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China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

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China passports claim ownership of South China Sea and Taiwan
Associated Press in Taipei
guardian.co.uk, Friday 23 November 2012 11.17 GMT


A Chinese passport displaying a map that includes an area in the South China Sea inside a row of dashes, top left, representing maritime territory. Photograph: Reuters

Maps inside new Chinese passports trigger territorial dispute, with Vietnam demanding Beijing remove 'erroneous content'
China has enraged its neighbours by claiming ownership of the entire South China Sea and Taiwan on a map printed in its newly revised passports.

Inside the documents, an outline of China printed in the upper left corner includes Taiwan and the sea, hemmed in by dashes. The change highlights China's longstanding claim to the South China Sea in its entirety, though parts of the waters also are claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia.

China's official maps have long included Taiwan and the South China Sea as its territory, but reproducing this on passports could be seen as a provocation since it requires other countries to tacitly endorse the claims by affixing their official seals to the documents.

The map was widely condemned in Taiwan, which split from China after a civil war in 1949. Authorities said it could harm the warming ties the historic rivals have enjoyed since Ma Ying-jeou became president more than four years ago.

"This is total ignorance of reality and only provokes disputes," said Taiwan's mainland affairs council
, the cabinet-level body responsible for ties with Beijing. The council said the government would not accept the map.

The Philippine foreign secretary, Albert del Rosario, told reporters in Manila he had sent a note to the Chinese embassy indicating that his country "strongly protests" against the image. He said China's claims included an area that is "clearly part of the Philippines' territory and maritime domain".

The Vietnamese government said it had also sent a diplomatic note to the Chinese embassy in Hanoi that called on Beijing to remove the "erroneous content" printed in the passport.

In Beijing, the foreign ministry said the passport was based on international standards. China began issuing new versions to include electronic chips on 15 May; however, criticism arose only this week, it added. "The outline map of China on the passport is not directed against any particular country," said a ministry spokeswoman, Hua Chunying.

A Vietnamese foreign ministry spokesman, Luong Thanh Nghi, said: "Vietnam reserves the right to carry out necessary measures suitable to Vietnamese law, international law and practices toward such passports."

Taiwan does not recognise China's passports, and visitors to the island must have special travel documents.

China maintains it has ancient claims to all of the South China Sea, despite much of it being within the exclusive economic zones of its south-east Asian neighbours. The islands and waters are potentially rich in oil and gas.

There are concerns that the disputes could escalate into violence. China and the Philippines had a tense maritime standoff at a shoal west of the main Philippine island of Luzon early this year.

The US, which has said it takes no sides in the territorial spats but considers ensuring safe maritime traffic in the waters to be in its national interest, has backed a call for a "code of conduct" to prevent clashes in the disputed territories. But it remains unclear if China is prepared to draft such a legally binding non-aggression pact with rival claimants.

The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam are due to meet next month to discuss South China Sea claims and the role of China.

About China's ridiculous claim in SCS: Chinese claim "dashed line" is clearly violated to the exclusive economic zones of Indonesia's Natuna Islands.

I think Indonesia should also oppose openly the wrongful map printed in chinese passport because it is also blatantly infringement into EEZ of Indonesia.


If you want to claim the Spratly Islands as sovereign Philipino territory then you do not only have to take it up with China but also with Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei that all claim the whole or parts of the Spratly Islands. And isn't that imperialism too? And don't give us the usual Philipino BS that China never claimed the Spratly Islands before the 1970's since Taiwan is also laying claim to the Spratly Islands which means that the claims over these islands predates the founding of the modern state that currently excist on China the PRC.

Answer to your post
hahahahahahaha please read more and its Filipino and please check this map and tell my why should we not get mad over this your just other 50 cent troll that is either to blind to stupid see them and wipe B#$% hahahahhahaha:woot:
Territorial Claims in South China Sea - Interactive Map - NYTimes.com
Until China realizes that foreign policies run on grey matter than on steroids, China will be moving towards epic failure.
Answer to your post
hahahahahahaha please read more and its Filipino and please check this map and tell my why should we not get mad over this your just other 50 cent troll that is either to blind to stupid see them and wipe B#$% hahahahhahaha:woot:
Territorial Claims in South China Sea - Interactive Map - NYTimes.com

Is that all you got another 50 cents insult and a map from NYT. And what about the map ? It shows China's claims in the South China Sea and not to mention the claims of other countries. Which makes my point that this is not a China vs the Philippines scenario and that there are other that have staked their claims to the Spratly's. And since the Philippines have more islands in the Spratly's i.e. hold more territory that others claim you can say that the Philippines is a bigger imperialist in the South China Sea than China.

