. China should keep developing its military power in a low-key manner according to its own interest: its social and economic development.

Military power is not the only thing that makes a country powerful, though it is an important thing. Mongols conquered China with its most powerful military force and a backward social system. Yuan was the shortest major dynasty in Chinese history, event though Mongol rulers eventually tried hard to assimilate themselves to Chinese culture. Thus sustainable power needs soft forces to support as well. Soviet Union is another example: Soviet’s military was once more superior to that of USA.

This is my analysis:
a) Chinese military power is still very inferior to that of USA, with lack of power projection: US military can easily project into China’s sphere (though it may/may not sustain the projection), China can’t do it in reciprocal. In general, NATO is mainly on US call, China doesn’t have that type of equivalent match in military alliance. Theoretically, China’s only military ally country is N Korea. This also means US soldiers have the chance to penetrate into China, but Chinese soldiers don’t have means to go N. America. It is obvious who has more advantages/options.

b) Domestically, the US has a system that has worked uninterruptedly so far for nearly 300 years and is less flawed. PR China’s system is only for 60+ years and is flawed in many places. Unlike the US where the learnt people always attack the US system, and cry of crisis (or wolf if you like) is unremitting (BTW, only the foolish and uneducated in US always praise the system as flawless), in China open attack, sometimes even good heartedly criticism of the system is still not that tolerated. This and other kind of soft power of the US attracts hundreds of thousands of talent from all over the world yearly. In contrast, from China, thousands of talented move out of the country yearly. Therefore, unless the US launches the war by religious fundamentalists to make US behave like Hitler, the US is perhaps more sustainable in a conflict.

c) Stop touting 1~2 trillion debts of US owned by China. This is actually a big loss to the Chinese wealth. Because it is the US who decides how much the paper worthy, not China. Learnt Chinese already pointed that out numerous times before. Yet, there are so many traitors (or Han traitors as the Chinese call it) in China who are still willing to purchase would-be-worthless-paper in a Ponzi Scheme like manner. Remember the bottom line: the world trade is still mainly based on US dollars. Unless RMB will be the main trade currency of the world, game rules are still being set by Uncle, and Uncle enforces the game rule with cannons (in majority of the areas of the world).

d) China’s geopolitical situation is far worse: to the north there is a huge and not so friendly Russia, to the south there is a neo-imperialistic India, Spratly islands issue. Terrorists flourish in the west, Taiwan agitates in the east. whereas US has a solid back yard: Canada and Mexico plus mostly none hostile C. America;

In summary, yes the US is declining, and yes China is rising, but the US is still solidly supported by three pillars: military (ie, sciences and technologies), finance (though somewhat weakened), and ideology (excluding some of its international policies), in addition to geopolitical disadvantage of China. Though some remarkable improvements are made, but China has so far no match in each of three fields, yet.

In addition, the people of neither country, nor the people of the world, will benefit from an all out US-China war.

Big-mouth disease looks indeed very infectious. Hope none of the Chinese would actually attract the virus from their south.
so why is the US interested in political reform then? what does it have to gain for it? has the US been interested in anything that doesn't benefit it? use your head.

How old are you? And wtf are you talking about?
I agree with the topic. China should sprint to strive as the most powerful country economically and militarily.

And at the same time China should also reform politically and judicially but it doesn't have to sprint on this two.

In regard to Taiwan, legitimately, Taiwan belongs to China. Japan occupied Taiwan for 50 years (1895-1945). When Japan surrendered Japan returned Taiwan to China. Unfortunately, China was ruled by Chiang Kai Shek at that time and he was driven out from the mainland (because of the civil war) and escaped to Taiwan under the protection of the US and ruled Taiwan under the name of Republic of China.

So, China should never let go Taiwan under any circumstances. If it takes China to go to war with the US to regain Taiwan then so be it. I hope this will not happen because both countries can do substantial destructions to each other.

Lastly, although, China has impressively lifted 250 million people out of poverty. More works need to be done to lift additional millions of people out of poverty. Also, China needs to expand the safety net for people who can't afford health insurance, etc.

