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China says more projects planned under CPEC

I have lived in Pakistan and UK. Even Pakistan despite its poverty and flaws is more democratic then China. Go and try to make fun of your president and make cartoon of your leaders, lets see how quickly you disappear. ;)

You really look like a westerner.


You really look like a westerner.


Whatever makes you happy, oh and don't make fun of your president for real though, I don't want you to disappear. I hope to read more of your comments on PDF in the near future. :D
Whatever makes you happy, oh and don't make fun of your president for real though, I don't want you to disappear. I hope to read more of your comments on PDF in the near future. :D
Before the "cpec", which country had invested so much in Pakistan's power projects?
UK?US? India?Germany? France?
alot was done under 1999 power agreement..more than what china has done.

Even currently the investment by china are shared with Qatar

Nothing personal against all Chinese just your government and the brainwashed commies, I think Pakistan is not getting anything out of CPEC, this is just another way for China to colonise Pakistan.
Pakistan was in a hurry to get things done and also wanted kick backs so benefits are indeed but not to the extent you would want ..there wss no transparency in SOME PROJECTS given PMLN and PPPP love for kick backs..zardari even got kick backs in army projects
I read somewhere that $28B of projects in progress or nearing completion. At this rate all $60B may be invested by end of 2020 which will put CPEC a full decade ahead of schedule. Must be fun seeing them just burn.
$28 billion worth of CPEC projects already completed. Done and dusted. Enemies of Pakistan couldn't stop them.

More projects will be signed one after the other upon completion of projects currently in progress, taking the Chinese investment to $150 billion in a few years.
PML N did one sided infrastructure projects without projects that could have given some revenues back, and my concern is that some were overly favored to china like power projects had returns calculated on flawed assumptions and high returns..e.g saiwal plant accounts for coal loss of 5-10% etc

there should have been more transparency in some projects
China had specifically requested from Pakistan they did not want any competition for these projects and contracts under CPEC must be awarded to China. Pakistan, (really desperate at that time and looking for way out of War on Terror) said fair enough, as long as the debilitating loadshedding (back then) ends.
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