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China rising, low profile superpower


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Last night I watched a group of Chinese doing dance exercises in front of a giant portrait of Deng Xiaoping, the leader who introduced capitalism to communist China in 1978. Here in Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong, Deng is a hero because his “reform and opening up” policy has brought huge wealth. Thirty-four years on I think he would have approved of what’s happened in China – it was Deng after all who said, “To get rich is glorious.”


But Deng understood that the Americans, who on the face of it welcomed China joining the capitalist club, would nonetheless view the country’s success with suspicion. China’s, he said, would be a “peaceful rise”. That hasn’t stopped American politicians from talking about the “China threat”. Deng advised the Chinese people to “Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead – but aim to do something big.” Many American politicians believe that now, after three decades of rapid economic growth, China is about to do something very big indeed – replace the US as the world’s superpower. They watch China’s growing diplomatic and military confidence fearing that as China rises so America must decline. Chinese and American leaders deny this, saying the two countries must work together to increase prosperity and maintain peace around the world, but the power balance is shifting and everyone knows it.


That’s the reason both candidates in the US election have been talking tough.
Mitt Romney has been especially keen to be seen to be “standing up to China”. One constant theme is that China keeps its currency artificially low, so Chinese goods remain cheap, thus undercutting American products and stealing American jobs. Romney has said he’ll name China a “currency manipulator” on day one in office, triggering all sorts of sanctions. But Americans want to buy cheaply, and China’s policies help contain inflation and make life affordable for millions of Americans. Few in China think policy would really change under Romney. Deng certainly wouldn’t have worried.

“The United States brags about its political system, but the president says one thing during the election, something else when he takes office, something else at midterm and something else when he leaves,” he observed.

Americans who see China as a threat might be surprised to know how the two powers are perceived here in the Middle Kingdom.
“Chinese analysts see their country as heir to an agrarian, eastern strategic tradition that is pacifistic, defence-minded, non-expansionist, and ethical,” wrote Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell in their essay “How China Sees America,” in this month’s Foreign Affairs. “In contrast they see western strategic culture – especially that of the United States – as militaristic, offense-minded, expansionist and selfish.”


The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are frequently cited as evidence of US belligerence, and when Hillary Clinton negotiates the release of a persecuted blind human rights lawyer who’s taken refuge in the US embassy that’s not regarded as a humanitarian gesture. “Chinese officials contend that the United States uses the ideas of democracy and human rights to delegitimise and destabilise regimes that espouse alternative values, such as socialism and Asian-style developmental authoritarianism,” write Nathan and Scobell.

A Chinese businessman I met put it more simply. “We’re becoming more powerful and they don’t like it,” he said.

China rising, the low profile superpower | Lindsey Hilsum on International Affairs
^^^ In that case, stupidest thing Hu Jintao did before getting out is "Senkaku"...

(not that friendly chinese patriots were found lacking in their sweet "patriotism". :laugh: :laugh:)

Practically, whatever china is .. it's because of 3 countries: Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

It's one wicket down. And Japan is the big one among those three....

विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि :laugh:
^^^ In that case, stupidest thing Hu Jintao did before getting out is "Senkaku"...

(not that friendly chinese patriots were found lacking in their sweet "patriotism". :laugh: :laugh:)

Practically, whatever china is .. it's because of 3 countries: Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

It's one wicket down. And Japan is the big one among those three....

विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि :laugh:

Whatever India is due to 1000 year Muslim invasion and 200 year Anglo invasion.
Hu Jintao did not bad during the past 10 years, even he was the weakest leader
let China from the 6th economies to the 2nd place

2002, China GDP 1.6 trllion $, 14% of US, 2011 increased to 7.3 trllion$, 49% of US, from 1/7 of US to 1/2
Per capita 1135$ in 2002, but 5342$ in 2011, increased 3.7times

foreign exchange reserves in 2002 was 274.6billion, increased to 3.2trillion$ in 2001, increased 10.5times;

and national debt is only 40% of GDP, to build a solid financial structure;

military spending from 22.5billion$ in 2002, to 89.9billion$ in 2011, increased 3 times;

Total imports and exports from 620billion$ in 2002, to 3.642trillion $, increased 4.9times;

^^^ In that case, stupidest thing Hu Jintao did before getting out is "Senkaku"...

(not that friendly chinese patriots were found lacking in their sweet "patriotism". :laugh: :laugh:)

Practically, whatever china is .. it's because of 3 countries: Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

It's one wicket down. And Japan is the big one among those three....

विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि :laugh:
If that's stupid, Hope him be more, but he will retire, Xi may be "stupider".
By the way, china have "stupid" leader, but, from independence of india, don't find capable leader, after one by one election, the new leader are the same, can't find the way pull the poor countries out, till now, still have not built encough toilet for their people, don't know whether their leader is their upper limit!!
2002, China GDP 1.6 trllion $, 14% of US, 2011 increased to 7.3 trllion$, 49% of US, from 1/7 of US to 1/2

Very true. We had a sustained 10% real growth rate in the past decade, that was really amazing. (The nominal growth rate was far higher).

Considering our economy is worth 7.3 trillion as of 2011, even sustaining a 7% growth rate for the next decade will be a real miracle. I hope Xi Jinping is up to the challenge.
If that's stupid, Hope him be more, but he will retire, Xi may be "stupider".
By the way, china have "stupid" leader, but, from independence of india, don't find capable leader, after one by one election, the new leader are the same, can't find the way pull the poor countries out, till now, still have not built encough toilet for their people, don't know whether their leader is their upper limit!!

Probably you have never heard of Indira Gandhi or Narasimha Rao.

I don't blame you though.
Probably you have never heard of Indira Gandhi or Narasimha Rao.

I don't blame you though.
Know them, expecially Gandhi, but still be a impotent leader, except help india out of colony, but as a leader, not be capable.
But maybe I am wrong, don't know your standard of leader, for you, maybe maintaining the freedom is the standard.
So, beside the two, another? more than 60 year, older than us, that's few.
Give you a advice, don't elect indian as your leader, you can employ other politicican, like USA, French, or Israel, if can't, no one can save you!
Know them, expecially Gandhi, but still be a impotent leader, except help india out of colony, but as a leader, not be capable.

That is a different Gandhi I think.

Most of India's rulers have come from the Nehru-Gandhi family.
But maybe I am wrong, don't know your standard of leader, for you, maybe maintaining the freedom is the standard.
So, beside the two, another? more than 60 year, older than us, that's few.
Rajiv Gandhi

Give you a advice, don't elect indian as your leader, you can employ other politicican, like USA, French, or Israel, if can't, no one can save you!

As obtuse as your advice seems, my advice, just don't give any advice
Rajiv Gandhi

As obtuse as your advice seems, my advice, just don't give any advice
Whatever, your business, and you have been leaded by non indian!!
do well yourself first, then make comment on leader of other country.
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