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China Says Corruption ‘Still Very Serious’ Problem


Jul 27, 2009
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China admitted its corruption problem was “still very serious” and pledged to work harder to curb graft.

A government report from the State Council said prosecutors investigated more than 240,000 embezzlement, bribery and other cases involving official corruption from 2003 to 2009. In the past five years, more than 69,200 cases of commercial bribery involving some 16.59 billion yuan were investigated, the report said. The Communist Party leadership said China’s “harmony and stability” depended on efforts to build a clean government.

“So far, China’s effort to combat corruption…has yielded notable results,” the report said. But it warned that “corruption persists, with some cases even involving huge sums of money. The situation in combating corruption is still very serious, and the tasks are still abundant.”

Wu Yuliang, member of the Communist Party’s central disciplinary committee, told a press conference on the report that more curbs on “extravagant expenses” such as official travel, purchasing cars and banquets would be implemented. He said the focus of government and party anti-corruption efforts would be “institutional building,” meaning efforts to structure the political system in a way that prevents corruption.

“The cause of corruption is complicated,” Wu said, according to an AFP report. “Institutional building is a systematic process that will take time… (but) the party and government is fully capable of curbing corruption to the lowest level.”

Official corruption is not the only problem the government is fighting; a crackdown on graft in business has been happening as well. Recent scandals include the 14-year bribery sentence for Huang Guangyu, who founded GOME Electrionics and was formerly the country’s richest man, and the employees of Australia’s Rio Tinto PLC who received 10-year sentences.

China has handed out death sentences on numerous occasions for bribery and graft, including one on an anti-corruption official who was convicted of taking bribes.

The report directed notable praise in helping fight corruption at the Chinese media, which it says is “encouraged to expose unhealthy tendencies of all kinds and violations of law and discipline by Party and government organs as well as their functionaries.” It said China “highly values the positive role played by the Internet.”

China, however, has come under mounting criticism from the U.S. for censoring access to the Internet, and the country ranks eighth-to-last in the Reporters Without Borders 2010 press freedom index. Chinese journalist Sun Hongjie, who wrote about politically sensitive issues in the country, died Tuesday, days after being beaten by a gang of men at a construction site. Police said it was the result of a personal squabble but many of his colleagues and outside groups doubt the official account.

China Says Corruption ‘Still Very Serious’ Problem - Corruption Currents - WSJ
China's anti-corruption still a tough job, says central leadership - CPC News December 29, 2010

China's anti-corruption still faces severe challenges, and the authorities have urged new achievements in clean governance to embrace the Communist Party's 90th founding anniversary next year, according to an official statement.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country's central leadership, heard a report on this year's anti-corruption and promotion-of-clean-governance work, at a meeting Tuesday.

President Hu Jintao, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting, where the leaders also considered next year's anti-graft arrangements.

Despite the remarkable achievements in promoting clean governance this year, anti-corruption still faces severe challenges and remains an arduous task, the Political Bureau said in the statement released afterward.

Party committees, governments and discipline authorities at all levels must address both the symptoms and the root causes of corruption next year, and employ both punishment and prevention with an emphasis on prevention, it said.

It called for enhanced efforts to educate and supervise Party cadres.

It also called for resolute measures to stop practices that harm public interests and crackdowns on violations of discipline and law.

Further, the Political Bureau stressed the deepening of special campaigns targeting corruption in the construction industry.

Source: Xinhua
China admitted its corruption problem was “still very serious” and pledged to work harder to curb graft.

A government report from the State Council said prosecutors investigated more than 240,000 embezzlement, bribery and other cases involving official corruption from 2003 to 2009. In the past five years, more than 69,200 cases of commercial bribery involving some 16.59 billion yuan were investigated, the report said. The Communist Party leadership said China’s “harmony and stability” depended on efforts to build a clean government.

“So far, China’s effort to combat corruption…has yielded notable results,” the report said. But it warned that “corruption persists, with some cases even involving huge sums of money. The situation in combating corruption is still very serious, and the tasks are still abundant.”

Wu Yuliang, member of the Communist Party’s central disciplinary committee, told a press conference on the report that more curbs on “extravagant expenses” such as official travel, purchasing cars and banquets would be implemented. He said the focus of government and party anti-corruption efforts would be “institutional building,” meaning efforts to structure the political system in a way that prevents corruption.

“The cause of corruption is complicated,” Wu said, according to an AFP report. “Institutional building is a systematic process that will take time… (but) the party and government is fully capable of curbing corruption to the lowest level.”

Official corruption is not the only problem the government is fighting; a crackdown on graft in business has been happening as well. Recent scandals include the 14-year bribery sentence for Huang Guangyu, who founded GOME Electrionics and was formerly the country’s richest man, and the employees of Australia’s Rio Tinto PLC who received 10-year sentences.

China has handed out death sentences on numerous occasions for bribery and graft, including one on an anti-corruption official who was convicted of taking bribes.

The report directed notable praise in helping fight corruption at the Chinese media, which it says is “encouraged to expose unhealthy tendencies of all kinds and violations of law and discipline by Party and government organs as well as their functionaries.” It said China “highly values the positive role played by the Internet.”

China, however, has come under mounting criticism from the U.S. for censoring access to the Internet, and the country ranks eighth-to-last in the Reporters Without Borders 2010 press freedom index. Chinese journalist Sun Hongjie, who wrote about politically sensitive issues in the country, died Tuesday, days after being beaten by a gang of men at a construction site. Police said it was the result of a personal squabble but many of his colleagues and outside groups doubt the official account.

China Says Corruption ‘Still Very Serious’ Problem - Corruption Currents - WSJ

So, China isn't a threat to the U.S. , China still have tons of own problem to deal with.

So cut the "China threat theory" bs, will ya? :usflag:
So, China isn't a threat to the U.S. , China still have tons of own problem to deal with.

So cut the "China threat theory" bs, will ya? :usflag:

US has its own enemy as well, it is not China, but its own corruption and bureaucracy.
corruption is a very serious problem. it is so serious that the US has become involved with protecting the human rights of convicted criminals like Lai Changxing! The US, Canada and Australia are harboring people who have done more harm to humanity than Osama Bin Laden and they claim that it is because they are for human rights!
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