So, in summary China needs to strengthen its economy and military, reforms its political and judicial systems, lift additional millions of people out of poverty, and expand the safety net for people who can't afford health insurance, etc.
How old are you? And wtf are you talking about?

why would the US have any interest in political reform in any country if its interests were not at stake? how can you trade "political reform" which the US has no interest in, for something they do have an interest in?
**** about US interest!!! Why are you so fixated on US interest? If China wants to advance or moving up in the rank it has to also reform politically and judicially period. It's got nothing to do with US interest, Pakistani interest, or any country interest.

China's reform on political and judicial systems does not mean to mimic the US political and judicial systems. It means only to improve their systems with a possibility of combining the best from China and the best from the US.
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I'm glad that current Chinese leaders are as so simple and naive as I am, my little friend. And your twisted mind remind me of those (Son of B**ch) Red Guards in Cultural Revolution.

To those who still savable here. I want to say this: Everyone who comes to this world can and can only live once. So why can't we just do our best to enjoy ourselves life and make friends with anyone who want to be a friend (that is not at the expense of losing the existing friend). Is there any points to put our children to a either you live or I live situation? China definitely need to further developing its military muscle. But enough is enough. We don't need to sprint to become the world's no 1 because we don't need to be like USA to do world's safe guard job which have disgusted everyone. We don't need to copy the competition USSR and USA had in the cold war. If that happen, I will have pity on all human beings.

But right now I'm not too worried about those radical person (who exist in every country) because I see our leaders, and the leaders of most other countries, are more mature and intelligent than normal people. At least the world is, largely speaking, in peace today.

I can't agree with your opinion, friend. China must surpass US in military power.

1.If Taiwan delare to independ and US send their army to protect Taiwan. Should China fight against US? If China don't have enough military power, how can China fight against US?

2.China has more and more foreign assets abroad now. As China is fast developing, China's economy will surpass US and other western countries. If China don't have enough military power, how can China protect her assets and people abroad?

China must have enough military power to protect our peace and harmony.
I can't agree with your opinion, friend. China must surpass US in military power.

It's your country, my motherland. If you are hell-bent on bankrupting her - nothing I could do. :china:

1.If Taiwan delare to independ and US send their army to protect Taiwan. Should China fight against US? If China don't have enough military power, how can China fight against US?

So the PRC can't fight across a relatively narrow waterway unless she "surpasses" the American might? :what: And for argument's sake, if she does, then what? Would someone else be next in line? Are you dreaming of taking over the Neocon mantle, friend?

2.China has more and more foreign assets abroad now. As China is fast developing, China's economy will surpass US and other western countries. If China don't have enough military power, how can China protect her assets and people abroad?

Sure, with the way things look nowadays - everybody has to pack at least some punch. But also don't make the mistake of thinking that the bygone ways of bygone days necessarily apply. The PRC should at least try to focus on establishing "partners", and not dream about building "assets" like some pompous nouveau riche.

And you won't have those "assets" for any length of time anyways if you deep down just think of them as such. Let's not forget: "兼相爱,交相利".

China must have enough military power to protect our peace and harmony.

The quest for "full-spectrum dominance" is the surest path to forfeiting your "peace and harmony". Pick your battles - and pick carefully.

It's your country, my motherland. If you are hell-bent on bankrupting her - nothing I could do. :china:

So the PRC can't fight across a relatively narrow waterway unless she "surpasses" the American might? :what: And for argument's sake, if she does, then what? Would someone else be next in line? Are you dreaming of taking over the Neocon mantle, friend?

Sure, with the way things look nowadays - everybody has to pack at least some punch. But also don't make the mistake of thinking that the bygone ways of bygone days necessarily apply. The PRC should at least try to focus on establishing "partners", and not dream about building "assets" like some pompous nouveau riche.

And you won't have those "assets" for any length of time anyways if you deep down just think of them as such. Let's not forget: "兼相爱,交相利".

The quest for "full-spectrum dominance" is the surest path to forfeiting your "peace and harmony". Pick your battles - and pick carefully.


Americans picked full spectrum dominance and are only now starting to go down. Same with the british before them. The real question is, after those 60-70 years of glory, then what? Well, the British thought it wasn't worth 70 years of glory to now be a 2nd rate country. And some countries that tried for 70 years of glory (Soviets, Japan, Germany) failed and didn't even get that. So yes it's a matter of decision making.
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