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China, Russia deny Japanese accusations


Nov 4, 2011
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China, Russia deny Japanese accusations
MALCOLM FOSTER | February 8, 2013 03:38 AM EST

TOKYO — Japan's defense minister on Friday accused two Russian fighter jets of intruding into Japanese air space, heightening regional tensions as Beijing denied Tokyo's claims that Chinese naval vessels had locked their weapons-targeting radar on to a Japanese destroyer last month.

Tokyo said two Russian Su-37 fighters entered Japanese air space off the northern tip of Hokkaido island for just over a minute Thursday, prompting Japanese air force jets to scramble to where the Russian jets were flying.

Russia denied any border violation, but Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said Friday that Tokyo will deal with the incident "strictly, within the bounds of international law."

The alleged intrusion happened when Japan was observing "Northern Territories Day," when it holds annual rallies urging Russia to return a series of islands off eastern Hokkaido captured at the end of World War II. The islands, called the Southern Kurils in Russia, are 400 kilometers (250 miles) southeast of where the incident took place.

In Beijing meanwhile, China's Defense Ministry issued a statement denying Japanese claims that Chinese naval vessels had locked their radar on to a Japanese destroyer and helicopter in two instances last month in the East China Sea.

The countries are embroiled in a territorial spat over a cluster over tiny, uninhabited islands – called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese – in the vicinity that are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan.

"The Japanese so-called claims that the Chinese navy locked on to Japanese ships and aircraft with fire control radar are not factual," the Chinese statement said.

It also accused Japan of repeatedly fabricating reports to smear China over the normal training actions of its military and building China up into an international threat.

"The Chinese side wishes that the Japanese side take practical actions, cease creating a tense atmosphere in the East China Sea, and refrain from issuing irresponsible statements," it said.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida rejected Beijing's denial as "completely unacceptable." He told reporters that a thorough review of data by the Defense Ministry confirmed that the Chinese naval ship and locked on with its weapons targeting radar.

The U.S. Navy has said that Chinese ships have in past switched on their fire control radar as a response to being hailed by U.S. ships. Experts say this underlines the need for better communication and coordination between navies.

The verbal back-and-forth comes amid the rise of China and to a lesser extent Russia's re-emergence as a major power in Asia, but doesn't point to an imminent military conflict, said Narushige Michishita, a security expert at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo. "That's been encouraging them to be more assertive and more active both on the diplomatic front and military front in this region."

China and Russia may also be trying to test Japan's new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, who has a reputation as a staunch nationalist and came to office late last year pledging to defend Japan's sovereignty and get tough with neighbors in territorial disputes.

"In the short run, this is happening I think partly in reaction to Mr. Abe's return to office
," Michishita said.

While a conflict between Japan and Russia is much less likely than with China, Russia's alleged flight intrusion may be trying to send a signal to Tokyo not to take them lightly, he said. That the incident took place on a day when Japan was demanding the return of Russian-controlled islands seems intentional, he added.

Russian "military operations and diplomatic intentions are pretty well coordinated," he said.

Photos of the Russian jets provided by Japan's military indicate that Japanese fighters got relatively close. When a Japanese fighter aircraft scrambles towards foreign aircraft, it usually maintains a 2,000-foot (600-meter) distance to avoid possible collisions, Michishita said.

Collisions can happen. In 2001, a Chinese fighter collided with a U.S. Navy EP-3 flying about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the southern Chinese island of Hainan. The Chinese jet crashed, killing the pilot, and the U.S. plane was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan, where the 24 crew members were detained and interrogated by Chinese authorities.

China, Russia deny Japanese accusations
It's time for a joint China-Russia military exercise to violate Japan's territory sovereignty.
It's time for a joint China-Russia military exercise to violate Japan's territory sovereignty.

You are wrong HongWu!

China has full right to exercise military and civilian activities over our sovereign territory. In this case: Diaoyu Islands. It is the japanese who are violating our territorial sovereignty. Whether to have a China-Russia exercise is a different matter!
Russia is very wary of Japan going full throttle for nuclear weapons. It is teaming up with China to launch air strikes at Japan if the situation goes out of control.
Russia is very wary of Japan going full throttle for nuclear weapons. It is teaming up with China to launch air strikes at Japan if the situation goes out of control.

Russians have nothing to worry about japan. They have the largest land mass and nuke pile on earth.
This is the reason why US troops are stationing in Japan. Japan cannot handle both Russia and China by itself.
This is the reason why US troops are stationing in Japan. Japan cannot handle both Russia and China by itself.
Then why does Japan continue to antagonize Russia and China on the two island territories? Don't start something that you cannot handle yourself, especially a military conflict.
Then why does Japan continue to antagonize Russia and China on the two island territories? Don't start something that you cannot handle yourself, especially a military conflict.

Its an internal political issue. And Japan is counting on the US to back them up. Without the US presence, all the East Asian countries will go for nuclear weapons.
It's time for a joint China-Russia military exercise to violate Japan's territory sovereignty.
Lol did you read the article?I also thought they said it together,but both different cases and statements.
China and Russia will never be together against a single country.
Lol did you read the article?I also thought they said it together,but both different cases and statements.
China and Russia will never be together against a single country.

in a sense,that's what they are doing now.Russians found a perfect timing to flare up their contention.
Lol did you read the article?I also thought they said it together,but both different cases and statements.
China and Russia will never be together against a single country.
Still begging for someone to save you after 1962 humiliation? Keep dreaming. Soviet didn't help you then and Russia is even less likely to help you now.
Still begging for someone to save you after 1962 humiliation? Keep dreaming. Soviet didn't help you then and Russia is even less likely to help you now.

Lol u mad?
Do you even discuss or just troll?

in a sense,that's what they are doing now.Russians found a perfect timing to flare up their contention.

Contention to what? So in a sense you are saying they are siding with china against Japan?why do they need to do so?
Contention to what? So in a sense you are saying they are siding with china against Japan?why do they need to do so?

in a sense that they picked up a perfect time to jump in to harrass Japan,which is obviously in China favor.they don't have to side with China,but what they did matches China's interest perfectly.and all those report implies Japan the trouble maker.

Japan turned out in the centre of all territorial disputes in 2012. It is constantly trying to claim rights on the islands of neighbouring countries.

in a sense that they picked up a perfect time to jump in to harrass Japan,which is obviously in China favor.they don't have to side with China,but what they did matches China's interest perfectly.and all those report implies Japan the trouble maker.

Man,so much over violation of airspace that you are shaping up new international scenario.
Give yourself some rest.
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