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China’s military might should not be feared, says analyst


Jun 27, 2008
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China’s military might should not be feared, says analyst

Otober.11 (China Military News cited from channelnewsasia.com) — China’s six decades of modern progress have often been described as remarkable. Looking to the future, many believe that the Asian giant will be committed to both economic and political reforms.

China’s extraordinary economic growth has not only transformed itself, but also the region and the world. Its power will be increasingly felt, raising concerns that China will use its influence to dominate the region, especially in the military arena.


But Chinese analyst Dr Wang Zhengxu thinks otherwise. The senior research fellow at China Policy Institute, Nottingham University, said: “The insecurity that has afflicted China since the Opium War has continued to influence China’s thinking.

“China needs military power to convince itself that it cannot be bullied and to maintain its dignity and independence.

“It doesn’t want to use military force to subdue others. This is why China has often spoken about its peaceful rise and a harmonious world, while stressing that it is a peace-loving country.”

Internally, Dr Wang said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is likely to remain viable as it becomes more responsive to the needs of the people. He also believes there will be greater citizen participation in policy making, leading to more transparency and accountability.

He said: “External pressure will force the CCP to be more responsive and sensitive to the views and needs of the people. But this cannot simply be a desire on the part of Chinese leaders. The process needs to be institutionalised.


“There’re some in the top leadership who’re very open, such as Li Yuanchao, Wang Yang and Bo Xilai. They are willing to attempt new things. They know that there’re a lot of systemic problems that need to be fixed, but are also aware that reforming them will be difficult. They have to undertake difficult balancing acts.”

Dr Wang also noted that in the past, China had often felt like a victim, but now, the country needs to undertake a new process of soul searching.

“We often feel that we’ve been bullied in the past by the great powers. But our economy has now prospered and we’re becoming strong, so what kind of role should we undertake? What are our relations with other countries? This has to do with the kind of self-identity and nationalistic feelings that we should possess,” he added.

For China to become one of the world’s superpowers, it has to make sure that it does not get derailed by domestic problems, such as corruption, environmental degradation and growing tensions caused by a widening income gap between the rich and the poor.
Nice article :cheers:

Analysts all over the world feel the same about there own countries modernization.

Flow chart of peace

Americans say they love peace but still build the most destructive weapons? When asked they say they need these weapons to maintain peace.

The Chinese feel America is modernizing so they to follow the suit by building weapons that match or may even surpass American weapons.

Seeing this India is shocked so we buy & manufacture weapons to match china.

And last but not the least Pakistan,Which see's India as its sole existential threat also tries to manufacture & buy weapons from china.

At the end of the day everyone want peace :cheers:So instead of writing article's like these. People should write on building mutual trust. :toast_sign:

Every nation believes in arming itself to the teeth to maintain peace
how can people build mutual trust if one side always cry" china threat,china threat".........
how can people build mutual trust if one side always cry" china threat,china threat".........

ha ha :) nice question lets think rationally. Why people feel china as a threat ? its just perception which the Chinese govt has to change :cheers:

With confidence building measure.
why india govt feel china as a threat ?very simple answer:an illegal line. when a thief stole something doesn't belong to him,sure he will be afraid of the consequence everyday
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Right!. So thief, give us back our Aksai Chin and recognize Arunachal Pradesh.

Hey, you need to learn how to respect your " Big Brother" HaHaHa

Look at the topic=China's military might should not be feared.

Stop trolling ! BTW, there is no place for a weak nation like India to

ask for anything. :smitten::pakistan::china:
Hey, you need to learn how to respect your " Big Brother" HaHaHa

Look at the topic=China's military might should not be feared.

Stop trolling ! BTW, there is no place for a weak nation like India to

ask for anything. :smitten::pakistan::china:

For us, China is just like Pakistan or Bangladesh. We can break you whenever we want. Try it out at your own peril!!!
For us, China is just like Pakistan or Bangladesh. We can break you whenever we want. Try it out at your own peril!!!

I can only say that you is not enough understanding of China! Low-key! ! ~ ~ ~:disagree:
For us, China is just like Pakistan or Bangladesh. We can break you whenever we want. Try it out at your own peril!!!

Hay mr Knucklehead stick to the topic,dont drag pakistan and other nations into this, and for your information,check out your history before opening your loud mouth:argh::argh:
I can only say that you is not enough understanding of China! Low-key! ! ~ ~ ~:disagree:

When someone combines extreme insecurity with extreme ignorance - you basically get worthless bile - not even epinephrine, which can be useful. You are better off letting him “自己玩自己” (play with himself).

That's why I miss Sath - someone you can actually play with.

Some posters have absolutely nothing to offer. If you are going to "waste" your time, at least do it with someone like Rajeev, Gubbi, or even Nemesis ...

The best reply to some comments is no reply. Let the Pinky and Brain show carry on with itself.
Hay mr Knucklehead stick to the topic,dont drag pakistan and other nations into this, and for your information,check out your history before opening your loud mouth:argh::argh:

History(World History) says we defeated you 4 times and you went back on your knees. So it's time, you read World History before shitting through your mouth.
History(World History) says we defeated you 4 times and you went back on your knees. So it's time, you read World History before shitting through your mouth.

See what I mean people? Let the bile drip. It is "therapeutic stenting" for the lowly self-esteemed.

Be compassionate to him.
History(World History) says we defeated you 4 times and you went back on your knees. So it's time, you read World History before shitting through your mouth.

listen barinwashed,this thread is not about indo-pak wars,so referain from posting your shitty comments or if you want take out your steam start a new thread, and surely i will open your eyes in there. secondly your were badly beaten by china in 1962 and thats a fact cant run from that, you need to remember that before braking them or else continue barking:sick:

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