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China says India building up troops amid border stand off

As a response China should up the ante and seriously consider escalating the page count from 15 to 150 with immediate effect :D:D
Heard that china has proposed a peace mechanism in area around sikkim.

China should remember that now it is not the dumb Manmohan government but it is vegetarian modi who eats Khichadi and cow milk. He cold blooded Humiliated china like anything.

This is perhaps the first time Chinese are dealing with a Bania.
They are in for a shock of their lives on a lot of issues going ahead. ;)

Not a single statement about troop reduction in the article.

In response to a question on Chinese MFA's document released on Aug 2, 2017 on Doklam issue, the Official Spokesperson said:

"India's position on this issue and related facts have been articulated in our Press Statement of June 30, 2017. India considers that peace and tranquillity in the India-China border areas is an important prerequisite for smooth development of our bilateral relations with China."

Where is it given we have pulled out 360 troops. please clarify.
Satish, that's the point, not a SINGLE denial. Indian media said India OFFICIALLY denied any troop reductions. Get it? :rofl:

Dogs barks a lot, doesn't mean the elephant has to stop and give reply. Your ministers were saying a lot of stuff from day 1 "you can move moutains not pla" and then your govt newspapers, so many warnings, do you think India will reply each and everything? Like i said All chinese can do is bark, maybe thats what happens when you eat a lot of dogs :lol:
I don't think our officials will be so ill discipline like Indian politicians, notice how most of your so called Chinese warning are from Chinese media commentaries, not official statements. I had summarized the number of warnings actually, 3 from MFA, 1 from military, the effects are so obvious, poodle doval went begging and got kicked, Modi said happy bday, troop reductions by end of july.....:rofl:.
Do you have even little common sense? If India retreated from Doklam as per your media says then why India need to build up troops along side the border? It should be end of the matter then?
The fact is India still sitting in Doklam with Tri colors and has no desire to retreat. Thats the reason Chinese are giving warning every second day and India is building troops.
The matter is still there where it was.
It can be dictated with little common sense if you have.
Ok, I will explained. Withdraw from doklam is to appease the Chinese. Build up around doklam is to appease Hindu nationalist. Kill 2 bird with a stone. :enjoy: Common sense.
Ok, I will explained. Withdraw from doklam is to appease the Chinese. Build up around doklam is to appease Hindu nationalist. Kill 2 bird with a stone. :enjoy: Common sense.
Damn you are good. Precisely, one for domestic audience, one for China. Manage to appease both sides. LOL. However, China will still fight coz there are still 40 left.

We already have a massive build up in Andaman.
Don't go by what is published.


For all the Commie champions, just look at where Andaman is what India would do any Chinese ships passing through there.
And it's not like China can go around. You got no other route.
In case of war, Chinese goose will be completely cooked at this point. ;)
Salim, I had a very good explanation on this, you know what Djibouti and Gwadar are for? Pirates? The distance between India and A&N is the same from Yunnan air base. You will take 2 days sailing to reach A&R. What do you think will happend when those long range cruise missiles land there? :rofl:
Satish, that's the point, not a SINGLE denial. Indian media said India OFFICIALLY denied any troop reductions. Get it? :rofl:

I don't think our officials will be so ill discipline like Indian politicians, notice how most of your so called Chinese warning are from Chinese media commentaries, not official statements. I had summarized the number of warnings actually, 3 from MFA, 1 from military, the effects are so obvious, poodle doval went begging and got kicked, Modi said happy bday, troop reductions by end of july.....:rofl:.

Well no troop reductions happened in the front line. So there was no need to 'OFFICIALLY' deny it.
Well no troop reductions happened in the front line. So there was no need to 'OFFICIALLY' deny it.
Front line means Doklam, what India did was they withdrew 360+ from Doklam back to the Indian side to appease China after warnings of war. They are still buying time for negotiations for mutual withdrawal by keeping 40 troops as bargaining chip. The problem is China is not budging, you are stuck there waiting for war. That's why you got panicky and is fixing roads now. India did not anticipate China will react this way, their aim was to force China to negotiations, the opposite happened. The miscalculation was mistaking this as an Indo-China dispute.

If India was really serious of defending Bhutan as promised, they will not withdraw at all, they won't even negotiate for mutual withdrawal, they will stand their ground.
Front line means Doklam, what India did was they withdrew 360+ from Doklam back to the Indian side to appease China after warnings of war. They are still buying time for negotiations for mutual withdrawal by keeping 40 troops as bargaining chip. The problem is China is not budging, you are stuck there waiting for war. That's why you got panicky and is fixing roads now. India did not anticipate China will react this way, their aim was to force China to negotiations, the opposite happened. The miscalculation was mistaking this as an Indo-China dispute.

If India was really serious of defending Bhutan as promised, they will not withdraw at all, they won't even negotiate for mutual withdrawal, they will stand their ground.

Well you are absolutely wrong on this part. India did not withdraw at all. We are still dug into the peaks over there. That can be confirmed by our stance in every summit. The BRO always fixes roads there because after winter and slow melting there are a lot of land slides happening in those places.

You are believing whatever the CCP is telling you. There is no bargaining chip for us there. It is the Royal Bhutan army that you are going to bargain with and that too through us only. Doklam plateau is a place where we stay and the Dok La valley is where you are.

We are not withdrawing and the Royal Bhutan army is not withdrawing. We have dug in there and there is nothing the PLA could do to oust us. They have given us ample time to take up positions there.

Who is forcing whom into negotiations here? You are being forced to negotiate by the Indian army. You want to try a round about route and it will not work. Till next summer if nothing happens then China's bluff will be called.
Well you are absolutely wrong on this part. India did not withdraw at all. We are still dug into the peaks over there. That can be confirmed by our stance in every summit. The BRO always fixes roads there because after winter and slow melting there are a lot of land slides happening in those places.

