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China reports 55 new COVID-19 cases as Delta variant spreads from Nanjing


Aug 26, 2010
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China reports 55 new COVID-19 cases as Delta variant spreads from Nanjing

A medical worker in protective suit collects a swab from a resident for nucleic acid testing at a sports centre in Jiangning district, following new cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China July 21, 2021. cnsphoto via REUTERS

A medical worker in protective suit collects a swab from a resident for nucleic acid testing at a sports centre in Jiangning district, following new cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China July 21, 2021. cnsphoto via REUTERS
BEIJING, July 31 (Reuters) - China on Saturday reported 55 new coronavirus cases on the mainland for July 30, compared with 64 cases a day earlier, as the Delta variant spreads across the country during the summer holiday.
Thirty of the new infections were local cases, compared with 21 the previous day, the National Health Commission said in a statement. There were no new deaths.
The other 25 cases originated overseas.
A majority of the local cases were reported in Jiangsu province whereNanjing, its provincial capital, is facing an outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta variant this month traced to airport workers who cleaned a plane which arrived from Russia. read more

Nanjing has reported 190 locally transmitted cases since July 20, while there has been a total of 262 cases across the country, figures released on Saturday showed.
The Nanjing outbreak has spread to other cities in Jiangsu, to the country's capital Beijing, and to other provinces including Anhui, Sichuan, Liaoning, Guangdong and Hunan.
Suzhou, a major city in Jiangsu, announced on Saturday it is shutting all games parlours for chess, cards and mahjong, after several people in another Jiangsu city caught the virus while playing in one such parlour.
To curb the outbreak in Beijing, some schools in the city have asked students on summer vacation to return to Beijing at least 14 days before the autumn semester starts on August 15, the Beijing Youth Daily reported.

Zhengzhou, a provincial city in Henan province hit by heavy floods this month, announced on Saturday that people must test negative for COVID-19 before leaving the city. It also reported one asymptomatic case, its first in months.
Some who contracted the Delta variant in Nanjing had been vaccinated, official data showed.
"On the whole, the various variants can be controlled with current vaccines," Shao Yiming, researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention told a media briefing on Saturday, adding that no vaccine can prevent infections 100%.
China had administered over 1.6 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines as of July 30.

The vaccinated included 150 million people above the age of 60 and 12 million youth 12-17 years old, a health authority official said.
As of July 30, mainland China had a total of 92,930 confirmed coronavirus cases and its death toll stood at 4,636.
Reporting by Yew Lun Tian and Roxanne Liu; editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and Jason Neely

Why Reuters relentlessly attacks Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine.

As of July 18, 3.6 billion doses of vaccine has been administered throughout the world. These are much needed vaccines to save lives and livelihood to ensure people are and safe and can go back to their daily routine.
From the number of vaccines administered and plenty more to be administered, it is pretty obvious, vaccine is a trillion dollar business. Sinovac, despite coming in later that Pfizer, has now surpassed as the world’s most administered vaccine for adults and elderly.

The void of children’s vaccine is the next race. Out of 7.9 billion population of the world, children below 18 are estimated to be around 25%, Pfizer- BioNTech has recently been approved for children 12-15 years of age. However, majority of countries have decided not proceed with the children vaccination due to the risk of heart inflammation experienced by earliy adopting country especially in Israel. The other vaccines approved for children are two Chinese made vaccines, one being Sinovac. Since Sinovac is based on old but proven inactivated virus technology and used in many other vaccines for children inoculation, Phase 2 trials have shown the effectiveness without any major side-effects. It has been approved safe for children 3 to 17 years of age and administered throughout China.

Now comes the dirty play.
Western press are known to be very biased. The colonial mindset is not dead and the East must succumb and bow to the West. Business of the East cannot be any larger or superior than the West. We have seen this in Huawei vs the West, palm oil vs corn oil, basis of US-Sino trade war and many other discriminative policies.

Why does West have so much power to influence and East fails?
The answer lies on the media. Almost all media barons are connected to corporate.
Reuters has been making many negative accusation to the Chinese vaccine especially Sinovac since it became the top administered vaccine of the world. What did Sinovac do to trigger such a spin from Reuters?

The answer lies in the association. James C. Smith who is heading Reuters sits in Pfizer board. Whala, there you go.

