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China’s post-Olympic challenge



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Nov 1, 2005
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By Orville Schell

One hopes that China will derive a new measure of respect and self-confidence from these astounding Games. But one also hopes that China’s successes will enable its leaders to feel strong enough to begin looking honestly at China’s recent past in a more critical way

Almost everyone in the world who watched the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was impressed by China’s preparations, the acumen of the Chinese in running such a complex and challenging event, and the rich harvest of medals — especially golds — that Chinese athletes won.

It was abundantly evident in the run-up to the Games how important it was to Chinese everywhere to show themselves to advantage. One got a sense of this when China’s reputation and the Games’ status came under attack during the Tibetan demonstrations and protests against the Olympic torch as it made its tortured progress around the world.

But, when all was said and done, through what turned out to be often Draconian controls, China pulled off quite a feat! Indeed, it is hard to imagine that the British will care as much, or go to such extremes, for the London Olympics in 2012.

For many years, especially since the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, China has felt a deficit of global respect. This feeling has deeply troubled its leaders and filled its people with a sense that, despite all their economic progress, their proper place in the world was not only eluding them, but being denied to them by the endless criticism of the so-called “developed world”.

For the last two decades, Chinese leaders have been diligently trying to build a new edifice in order to gain some of that missing respect. This made a successful Olympic Games, when all the world would be watching, an urgent matter.

But, now that the Games have ended, Chinese leaders cannot quite say, “Mission accomplished”.

While China’s achievement is worthy of genuine esteem, its efforts to gain a full measure of international respect and real “great power” status will not succeed until it matches its new economic and military power with a certain essential moral force. That, in turn, requires a society and a leadership that seeks to be exemplary in all ways that make human beings more human, including respect for truthfulness, openness, tolerance, and people’s right to disagree with their government.

I fear that China’s leaders and people will continue to feel a certain gnawing, inchoate sense of deficiency and incompleteness in their quest for global respect until they find the strength to begin addressing the crucial, but elusive, issue of making China an ethical, as well as an economic and military, power. For a country steeped in millennia of Confucianism, the need for ethical leadership should be clear.

To fully address the question of the moral and ethical base of a new form of Chinese governance, China’s government and its people must be able to look back freely and come to terms with their recent history: the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the events of 1989, Tibet, and other sensitive issues. They must also freely be able to discuss the future and what kind of society they wish to see rise from the ashes of Mao’s revolution.

I make these somewhat critical observations about China not with any sense of moral superiority or a wish to relieve myself of the responsibility to level the same critique at my own country’s recent failures. As most of the world knows, America’s quest to maintain its claim to the title of “greatness”, has, of late, also been elusive.

Arriving from different staring points, both the United States and China now find themselves confronting a similar challenge: restoring global trust and respect. Their success inevitably requires directly confronting their evident moral failures.

If many of those same viewers who have been impressed by China’s successes in Beijing now also find themselves recoiling at the idea of a stronger and more prideful China, that is understandable. For strength unalloyed by checks and balances — and by a capacity for self-critical reflection about the rightness and wrongness of state action — can be unnerving. Many Americans, too, have recently had to learn this.

One hopes that China will derive a new measure of respect and self-confidence from these astounding Games. But one also hopes that China’s successes will enable its leaders to feel strong enough to begin looking honestly at China’s recent past in a more critical way. Such forthrightness is not easy for any country. But, having completed such an important step forward, China must now find new, more humanistic ways to continue to re-invent itself. —DTPS

Orville Schell is the Director of the Asia Society’s Centre on US-China Relations
All countries face the challenge of creating more just, more humane societies and China is no exception, but for American of all people to approach such a question, especially after what they have been up to in the last 8 years, is well, it's sad in that Americans seem so out of phase, so alienated from the world and are no longer the spokesman of international morality, the world does not accept them as such - American friends may want to recall that charity begins at home and then they too, if they can make the effort, find their journey to create more just, more humane order, will be met with empathy.
it's a pretty good article, still a bug:

the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tibet are not sensitive in China.

one can find as many materials as he wants over the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution now in China. as for issue of tibet, I guess 99.9% of Chinese citizen dislike those bloody tibetan splittist. so the Chinese government doesn't really worry about domestic opinion over this matter.
And she shouldn't...afterall majority of those seperatists don't live in China. ;)
Overseas free-tibetan groups are like opportunistic surfers, now the Olympics is leaving Beijing, chance for their revelry opera will declines sharply.

although instigated by overseas groups and some of their men did take leading part in the riots in Tibet, most of the rioters were living in China.

In China Tibetan lamas do not work for GDP, and get salary according to standard for civil servant. I've been to Tibet several times and I think quite a few of the lamas are living a trifler's life. in April when police seized guns and knifes in a temple in Aba tibetan area, they found also pile of pornographic video disk.

I'm not perorating in general that people addicted in pornographic videos do not have rights to seek independence, but I think those rioters are incapable to make any real trouble to China's territorial integrity.
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While the article does address some issues of China in particular and the current order of the world China is supposedly to follow in general, it has only touched shallowly on some limited facades of a whole truth.

Current world order started to establish itself based on Western powers’ efforts of ruthless conquering of the world and the greedy pillage of the resources, mediated, reconciled and finally consolidated through mostly bloody, occasionally peaceful, shuffling among the powers themselves. The establishment of UN instrument can often be deemed as the milestone of the latest process with lasting effects up to date, where 5 privileged countries presumably oversee the world affaire as supreme judges.

The US, as perhaps the greatest beneficiary of current world order, creates and wants to maintain a food chain that it is on the top with leftover goodies trickle down the pyramid.

Some has depicted the picture vividly as follows: US, being at the top of the food-chain, can harvest whatever delicious food it likes to; UK, France… those belong to “the second world” pickup whatever left, but still in high quality, by US; The third world only feeds on crumbs on the floor to keep themselves barely survive: because complete extinction or rebellion of the 3rd world is not in the interest of top chain dwellers.

The US is the main creator of this type of world order. The second world is also cozy with that, because it is not bad for them. The most unhappy one is the third world that has the majority of the world population.

This food chain is maintained through organic interwoven ideology propaganda, economic norms and military muscles, reflecting and protecting the top dwellers’ value and interest.

Does China want to subvert this world order and create a more equal one? Or rather, it wants to maintain it AND tries to clime up the chain, which to the best will end up in the second tier (as a so called stake-holder)? Obviously, without being strong domestically, China can’t do much internationally. Then, the question is what China’s mission is domestically and internationally?
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