You are believing whatever the CCP is telling you. There is no bargaining chip for us there. It is the Royal Bhutan army that you are going to bargain with and that too through us only. Doklam plateau is a place where we stay and the Dok La valley is where you are.

We are not withdrawing and the Royal Bhutan army is not withdrawing. We have dug in there and there is nothing the PLA could do to oust us. They have given us ample time to take up positions there.

Who is forcing whom into negotiations here? You are being forced to negotiate by the Indian army. You want to try a round about route and it will not work. Till next summer if nothing happens then China's bluff will be called.
Bro, I don't care if you are dug in 6 feet deep, as long as you are on your side of the border, the thing is China OFFICIALLY stated your troop withdrawal and your MEA did not deny it. So tell me whether there are still 400 troops in Doklam? :rofl:

The facts are clear India insisted on mutual withdrawal, not CHINA. If you want to defend Bhutan, you won't ask for mutual withdrawal, you would stand your ground defending Bhutan cow-ward.
Bro, I don't care if you are dug in 6 feet deep, as long as you are on your side of the border, the thing is China OFFICIALLY stated your troop withdrawal and your MEA did not deny it. So tell me whether there are still 400 troops in Doklam? :rofl:

The facts are clear India insisted on mutual withdrawal, not CHINA. If you want to defend Bhutan, you won't ask for mutual withdrawal, you would stand your ground defending Bhutan cow-ward.

China has stated a lot earlier and even now. But their credibility is always brushed off. That is for public consumption to make Xi Jingping look strong. If the MEA of China could release a statement, then why not a joint statement with the NSA in Beijing?

Well do you even know why mutual withdrawal of forces? That is one one the CBM that is made so that you do not occupy the place once we have withdrawn.

Above all you do not know how difficult it is to oust a dug in position in high altitude areas. Your Dong Lang or whatever name you have given it recently is still occupied by indian troops and a bulldozer. The Chinese are welcome to come and attack the position since there are only 40 troops according to them. Why not come and joust like you always do?
China has stated a lot earlier and even now. But their credibility is always brushed off. That is for public consumption to make Xi Jingping look strong. If the MEA of China could release a statement, then why not a joint statement with the NSA in Beijing?

Well do you even know why mutual withdrawal of forces? That is one one the CBM that is made so that you do not occupy the place once we have withdrawn.

Above all you do not know how difficult it is to oust a dug in position in high altitude areas. Your Dong Lang or whatever name you have given it recently is still occupied by indian troops and a bulldozer. The Chinese are welcome to come and attack the position since there are only 40 troops according to them. Why not come and joust like you always do?

just because china is giving peace a chance, doesn't mean china won't act once all options are exhausted. Why attack that 40 troops when we aren't at that point yet?
just because china is giving peace a chance, doesn't mean china won't act once all options are exhausted. Why attack that 40 troops when we aren't at that point yet?

No you are not giving peace a chance. If you were you would have announced a withdrawal. After mutual withdrawal the Bhutan government, Indian Representative and your Foreign minister would have already be having a conversation.

You wanted to show Bhutan that there is no one to protect them. And Indian friendship treaty was a piece of paper.

This was proven otherwise.
Ok, I will explained. Withdraw from doklam is to appease the Chinese. Build up around doklam is to appease Hindu nationalist. Kill 2 bird with a stone. :enjoy: Common sense.
If it makes you happy then be happy. But Doklam will be remained our property . we are happy too. Plz now ask CCP to stop barking every morning with new warning. Tell them India has already retreated. I hope they will trust on you.
Cheers . :cheers:
China has stated a lot earlier and even now. But their credibility is always brushed off. That is for public consumption to make Xi Jingping look strong. If the MEA of China could release a statement, then why not a joint statement with the NSA in Beijing?
Why should we have a joint statement? Our policy is no talk without withdrawal, we kept to that policy. Stated what alot earlier, the MFA statement was issued on the 2nd of August, and troop situation was assessed at end of July.

Well do you even know why mutual withdrawal of forces? That is one one the CBM that is made so that you do not occupy the place once we have withdrawn.
Mutual withdrawal does not mean China will not occupy that space in the future, it just means both withdraw to original place and start talking. This is Indian position, China did not agree to this. The point is if India is defending Bhutanese interest and thinks that is Bhutanese soil, there is no need to even withdraw, you should stand your ground and proclaim it Bhutanese or whatever. Look at China, we are very clear, we did not say it's disputed at all, we say it's Chinese territory.

Above all you do not know how difficult it is to oust a dug in position in high altitude areas. Your Dong Lang or whatever name you have given it recently is still occupied by indian troops and a bulldozer. The Chinese are welcome to come and attack the position since there are only 40 troops according to them. Why not come and joust like you always do?
40 troops and one mini bulldozer is not exactly a force bro. You can dig into your side of the border who cares, what makes you think the Chinese are not positioned in Doklam? It's only been a month and half, why are you so desperate to get killed. We still need time to mobilized supplies. The longer you wait, the less geographical advantage you will have, alot of supplies and soldiers are now in Xigaze according to my relative. It's a matter of a command.

Haven't history taught you something, in 1962, we waited 2 years, and roasted 4000 Indians. :rofl: With todays logistics, I don't think we need to wait too long.
No you are not giving peace a chance. If you were you would have announced a withdrawal. After mutual withdrawal the Bhutan government, Indian Representative and your Foreign minister would have already be having a conversation.

You wanted to show Bhutan that there is no one to protect them. And Indian friendship treaty was a piece of paper.

This was proven otherwise.

not giving peace a chance would be starting a war, the one your Indian so eagerly craving for, so yes, china is giving peace a chance, otherwise china would have moved massive amount of troops into that area.
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