Let’s see few of the negative spins they have done recently to attack Sinovac:

1. Fake news: Sinovac has a very low afficacy
Butatan institute did an independent Clinical Tral (Sinovac has no say on the study) for healthcare workers during the peak of the pandemic in Brazil. Despite the exposure of healthcare workers, Sinovac achieved 100% protection against death and majority were in very mild category. Pfizer on the other hand had full control of the trial, did their study in US end 2020 during the low cases, covered majority general public and the number does to cover very mild cases. Batter result study in Turkey for general public did not make major headlines.

2. Fake news: Sinovac is not effective against Delta
On 21 June 2021, in a report titled ‘Sinovac Vaccine Protects Health Workers From Severe Covid-19 in Delta-Hit Kudus’ by Jakarta Globe, Indonesia reported 308 of their healthcare workers vaccinated contracted COVID-19 predominantly by Delta variant. 7.1% were hospitalized while the rest were on self-quarantine. There were ZERO death. Sinovac has proven in real-life statistic, it is fully effective in preventing death and reduce strain on healthcare system for need of hospitalization.
On the other hand, the same day Reuter’s article pick by CNN titles itself ‘Hundreds of vaccinated Indonesian health workers get Covid-19, dozens in hospital’.

There are long list of injustice toward Sinovac who is seen as a threat to the trillion dollar industry that the West believes is their God given right. Government of the world should not succumb to such propaganda and should focus in the interest of their citizens. Only vaccine in arm can protect against COVID-19 and governments must get any WHO approved vaccines as fast as possible to vaccinate. Be it coming from the West or the East.
From what I am reading, the cargo flight from Russia in Nanjing Airport that was responsible for the new outbreak is contained and the cases are in fact not as serious as reported by Reuter and picked up by the other Western News Media.
From now the Airport Authorities will be more careful and stricter.

If I am them, I would be more concerned and worried about countries outside of China infected by Delta Virus from India. More than 120 nations are already affected.

Israel is already administering a third booster dose as the virus spread.
You get infected by just cleaning an airplane...

No one is safe from coronavirus.

I think it's wrong to think that you will have a strong immunity just right after getting vaccinated, even after the first jab.

The vaccine needs around 1.5 months after the second jabs before you will get a full immunity effect promised.

And not to mention the effect will fade away slowly after 6 months later.

Reuters doesn't know anything about the vaccine, but keep posting a false rumor.
China reports 55 new COVID-19 cases as Delta variant spreads from Nanjing

A medical worker in protective suit collects a swab from a resident for nucleic acid testing at a sports centre in Jiangning district, following new cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China July 21, 2021. cnsphoto via REUTERS

A medical worker in protective suit collects a swab from a resident for nucleic acid testing at a sports centre in Jiangning district, following new cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China July 21, 2021. cnsphoto via REUTERS
BEIJING, July 31 (Reuters) - China on Saturday reported 55 new coronavirus cases on the mainland for July 30, compared with 64 cases a day earlier, as the Delta variant spreads across the country during the summer holiday.
Thirty of the new infections were local cases, compared with 21 the previous day, the National Health Commission said in a statement. There were no new deaths.
The other 25 cases originated overseas.
A majority of the local cases were reported in Jiangsu province whereNanjing, its provincial capital, is facing an outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta variant this month traced to airport workers who cleaned a plane which arrived from Russia. read more

Nanjing has reported 190 locally transmitted cases since July 20, while there has been a total of 262 cases across the country, figures released on Saturday showed.
The Nanjing outbreak has spread to other cities in Jiangsu, to the country's capital Beijing, and to other provinces including Anhui, Sichuan, Liaoning, Guangdong and Hunan.
Suzhou, a major city in Jiangsu, announced on Saturday it is shutting all games parlours for chess, cards and mahjong, after several people in another Jiangsu city caught the virus while playing in one such parlour.
To curb the outbreak in Beijing, some schools in the city have asked students on summer vacation to return to Beijing at least 14 days before the autumn semester starts on August 15, the Beijing Youth Daily reported.

Zhengzhou, a provincial city in Henan province hit by heavy floods this month, announced on Saturday that people must test negative for COVID-19 before leaving the city. It also reported one asymptomatic case, its first in months.
Some who contracted the Delta variant in Nanjing had been vaccinated, official data showed.
"On the whole, the various variants can be controlled with current vaccines," Shao Yiming, researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention told a media briefing on Saturday, adding that no vaccine can prevent infections 100%.
China had administered over 1.6 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines as of July 30.