And the fact that Taiwan is also claiming the Spratly's shows you that the claims from China dates back from before 1949. How does that mesh with the propaganda coming out of the Philippines that China only claim those islands since the 1970's.
Pretty simple, if anyone has a problem with China then go fight the PLA and take it back. If you can't, then shut up. Go cry to someone that cares. Bark all you want, unless Vietnam and Pinoys can do something about it, they are doing a pointless exercise.
Pretty simple, if anyone has a problem with China then go fight the PLA and take it back. If you can't, then shut up. Go cry to someone that cares. Bark all you want, unless Vietnam and Pinoys can do something about it, they are doing a pointless exercise.

You like to talk big do it then?
Is that all you got another 50 cents insult and a map from NYT. And what about the map ? It shows China's claims in the South China Sea and not to mention the claims of other countries. Which makes my point that this is not a China vs the Philippines scenario and that there are other that have staked their claims to the Spratly's. And since the Philippines have more islands in the Spratly's i.e. hold more territory that others claim you can say that the Philippines is a bigger imperialist in the South China Sea than China.

And the fact that Taiwan is also claiming the Spratly's shows you that the claims from China dates back from before 1949. How does that mesh with the propaganda coming out of the Philippines that China only claim those islands since the 1970's.

Sir that's were you wrong we been going on it since 1950 it was only well develop defense in 1970 see can't even get that info right and why should care about your stupidity you can't even tell if the water is shallow or deep or the difference between an shoal and island and if i care about KMT 1949 map any idiot can make a map if your so sure take up with the UN because only an idiot will bilateral talks its one sided its not fair so you can take the 50 cent and put in your @$$ you people told the whole world that the Philippines was a part of china on chinese propaganda tv and you people told as us to prepare the for the sound of music (cannons) (more like the sound of a mental to me) i know not the official pinon please you have no free media it would be ok if you had one but the true is its all all lies being told to the people of china but if i care about you chinese you people allow yourselves to be ruled by this types its your crap but anyway its official you people are just crazy arrogant you always we are peaceful while doing all this bull for the past two decades and your telling me this? hahahahahahaha you people are so bad at lying.
Sir that's were you wrong we been going on it since 1950 it was only well develop defense in 1970 see can't even get that info right and why should care about your stupidity you can't even tell if the water is shallow or deep or the difference between an shoal and island and if i care about KMT 1949 map any idiot can make a map if your so sure take up with the UN because only an idiot will bilateral talks its one sided its not fair so you can take the 50 cent and put in your @$$ you people told the whole world that the Philippines was a part of china on chinese propaganda tv and you people told as us to prepare the for the sound of music (cannons) (more like the sound of a mental to me) i know not the official pinon please you have no free media it would be ok if you had one but the true is its all all lies being told to the people of china but if i care about you chinese you people allow yourselves to be ruled by this types its your crap but anyway its official you people are just crazy arrogant you always we are peaceful while doing all this bull for the past two decades and your telling me this? hahahahahahaha you people are so bad at lying.

I don't understand half you're rant. If the Chinese are being lied to by our media to claim those islands. Then what about the Taiwanese and Hongkongese they have a free media and they are still claiming those islands. In fact Taiwans claim is seperate from that of China's.
I don't understand half you're rant. If the Chinese are being lied to by our media to claim those islands. Then what about the Taiwanese and Hongkongese they have a free media and they are still claiming those islands. In fact Taiwans claim is seperate from that of China's.

And oversea Chinese, don't forget oversea Chinese.
I don't understand half you're rant. If the Chinese are being lied to by our media to claim those islands. Then what about the Taiwanese and Hongkongese they have a free media and they are still claiming those islands. In fact Taiwans claim is seperate from that of China's.

He is a very emotional Pinoy who keeps ranting crap all the time. Many are having difficulty reading his own propaganda since he can't use punctuations.

Haven't we heard this song before? It's out of tune, it doesn't resonate with the facts. The fact is india has been occupying Chinese territories, it should not. For the sake of peace in the region it should return those territories to China. If it doesn't China shouldn't be blamed if another 1962 style bashing takes place. I think india is asking for it.