The vaccinated included 150 million people above the age of 60 and 12 million youth 12-17 years old, a health authority official said.
As of July 30, mainland China had a total of 92,930 confirmed coronavirus cases and its death toll stood at 4,636.
Reporting by Yew Lun Tian and Roxanne Liu; editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and Jason Neely

It’s a great victory if it happens in the West, but it’s a great defeat if it happens in China.

However, the Chinese will really take this 55-person outbreak seriously.
Why Reuters relentlessly attacks Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine.

As of July 18, 3.6 billion doses of vaccine has been administered throughout the world. These are much needed vaccines to save lives and livelihood to ensure people are and safe and can go back to their daily routine.
From the number of vaccines administered and plenty more to be administered, it is pretty obvious, vaccine is a trillion dollar business. Sinovac, despite coming in later that Pfizer, has now surpassed as the world’s most administered vaccine for adults and elderly.

The void of children’s vaccine is the next race. Out of 7.9 billion population of the world, children below 18 are estimated to be around 25%, Pfizer- BioNTech has recently been approved for children 12-15 years of age. However, majority of countries have decided not proceed with the children vaccination due to the risk of heart inflammation experienced by earliy adopting country especially in Israel. The other vaccines approved for children are two Chinese made vaccines, one being Sinovac. Since Sinovac is based on old but proven inactivated virus technology and used in many other vaccines for children inoculation, Phase 2 trials have shown the effectiveness without any major side-effects. It has been approved safe for children 3 to 17 years of age and administered throughout China.

Now comes the dirty play.
Western press are known to be very biased. The colonial mindset is not dead and the East must succumb and bow to the West. Business of the East cannot be any larger or superior than the West. We have seen this in Huawei vs the West, palm oil vs corn oil, basis of US-Sino trade war and many other discriminative policies.

Why does West have so much power to influence and East fails?
The answer lies on the media. Almost all media barons are connected to corporate.
Reuters has been making many negative accusation to the Chinese vaccine especially Sinovac since it became the top administered vaccine of the world. What did Sinovac do to trigger such a spin from Reuters?

The answer lies in the association. James C. Smith who is heading Reuters sits in Pfizer board. Whala, there you go.

Let’s see few of the negative spins they have done recently to attack Sinovac:

1. Fake news: Sinovac has a very low afficacy
Butatan institute did an independent Clinical Tral (Sinovac has no say on the study) for healthcare workers during the peak of the pandemic in Brazil. Despite the exposure of healthcare workers, Sinovac achieved 100% protection against death and majority were in very mild category. Pfizer on the other hand had full control of the trial, did their study in US end 2020 during the low cases, covered majority general public and the number does to cover very mild cases. Batter result study in Turkey for general public did not make major headlines.

2. Fake news: Sinovac is not effective against Delta
On 21 June 2021, in a report titled ‘Sinovac Vaccine Protects Health Workers From Severe Covid-19 in Delta-Hit Kudus’ by Jakarta Globe, Indonesia reported 308 of their healthcare workers vaccinated contracted COVID-19 predominantly by Delta variant. 7.1% were hospitalized while the rest were on self-quarantine. There were ZERO death. Sinovac has proven in real-life statistic, it is fully effective in preventing death and reduce strain on healthcare system for need of hospitalization.
On the other hand, the same day Reuter’s article pick by CNN titles itself ‘Hundreds of vaccinated Indonesian health workers get Covid-19, dozens in hospital’.

There are long list of injustice toward Sinovac who is seen as a threat to the trillion dollar industry that the West believes is their God given right. Government of the world should not succumb to such propaganda and should focus in the interest of their citizens. Only vaccine in arm can protect against COVID-19 and governments must get any WHO approved vaccines as fast as possible to vaccinate. Be it coming from the West or the East.
Bashing Sinovac due to Pfizer stock options :angry:
Bashing Sinovac due to Pfizer stock options :angry:

Chinese vaccines are not effective, the US and some Western Media are claiming but it is rather puzzling why China continue to vaccinate its population using these ineffective vaccines.

China would have administered 2 billion doses to its population by end of Augiwt 2021.

Don't waste your time, let them believe what they choose to believe. But COVID is science not politics.

Study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated

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