So India should give its territory to China for the sake of peace or China will take it from them in war?

You really should think things through before you say them, you sound like a classic imperialist.
Pretty simple, if anyone has a problem with China then go fight the PLA and take it back. If you can't, then shut up. Go cry to someone that cares. Bark all you want, unless Vietnam and Pinoys can do something about it, they are doing a pointless exercise.

You have pretty much justified China's 100 years of humilitation and Imperial Japanese war crimes, congratulations! Do you still hold to your belief that unless they can fight your army their views should be disregarded?

You should be careful walking down that road, it is all fun when you are the most powerful, but you will meet a terrible end when you are weak, as has often been the case in Chinese history.
You have pretty much justified China's 100 years of humilitation and Imperial Japanese war crimes, congratulations! Do you still hold to your belief that unless they can fight your army their views should be disregarded?

You should be careful walking down that road, it is all fun when you are the most powerful, but you will meet a terrible end when you are weak, as has often been the case in Chinese history.

To add to that this china's downfall started with arrogance as for me emotional screw you you people can bite me that was emotional sir i use a critical points of your attacks its logical so if you people are too D#$% to know the difference well you still have a problem with deep water and between islands and shoals etc.

And oversea Chinese, don't forget oversea Chinese.

Man kirov the only chinese i like dude your been bc what happen?
I don't understand half you're rant. If the Chinese are being lied to by our media to claim those islands. Then what about the Taiwanese and Hongkongese they have a free media and they are still claiming those islands. In fact Taiwans claim is seperate from that of China's.

So is that my problem? Well figure it out yourselves and by this words you admit that china's so called media is really propaganda thank you for that as for Taiwan, HK true they are free but that not the problem the education they are getting is if they confidence take it up with the UN which was design to solve problems peaceful you people want to fight because you think you can win and this peace solution bilateral talks are nothing but a one sided attack made to look like peace a very obvious ruse, So my point being i can care else if they are in to this or not face facts you people are doing some very bad things from stealing ideas to resources, and making moves that takes us to world war 3 with your illogical claims boring over the mentally ill to stupid propaganda tv blunders with no apology to the country being claimed and stupid poor made newspaper articles asking for war sound of cannons really? thinking they can win which noting mere stupid in the border of major insane which even in this forum is full of speaking of which were is that guy tell the world to nuke us Filipinos and the viets and Indians? weird not here? See of course you don't otherwise you would stop with this your not tipping things in your favor your just proving us right so thank you for that suckers.
So is that my problem? Well figure it out yourselves and by this words you admit that china's so called media is really propaganda thank you for that as for Taiwan, HK true they are free but that not the problem the education they are getting is if they confidence take it up with the UN which was design to solve problems peaceful you people want to fight because you think you can win and this peace solution bilateral talks are nothing but a one sided attack made to look like peace a very obvious ruse, So my point being i can care else if they are in to this or not face facts you people are doing some very bad things from stealing ideas to resources, and making moves that takes us to world war 3 with your illogical claims boring over the mentally ill to stupid propaganda tv blunders with no apology to the country being claimed and stupid poor made newspaper articles asking for war sound of cannons really? thinking they can win which noting mere stupid in the border of major insane which even in this forum is full of speaking of which were is that guy tell the world to nuke us Filipinos and the viets and Indians? weird not here? See of course you don't otherwise you would stop with this your not tipping things in your favor your just proving us right so thank you for that suckers.

So i see if it isn't the media then it's the education, eh ? I'm sure that the media on Taiwan and in Hongkong are all saying the "truth" that the Spratly's island belongs to the Philippines. Do you actually believe that ? And what about those other countries that also lay claim to the Spratly's ? Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia isn't the Philippines intruding on their sovereignty and territory when you claim and most if not the entire Spratly islands chain and occupy a large swat of it, isn't that imperialism and bullying too ? And claiming and occupying disputed land of so many countries means that the Philippines are doing a lot of bad things too ? And i'm sure that those country's media are also lying about the "truth of the Spratly Islands belonging to the Philippines" to deny the Philippines the Spratly Islands, eh. And you keep quoting that one headline in the papers i think it was from the Global Times. What about the media on the Philippines ? Aren't they engaged in yellow journalism and propaganda on the dispute too ? You're positions are full of contradictions, hypocrisy and not to mention self denial.
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